So I played for a few hours last night for the first time in a very long time, and I'm thrilled. The account wide achievements, pets, and mounts is a freaking Godsend to me. Since Burning Crusade I've been more of an alt kind of player, not really delving into endgame as much but leveling different classes and races. But what always got me down was all of neat stuff I'd leave behind on my most played characters, all of the achievements that I'd fought for, that I really didn't feel like grinding for again on the new ones. NOW, I don't have to, because every alt has access to (mostly) all of the pets and mounts that I've ever earned. And my achievements are now my own, not my characters. I love that. As an altaholic, I love that ALOT.
I even like the talent revamp so far.
I think I'm gonna start playing again. Holy Shit....