Hmmm. In the past I've been *really bad* at spending valor points, I don't really play alts, and I attend damn near every guild raid. In other words:
What the hell am I going to do with 30k Justice? Can I sit on it 'til 90?
Better find a way to spend it, since in less than two weeks, they're putting the hard caps back on for JP and Honor. Any extra JP/Honor gets converted to money (and not a lot at that...think it's like 35 silver per extra point over 4000?).
My advice for spending it?
-Heirlooms if you don't have any already for alts and such.
-Rep Tokens for Wrath Factions (You probably have way more than enough JP to hit exalted on all said factions and the tokens are super cheap.)
-Wooly Mammoth in Dal (the one that costs JP)
-Convert some to Honor; buy stuff with that.
-If you're an Enchanter and need stuff, buy gear and DE it.
-Get ilvl 397 (or whatever) gear if you need/want it.
Or if you actually have ~30k could get a nice chunk of cash out of that when it gets converted...assuming I calculated that correctly.
Has always worked with quests. Many people took advantage of it with their Tol'Barad farming.
Yup. I took major advantage of it while doing Firelands dailies. Managed to hit Exalted while doing those quests, since every quest was giving a nice chunk of rep.