And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Pack it up people, Kungen back on WoW lol
Pack it up people, Kungen back on WoW lol
This Theramore event, is it global or group instanced?
you can do it alone but then there will be two NPC's as help.
In case you would like to hang back and enjoy the lore.
Like i do.
3-man instance. And after you complete it the first time, the world area becomes permanently changed.
Blizz is saying class/spec doesn't matter in Scenarios and they are more like group quests than dungeons/raids.
What ilvl drops form the scenario?
Do you have gold? You could just buy a bunch of 377 vicious pvp gear from the AH.Just bought a month game time. Not really sure want I'm going to even do before MoP launches lol. I do have a reaaallly badly geared level 85 Paladin, so no Theramore event for me I guess.
Do you have gold? You could just buy a bunch of 377 vicious pvp gear from the AH.
do a panda hunter!So that's my choice and both have a downside. Wish I wanted a Monk so I had a desire to start from Level 1.
do a panda hunter!
at least the first 10 levels (which are some of the worst imo given that you start with so few abilities) will be something new
you looking for that on curse?By the way, any suggestions for UI packages? Used ElvUI before but on the page it's not called ElvUI any more? Think it's dubbed ElvUI HUD and looks like shit.
Theramore opens up for US today.
I can't, Pandas look awfulI'd rather stick to the normal races.
So any suggestions on stuff to do prior / stuff that must be done prior to next Tuesday? Returning player who stopped playing right after BWD, etc., opened.
Cap out JP and/or Honor, stockpile mats if you want to level a panda monk, etc.
Right, but is anything going away that can never be done again?
Besides Theramore.
even Theramore is going to be available at 90, apparently. Perks of being a scenario I suppose.
you looking for that on curse?
elv ui isn't on curse anymore, need to go to their site, it looks different when you first run it, but there should be a skin option on the installation that looks like the old one
You... monster.
seems to not work properly, 6 min in que atm -.-Theramore scenario is up right now in the EU! (am I late? I'm late, right?)
I'm in it right now, works for me
How long is it
Details!!I'm in it right now, works for me
:lolThat's not something you should ask another guy
It's not you, it's me. I am obviously wording things poorly.
I guess what I mean is, like the original T3 Naxxramas ain't around no mo. Stuff like that.
I think about 5-7 mins, some 6 objectives
Aaaaand it's bugged. Some objectives don't update, just like in beta. Outstanding job, Blizz.
Details! Seems to be 15 minutes max, but like I said it's bugged I had to reset it. Horde and Alliance scenarios are different, obviously. It's for 3 people.
I think about 5-7 mins, some 6 objectives
-land kill some stuff
-kill 3 captainsn torch 3 ships
-kill some dude
-reach proudmore
-kill some tank/vehicle/siege thingy, collect 3 banners
-protect jaina
it's basically an instanced 3 man quest, get a bag at the end that gives an epic item, don't know if your spec matters, got a strength 2 handed axe, so maybe it does and you get the tabard via mail
Sounds like it sucks
They haven't done a good event since Zombie Invasion, and players just moaned and groaned so now we can't have nice things.
They haven't done a good event since Zombie Invasion, and players just moaned and groaned so now we can't have nice things.