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World of Warcraft |OT3|


35k doesn't sound AWFUL. As a 450ish Shadow Priest, I'm consistently around 35-45k depending on the encounter, and occasionally bursting up to 55 or 60 during certain moments.

I don't know how the occasional shaman or hunter bursts up to 90-120k, but it happens sometimes. I'm jealous. :(

Also, yeah, anyone at level 90 can actually enter a normal/heroic raid, or dungeon/heroic/challenge mode, etc. Item level only matters strictly for queuing via LFD and LFR.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Where is the BMAH? Have you guys bid on/won anything there? I forgot all about it until just now.

I saw a heroic level cloth bracers and Smoldering Egg of Millagazor yesterday. Egg was around 110K when I saw it.

35k doesn't sound AWFUL. As a 450ish Shadow Priest, I'm consistently around 35-45k depending on the encounter, and occasionally bursting up to 55 or 60 during certain moments.

I don't know how the occasional shaman or hunter bursts up to 90-120k, but it happens sometimes. I'm jealous. :(

Also, yeah, anyone at level 90 can actually enter a normal/heroic raid, or dungeon/heroic/challenge mode, etc. Item level only matters strictly for queuing via LFD and LFR.


I don't know if DK is super overpowered right now or what, but I'm doing 2H Frost and doing a fairly consistent 55K and I don't enchant anything/don't' have anything hit capped and my gear is like 450, maybe?
I'll stick it out because I find it hard to believe that Blizz would let hunters languish but it's certainly not encouraging for the time being.

All joking aside, it does make you second guess your abilities. After 8 years of WoW, do I now suck?

I hadn't personally run meters since early WotLK because there just hadn't been a pressing need to. Enough people did and I was somewhere in the top so no big deal. This current DPS business as me re-evaluating my lack of use of meters to try and troubleshoot this.

Don't have barrage myself. Not even sure if that's an MM thing or if that's a new talent that the theorycraft suggested I not grab.

I was noticing when I was in Jade Forest, I had no problem handling mobs and such. Now questing mid-Four Winds... I'm noticing I'm having to punch it a lot harder for things to go down even though I've gotten better gear. I'm like... ahhhh... here's where my hunter is starting to go to shit.


aaaaaaaaand they're nerfing honor gear and buffing JP gear.
AFTER everyone turned their JP into honor and got rid of their heroic gear.
That is so fucking stupid I can't even explain.


I saw a heroic level cloth bracers and Smoldering Egg of Millagazor yesterday. Egg was around 110K when I saw it.

I don't know if DK is super overpowered right now or what, but I'm doing 2H Frost and doing a fairly consistent 55K and I don't enchant anything/don't' have anything hit capped and my gear is like 450, maybe?


I'm fully hit-capped and enchanted...lol

Sigh. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Following howtopriest's best posts re: glyphs, talents, priorities, and current PvE mechanics.

DKs and Warriors routinely crush me on the meters at comparable gear levels in the current 5-mans.

aaaaaaaaand they're nerfing honor gear and buffing JP gear.
AFTER everyone turned their JP into honor and got rid of their heroic gear.
That is so fucking stupid I can't even explain.

They're buffing JP gear? Source?


NVM, saw it. Hmm. Looks like PvE (450) and PvP (464) are both being brought to 458. What's the problem?

Yeah, I can appreciate that going for the now-inferior-at-the-same-iLevel-PvP-Gear is now a bad move, but I mean, they have to make the correction/change at some point. Screwing some players over is inevitable.

Chris R

Leveling BS along with mining is starting to take a bunch of time :( Hope to be done with it and caught up to MoP tonight, but who knows.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
edit: nevermind


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Soon revered with Klaxxi... that means I'll need 5250 vp for all their gear :( Fuck me. That's gonna take 6 frikkin weeks!


Well I resubbed...the call of pet battles was too strong.

I've also decided to try out Alliance. Gnome Priest was looking too awesome! Plus I wanted to start out fresh Well, mostly. Still using heirlooms.


I haven't leveled once since BC and I want to see what's changed for their quests. Any "must see" quest recommendations?
PvP gear change is pretty egregious. Needed to be fixed before or left as is. End-game gearing has been a disaster this expansion for some inexplicable reason.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
PvP gear change is pretty egregious. Needed to be fixed before or left as is. End-game gearing has been a disaster this expansion for some inexplicable reason.

Yeah, I really just don't get the rationale for a lot of what they decided to do with justice points in general.


I almost want to cry whenever I run an instance or something with my Hunter. Tried Direbrew and I was ready to do some DPS. Marked up, Beastial Wrath, Murder of Crows, stampede, rapid fire, thrill of the hunt constantly proccing and just Arcane Shot spam ( BM ) plus an explosive trap ... I barely even broke 20k DPS at 89 - What. The. Fuck. My 86 DK does that and then some.
Anybody see the game|life article by Kohler?


I think Kohler is one of the best, but feel he's off base. It's like the article tries to tie a bunch of shit together that doesn't really go together.

In my opinion, this is an example of this vocal minority that exists thanks to the internet, and if we take it from them, the world is ending and WoW and any other game out there is pure shit, just because.

I do think the game is in decline to a certain extent, and I think some of it has to do with Cata. Cata's revamp was, and still is, amazing. And they had to do that revamp because the old world content wasn't nearly as good as it used to be. It showed it's age. So they had to fix it. Which I get. The problem is the end game left little to be desired for a lot of folks. That 10 month gap in content was ridiculous and did more damage to blizzard and it's sub numbers than anything else that I can think of.

Between the changes to the system and the giant desert of content between Dragon's Soul and Mists, it's very easy to see why people left. WHat's irritating about it is that Mists feels like a more light hearted burning crusde to me. I'm enjoying exploring the world. I'm enjoying the quests, I'm enjoying learning about this new place I've never been. Cata didn't have that. Deepholm was the only new zone for me that was really cool.

I don't know how I feel about the new skill trees, or lack thereof. I get where they were trying to go, but I almost feel bad for blizzard to a point. They simply can't win based on their player base. YOu have the vocal hardcore minority who's only interest is devouring content as quickly as it can and then moving on, then you have players who just play at their own pace, and then you have the casuals. They're trying to please all three because all three effect their bottom line. This is not an envious position, especially considering where the market is going.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I don't play WoW to be "cool".


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
aaaaaaaaand they're nerfing honor gear and buffing JP gear.
AFTER everyone turned their JP into honor and got rid of their heroic gear.
That is so fucking stupid I can't even explain.


I'm also calling them lowering the ilvl req. for LFR to 458 as well.


I almost want to cry whenever I run an instance or something with my Hunter. Tried Direbrew and I was ready to do some DPS. Marked up, Beastial Wrath, Murder of Crows, stampede, rapid fire, thrill of the hunt constantly proccing and just Arcane Shot spam ( BM ) plus an explosive trap ... I barely even broke 20k DPS at 89 - What. The. Fuck. My 86 DK does that and then some.

Not sure what BM's are like over a long fight, but did a heroic with one and he did 110k DPS on a non gimmick fight. May just be that you don't have a level 90 weapon yet.

Looks like a pooped-out article from launch +48 hours without any real analysis. The graph is cute but the MoP datapoint is useless until we see subs tick up or down after launch.

It's useful that he published the ages of the two people he sampled for a zeitgeist on WoW trends. At 31 and 42 respectively, it's very believable that people at that point in their lives would get bored/tired of the raiding or competitive PvP grind that made TBC/Wrath so compelling. Unfortunately he doesn't explore the notion that MMOs in general have had their moment with this crowd and must either find way to win them back (make the game enjoyable in shorter, more interruptible sessions, or enhance community-building tools) or appeal once again to the younger audience without exposing your 2004 roots (engine upgrades, a fresher look to the art). Nor does he speak to how Mists may or may not succeed at either tack, or if it is taking a new approach altogether.


I almost want to cry whenever I run an instance or something with my Hunter. Tried Direbrew and I was ready to do some DPS. Marked up, Beastial Wrath, Murder of Crows, stampede, rapid fire, thrill of the hunt constantly proccing and just Arcane Shot spam ( BM ) plus an explosive trap ... I barely even broke 20k DPS at 89 - What. The. Fuck. My 86 DK does that and then some.

DPS usually goes down as you level a little bit (due to ratings on your gear giving you less) and then goes up again at level cap once you start getting gear.
I don't play WoW to be "cool".


I think if any criticism that holds up it would be that the community in WoW kind of sucks now. And I think that came with a mass audience. When it wasn't as huge as it is now, people were playing it out of genuine interest. I think a lot of those people still exist today but we also have groups of people that only do this shit for e-peen. I know a lot of people blame looking for group, but I think that's a neccesary evil. It makes the game more fun to play. I don't know how blizz could change peoples' attitudes that play the game. I ended up in a group last night at the end boss of jade temple and it was just people blaming each other for why shit failed. "The healz sucks, the tank sucks, no it's the DPS!"

I don't htink we need to go back to resist gear, and I like things like LFD and LFR but I wonder if there's not a better way to gate the content that wouldn't piss of the average user but could weed out the douche bags.


I think if any criticism that holds up it would be that the community in WoW kind of sucks now. And I think that came with a mass audience. When it wasn't as huge as it is now, people were playing it out of genuine interest. I think a lot of those people still exist today but we also have groups of people that only do this shit for e-peen. I know a lot of people blame looking for group, but I think that's a neccesary evil. It makes the game more fun to play. I don't know how blizz could change peoples' attitudes that play the game. I ended up in a group last night at the end boss of jade temple and it was just people blaming each other for why shit failed. "The healz sucks, the tank sucks, no it's the DPS!"

I don't htink we need to go back to resist gear, and I like things like LFD and LFR but I wonder if there's not a better way to gate the content that wouldn't piss of the average user but could weed out the douche bags.

I think it's rubbish, the game has always been like that - The different segments of players are just more outlined when more people are playing it. Even back in the vanilla days we had people who only cared about raiding, calling people names and getting phat lootz. The community hasn't change a bit, it just got larger. LFR and LFG tools made people slightly lazy and the entire scrub aspect has come to light, people can basically hit'n'run suck while in the old days you'd just end up with a bad reputation on the server, so people were just scared to run around sucking.
Looks like a pooped-out article from launch +48 hours without any real analysis. The graph is cute but the MoP datapoint is useless until we see subs tick up or down after launch.

It's useful that he published the ages of the two people he sampled for a zeitgeist on WoW trends. At 31 and 42 respectively, it's very believable that people at that point in their lives would get bored/tired of the raiding or competitive PvP grind that made TBC/Wrath so compelling. Unfortunately he doesn't explore the notion that MMOs in general have had their moment with this crowd and must either find way to win them back (make the game enjoyable in shorter, more interruptible sessions, or enhance community-building tools) or appeal once again to the younger audience without exposing your 2004 roots (engine upgrades, a fresher look to the art). Nor does he speak to how Mists may or may not succeed at either tack, or if it is taking a new approach altogether.
I'd agree with that. Much like gaming now across the board, I find some stuff that still makes it into games pretty archaic. I think Wow has stayed ahead of the curve by offering more options.

For me, I can't even play an RPG now if I don't have an option to save any where. I'm 31, I have a family and a kid. My time gets split now, I don't have 5 or 6 hours of uninterrupted time. It just doesn't happen. When I was 25 and didn't have my family and things like that, I could grind that way. I can't now. I'm GLAD I can still hop into WoW and not feel like if I don't dedicate 40 hours a week that I'm fucked and there's no point. That's why Blizzard has kept me as a customer.

I dunno, there's no real simple answer for this, but articles like that seem to be written by people who don't play the game, and don't understand how it works. That irritates me. Especially when numbers come up. That loss of people is huge, but Wow still has more subscribers than any other MMO out there. Just seems like people are going for the gloom and doom rather than examining the why.
I think it's rubbish, the game has always been like that - The different segments of players are just more outlined when more people are playing it. Even back in the vanilla days we had people who only cared about raiding, calling people names and getting phat lootz. The community hasn't change a bit, it just got larger. LFR and LFG tools made people slightly lazy and the entire scrub aspect has come to light, people can basically hit'n'run suck while in the old days you'd just end up with a bad reputation on the server, so people were just scared to run around sucking.

I remember those looking for group days. Maybe making the dungeons so accessable was both good and bad. Good because the gear is excellent, and the dungeons are fun as fuck. Bad, because there's no backlash for bad behavior. As you said, back in the day if you were spamming "LF1M for UBRS, PST" and the group sucked, it could take a huge chunk of your time. Worse, somebody could just fuck around and fuck your group. Ninja an item, get everybody killed, etc. And then they'd get called out in future groups because it was all the same server. As you said, people were scared to run around sucking.

I also am not a fan of gear score and meters being the only thing that matters. I think that's created an artificial idea of what the difficulty should be. Meters still don't matter to me or my guild, and didn't back in the day. The only reason we'd use them was to see who needed better gear, and to help people with how to play their class. Now it seems like meters are used as a way to just shit on people.

And that all comes back to the community. I dunno. I think the only valid criticism is that the community is starting to suck. And probably has for a while. I think that's the result of the fact that you can level entirely solo. Being able to do that on paper is great, but it does upend the community aspect a bit, I think.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

I'm fully hit-capped and enchanted...lol

Sigh. I wonder what I'm doing wrong. Following howtopriest's best posts re: glyphs, talents, priorities, and current PvE mechanics.

DKs and Warriors routinely crush me on the meters at comparable gear levels in the current 5-mans.

They're buffing JP gear? Source?


NVM, saw it. Hmm. Looks like PvE (450) and PvP (464) are both being brought to 458. What's the problem?

Yeah, I can appreciate that going for the now-inferior-at-the-same-iLevel-PvP-Gear is now a bad move, but I mean, they have to make the correction/change at some point. Screwing some players over is inevitable.
Isn't it the other way around? Isn't PvP gear identical at the same ilvl and PvP stats are addons? That would tehnically make the PvP gear still superior since it has multiple uses.


What the hell is up with this? Ret paladins, explain yourselves.

from what I read if you cast execution sentence and then get mind controlled the thing does stupidly high dmg for some reason

did ICC today, rolled 99 on the last heroic token I needed to finish my transmog set

feels good
and looks good too ^^
thank god for transmog anyway, most of the panda stuff looks awful


Well the PvP Gear money making game has started to reach the annoying stage for me. Someone else is now competing with me on two of the eight Holy Paladin pieces and every time I undercut him by a copper he drops it by 100 gold. I said forget this and took the price down to a minimum profit above component costs. I have no patience to play these games and maybe I will scare him off or he will just keep buying up my pieces which is fine by me.
I would undercut by 100 too if you kept doing that to me. It's annoying as fuck.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
A bug has been fixed that caused turn inputs to sometimes be skipped, causing only one pet to take action that turn
THANK FUCK. Told you guys it was a bug, and that I wasn't crazy.


I was being sarcastic, but does that work? Will it ignore ilvl if you just walk in?

I saw that someone else covered me, but yeah, it's just for the queue system to get a good enough threshold for balancing people. You can walk in anywhere as long as you're the right level.
from what I read if you cast execution sentence and then get mind controlled the thing does stupidly high dmg for some reason

did ICC today, rolled 99 on the last heroic token I needed to finish my transmog set

feels good
and looks good too ^^

thank god for transmog anyway, most of the panda stuff looks awful

Still trying to complete mine. Need the head and the chest.
Hows MoP? I'm thinking about re-subbing to WoW, but I don't know if it'll hold my interest anymore :( 5 years of playing kinda took its toll :p


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Hows MoP? I'm thinking about re-subbing to WoW, but I don't know if it'll hold my interest anymore :( 5 years of playing kinda took its toll :p
Raiding content hasn't started yet, but so far it's the best expansion to date. Just lots, and lots of content - however there are some flaws (most notably the decision-making of reputation and JP).


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
My guild is running it right now. My Monk is only 64, so I can't join them yet. I'll get feedback in a bit.
How are they raiding now?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Aaaaand grats to Exodus for clearing it :lol
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