Okay, I'll stick around and keep trying this system. Thanks for hearing me out.
Well, good on you for sticking it out. I want to expand upon Entropia's post with a little personal anecdote.
I was on a low population server in vanilla. Around the start of AQ40, there were two bleeding edge guilds (about as bleeding edge as one could realistically be on this server) and about 3 guilds that were half a tier to a tier behind in progress. One of the two guilds split and ended up having to recruit half a raid, but they ended up doing so from the lesser progressed of the other raid guilds, and personal friends who were seen as reliable (but fresh 60s) to do so.
In order to get these people geared up enough for AQ40, they had to run MC, BWL, ZG, and AQ20
every week. To keep the geared people happy, 3 nights a week were spent on progression in AQ40, even if half the raid's gear didn't support that.
A few months of this seriously burnt out the raid. These people (myself included) were raiding like it was a fulltime job. And people quit the game and transferred off the server because the constant raid gear grind was killing their morale and desire to play.
There are some people who thrive in that kind of environment but I'd say that most don't, so limiting your progress artificially is a way that Blizzard can prevent you from burning yourself out and never playing their game again out of anger.