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World of Warcraft |OT3|


you can't put a price on sparks
FLEABttn said:
I don't see why they can't make it so you have an option of legendary weapons to some extent. That way you have have a dagger legendary and not piss everyone completely off.

well, they say the point of legendaries isn't so that everyone has one. i more or less agree

as a hunter, i kind of feel like i'm left out of the fun, though.


No One Remembers
zmoney said:
Thanks, thats what I thought but I just wanted to make sure.

Also, heirlooms. Are Justice Heirlooms the best kind you can get? And what's the point of them to begin with? Should you only buy them if you plan on starting an alt?

Yes, only buy them if you are planning to level an alt that can use them.
There are heirlooms you can buy with honor but they have resilience on them which you don't really need unless you're planning to PvP the entire way past level 10, or you're going to twink.


Really Really Exciting Member!
davepoobond said:
well, they say the point of legendaries isn't so that everyone has one. i more or less agree

as a hunter, i kind of feel like i'm left out of the fun, though.

Wasn't there a legendary bow in BC?


Finished up Long, Strange Trip last night. Was actually pretty easy, not even 2 days worth of dailies. I might do one more day to get the companion pet.

I also completed the Eternal Ember and Nexus phase of the Staff quest, so I'm pretty pumped about that too. Even though I'll likely not be able to progress past the 1st or second stage of the staff, it's nice to do the quest itself.


FLEABttn said:
I'm for people seeing "all content" but by all content I don't mean every version of the fight. Just a version of the fight.

Heroic raids can be original Naxx hard or whatever. Bend you over their knee hard. E-peen enlarging and waving hard.

Right, that was the idea all along. Honestly, evne normal modes shouldn't be so easy that you can be braindead. If people want to put 0 effort into seeing it, they don't want to see it. BUT....LFR fixes that. I think LFR is a great idea, put it in, make it joke city mode, LEAVE THE OTHER TWO ALONE. Why you would announce LFR and then nerf the shit out of what should be the 'harder' modes is ridiculous.

I don't think it's unreasonable for ''normal' mode to be as difficult as say...Black Temple. Something that can actually be satisfying to beat for your average raiding guild, but the odds are they WILL complete it within a few months too (For anyone that didn't raid BT, yeah it was hidden behind some hard cockblocks like Vashj and Kael, bt it was a really easy raid all told. Similar in difficulty to normal mode Ulduar I suppose). Then, heroic modes can be like Ulduar hard mode level. I don't want every fight to be HLK/Ragnaros/M'uru bosses, nobody in their right mind does, but a good month of progression to get it all down at the high end sounds satisfying to me.

Then anyone that really just wants to see the shit does an LFR and gets the versions with no personal responsibility and just tank and spank (That's how I envision it, any mechanic that would require you to set assignments or single people out? FFFFT, cut those. No crystals on Baleroc, no spiderlings on Bethtilac, no facerage on shannox, that sort of thing).


Entropia said:
Yes, only buy them if you are planning to level an alt that can use them.
There are heirlooms you can buy with honor but they have resilience on them which you don't really need unless you're planning to PvP the entire way past level 10, or you're going to twink.
Does it take longer to lvl doing the PVP with heirlooms or doing dungeons/quests?


No One Remembers
zmoney said:
Does it take longer to lvl doing the PVP with heirlooms or doing dungeons/quests?

Yes and no. If the Call to Arms weekend is for a battleground that you can participate in and your faction tends to win most of the time then yeah it can be quicker.

Otherwise, doing quests/dungeons is quicker.


you can't put a price on sparks
Bisnic said:
Wasn't there a legendary bow in BC?

ok, the bow was a pretty stupid legendary (I didn't even play during BC for raiding anyway, only leveled during it) because:

1) no quest involved with it -- totally an RNG drop. That meant a mage could get a legendary bow, or a shaman, or a paladin... anyone could have it.

2) wasn't even best in slot during the time

3) dropped on the last boss of the last tier of the game -- if you could get it to drop for you it didn't matter because you already beat the tier!

4) the only cool thing about it was that you didn't have to use ammo for the bow... and that's a basic feature now for all hunters.


davepoobond said:
ok, the bow was a pretty stupid legendary (I didn't even play during BC for raiding anyway, only leveled during it) because:

1) no quest involved with it -- totally an RNG drop. That meant a mage could get a legendary bow, or a shaman, or a paladin... anyone could have it.

2) wasn't even best in slot during the time

3) dropped on the last boss of the last tier of the game -- if you could get it to drop for you it didn't matter because you already beat the tier!

4) the only cool thing about it was that you didn't have to use ammo for the bow... and that's a basic feature now for all hunters.

1) What. Yes anyone COULD loot it, but is that relevant? Anyone can loot a warglaive too. None of the old legendaries were anything but RNG drops.

2) WHAT?! Yes, it was best in slot. by a huge amount. Hunters with that bow DESTROYED the meters in sunwell. Like a full 50% more dps than a lot of GOOD dps classes. This bow was useful up through Naxx in wrath.

3) so what? By that logic Shadowmourne was useless, just like these rogue daggers will be. All legendaries are only useful for a limited time, who cares.

4) There were lots of cool things about the bow, the ammo was obviously huge, so what if it's a basic feature now? That's like saying Thunderfury was bad back then because it gave an attack speed debuff, which is NOW a basic feature of all tanking classes (despite it not being back then)


Raid finder is going to be hilarious. Are they dumbing down the fights or something? I can't see this working, specially with no vent.


RPGCrazied said:
Raid finder is going to be hilarious. Are they dumbing down the fights or something? I can't see this working, specially with no vent.

I could see it working, provided they use giant DBM style warnings to explain what's going on (why they haven't done this standard is silly, DBM is a required raiding mod for most at this point) in addition to making everything hit less hard.

Imagine: "DEATHWING IS ABOUT TO BREATHE FIRE ON YOU. GET AWAY FROM HIS HEAD!!!" In large chromatic letters. Also, maybe a voice too, just to add inspiration.


The fights will be easier, but who knows how much. If they make the fights boring tank and spanks, I can see most groups succeeding, but I'm wondering how many people will get the wrong impression about raiding. If raiding never evolved beyond tank and spanks, I would have lost interest quickly. I can see someone finishing T13 on LFR and thinking "man, that was dumb, why do people like raiding again?"

Miletius said:
I could see it working, provided they use giant DBM style warnings to explain what's going on (why they haven't done this standard is silly, DBM is a required raiding mod for most at this point) in addition to making everything hit less hard.

Imagine: "DEATHWING IS ABOUT TO BREATHE FIRE ON YOU. GET AWAY FROM HIS HEAD!!!" In large chromatic letters. Also, maybe a voice too, just to add inspiration.

They've been doing this for a while. I remember the first time I did Halls of Origin and saw the "Isiset is casting Super Nova, look away!" warning. In raids (without mods) you'll see warning like "boss is casting X" in chat, and you can click on the icon for X to open the dungeon journal and see what the ability is.


RPGCrazied said:
Raid finder is going to be hilarious. Are they dumbing down the fights or something? I can't see this working, specially with no vent.

It can't just be tuned numbers, it really can't. LFR groups will fail horrifically if there are ANY mechanics that rely on people to have independent thought. Personal responsibility is ok, IE: not standing in things, but like Person A is responsible for Function X and person B handles mechanic Y....that won't work. Those mechanics I expect to be removed totally.


Miletius said:
I could see it working, provided they use giant DBM style warnings to explain what's going on (why they haven't done this standard is silly, DBM is a required raiding mod for most at this point) in addition to making everything hit less hard.

Imagine: "DEATHWING IS ABOUT TO BREATHE FIRE ON YOU. GET AWAY FROM HIS HEAD!!!" In large chromatic letters. Also, maybe a voice too, just to add inspiration.




TheYanger said:
It can't just be tuned numbers, it really can't. LFR groups will fail horrifically if there are ANY mechanics that rely on people to have independent thought. Personal responsibility is ok, IE: not standing in things, but like Person A is responsible for Function X and person B handles mechanic Y....that won't work. Those mechanics I expect to be removed totally.

That kinda fucks up entire fights when you think about it. Beth has everyone on a mechanic of the fight.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TheYanger said:
1) What. Yes anyone COULD loot it, but is that relevant? Anyone can loot a warglaive too. None of the old legendaries were anything but RNG drops.

2) WHAT?! Yes, it was best in slot. by a huge amount. Hunters with that bow DESTROYED the meters in sunwell. Like a full 50% more dps than a lot of GOOD dps classes. This bow was useful up through Naxx in wrath.

3) so what? By that logic Shadowmourne was useless, just like these rogue daggers will be. All legendaries are only useful for a limited time, who cares.

4) There were lots of cool things about the bow, the ammo was obviously huge, so what if it's a basic feature now? That's like saying Thunderfury was bad back then because it gave an attack speed debuff, which is NOW a basic feature of all tanking classes (despite it not being back then)
Point 3 isn't necessarily true since you could get Shadowmourne without doing H LK.


We stuck to normal mode this week because our warlock was doing the legendary quest and we didn't want to over-complicate things. Cleared the whole place in 90 minutes with no wipes. Pretty awful. We'll be working on Sinestra on Sunday.


Alucrid said:
That kinda fucks up entire fights when you think about it. Beth has everyone on a mechanic of the fight.

I don't mean there can't be a personal responsibility, but I mean if Beth is tuned REALLY lightly and they remove like, shit I don't even know. if the numbers are REALLY low on Beth, there's nothing that one SINGLE person is doing besides the tanks, which I think there are expectations for 'role' singling out still.
I mean if the spiderlings are really weak it can just be an 'everyone on drones, turn and AE spiderlings" mechanic and it's fine, for instance. same for if spinner taunts aren't crucial, etc.
So open-ended general question here...

What would be your ideal expansion/patch cycle for WoW? (or any other MMO I guess.)

Personally, I would probably have expansions every 18-25 months, at $30-$40.

Major patch cycle (i.e. not bugfixes) would go something like:

Initial Expansion Content 5-6 Months. Budgeting one month for leveling/initial grinds at a leisurely pace, then 4-5 months to work on a hefty dose of 12+ bosses.

Patch X.1 4.5-5.5 Months. Significant raid content (10+ bosses), perhaps one new 5-man, and a new daily quest hub (or equivalent). Any major systems, UI, or class changes for the expansion should probably be done now.

Patch X.2 3.5-4.5 Months. The PvP Patch. New battleground and/or arenas. Possibly other content that encourages World PvP (Halaa type things, or a revamp of the now expected Wintergrasp/Tol Barad Zone.) Smaller raid - though at least 6-7 bosses. Maybe one is an easier one-off.

Patch X.3 5.5-8 Months. Last Major Patch. Significant raid content (11+ bosses). 2-3 new 5-mans. Introduction of any new PvE content mechanics (i.e. Heroic Questing), if not introduced in X.2. At least one new system, or revamp of an old system.

Patch X.4 (or X.3.x) Released in the timeframe of Patch X.3 (they overlap) 2-3 months after launch of X.3 Adds 1-3 new raid bosses with gear that supplements the X.3 raid patch, but doesn't necessarily outclass it completely. Maybe a few final balance changes. Last piece of content until pre-expansion patch.

Pre-Expansion Patch Starts to introduce new expansion systems/class changes. Bellwether for expansion that should arrive no later than 6 weeks after this patch goes live. Last chance to finish off progression/achievements/whatever before it is no longer current/relevant. Nerfs on the raid content are enacted. Significant expansion-transition events start roughly 2 weeks before the expansion launches (smaller events start with this patch.)

Expansion Launch And the cycle starts over.

A schedule like this, or tweaked a little, would be perfect for me.


Some more questions from an old vanilla WoW player trying to get into Cata:

1) Do all 25 man raids have 10 and 5 man versions?
2) Are 10man heroic gear the same stats as 25 heroic gear from dungeons?
3) Heroic Ragnaros is the hardest boss in end-game right now? So... if I'm getting this straight, we bought cataclysm to re-play Molten Core from vanilla days except the raid is made harder?
4) Is Deathwing the latest raid in cataclysm at the moment? (story progression wise)
5) Do guilds still do naxxramas, BWL, outlands, lich king raids regularly in cata as part of their schedule?

YakiSOBA said:
Some more questions from an old vanilla WoW player trying to get into Cata:

1) Do all 25 man raids have 10 and 5 man versions?
2) Are 10man heroic gear the same stats as 25 heroic gear from dungeons?
3) Heroic Ragnaros is the hardest boss in end-game right now? So... if I'm getting this straight, we bought cataclysm to re-play Molten Core from vanilla days except the raid is made harder?
4) Is Deathwing the latest raid in cataclysm at the moment? (story progression wise)
5) Do guilds still do naxxramas, BWL, outlands, lich king raids regularly in cata as part of their schedule?

1) 10 and 25, 5 man are just dungeons/heroics
2) Yes, if by dungeon you mean raid.
3) It's not the same :p
4) yes, he wil be last wwhen out
5) nope, you can sometimes get pugs that do those for achievements but its pretty much dead

someone correct me if im wrong


Nolimit_SS said:
1) 10 and 25, 5 man are just dungeons/heroics
2) Yes, if by dungeon you mean raid.
3) It's not the same :p
4) yes, he wil be last wwhen out
5) nope, you can sometimes get pugs that do those for achievements but its pretty much dead

someone correct me if im wrong

Sweet, thanks man :) No more ridiculous 40man raids then haha, just need 9 solid players and you can start getting high end gear now? if so, i love it!


YakiSOBA said:
Sweet, thanks man :) No more ridiculous 40man raids then haha, just need 9 solid players and you can start getting high end gear now? if so, i love it!

Nah, at this point they don't need to be solid players. 10 warm bodies can clear all of the normal mode raid content.
If there's anything you missed, a group of 3-5 good players at 85 can clear any older raid content as well. Good for catching up on lore or achievements or (now) transmoggable gear.


Alucrid said:
I thought HBot/bwd was really hard? Like harder than normal FL.
Heroic Cho'gal, Sinestra, and a few other T11 heroics are probably more difficult to learn than the Heroic Firelands fights (outside of Ragnaros). The FL/HFL nerf was major overkill and maybe they should've gone back and nerfed the Heroic T11 content before demolishing the majority of the Firelands fights :/


Did an alt Firelands 10 run last night with a few pugs

Did 6/7 and decided to call it :lol

They really nerfed stuff hard. I'm interested to see how we do on heroics in the 25 this weekend.


ciaossu said:
Did an alt Firelands 10 run last night with a few pugs

Did 6/7 and decided to call it :lol

They really nerfed stuff hard. I'm interested to see how we do on heroics in the 25 this weekend.

I don't know what they were thinking with such a drastic nerf without a date for 4.3. Usually this is something that happens when there is new content to tackle.

maybe for kicks next week I'll suggest we single heal it...


Really Really Exciting Member!
I assume all you people saying how easy Firelands is now that they can do it with pugs and alts, have every party members knowing how all the bosses work right? I mean, what should i expect if someone like me, who never step foot in Firelands other than to kill trash, do against these bosses? I'm not stupid enough to stand in fire or shit like that, but are they that easy that a simple explanation before a boss can make you kill him without wiping?


Bisnic said:
I assume all you people saying how easy Firelands is now that they can do it with pugs and alts, have every party members knowing how all the bosses work right? I mean, what should i expect if someone like me, who never step foot in Firelands other than to kill trash, do against these bosses? I'm not stupid enough to stand in fire or shit like that, but are they that easy that a simple explanation before a boss can make you kill him without wiping?

if you have a basic understanding of the boss mechanics now, it is almost impossible that you will wipe short of people standing in the fire or jumping off cliffs.

I'm not kidding when I mentioned the difficulty being in line with ZA, it was quite a drastic change


Really Really Exciting Member!
Dunlop said:
if you have a basic understanding of the boss mechanics now, it is almost impossible that you will wipe short of people standing in the fire or jumping off cliffs.

I'm not kidding when I mentioned the difficulty being in line with ZA, it was quite a drastic change

As hard as ZA? When all that is hard in ZA is making sure you take turns for the bear boss and not get overwhelmed in adds against the dragonhawk one? And making sure flame casters are cced? When ZA drop 353 epics and FL drops 378 and Tier sets?

Man, maybe i need to read some quick strats on wowhead and whisper the next "LFM FL" i see. I'm tired of my 353 shoulders and helm.

I'm starting to see a few Fire Hawk mounts this week, those things are HUGE. Damn. Saw someone else transformed as the legendary staff dragon. Cool looking mount and badass staff.


Bisnic said:
As hard as ZA? When all that is hard in ZA is making sure you take turns for the bear boss and not get overwhelmed in adds against the dragonhawk one? And making sure flame casters are cced? When ZA drop 353 epics and FL drops 378 and Tier sets?

Man, maybe i need to read some quick strats on wowhead and whisper the next "LFM FL" i see. I'm tired of my 353 shoulders and helm.

I'm starting to see a few Fire Hawk mounts this week, those things are HUGE. Damn.
What is your class?


I might be slightly exaggerating :p I assume people still need a decent gearscore.

But yeah, I'm sure it's the same on all servers but it went from LFG Firelands trash in general chat to LFG firelands.

My co-worker (not on same server) mentioned he did 5/7 in about 3 hours where not a single person was in the same guild last night


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
What is your class?

I'm a mage, but i mainly play Frost in PVE. Arcane is too fucking boring and i much prefer Frost playstyle than fire, and i heard fire isn't that great lately anyway. Still manage to do over 20k DPS against heroic 5 man bosses, so i suppose i would still do great in raids. Although i expect to see some "lolwut y r u frost noob, go pvp" if i ever think of doing it with a pug. I had terrible experience pugging Naxx or ICC during WOTLK, so i'm not sure if its worth the trouble again unless FL is even easier than these 2.



Can you hear the cries from a million Warlocks? :D


Bisnic said:
I'm a mage, but i mainly play Frost in PVE. Arcane is too fucking boring and i much prefer Frost playstyle than fire, and i heard fire isn't that great lately anyway. Still manage to do over 20k DPS against heroic 5 man bosses, so i suppose i would still do great in raids. Although i expect to see some "lolwut y r u frost noob, go pvp" if i ever think of doing it with a pug. I had terrible experience pugging Naxx or ICC during WOTLK, so i'm not sure if its worth the trouble again unless FL is even easier than these 2.
Assuming the tanks and healers know what they're doing, Mage persceptive based on my melee DPS perspective:

Shannox: You'll just be easily avoding a bunch of traps that look like hunter traps and focus firing the dogs while making sure shannox is near 30% before the second dog dies. If someone steps in a Crystal Prison Trap you can burn them down to free them. Rare in my raid, but I guess it would happen more in a pug.

Beth: You'll probably be on the ground. There's only three things the DPS on the bottom can switch between: Cinderweb Spinners, Cinderweb Spiderling, and Cinderweb Drones. The Cinderweb Spiderlings are top priority to kill when they spawn in packs at their spawn locations. You'll AOE and slow them down so they won't reach the Drones. After Beth casts moldering Devastation three times you'll just group up on her ass and burn.

Rhyolith: If you're attacking the legs to control the direction he's walking, someone will be calling out which legs to switch between. The idea is for him to hit active volcanoes. The craters from them can spew lava streams which hurt. Only three people usually control the legs. Everyone else kills adds that spawn. Sometimes if the drivers are in a bind they will call out for range help a certain leg.

Aly: The nerf has made ground duty a joke. If you get picked for that job, you'll be on the west or east switching between the north and south to kill and innterupt a add. If they let you fly, you'll have to figure that out. lol. Since it probably requires 2 dps on the bottom instead of 4 now, fucking up in the sky wont be a problem when you consider more DPS up there and that the boss has less health. You may need to slow fall yourself when coming down. On phase 2 tornados will spawn and you can avoid them easily. After that the boss is laying down in the middle of the room. You group up to burn and get aoe healed when she raises up and actually attacks the tanks for a bit. You might ground her, if not things repeat.

Baleroc: If you're not on shard duty, you can essentially pick and place to stand and pretend the boss is a target dummy. If you're on shard duty... one shard spawns in melee range and someone has to stand next to it. If they stand their too long they can die, so someone gets behind them so they can run away and the shard can switch to them. A new shard spawns in a different location shortly after. You may be asked to take the shard from someone if someone screws up.

The raid leader will explain their Domo start, it's easy for a DPS.

Rag Video is important.


Really Really Exciting Member!
What am i missing? MMOchampion is blocked here. Legendary wings? Does it have something to do with the legendary daggers?


How long do the wings last you reckon?

I think a few months back me and someone said the coolest mount would be wings.

I may have to switch to rogue, lol.


DeathNote said:
some people saying on the forums they they it looks like the rogue is falling

it IS the F-NE falling animation for sure, I think it'd be cool if they just deployed on any downward descent, jumping included.
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