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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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So ret loves haste now? God damn. I was told to avoid that shit in Cata. Make up your mind, theorycrafters!

Man, blame blizzard, Ret has probably seen more changes than any other spec each expansion. Just the core rotation has literally changed each time.


think they fixed that one didn't they?

edit: also started leveling a horde warrior
I am confused as fuck by the balance

I have fury and prot
fury, about 1k WS crits, 400-ish bloodthirst hits, same raging blow, also for some reason tanking heirloom 1 hander and a crappy lvl 30 green axe do more dmg than the 2h heirloom axe and a lvl 39 2h axe

prot otoh has 700 devastate hits (a spamable no rage cost, no CD ability), 1k shield slam hit and about 700 revenge

basically why the hell am I doing more dmg as prot -.-

Scaling, that's all. It's all wonky for the first 80 levels. Just quest as prot, it's perfectly fine and fast.


I don't know if i agree with that, either. WoW's formula completely depends upon that endless gear grind. You can only chase your tail for so long before it gets tiring.

Why not just play for the fun of it? Weekly challenge mode runs with the guild are what I look forward to most lately and there's no gear involved. The game's got so much in it now that you can pick a motivator other than having BiS.


I don't know if i agree with that, either. WoW's formula completely depends upon that endless gear grind.

I used to feel the same way but one day you just realize the gear is only a means to see the content and with the advent of stuff like LFR and normal vs. heroic modes gear has been devalued every single expansion. Hell, arguably the hardest content in the game at the moment completely ignores your gear upgrades anyway.

There was actually a blue post about that a couple of months ago or so speaking about when blizzard added non-raid buyable epics for the first time in the Naxx 40 man patch people flipped their shit because just the thought of getting better gear, epic items especially, from anything that wasn't a raid was pure INSANITY. Of course we look at that today and laugh about how silly it is, but, it was pretty much the start of blizzard making it so the gear wasn't the central focus of the game.

Personally I just play at my own pace and for my own reasons. At this point I care more grinding achievements, building my mount collection, and seeing the new lore stuff like Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive than I do on any sort of gear treadmill. I mean, shit, I did the 6 month resub last tuesday when my game time ran out but then I didn't even log on again until last night.



Personally I just play at my own pace and for my own reasons. At this point I care more grinding achievements, building my mount collection, and seeing the new lore stuff like Operation Shieldwall/Dominance Offensive than I do on any sort of gear treadmill. I mean, shit, I did the 6 month resub last tuesday when my game time ran out but then I didn't even log on again until last night.


It's funny, I used to think some of the questlines in vanilla (Tirion Fordring's line) were great and hadn't, really, been eclipsed.

I am unsure if the Shieldwall / Dominance Offensive do from a storytelling point of view, but either way they're the best in-game lore quests in a loooooong time and awesome. I hope they continue.


It's funny, I used to think some of the questlines in vanilla (Tirion Fordring's line) were great and hadn't, really, been eclipsed.

I am unsure if the Shieldwall / Dominance Offensive do from a storytelling point of view, but either way they're the best in-game lore quests in a loooooong time and awesome. I hope they continue.

Completely agreed, I used to make sure I always did the Fordring quest line on my alts because it was just really epic, probably my second favorite quest line in the game, my personal all time favorite was The Missing Diplomat even if it did end unresolved (Probably one of the reasons I love volume 1 of the comic series so much since its pretty much all about this quest chain). Granted that was only available to alliance players so not everyone got to see it.
Why not just play for the fun of it? Weekly challenge mode runs with the guild are what I look forward to most lately and there's no gear involved. The game's got so much in it now that you can pick a motivator other than having BiS.
Of course I want to play for the fun of it. It's why I resubscribed to begin with. Even then, using your example of Guild Challenges, it's still gear dependent. Sure, it normalizes your gear, but if you can go in there with certain trinkets and tier set bonus (I actually don't know if they transfer into challenges), then you're better off.

I used to feel the same way but one day you just realize the gear is only a means to see the content and with the advent of stuff like LFR and normal vs. heroic modes gear has been devalued every single expansion. Hell, arguably the hardest content in the game at the moment completely ignores your gear upgrades anyway.
Right, the gear is the avenue for experiencing more of the game. It's a truly symbiotic relationship. Can't have one without the other. I still firmly believe that I need to raid to get better gear, which will allow for me to experience more raiding, which will yield me beter gear, and on and on. I completed all the Pandaria world quests long ago. I've done dailies until my eyes bled.

I guess I just don't know how not to get burnt out on WoW. With other games it's easy to shelve them and come back later. WoW just seems like there's so much you have to do each day and not doing them is a missed opportunity (valor points, dailies, gold, raiding, etc.).

I am unsure if the Shieldwall / Dominance Offensive do from a storytelling point of view, but either way they're the best in-game lore quests in a loooooong time and awesome. I hope they continue.
Yeah, I really liked those quests. However, I had them done in a little over a week. Then it's back to raiding.
I guess I just don't know how not to get burnt out on WoW. With other games it's easy to shelve them and come back later. WoW just seems like there's so much you have to do each day and not doing them is a missed opportunity (valor points, dailies, gold, raiding, etc.).

You need children! I've got my eight year old doing my farming dailies, it's pretty sweet. I tried to get her to fish but even that was too boring for her (note to Blizzard: please fix fishing some day).

And yes on Scarlet stuff being great lore back in the old times. Man I miss those days when Plaguelands was the center of all the really fun stuff in classic. I still try to keep as much of my old Argent Dawn rep stuff/stones/etc. in my bank for nostalgia.


Of course I want to play for the fun of it. It's why I resubscribed to begin with. Even then, using your example of Guild Challenges, it's still gear dependent. Sure, it normalizes your gear, but if you can go in there with certain trinkets and tier set bonus (I actually don't know if they transfer into challenges), then you're better off.

Set bonuses and the like currently work in them, but you can get gold without. World firsts for gold challenger came the first week, before anyone had an average itemlevel over 463 to begin with.

But even those set bonuses and trinket procs are scaled down to be as effective as heroic 463 gear, so you're not any better off. The trinkets and eventual tier sets that change things mechanically may be of interest, but for the time being using them doesn't give any large advantage.


Question to you pros (and since the thread is moving painfully slow). For a warrior tank, is it better to go for the 4 piece bonus, even if 3 of the pieces are upgraded LFR, or stick with the 2 piece and two 489's, upgraded twice?

It pains me to go "down".


I guess I just don't know how not to get burnt out on WoW. With other games it's easy to shelve them and come back later. WoW just seems like there's so much you have to do each day and not doing them is a missed opportunity (valor points, dailies, gold, raiding, etc.).

It is all about your mindset, which is what we've been saying. The gear treadmill being the focus of the ENTIRE GAME is literally is ALL in your head. Outside of 3 very specific fights (Sha, Ragnaros, and Sinestra) you can fully experience the boss battles, the lore, the custom models/animation/spell effects, and even the gear of raiding while still being in partial greens.

And as others have said there is just more to the game now. You do not need the best gear to do challenge mode dungeons, you do not need the best gear to grind achievements, you do not need the best gear to pet battle, you do not need the best gear to do scenarios, you do not need the best gear to do the new lore quests, you can even get rank 8 in the brawler's guild with just LFR loot if you're a good enough player.

I don't think anyone here is trying to say getting better gear is not cool, but simply, there is more to the game than that now, it's just the reality of MoP.


Question to you pros (and since the thread is moving painfully slow). For a warrior tank, is it better to go for the 4 piece bonus, even if 3 of the pieces are upgraded LFR, or stick with the 2 piece and two 489's, upgraded twice?

It pains me to go "down".

It really depends on what you have to replace to get the 4 piece, but the prot bonuses are pretty nice. If you end up losing a lot of rage generation because of what you replace then it'd be silly to, but if your rage generation and mitigation remains consistent after equipping them, it's probably worth it.


It really depends on what you have to replace to get the 4 piece, but the prot bonuses are pretty nice. If you end up losing a lot of rage generation because of what you replace then it'd be silly to, but if your rage generation and mitigation remains consistent after equipping them, it's probably worth it.

It's pretty much the same for Druid tanks. The 2-piece bonus is not impressive (and I use the Glyph of Might of Ursoc, which reduces its usefulness further), but the 4-piece is fantastic. Since I have 3 pieces currently, I'm running with valor gear in those slots until I get the 4 piece, then I'll take the reduction in stats for the massive improvement in Savage Defense and Frenzied Regeneration.
It's pretty much the same for Druid tanks. The 2-piece bonus is not impressive (and I use the Glyph of Might of Ursoc, which reduces its usefulness further), but the 4-piece is fantastic.
The 4-piece is, indeed, fantastic. And it pains me that I only have iLVL 496 pants and can't even get LFR tier piece drops. My raid group is finally getting tier pieces to drop, but the progress is painfully slow.

Though I have to ask, why glyph for Ursoc? Unglyphed gives you the opportunity to use it at least twice for certain fights. If you have good healz behind you, the extra 20% offered is a complete waste, in my opinion.

You're better off glyphing for Survival Instincts. I find having its uptime every 2 minutes is exceptionally valuable.

Having said all of that, guardian glyphs are pretty lame.


*dies on purpose at boss*
*afks for 10 mins*
*gets drop*
*living the life*

Yes. This is what I mean. :p

Don't worry, it really speeds up once you hit Revered and get the commendation. You get Exalted in 5 or so days then.

But yeah, GL dailies are shit, especially when they eventually divide over 3 locations.

That is good to hear. Don't think I could do this way longer.

And then.... more rep grinds! Woohoo! :(

Scaling, that's all. It's all wonky for the first 80 levels. Just quest as prot, it's perfectly fine and fast.

This is why leveling as Prot or any tank in dungeons is amazing. No queues, you pretty much destroy everything yourself and it goes fast.


Then stop doing that stuff? MoP shines when played comfortably.

That's true, I'm playing it as a casual and it's really great. My second favorite expansion behind TBC, unless quality suddenly drops it will definitely end up being overall better than WotLK.


So GC responded to me after I asked why they stacked the 1H/2H strength weapons on the same boss, but it was a non-answer, so hopefully he responds to my next one asking for them not to do it again in 5.2.
Wishful thinking.


So Blizzcon is happening this year, pretty much guarantees another expansion being announced. What do you think it could be this time?

I want to see playable Naga so bad for some reason.


It'll be another Burning Legion focused with Azshara or Kil'Jaeden as the final boss more than likely. I'm hoping we get a peak at Titan, even if it's just concept art. And we'll also get to see the final SC2 "expansion" and probably D3 expansion. It's going to be a big Blizzcon.
It'll be another Burning Legion focused with Azshara or Kil'Jaeden as the final boss more than likely. I'm hoping we get a peak at Titan, even if it's just concept art. And we'll also get to see the final SC2 "expansion" and probably D3 expansion. It's going to be a big Blizzcon.

Burning Legion expac would definitely make me excite. The TBC content is definitely my favorite thematically. Can only wish I had played in that era, as I definitely think that going from TBC to about 3.1 was the peak in terms of gameplay. There have been highs and lows since then, but nothing as consistently good.

SC2 we'll definitely see some Legacy of the Void, which should be exciting. Protoss is my favorite race, so some new twists with units there will be fun.

D3 - if anything, an expansion is the only thing that could redeem it at this point, though it may be broken beyond true repair until the next full installment. Either way, it'll be interesting to see how good any improvements look, or how disappointing it is.

And I definitely think we'll at least get a concrete tease of Titan this year (something more than just offhanded comments by Mike Morhaime). Whether just a flash of concept art or a teaser trailer, I definitely think they have to show something.

What about the WoW movie? Seems to me they have been working on that for ages now, unless it got scrapped.

I wouldn't bet on it. IMO it's pretty much dead and has missed the peak window where it would have done the best.


So Blizzcon is happening this year, pretty much guarantees another expansion being announced. What do you think it could be this time?

I want to see playable Naga so bad for some reason.

Would they really be announcing a new expansion already? Chances are they'll show off stuff for the next content patch and giving the focus to the Diablo 3 expansion and Heart of the Swarm.


PTR is up. Bugged like a motherfucker, but still.




Would they really be announcing a new expansion already? Chances are they'll show off stuff for the next content patch and giving the focus to the Diablo 3 expansion and Heart of the Swarm.

They announced Cataclysm before ICC was out, so yeah I'd be willing to bet we see an announcement.


No One Remembers
Would they really be announcing a new expansion already? Chances are they'll show off stuff for the next content patch and giving the focus to the Diablo 3 expansion and Heart of the Swarm.

They didn't do one last year because they didn't have anything really to announce. So being able to announce the next expansion this year makes sense.


The PTR might be up but there's nothing to do. You can't interact with portals or mailboxes, there's no quests to get to the Thunder Isle and trying to get there manually kills you.


The PTR might be up but there's nothing to do. You can't interact with portals or mailboxes, there's no quests to get to the Thunder Isle and trying to get there manually kills you.

And knowing Blizzard it will get fixed next week when it goes down for maintaince.
Wow, haha. Grind out thousands of JP for 5 extra levels of xp bonus. What a joke.

I can't see the picture. How much are the new heirlooms?

Also, why the fuck would they make them cost more anyway? Does this mean they are NOT upgrading current heirlooms to the level 85 standard? What a bunch of shit. There's no reason to want to box people into Cataclysm content any longer than they have to be.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Would they really be announcing a new expansion already? Chances are they'll show off stuff for the next content patch and giving the focus to the Diablo 3 expansion and Heart of the Swarm.

Yes? It would follow the pattern of....every other expansion

Wow, haha. Grind out thousands of JP for 5 extra levels of xp bonus. What a joke.

Heirloom weapons provide no XP bonus.


I can't see the picture. How much are the new heirlooms?

Also, why the fuck would they make them cost more anyway? Does this mean they are NOT upgrading current heirlooms to the level 85 standard? What a bunch of shit. There's no reason to want to box people into Cataclysm content any longer than they have to be.

Can't really tell, but it looks like it's the Previous Heirloom Weapon + 2175~3500 JP.
Basically, you're trading the old one for the new one for more JP.

The PTR might be up but there's nothing to do. You can't interact with portals or mailboxes, there's no quests to get to the Thunder Isle and trying to get there manually kills you.

From what I've seen of people that actually got to the Isle of Giants, the only thing there right now is the T-Rex World Boss with about 800 Million HP.
Is there a list somewhere of what raids you can go into without a raid group? I was disappointed to see that BWL still requires a second person to get past the 1st boss. My experience early on in MoP (leveling from 85-90) was not the greatest. It started to drag on by level 88. Good quests only go so far for me and I have no desire to do the rep grinds now as a result. But now that I have finally been able to fly around Pandaria and not rely on flight paths, it has gotten better. Started queuing for heroics, which has also been much more enjoyable. Today I cleared MC and Kara hoping to get a random 2-hand axe/sword/polearm to drop for my felguard and nothing. Made me mad. I think the challenge modes and scenarios being introduced to the game are a really good thing. For now, I'm just trying to get to LFR i-level.
That T-Rex boss is AMAZING.

And the JP to upgrade heirlooms is kinda lame, but I mean, what else are you gonna spend your JP on anyway? Though it doesn't exactly rain down anymore like it used to with the system rework at the start of Mists. Definitely would prefer a grandfathering in effect.
Heirloom weapons provide no XP bonus.

There are heirloom shoulders in that screenshot on sale for 1 old heirloom shoulders + 2175 JP. Presumably all the heirlooms (except probably the fishing daily ones) can be upgraded at similar costs. That is just not worth it no matter how much you love your alts. That's months and months of grinding out the JP for 1-80, then 81-85 heirlooms. The math can't possibly work out in your favor.


Using Justice to upgrade the heirlooms, hm. Might make more sense to charge gold, make it another gold sink. I hope they make a new Justice trade goods vendor.

The new island and dino boss look so cool... it's like a new zone.


Is there a list somewhere of what raids you can go into without a raid group? I was disappointed to see that BWL still requires a second person to get past the 1st boss. My experience early on in MoP (leveling from 85-90) was not the greatest. It started to drag on by level 88. Good quests only go so far for me and I have no desire to do the rep grinds now as a result. But now that I have finally been able to fly around Pandaria and not rely on flight paths, it has gotten better. Started queuing for heroics, which has also been much more enjoyable. Today I cleared MC and Kara hoping to get a random 2-hand axe/sword/polearm to drop for my felguard and nothing. Made me mad. I think the challenge modes and scenarios being introduced to the game are a really good thing. For now, I'm just trying to get to LFR i-level.

What class do you play? Any class that can take a few hits can solo Razorgore. If you can self heal then it is even better. Heck, it was harder on my Prot Warrior than my Resto Druid (specced moonkin for those things obviously). I just break Mind Control, toss a hot on myself so the mobs will aggro me instead or Razorgore if he has many on them though that happens very rarely. As a Warrior I just break it sometimes, aggro mobs and back to MC.

Other than that, I solod MC, AQ20/40, Karazhan, SSC, BWL, Mount Hyjal (first boss is still a pain in the ass though), Sunwell, The Eye, Magtheridon and Malygos. I'm sure more is possible but I did not try those yet. I ignored most of the Wrath content because at that point bosses tend to have a huge health pool and it gets a bit dull. Not tough, just very dull to slowly smack away 34389274927439374923 million HP.

Remember that they changed stuff a while ago to be more solo friendly so if you googled CAN I SOLO BOSS X and people say they can't I would just ignore it and try it since those posts might be old or from people who don't know many bosses were fixed / changed to be killed solo.

Everything is pretty easy on both of these chars. Some harder on class than the other but all really doable. Warrior on Kael for example is just hilarious. I swear 90% of that time you are just stunned from all the shit you can't protect yourself with. But since we cheat with Second Wind we never die anyway.

e) Oh, Warlock. I am blind. Still think you could solo plenty with that but I don't know all that much about them.
I can't really outdps the healing of Illidari Council in Black Temple, but everything else in there is pretty easy to solo. Just pace yourself during the Desire phase of Reliquary.


Most fun reaction I had when soloing old content again was C'thun. That beam goes so slowly that you wonder how we could ever be killed by that.

They did change it to 3 colors now instead of just being red. Lame. :(


Is there a list somewhere of what raids you can go into without a raid group? I was disappointed to see that BWL still requires a second person to get past the 1st boss. My experience early on in MoP (leveling from 85-90) was not the greatest. It started to drag on by level 88. Good quests only go so far for me and I have no desire to do the rep grinds now as a result. But now that I have finally been able to fly around Pandaria and not rely on flight paths, it has gotten better. Started queuing for heroics, which has also been much more enjoyable. Today I cleared MC and Kara hoping to get a random 2-hand axe/sword/polearm to drop for my felguard and nothing. Made me mad. I think the challenge modes and scenarios being introduced to the game are a really good thing. For now, I'm just trying to get to LFR i-level.

All pre-MoP raids can be entered without a raid group.

The first boss of BWL, Razorgore, is soloable. Just be quick with blowing up eggs, occasionally cancel the cast, pop a self heal and AoE down mobs on you, then start the channel again. Rinse and repeat.
What class do you play? Any class that can take a few hits can solo Razorgore. If you can self heal then it is even better. Heck, it was harder on my Prot Warrior than my Resto Druid (specced moonkin for those things obviously). I just break Mind Control, toss a hot on myself so the mobs will aggro me instead or Razorgore if he has many on them though that happens very rarely. As a Warrior I just break it sometimes, aggro mobs and back to MC.

Other than that, I solod MC, AQ20/40, Karazhan, SSC, BWL, Mount Hyjal (first boss is still a pain in the ass though), Sunwell, The Eye, Magtheridon and Malygos. I'm sure more is possible but I did not try those yet. I ignored most of the Wrath content because at that point bosses tend to have a huge health pool and it gets a bit dull. Not tough, just very dull to slowly smack away 34389274927439374923 million HP.

Remember that they changed stuff a while ago to be more solo friendly so if you googled CAN I SOLO BOSS X and people say they can't I would just ignore it and try it since those posts might be old or from people who don't know many bosses were fixed / changed to be killed solo.

Everything is pretty easy on both of these chars. Some harder on class than the other but all really doable. Warrior on Kael for example is just hilarious. I swear 90% of that time you are just stunned from all the shit you can't protect yourself with. But since we cheat with Second Wind we never die anyway.

e) Oh, Warlock. I am blind. Still think you could solo plenty with that but I don't know all that much about them.
Cool. I'll give it a try when i get off of work in the morning. Looking forward to having another classic raid to solo for fun.
All pre-MoP raids can be entered without a raid group.

The first boss of BWL, Razorgore, is soloable. Just be quick with blowing up eggs, occasionally cancel the cast, pop a self heal and AoE down mobs on you, then start the channel again. Rinse and repeat.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There are heirloom shoulders in that screenshot on sale for 1 old heirloom shoulders + 2175 JP. Presumably all the heirlooms (except probably the fishing daily ones) can be upgraded at similar costs. That is just not worth it no matter how much you love your alts. That's months and months of grinding out the JP for 1-80, then 81-85 heirlooms. The math can't possibly work out in your favor.

It would take like 100 dungeons to JP cap in the first place, so I'm not entirely sure how you would ever get one. I'm really clueless why they got it in their heads gutting point generation was some brilliant fucking plan calculated to do something other than cause people to quit playing. Ghostcrawler can spend all fucking day explaining why its better to not have points give you gear but I don't even bother to do anything other than run old raids on my max characters now that its a gigantic chore to get them any gear beyond the low chance of LFR shit.
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