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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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As a hunter I have to say, that is some superb texture work on the snake. Too bad it'll be so small, you'll hardly notice.

Since I'm on the new page (argh)...

TLPD: I finally went after it for the first time yesterday. It showed up while I was eating and in 5 seconds it was killed by another player. Anyways, what exactly is the spawn time on it? All the info I've gleaned seems to be either 6-12 hours for each TLPD spawn or is it only after Vyra has been killed a number of times? The most information I've found seems to be from 4.3 but wowhead is more up to date, but mostly just from random people with no actual spawn time info.

LFR: I'm slowly grinding my way up to get into LFR. I should be revered today with TGL, which will help. I was wondering though instead of running dailies to get rep gear, do the scenarios offer any gear outside of the 450 weapon? I couldn't find much information on the drops in scenarios outside of that instance.

My iLVL is high enough to do heroics finally, but I don't know them and it kind of sucks when there is no guildie online to run them with and the tank just wants to blast through it with no break in the pulls. I hate that crap since I don't know what to expect and they just want me to blindly run through without noting the pathing of enemies. Last time that happened, some other guy pulled a huge mob and I got blamed then kicked for it. Randoms suck in this game :/

I don't remember heroic only dungeons in Cata. Were there any? I only started last Jan. so I haven't been around to see much.


Now that I'm done with all the various rep grinds, I'm enjoying the game even more!

Still the huojin pandarens to do but that will wait for my drakes farming.

On a side note, fuck Garalond (normal)
I don't think 3000 or 4000 cap makes any difference, you're going to spend it the minute you get 2250 anyway. Take away the weekly valor cap and people will feel like they have to grind out every piece straight away. Valor is just there to fill slots with gear that you haven't got from raids.

Putting them behind a rep grind was a stupid idea though.
I still don't understand why this even matters or why you're defending it? Heaven forbid people play this game a bunch as if they're not already doing exactly that :p People who feel the need to do grind stuff right away shouldn't be a concern of blizzards. The problem there lies with the people who don't know how to manage their time or what they do (if it's even gonna cause burnout, which I don't think it will). And you say that as if the people who will feel the need to do everything right away will be unhappy. I'm not seeing it. It's just stuff to do in game, but with a legitimate reward. This is unlike the current system where the amount of time it takes currently to grind rep or earn valor points is too long and LFR will have replaced a bunch of the upgrades you can get with valor before you have enough valor points to buy each piece. The whole argument about needing to worry about people who will "feel the need" to do everything right away is so hokey to me. It's just a regurgitation of blizzard's weak defense of their current system. Their "concerns" of the few is really hurting the enjoyment of the game for the many in my opinion.

No one likes to feel jipped and I'm the same. I just don't like doing quests, heroics, or whatever, and not getting valor cuz i'm capped. Then I'm getting robbed for time i'm spending playing the game anyway, the very reason blizzard argues for the cap. If I'm gonna play regardless, give me what I earned. If the cap were to go to 4000, not that i'll ever reach it like you said, at least I'm not going to lose out on valor because of some lame weekly cap.
I was re-reading my post from this morning. I guess I kind of came across as really pissed off. That's my bad. I'm not upset and wasn't intending to direct my hostilities about the weekly valor cap toward anyone. Sorry, ch0mp. Having the valor system intertwined with rep grinds is dumb, indeed. I don't agree with Blizzard's sentiments about people feeling the need to do everything, but it's not worth me freaking out over, which i'm ridiculously prone to doing.

Now that I'm done with all the various rep grinds, I'm enjoying the game even more!

Still the huojin pandarens to do but that will wait for my drakes farming.

On a side note, fuck Garalond (normal)
This is the point where I want to get. I'm not sure why, but trying to get through the rep grinds just drags when im limited to how much rep I can earn a day. More than anything, I just don't like limits placed on what i can do. If i have the time and want to grind miserably for 24 hours straight to make serious progress on rep or to earn enough valor to get an upgrade, why shouldn't i be allowed to do it? Currently, I can burn through the golden lotus and shieldwall dailies in less than an hour if I'm not getting harassed by horde. I've started doing klaxxi rep as well. I've enjoyed the storyline with the Klaxxi faction more than golden lotus or even shieldwall. Doing dailies with the golden fleece trinket also spices up the daily grind a bit.


I was re-reading my post from this morning. I guess I kind of came across as really pissed off. That's my bad. I'm not upset and wasn't intending to direct my hostilities about the weekly valor cap toward anyone. Sorry, ch0mp. Having the valor system intertwined with rep grinds is dumb, indeed. I don't agree with Blizzard's sentiments about people feeling the need to do everything, but it's not worth me freaking out over, which i'm ridiculously prone to doing.

The whole limit on anything is so strange to me since I'm fairly new comparatively. WoW is the only game I've ever played that limits what you can do in the game. I don't get why Blizzard feels the need to be everyone's mommy. Let people play how they want to play. Maybe that's just me and I'm weird. It's akin to putting Cinemax on a lockout after 9pm or something.

These people wouldn't feel the "need" to run everything if they had no weekly or total caps since once they got what they needed, they'd stop running for a particular piece. Then they'd have to *gasp* play the game for fun! For instance, I have to run dailies constantly and do all the little side crap since I started a few months later than everyone else. I don't have much fun right now since I'm passing up all the shit I really want to do like run old instances and got pet/mount hunting. Not to mention leveling up my professions. I'm basically stuck running dailies so I don't get screwed again once 5.2 comes out. Maybe then I can start to have what I deem fun in the game since I won't have a daily list of 8 things to do to catch up. I had to pass up at least 2 Sha runs yesterday since I'd done it the day before, even though I have fun in those fights. It's useless for me to run it since it doesn't benefit me at all and I'd take that spot away from someone who may need it. It seems like just a way to artificially inflate the game length.
This is where it gets weird. So the valor caps were originally there because if there was no cap, most hardcore guilds and hardcore-wannabe guilds would demand raiders basically spend the first part of the expansion grinding out every source of VP that they could to be outfitted in every piece of gear they could lay their hands on before walking into the raids. This is something that they've waxed on about many times before. Any time you give a raider something they can do to get an edge they'll do it or their team will demand they do it. Guaranteed.

But with MoP it's sort of been flipped on its head a little. Since you have 3000 valor TOTAL cap you need to make sure you're keeping up with the rep necessary to sink valor into VP items as they become affordable otherwise you're just going to be wasting VP. Which meant for anyone outside of the ultra-elite raiders (since they were picking up 502 gear on the second week of raiding) you needed to be doing dailies every day or you'd just be squandering valor and a good ilvl per week of practically guaranteed gear. This is why a lot of the mid range raiders complain about being forced to do dailies every day. If you didn't do it you'd basically fall behind. Which is why you're seeing people burn out and flame out like they're doing. It also didn't help that we have the widest ever gulf between dungeon heroics and normal raiding epics. 26 god damned ilvls. The difference power increase from a few weeks of raiding + VP was absolutely stupid. If you weren't getting drops and you weren't pulling rep you fell quickly the bottom of the ladder.
The whole limit on anything is so strange to me since I'm fairly new comparatively. WoW is the only game I've ever played that limits what you can do in the game. I don't get why Blizzard feels the need to be everyone's mommy. Let people play how they want to play. Maybe that's just me and I'm weird. It's akin to putting Cinemax on a lockout after 9pm or something.

These people wouldn't feel the "need" to run everything if they had no weekly or total caps since once they got what they needed, they'd stop running for a particular piece. Then they'd have to *gasp* play the game for fun! For instance, I have to run dailies constantly and do all the little side crap since I started a few months later than everyone else. I don't have much fun right now since I'm passing up all the shit I really want to do like run old instances and got pet/mount hunting. Not to mention leveling up my professions. I'm basically stuck running dailies so I don't get screwed again once 5.2 comes out. Maybe then I can start to have what I deem fun in the game since I won't have a daily list of 8 things to do to catch up. I had to pass up at least 2 Sha runs yesterday since I'd done it the day before, even though I have fun in those fights. It's useless for me to run it since it doesn't benefit me at all and I'd take that spot away from someone who may need it. It seems like just a way to artificially inflate the game length.
Fularu kind of alluded to this in his post. He got done with the rep grinds and was finally able to just enjoy the game. I want to get all the good gear i can get outside of LFR and raiding. Once I get to that point, I'm not going to just throw in the towel and stop playing. I'll continue dinking around with the other things you can do in game. The most fun I was having in wow was toward the end of wrath and cata when I had 3 maxed out toons with maxed out professions, and all decently geared. I was able to farm crafting mats at my leisure, work the AH for fun. Farm rare stuff and old instances. Help each of my toons out with gems, enchants and whatever between my 3 maxed out characters. In MoP it's going to take a long while to get 3 toons to that point again. Im just sort of turned off at the thought of even trying. 5.2 does look it will improve that process a little bit, but it's still a bit aggravating to have limits that force things to take weeks/months instead of days weeks, especially if you enjoy leveling alts.


While I'm glad I'm done with rep grinds, I really didn't mind doing dailies.

At the worst of it (GL, Klaxxi, Tillers, Cloud Serpent, SP, AC) it rarely took more than 60 minutes to complete.

What I did mind was having to use valor to buy rep pieces, in the past we had the Valor vendor AND the rep vendors, we lost the Valor vendor :/


Got Will tonight, what a shit fight. Not looking forward to doing it again next week.

I guess you're not a tank :)

As a tank, it is LEAGUES and LEAGUES more fun than most of the PvE fights in this expansion. The dancing around the combo is a lot of fun.

If I look at tanking in Vaults, here's what it looks like.

Dogs: Boring tank swap with zero skill.
Feng: Interesting for the tank who has the copy gem (which is me). Other than that, very little challenge, no positioning or anything.
Garajal: LOL tanks with no job to do.
Spirit Kings: one-tank fight that's essentially tank and spank with a little bit of movement
Elegon: Lots to do in one phase, nothing to do in 2 phases, and absolutely jack shit in the final phase.
Will of the Emperor: Nothing to do in the first minute, then party time active tanking (moving, avoiding stuff all while maintaining your mitigation) which punishes you heavily if you make a mistake.

It's by far the most interesting fight. I've only done up to Garalon in HoF, but it seems like it's a similar situation -

1st boss: one tank fight, tank and spank with a tiny bit of movement in one phase.
2nd boss: simple tank swap with bad damage output in 2nd phase (if you're a DK, the 2nd phase is shit too, since getting to the boss takes forever!)
3rd boss: stay in front of the boss and turn with it. Nothing else to do.

I understand that blizzard is trying to make tanking easier and such, but holy crap are most of those fights uneventful. :(


Heroic Will is a PITA. It's pretty straightforward but if you mess up taking one of the sparks or fail to control the rages, you're done.


Fularu kind of alluded to this in his post. He got done with the rep grinds and was finally able to just enjoy the game. I want to get all the good gear i can get outside of LFR and raiding. Once I get to that point, I'm not going to just throw in the towel and stop playing. I'll continue dinking around with the other things you can do in game. The most fun I was having in wow was toward the end of wrath and cata when I had 3 maxed out toons with maxed out professions, and all decently geared. I was able to farm crafting mats at my leisure, work the AH for fun. Farm rare stuff and old instances. Help each of my toons out with gems, enchants and whatever between my 3 maxed out characters. In MoP it's going to take a long while to get 3 toons to that point again. Im just sort of turned off at the thought of even trying. 5.2 does look it will improve that process a little bit, but it's still a bit aggravating to have limits that force things to take weeks/months instead of days weeks, especially if you enjoy leveling alts.

Right. That's the sole reason I don't really have any alts. I just don't have time for them. I really really want to start up a monk, but doing so would make my hunter fall back several days or even a week. With 5.2 coming soon, if I don't upgrade my equipment (if and when I get better stuff), I'll be even further behind because the grind to get gear is a PITA to me. I don't think I've gotten a single piece of gear unless I'm running Sha once a week. The rep grinds take forever to get revered so I can get the commendations. I wish the level to get them was lower. I just want to see end game content but getting there is taking me forever. I seriously need to realm transfer or get a different guild. All the guilds on norgannon though kind of suck and I've only met a handful of decent people. The rest are trolls. I kind of want to go with stormrage but the high pop would make camping for hunter pets and mounts even worse.
Rep grinds on alts take no time thanks to commendations, you start with double rep and it goes fast.

One of the fundamental pieces of non-character progression is locked up behind activities I could accomplish with a drinking bird and deliberately made to take weeks so they spend less time having to make real things like more dungeons or raids than what they're currently putting out.

But by all means continue to rationalize that Victory Gin tastes alright once you get used to it.


More dungeons isn't the solution (nor their current number the problem)

The issue is that you want to be able to get everything as you want to. It just doesn't work that way.

While I don't like dailies much, they do make the world feel alive, which is essential for an MMO.

You don't need the rep gear to play the game, it's a side bonus at best (I believe I only have two rep valor pieces and I don't feel the need to buy more of them)

Edit : and please, the whole rep grind takes at much 6 weeks from hitting 90 to getting exalted with every faction. I somehow doubt they could create a whole lot of content in such a short window.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
"Heroic Pandaria dungeons now award 100 Justice points per boss and gold drops scale based on number of players."


Also, I see Jaina's voice actress is having a good time chewing the fuck out of the scenery for 5.2 lmao


But it used to work better.

I can see parts of your argument but what they have now sucks and it didn't used to.

In some ways sure, but to say it didn't used to suck is untrue.

There was no pvp on pvp servers, there was no reason to log on outside raid nights, there wasn't any worthwhile reason to run old content once the new patch came out, factions existed as an artificial hurdle to gearing since they were mandatory for everyone as there was no way to get around that head enchant.

You can argue that the way they're addressing these issues isn't an improvement, but in most aspects the game isn't any worse off. You can ignore dailies and the factions associated with them, Mogu'shan Vaults isn't that hard to complete with a raid group in 463 gear and you're not gimping yourself out of an otherwise missing enchant.


Well it appears my luck finally ran out, 16 bosses killed 3 coins no loot. Time to start leveling another character, nothing to do for the rest of the week. Wish the increased valor buff & commendations were account wide, I'd like to finish getting my Ally character to 85, but capping on 4 characters, 2 of which wouldn't have the buff, would suck.


Well it appears my luck finally ran out, 16 bosses killed 3 coins no loot. Time to start leveling another character, nothing to do for the rest of the week. Wish the increased valor buff & commendations were account wide, I'd like to finish getting my Ally character to 85, but capping on 4 characters, 2 of which wouldn't have the buff, would suck.

Could take a mini break. Might make you enjoy the game even more.


Well it appears my luck finally ran out, 16 bosses killed 3 coins no loot. Time to start leveling another character, nothing to do for the rest of the week. Wish the increased valor buff & commendations were account wide, I'd like to finish getting my Ally character to 85, but capping on 4 characters, 2 of which wouldn't have the buff, would suck.

Commendations are account-wide, crossing both server and faction (Shieldwall and Dominance commendations work on each other too).

Valor isn't though.


Commendations are account-wide, crossing both server and faction (Shieldwall and Dominance commendations work on each other too).

Valor isn't though.

Oh shit..nice! Thanks. And why take a break? I enjoy the hell out of the game, but I tend to front load all the dailies/valor/raids/dungeons on Tuesday/Wednesday so I could work on my alt, now he's max level and all done for the week. Need something to grind, dinosaur bones will fill that hole nicely in 5.2!
Well it appears my luck finally ran out, 16 bosses killed 3 coins no loot. Time to start leveling another character, nothing to do for the rest of the week. Wish the increased valor buff & commendations were account wide, I'd like to finish getting my Ally character to 85, but capping on 4 characters, 2 of which wouldn't have the buff, would suck.

In my time as LFR raiding, I've received 15 drops through coins or just receiving after a kill. Ten of those I've discarded as they were under the ilvl or they've been duplicates.

Are you noticing this too? I would rather you get those 10 than me trashing them. Or is this working as intended? As in a 2/3 discard rate.


Working as intended, but they want to put in something that would let you reroll if you got a piece you didn't need. As well as a way to get off-spec gear. I haven't seen any news regarding that coming in 5.2, but I'll send GC a question on twitter about it and see if he responds.


In some ways sure, but to say it didn't used to suck is untrue.

There was no pvp on pvp servers, there was no reason to log on outside raid nights, there wasn't any worthwhile reason to run old content once the new patch came out, factions existed as an artificial hurdle to gearing since they were mandatory for everyone as there was no way to get around that head enchant.

You can argue that the way they're addressing these issues isn't an improvement, but in most aspects the game isn't any worse off. You can ignore dailies and the factions associated with them, Mogu'shan Vaults isn't that hard to complete with a raid group in 463 gear and you're not gimping yourself out of an otherwise missing enchant.

There's still no reason to log in outside of raid nights once your rep grind is done. So if you're arguing that the rep grinds are optional then there's still nothing to do. But rep grinds aren't optional, how else do you spend valor when the ilvl NPC goes away? You can't. The system significantly wounds heroics. LFR as is is a mediocre fix/replacement; most intro raids weren't that hard.

But to double back on the reps, rep grinds for enchants are required but rep grinds for gear aren't? An augment to your gear is crossing the line, but putting the non-raid, non-PvP vertical progression that's existed in the game since TBC entirely behind a rep wall is not something to be concerned with? I don't see how. The enchants were at least BoA, you only had to do it once and all your characters were set; MoP merely mitigates the amount of rep grinding you do on your alts.

Perhaps the older system wasn't ideal but I don't believe for a second the game isn't worse off.


In my time as LFR raiding, I've received 15 drops through coins or just receiving after a kill. Ten of those I've discarded as they were under the ilvl or they've been duplicates.

Are you noticing this too? I would rather you get those 10 than me trashing them. Or is this working as intended? As in a 2/3 discard rate.

Yeah, got some duplicate items AND twice PVP loot from Sha. Both are annoying but I don't mind duplicate items that much. PVP loot however.... It is instant shard instead of possibly some other gemmed/reforged/whatever version.

I don't need anything from Mogu on my Warrior anymore so I can go there to collect DPS gear now which is nice. Druid could do as well but I don't care about DPS on that one so I just go as healer for crystals. :p


New DK 4 piece: DPS 4pc - Causes Soul Reaper to deal additional Shadow damage to targets below 40% health (instead of 35%). Additionally, Killing Machine increases the crit chance of Soul Reaper and its additional damage to low health targets.

Clarification on the 4pc: It means that if you have a Killing Machine proc up and hit Soul Reaper, that Soul Reaper will be a guaranteed crit, will consume the Killing Machine Proc, and the future Soul Reaper Shadow detonation will also be a guaranteed crit. Basically, Killing Machine will function for Soul Reaper, just like it already does for Frost Strike and Obliterate.

I like it! Although they really need to make another stat for 2H frost useful, and this slightly devalues crit even more.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
New DK 4 piece: DPS 4pc - Causes Soul Reaper to deal additional Shadow damage to targets below 40% health (instead of 35%). Additionally, Killing Machine increases the crit chance of Soul Reaper and its additional damage to low health targets.

Clarification on the 4pc: It means that if you have a Killing Machine proc up and hit Soul Reaper, that Soul Reaper will be a guaranteed crit, will consume the Killing Machine Proc, and the future Soul Reaper Shadow detonation will also be a guaranteed crit. Basically, Killing Machine will function for Soul Reaper, just like it already does for Frost Strike and Obliterate.

I like it! Although they really need to make another stat for 2H frost useful, and this slightly devalues crit even more.

Seems like it overly favors Frost over Unholy, which is already behind, that is, at first glance it doesn't sound like the Unholy Mastery is going to scale that much.


Seems like it overly favors Frost over Unholy, which is already behind, that is, at first glance it doesn't sound like the Unholy Mastery is going to scale that much.

Unholy's SR hits like a truck currently, but yeah I'm not sure if being able to use it earlier will really balance out to Frost having guaranteed crits. I still kinda hope they change Army to be instant, no rune cost, or channeled but can still attack (like Bloodletting from ZG).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Unholy's SR hits like a truck currently, but yeah I'm not sure if being able to use it earlier will really balance out to Frost having guaranteed crits.

Yeah, but so does Frost's. I suppose I haven't really specced Unholy seriously in a while. Maybe I'll spec it and give it a shot in MSV LFR (lol).

Also, I have an admission. I accidentally queued for MSV Pt. 2 as a tank and didn't even notice it until mid fight with the Spirit Kings. I immediately left midfight because I was way too embarrassed to have 24 other dudes yelling at me for being Windwalker the whole fight. =(


There's still no reason to log in outside of raid nights once your rep grind is done. So if you're arguing that the rep grinds are optional then there's still nothing to do. But rep grinds aren't optional, how else do you spend valor when the ilvl NPC goes away? You can't. The system significantly wounds heroics. LFR as is is a mediocre fix/replacement; most intro raids weren't that hard.

I have challenge modes for challenging content, pet battles and scenarios for something to do when I'm just logging on to talk to people or the like.

When the upgrade NPC goes away, I'm going to stop capping valor and just go back to doing what I want when I want it.

But to double back on the reps, rep grinds for enchants are required but rep grinds for gear aren't? An augment to your gear is crossing the line, but putting the non-raid, non-PvP vertical progression that's existed in the game since TBC entirely behind a rep wall is not something to be concerned with? I don't see how. The enchants were at least BoA, you only had to do it once and all your characters were set; MoP merely mitigates the amount of rep grinding you do on your alts.

Because you have LFR and actual raids for PvE gear. If you're not doing either, why do you need better gear? None of the stuff from the factions is more than a sidegrade.


Looked up a fight on WoL

Average hit for Unholy: 182k
Average hit for Frost: 110k

Decent increase, I actually hope Unholy becomes viable, I'd like to try out a new spec for awhile. I've only ever played Frost.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Looked up a fight on WoL

Average hit for Unholy: 182k
Average hit for Frost: 110k

Decent increase, I actually hope Unholy becomes viable, I'd like to try out a new spec for awhile. I've only ever played Frost.

They also changed Plague Strike to apply both FF and BP, so perhaps, but the reality is that on a typical fight reapplication of diseases isn't' the problem.


Because you have LFR and actual raids for PvE gear. If you're not doing either, why do you need better gear? None of the stuff from the factions is more than a sidegrade.

Irrelevant as Blizzard thinks I should get them; this was settled when TBC was developed and came out providing non-raid based, non-PvP based upgrades.

Why does solo play provide rewards in the middle of raiding and grouping? For a game that people have complained de-emphasized groups too much, they just de-emphasized them more.
So last night I decided to hop into BGs without any PvP gear just to see what would happen. I needed those two wins for the legendary.

Silvershard I actually did pretty okay in. We lost the first one but steamrolled the second. Considering my lack of gear, my goal was to do as much damage as I could and basically distract people until someone who could actually get a kill came to assist me. :p

The second one, the name escapes me at the moment, I was HORRID in. We got steamrolled the first game, but the second must have been a premade or something. The level of coordination was ridiculous. We won in like 3 minutes and I got the achievement for winning with all four orbs or whatever. I barely did any damage but I never died cause I had so many heals. They just got the orbs and we turtled in the middle and picked people off. It was probably the most flawless PvP win I've ever seen in this game so far.

In regards to my earlier confusion about the 5.2 part of the legendary, it is a meta socket gem for your helmet. Am I allowed to be confused/upset about it now?


the blizzard enforced pvp was rather fun for me
got both on first try and blood in full tank gear in pvp vs undeargeared opponents was hilarious
there was this one poor rogue who blew pretty much every CD he had, stunned me multiple times, didn't get me below 85% :D


In regards to my earlier confusion about the 5.2 part of the legendary, it is a meta socket gem for your helmet. Am I allowed to be confused/upset about it now?

Is it already known how you get that? Will I need to have completed all the other legendary quests first? Will it be Sigils again? Cause then I might get it around 5.4 at the rate I am (not) getting Sigils out of current LFRaiding content.


Is it already known how you get that? Will I need to have completed all the other legendary quests first? Will it be Sigils again? Cause then I might get it around 5.4 at the rate I am (not) getting Sigils out of current LFRaiding content.

They're upping the drop rate on items and sigils from the 5.0 LFRs in 5.2.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sounds to me like there isn't going to be any legendary weapon at all. I can't say I feel like the Wrathion quests have really worked all that well so far.
Is it already known how you get that? Will I need to have completed all the other legendary quests first? Will it be Sigils again? Cause then I might get it around 5.4 at the rate I am (not) getting Sigils out of current LFRaiding content.

I imagine that it will be something both stupid and time consuming, and you'll need to have the other quests done before you can move to step three.

At least you could do 5.0 in LFR, though. Only getting the sigils in normals is something that probably would have made me quit playing.

Still hoping for a normal mode Claws of Shek'zeer before 5.2. :/

Angry Grimace said:
Sounds to me like there isn't going to be any legendary weapon at all. I can't say I feel like the Wrathion quests have really worked all that well so far.
See, this is why I'm so frustrated about it. Why wouldn't they just let you keep upgrading the weapon? You could still have weapons dropping to use WHILE you upgrade your weapon, since that's going to take some time. A meta gem is just so fucking boring.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Forgot to mention this earlier, I had an instant queue for a fresh Terrace as dps earlier today. What the hell?

Terrace has the best rewards so its not that surprising. The only reason it doesn't have the fastest queues is because the kind of people that run LFR a lot either don't qualify to run Terrace or have everything they need from it.

I don't really understand the point of VP in LFR being on a per-segment basis as opposed to just giving you say, 50 VP per boss. Even assuming that it incentivizes leaving early, the reality is that it's pretty much irrelevant who you run LFR with and something like 100% of LFRs probably are completed successfully since the system replaces people so quickly.


Neo Member
MMO-Champion have got the pvp changes for 5.2 and beyond to help make the competition improved so you don't get nuked in 2 seconds.


I wish they could improve it now, I am trying to pvp both my lock and mistweaver monk and it's a exercise in extreme frustration, even when you have full dreadful you're still on a hiding to nothing.


Today was a nice day.





Kael was not so kind to me but that would have been the ultimate WoW day ever then!

This is the point where I regret selling all my Arcanite for really low prices...

Yeah this bit me in the ass too, I had a ton of arcane crystals in my bank, and sold them a couple months back. Also grats! Onyxia > Alar


I don't see ow the quest gets improved by having to kill 5 more mobs...

There's literally hundreds of interesting and fun things I'd never have seen if I could simply have gone 200 feet into the air and flown in a straight line to the number marked on my map.

I don't like viewing the game as a bunch of numbers. Believe it or not, some exploration helps with that.
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