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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Quick question, are paladins still stupidly underpowered in PvP? I quit the game partly because of that. I had decent gear and I felt like I needed to work twice as hard as a warrior in green gear.


So how's capping conquest work these days? I see a lot of will carry for 100g in 2s, how many games does that take? I like have zero pvp gear on my warrior and sick of getting stomped by arena geared alliance when I get jumped in a 1 in 1.


It used to appear as a red bubble and would block X amount of damage I swear. Saying this I tanked during Wotlk so my memory is hazy at best.

Oh, yeah I am not sure about an animation, don't remember anything about any of that, but it still does block x amount of damage, a % of what Death Strike heals for (scaling with mastery).


Really Really Exciting Member!
There is already some early 5.3 patch notes on MMOchampion. That's fast! The patch doesn't mention anything about a new raid though, so it might just be another 5.1.

A few things that i like :


Bonus Roll
Protection for bad luck streaks have been added to bonus rolls. Each bonus roll that does not provide loot has a progressively better chance to award loot to the player.
The Voidbinders are back in capital cities and shrines.

PvE Item Upgrades
Items upgradable by Valor now require 250 Valor to upgrade per 4 item levels, for a total of 500 Valor for 8 item levels per item. This is retroactive to all items that use Valor.
Items upgradable by Justice now require 750 Justice to upgrade per 8 item levels, for a total of 750 Justice for 8 item levels per item. This is retroactive to all items that use Justice.

The Valor price makes more sense now, 1500 was way too much in the past.


I love my Frost DK personally, but yeah, I only PvE and honestly can't remember which 90 talent I even picked. I just never use it.

Really? I use Remorseless Winter on basically every trash pack. Anything to help keep the damage to the tank down is a good thing.


They've said as much actually, their plan going forward (for this expansion anyway, who knows about next) is to have 1 huge patch and then 1 small patch, both worked on at the same time by 2 teams. So basically unless something goes horribly wrong 5.4 will be the final raid patch of the expansion and they've already said that we may get a 5.5 that is another small patch.

Also the quest section of the notes says "coming soon" but based on a few interviews over the past month they've said that there will be more story quests that focus on the people "back home" dealing with how the world has changed and will have Varian bringing the alliance closer and pushing the horde apart, so, that should be cool.


Can't really see how 5.4 will be the final raid patch (at this new improved rate of release), would leave way too big a gap between it and the release of the next xpac, which IIRC is slated for release at the end of 2014. I thought Blizzard said they were trying to avoid these long delays from final patch until next xpac release like we suffered through in Wrath and Cata.

Hmm I would expect another raid patch after we kill Garrosh, more a Sunwell with another island worth of dailies (just like 5.2) than a Ruby Sanctum.
I do not understand why the final room of Troves of the Thunder King is not wall to wall golden chests. It's a little frustrating to take all the risk of getting to the big troll at the end only to find there's only one golden chest behind him this week.

Is it completely random or do the layouts rotate amongst several recognizable patterns?


Hmm had a good TOES LFR and than Sha, got a clock off first boss, got a trinket off last boss, got the same trinket for my bonus roll (after not seeing it drop once in like 20 kills lol), got tier pants off sha which gave me 4/5 tier and were an upgrade to my 483 lfr pants... but than I kill galleon... no loot or nothing.. ffs..

I killed Sha the day after maintance, got nothing, my saved instances addon said I've already done sha and galleon for the week, put in a ticket, got a response 4 days later that it was alright now, worked for sha, galleon still fucked up.

No point putting in a ticket now, would be reset by the time they look at it.

Anyone else go through this?


Can't really see how 5.4 will be the final raid patch (at this new improved rate of release), would leave way too big a gap between it and the release of the next xpac, which IIRC is slated for release at the end of 2014. I thought Blizzard said they were trying to avoid these long delays from final patch until next xpac release like we suffered through in Wrath and Cata.

Hmm I would expect another raid patch after we kill Garrosh, more a Sunwell with another island worth of dailies (just like 5.2) than a Ruby Sanctum.

Well, that is just going on what blizzard has said pre-release (all the way back to blizzcon where the first big MoP info dump came). If you just go and read some of the interviews they haven't even said 5.5 is a guaranteed thing before the next expansion.

It's all kind of a mess really, they've been telling us before TBC launched that they plan to release 1 expansion every year, and yet so far 3/3 times they have failed, Sunwell came nearly a year after BT because wotlk wasn't ready, ICC and DS speak for themselves. Maybe they can actually deliver on the promise this time seeing as they have been doing a good job with patches so far.

That said I've always been in the camp of not wanting it anyway, never understood why they wanted to ditch the pacing of Vanilla. 4 raid tiers roughly 6 months apart. Expansions (that aren't TBC) are always a big reset to character power and maybe it's just me but I always feel like I am starting fresh where as during the expansion you actually feel like you are progressively getting stronger. I'd honestly kill for a 2 year expansion with raids spaced like the vanilla ones with the MoP style small but content-filled expansions 3ish months after a raid patch, butttt, Blizz keeps saying they just want faster expansions instead.


Really? I use Remorseless Winter on basically every trash pack. Anything to help keep the damage to the tank down is a good thing.

I only LFR, so that's probably why, I should start using it occasionally.


Also, are we sure 5.4 is Orgrimmar raid? With their new way of patching, it could be 5.6.


formerly nacire
To be fair, that actually makes the chance to get one decent (whichi is more in line with what you tend to observe in game), just getting all 3 is going to be awful.

It actually wasn't too bad and I'm finding grinding bones on the Isle of Giants to be a much bigger pain in the ass. Also, as a hunter, I'm still able to solo warbringers after the hotfix even if they have the horrific visage buff. As for bone farming, I only farm until I get an egg drop and then I break until I need another egg. So far I've gotten 3 eggs which have yielded two black primal raptors and one green primal raptor. Also, I'm only at like 1200 bones while some of my friends have already hit the 9999 mark.



Also, as a hunter, I'm still able to solo warbringers after the hotfix even if they have the horrific visage buff.

Any tips for that? Does your pet just tank him and survive fairly easy, or what? I originally got my hunter to 90 before my DK in hopes of using him to solo Warbringers but the only hunters I'd seen solo them were using conc shot to kite them around in circles as their pets seemed to die pretty fast.

Also what is your approach to dinosaurs? Can you solo the bigger dinosaurs on the island or have you been going after the smaller ones? I'd rather farm bones on my hunter since he is a skinner, but, I wasn't entirely sure what all a hunter can handle on his own.
Double post, but hey guys


Grats! WoW's been really good to me too since I resubbed three months ago. Killed Illidan 7 times on my DK, 6th time dropped the OH, 7th the MH. And I finally got Ashes this week too, which I didn't even expect to use since I had Invincible from my WotLK raiding days, but after using it in person it won me over, so coooooooool looking :D Had to make a /castrandom between the two, but it gets streaky since clipping the mount cast (and who doesn't) doesn't count as a finished cast, so it'll redo it next time -_- #firstWoWproblems


formerly nacire
Any tips for that? Does your pet just tank him and survive fairly easy, or what? I originally got my hunter to 90 before my DK in hopes of using him to solo Warbringers but the only hunters I'd seen solo them were using conc shot to kite them around in circles as their pets seemed to die pretty fast.

Also what is your approach to dinosaurs? Can you solo the bigger dinosaurs on the island or have you been going after the smaller ones? I'd rather farm bones on my hunter since he is a skinner, but, I wasn't entirely sure what all a hunter can handle on his own.

Use a beetle or turtle, glyph of mending and animal bond for healing your pet. Also get the talent spirit bond, it's essential to pet tanking. Expect to keep mend pet up the entire time. Also, you're going to find managing your aggro to be a real pain since the hotfix. Kite with cheetah if need be until you can drop your aggro back to the pet. Also, you can use misdirect to keep aggro on your pet as well.

I run survival for the dots on these guys. For talents I run fervor, crows and barrage. You can easily multi-shot or barrage when scarabs are summoned. As far as horrific visage is concerned, if you have aggro and it gets cast, just feign death before the cast finishes. If you don't have aggro then you can just let your pet get feared. It can be a pain chasing your pet, but its not too big of a deal.

Also, I can't think of the add that gets summoned that floats about, but it hits incredibly hard and you'll want to get aggro as soon as it comes out. Then just kite it as your pet continues to tank the warbringer. That's about it really the meteor storm and lightning crash are easily healed through for your pet.

Dino's are also all soloable except the huge T-rex mobs. Their aoe roar is just too much to deal with solo. So there are two ways to go about these guys. You can bring a dps pet and kite them or you can bring a tank pet and tank them. The only real thing to worry about is stay out of range for the double swipe and moving in close as they begin to cast the charge. Once you get close enough the charge simply wont happen. Also, you can out range the charge if you're kiting. It's a huge distance though so expect to use a speed boost or disengage to get out of range for it.

Some additional comments would be post-haste is a great talent for kiting for the speed boost as is the glyph to increase your disengage distance. Binding shot is also incredibly powerful when kiting the dino as it provides a long stun where you can dps. As far as fervor goes, a lot of people like Thrill of the Hunt, but I prefer to control my extra focus a little more. For example, when using binding shot, if you're low on focus just pop fervor and go at it. With Thrill of the Hunt, you might not get a proc and might be out of focus.


So I'll be getting back into the game for the first time in a while this summer. My main is a shammy, but with the scroll of resurrection I get to auto-level an alt to 80 for free.

While I haven't really gotten too into PvP in the past, it's something that interests me, so I'd like for my "auto-leveled" alt to be a PvP-friendly class. What do you guys see as some of the most viable PvP classes in 5.2?


Really Really Exciting Member!
So...here i am healing this Terrace LFR, and out of nowhere, some priest dude say this about my character, and i quote :

"Youre so beautiful, if i were a real wow character, i'd fucked the shit out of you"


I know she looks nice in that gear, but still.



Awesome, this is a lot of good info to think about. My DK is at the point where all I can really do is LFR to gear him up some more so I should be able to work on my hunter some more, just wasn't sure if he could kill the dinosaurs or not (will probably end up going after the Direhorns since like you say the Devilsaurs are brutal with that roar, not to mention they have a lot more HP than the large Direhorns).


Also, are we sure 5.4 is Orgrimmar raid? With their new way of patching, it could be 5.6.

They've said so already (scroll down to the Gamebreaker stuff), of course that can change with time but this is the current plan.


So...here i am healing this Terrace LFR, and out of nowhere, some priest dude say this about my character, and i quote :

"Youre so beautiful, if i were a real wow character, i'd fucked the shit out of you"


I know she looks nice in that gear, but still.

Argh, can't remember where that axe drops, care to enlighten me ?


I actually cancelled my sub after a few years now. I was only doing some boring random things in game, not worth the sub. I hope the next expansion brings some excitement again, or maybe I don't hope that. Can we expect an announcement this Blizzcon?


No One Remembers
I actually cancelled my sub after a few years now. I was only doing some boring random things in game, not worth the sub. I hope the next expansion brings some excitement again, or maybe I don't hope that. Can we expect an announcement this Blizzcon?

There's quite a lot of potential announcements at this year's BlizzCon:
- Next WoW Expansion
- Titan/"Next Gen MMO"
- Diablo 3 Expansion
- Starcraft 2 Episode 3 (is that what we're calling them?) information

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Grats! WoW's been really good to me too since I resubbed three months ago. Killed Illidan 7 times on my DK, 6th time dropped the OH, 7th the MH. And I finally got Ashes this week too, which I didn't even expect to use since I had Invincible from my WotLK raiding days, but after using it in person it won me over, so coooooooool looking :D Had to make a /castrandom between the two, but it gets streaky since clipping the mount cast (and who doesn't) doesn't count as a finished cast, so it'll redo it next time -_- #firstWoWproblems

I've got so far Ashes of Al'ar, Onyxian Drake, Raven Lord, Rivendare's, Ultramarine Battle Tank, White Hawkstrider and the North Wind drake from Vortex Pinnacle. Still gunning for Stone Drake from Stonecore and a few others, Maly mounts come to mind.


Seeing a bunch of posts about people queuing for LFR and keep getting the last boss, Blizzard should throw in a fail bag for completing LFR whether or not you've cleared it that week. At least give those people a reason to stick around.


There's quite a lot of potential announcements at this year's BlizzCon:
- Next WoW Expansion
- Titan/"Next Gen MMO"
- Diablo 3 Expansion
- Starcraft 2 Episode 3 (is that what we're calling them?) information

I wonder how many of these we'll actually see.

I think WoW X5 is a lock for BlizzCon.
Titan - teaser?
Diablo III X1 - I think they'll want to get more info out sooner than later on this one, so maybe an E3 announcement and details at BlizzCon? I think E3 makes sense because they'll announce it'll come out simultaneously on PC and consoles (just a thought)
SC2 X2 - teaser seems likely
Hearthstone - release should be around this time

That's a ton of BlizzCon content.


They could probably get away with not showing Legacy of the Void stuff, save that for one of the overseas tournament finals.


I wonder how many of these we'll actually see.

I think WoW X5 is a lock for BlizzCon.
Titan - teaser?
Diablo III X1 - I think they'll want to get more info out sooner than later on this one, so maybe an E3 announcement and details at BlizzCon? I think E3 makes sense because they'll announce it'll come out simultaneously on PC and consoles (just a thought)
SC2 X2 - teaser seems likely
Hearthstone - release should be around this time

That's a ton of BlizzCon content.

The next WoW expansion set announcement is definitely a lock. Titan really needs to be shown at this point in some way, shape or form. Let's just hope it's not an MMOFPS like it's always appeared to be :(


Really Really Exciting Member!
I just saw on MMOChampion that a guild just became the first one to kill Heroic Lei Shen 10.

Really, it took so long? That means no one has beaten Heroic Sha 10 yet..

Edit : Im dumb, that's a ToT boss. Damn names who are too similar.


Got the Cobalt Primordial Triceratops off Oondasta tonight. Doesn't look different enough from the others, imo, but it was still an OMG when it dropped.


formerly nacire
Got the Cobalt Primordial Triceratops off Oondasta tonight. Doesn't look different enough from the others, imo, but it was still an OMG when it dropped.

Grats! You know, I've seen like 3-4 of these on my server already, but still haven't seen a Sha or Galleon mount yet.


Grats! You know, I've seen like 3-4 of these on my server already, but still haven't seen a Sha or Galleon mount yet.

I have yet to see a Galleon mount on my server, but have seen Sha mounts. Imo the Sha one is the best of the world raid boss mount drops with the worst being...the one I have :(.


I have yet to see a Galleon mount on my server, but have seen Sha mounts. Imo the Sha one is the best of the world raid boss mount drops with the worst being...the one I have :(.

Oondasta should have dropped an Oondasta mount. How awesome would it be to ride around on a Devilsaur with lasers and armor!?
Hey, everyone in here.

I think I've taken an interest in World of Warcraft. Right now, I have not even played anything out of it yet, so you could say that I'm starting from a blank slate.

Should I try this game out?


Hey, everyone in here.

I think I've taken an interest in World of Warcraft. Right now, I have not even played anything out of it yet, so you could say that I'm starting from a blank slate.

Should I try this game out?

You are probably going to get a lot of yeses asking in a WoW thread, so I will just go ahead and say yes and more importantly you can try like the first 20 levels for free (with some restrictions I believe). The first 20 levels won't really begin to scratch the surface of what the game has to offer, but, may as well do it, it's a very easy game to get into.


No One Remembers
I just saw on MMOChampion that a guild just became the first one to kill Heroic Lei Shen 10.

Really, it took so long? That means no one has beaten Heroic Sha 10 yet..

Edit : Im dumb, that's a ToT boss. Damn names who are too similar.

Lol, yeah their names are way too similar. :\ When I saw the boss list in ToT, I thought "Why is that boss from ToES the final boss in ToT?!"


I know "lorelol" but...

Anyone know of any videos regarding lore? I am kinda looking for something that sums up the lore in WoW and the expansions, since i have not read a single quest since..ever... and would like to get a better feeling of what has happened and what is happening.

I was watching this one:

Lore For Noobs : The Horde (Complete Series)

And i enjoyed it, any other videos similar to it?


I dunno about videos, but honestly you should go to wowpedia and just read, it's without a doubt the best source to catch up on lore stuff since it's a wiki and you can just click on stuff that interests you. They have this handy timeline page that basically has a collective timeline for the entire universe, and, when it gets to WoW stuff it is broken down on a patch by patch basis with relevant links so you can read character/dungeon/zone pages or whatever.

I mostly suggest reading over videos because you can just read what interests you, of course, depending on how much interests you it can be a scary thing, I've lost hours at a time to WoWpedia (and WoWwiki back in the day) but I REGRET NOTHING.
I actually just spent about an hour reading random stuff while waiting for LFR


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Oondasta should have dropped an Oondasta mount. How awesome would it be to ride around on a Devilsaur with lasers and armor!?

It would literally be the best thing ever.

Having just got into the 5.2 stuff, I am extremely covetous of a direhorn mount and happy that the sweet red one is a rep reward instead of rare drop. Also, I was parked on Isle of Thunder for a good chunk of the weekend taking out rares, but alas no greenfire book yet.


Having just got into the 5.2 stuff, I am extremely covetous of a direhorn mount and happy that the sweet red one is a rep reward instead of rare drop. Also, I was parked on Isle of Thunder for a good chunk of the weekend taking out rares, but alas no greenfire book yet.

I hate that the Red one is Horde only and the Alliance counterpart is an ugly Yellowish thing, but the blue one is one of the drops.

There's no justice.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I hate that the Red one is Horde only and the Alliance counterpart is an ugly Yellowish thing, but the blue one is one of the drops.

There's no justice.




So, this weekend I finally got the last of my 6k Valor points, and could move on to the next part of the second stage; Bloodhilt (which I'm sure my guild will happily do with me)... and the PvP quest. When I am a tank, and a devoted tank, with little to no aptitude for PvP, when my cotank has been raging about struggling to get wins (in particular ranting about the 'horde advantage in silvershard mines') for a while.

Did Kotmogu first try, getting a bunch of achievements; Silvershard took me three. Dunno what all the fuss was about.


I hate that the Red one is Horde only and the Alliance counterpart is an ugly Yellowish thing, but the blue one is one of the drops.

There's no justice.

Red is always best in my book, but, I don't particularly like how the red one has no markings or anything on it. The golden one has a bunch of like scar things on its sides and back while the drops all have the swirly symbol thing on their legs, red one is so plain outside of its amazing color.


So, this weekend I finally got the last of my 6k Valor points, and could move on to the next part of the second stage; Bloodhilt (which I'm sure my guild will happily do with me)... and the PvP quest. When I am a tank, and a devoted tank, with little to no aptitude for PvP, when my cotank has been raging about struggling to get wins (in particular ranting about the 'horde advantage in silvershard mines') for a while.

Did Kotmogu first try, getting a bunch of achievements; Silvershard took me three. Dunno what all the fuss was about.

People tend to whine a lot in WoW. A lot.

Red is always best in my book, but, I don't particularly like how the red one has no markings or anything on it. The golden one has a bunch of like scar things on its sides and back while the drops all have the swirly symbol thing on their legs, red one is so plain outside of its amazing color.

Horde favoritism!


No One Remembers
So, this weekend I finally got the last of my 6k Valor points, and could move on to the next part of the second stage; Bloodhilt (which I'm sure my guild will happily do with me)... and the PvP quest. When I am a tank, and a devoted tank, with little to no aptitude for PvP, when my cotank has been raging about struggling to get wins (in particular ranting about the 'horde advantage in silvershard mines') for a while.

Did Kotmogu first try, getting a bunch of achievements; Silvershard took me three. Dunno what all the fuss was about.


My Silvershard was done in one, and I took like 4 games for Kotmogu. I had no problems with it, and I think it's pretty awesome that Blizzard had this as part of the questline.

PvE all-stars are hilarious - "oh my god, Blizzard is making me do another facet of the game?!?"
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