Actually, on that note: I love MoP dearly, but it could really do with a bit less linearity in the raids. A bit of choice for what to work on would make our life a lot easier when we have to deal with not having a second tank occasionally.
I agree with you. I miss some of the Cata raids where you could just pick and choose who to do first (and ICC was great for that too with letting you choose the wings in any order).
Right now if you're stuck at a boss, you're stuck at it no matter what, which is pretty shitty.
AFAIK there's no single tank fights in ToT, right? Everything is 2 tanks (from what I've seen in LFR anyway) so there's no point in me having a DPS spec anymore, which kinda sucks. I loved DPSing Spirit Kings and the first boss of HoF, it was a nice break from the usual routine.
And omg Council was nerfed and it's still a clusterfuck. We need to get Sul down faster, or manage the empowered boss better or something, because it's ridiculous. We typically get Sul down to like 25% but by then we're dying.
We're also trying to do it this way:
Kill Sul first but deal with empowered
I tank Mar'li exclusively because I have great tools against her spirits (Chillblains + Icy Chains = root for 3 seconds that can't break + death grip just in case) but my magic defense is unbelievably sucky (2 interrupts and AMS), while if our warrior tanks it, he sucks at stopping the Loa since he has no real tools but he has 2 interrupts and 2 ways to get rid of the damage from the spells.
Our MT is also trying to live through being stunned, which I think might be a mistake, but then again when I get both Mar'li and Malak I'm almost insta gibbed because I get destroyed by the casts. We'll have to figure something out for that tonight.