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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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LFR lets you see all the raids now. Probably the biggest difference.

Pretty much.

But it depends on what your definition of "solo" is. Do you mean strictly activities to do on your own, or what? Because LFR is certainly made for solo people who don't want to do real raiding since it's very forgiving and you que for it LFD style, but, it is still a group activity in that you are playing with 24 other people.

That said, even if it is just content you can do purely on your own MoP has gone a long way of adding stuff to do. There isn't some big end all be all solo progression or anything, but, 90% of their "ways to make people go out into the world" has revolved around solo stuff. It's been things like special treasures hidden around the world you can find (all of which have useful or fun uses), the rare spawns in each zones that are fun to fight/drop unique items, archaeology improvements like getting pristine artifacts to put on display in your own mini-museum, the brawler's guild which is an area where you fight challenging solo bosses (granted for this one you still need at least LFR level gear to get past the later fights), pet battles, and so on. Mists has been all about adding little things to the game to diversify what you spend your time doing if you so choose to.

The daily quest and rep system is still there but it's been changed pretty differently from how it has worked in the past. There are no more tabards to just grind dungeons for rep, but, at the same time most of what you get from reps is vanity items. Only 4 of the original reps added in Mists has usable gear, but, at this point in the expansion if you don't want to do dailies it can all be 99% ignored and moving forward Blizzard has made it a goal to make any gear you get from max level quests fairly worse than what you will find in even just LFR. Also pretty much every one of the hubs is all about fast quests, there is really only 1 hub in MoP that is on the level of stuff like Hodir or the Argent Tourney in wrath that was fairly time consuming to finish all their quests.


Super random but I haven't played this game since exactly 1 month after Cata came out. I logged on yesterday with a free 10 day trial and my guild is totally gone/dead. How is this game now looking at it from a strictly solo perspective? I always had a guild for raiding/pvp but now I'm thinking about just playing the game as casually as possible.

I guess what I'm asking is, has the old school "grind your dailies then log style" of solo play evolved at all?

It will take you a while to get to 90, since the levels take a long time even with rested XP, but scenarios have added a good way for fresh 90's to grind out gear and valor, and they're instant queues even on low-pop servers. You can also queue for scenarios, heroics and raids at the same time, so you're not just sitting on your ass waiting for a pop. If you don't want to do the dailies, it's perfectly viable to solo queue your way to relevancy.


3-man instances. Shorter than dungeons and instant-queue for all classes.

Worth mentioning that they are insta-que because they have no role requirement. It just gets the first 3 people in line and puts them in it regardless of spec. The majority of them take less than 10 minutes to run if you know what you're doing and they aren't really bound by the trash -> boss structure of dungeons so they can be more creative with what you do in them. For example one of my favorites involves you running around gathering materials to speed the production of bases.
Worth mentioning that they are insta-que because they have no role requirement. It just gets the first 3 people in line and puts them in it regardless of spec. The majority of them take less than 10 minutes to run if you know what you're doing and they aren't really bound by the trash -> boss structure of dungeons so they can be more creative with what you do in them. For example one of my favorites involves you running around gathering materials to speed the production of bases.

That one and the bombing run are probably my favorites. Scenarios so far are good, but not great. I think they have a lot of potential though and I'm really looking forward to the new ones in 5.3.


That one and the bombing run are probably my favorites. Scenarios so far are good, but not great. I think they have a lot of potential though and I'm really looking forward to the new ones in 5.3.

I like the bombing run one as well, especially once I learned you can kill the trash on the way to the towers. It's pretty awesome to murder every guy in front of the first named mob before you even land.

Also on the topic of them being good not great, I think they face the same problem as 5 mans really. There is nothing really challenging about scenarios, their fun comes from their creativity. 5 mans have challenge mode versions which turn those boring dungeons into something actually a lot of fun, so, I am pretty interested to see how Heroic scenarios turn out next patch. The increased health/damage is good since it means a lot of the avoidable mechanics may 1 shot you, and, since scenarios are all about how fast you can clear one having bonus objectives (and specifically bonus objectives based on time) is a brilliant idea.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Hm, does sound there's a lot to do even without my friends anymore.

well..few observations..

1) the game runs surprisingly well on a mac mini with 8gigs
2) forgot how decked out my 85 sham was, although i can tell some shit has changed with him
3) queued for an av and won the same as however many years ago, thats nice

I think I might be in for coming back and playing casually..

guess I'll edit in a few more questions:

Any go to forums/places anymore for wow stuff? Back in the day it was EJ or..whatever the european super guild was back then..
Also what about mods? Still curse.com? Still titan panel+xperl? =P


Hm, does sound there's a lot to do even without my friends anymore.

well..few observations..

1) the game runs surprisingly well on a mac mini with 8gigs
2) forgot how decked out my 85 sham was, although i can tell some shit has changed with him
3) queued for an av and won the same as however many years ago, thats nice

I think I might be in for coming back and playing casually..

guess I'll edit in a few more questions:

Any go to forums/places anymore for wow stuff? Back in the day it was EJ or..whatever the european super guild was back then..
Also what about mods? Still curse.com? Still titan panel+xperl? =P

Curse is still the hub for addons from what I understand.



Looks like they're 476 epics, which you can already buy a 476 belt for gold from the Sunreaver Onslaught at Honored! Not a big deal really.

Thanks dude, do you know a small guide or something else because i want to restart wow after a 1 year break, played semi-core before.


Looks like they're 476 epics, which you can already buy a 476 belt for gold from the Sunreaver Onslaught at Honored! Not a big deal really.

Yeah, also those aren't really "free". There is a weekly quest that gets you a mojo. You combine that mojo to get the item, nothing special really. It just means gearing up for ToT will become faster, though, based on what we've seen I believe you can only get 1 mojo per week which means only 1 item per week I do believe. Of course nothing is finalized yet.

Curse is still the hub for addons from what I understand.


Of course it's worth noting still that Elitist Jerks is still around and most classes have really good guides/discussion as well. I like noxxic and all since it's a great place for beginners but they aren't very good at explaining that their specs/guides are pretty much just the foundation and a lot of talents and abilities have situational uses. Too many people seem to take their info as law, it's annoying.


I would think solo-tanking Council would be a total bitch, if only for the fact that Mar'li is a nightmare. If you tank all 3 together, her spirits will reach their targets faster than anybody can kill them, which would be a huge problem. The only way to make that work is to kite Sul and Malak when she starts casting, and hope that the DPS is on the ball, but then you have incoming damage from Sul + Malak + Mar'li, which is a lot :)

I was thinking having a melee on her interrupting as much as possible but keeping her separate from the pack. Her physical damage *seems* fairly weedy (plate melee would probably be smart, though!), and the bolts are, I believe, randomly targetted?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
What are the popular servers nowadays? I've always been on Kilrogg but I have no clue how populated it is anymore. Does it even matter anymore with everything cross server..


What are the popular servers nowadays? I've always been on Kilrogg but I have no clue how populated it is anymore. Does it even matter anymore with everything cross server..

You can do anything cross server except raid the latest raid on Normal/Heroic difficulty and join someone's guild. So if those 2 things don't appeal to you then there isn't much reason to be anywhere else unless you just like being around more people.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yeah I just checked my server pop and it still seems one of the highest in the original bg9, so I guess it's still as lively as ever. Guilds I def have no interest in now that mine is dead. Raids..eventually I guess I'll try those ez mode raids. I still need to find somewhere to read about what the hell even changed goin from cata->panda.


Any go to forums/places anymore for wow stuff? Back in the day it was EJ or..whatever the european super guild was back then..
Also what about mods? Still curse.com? Still titan panel+xperl? =P

It's been said, but curse has just about every addon you want. I am addon-lite but still have bartender, npcscan, DBM and such. The class forums on MMO-Champ or the role forums on the official forums usually answer any specific questions in a timely fashion, although they have some less savoy members as well. Heck, you could probably ask here too.

EJ still has info, but some of it for certain classes is outdated. I don't really blame them, as some classes change a fair amount from patch to patch.

Dailies were pretty bad at the game start, and are still kind of annoying for rep purposes, but they alleviated a lot of the complaints. Alts are a bit more annoying now since a lot of patterns are tied into rep if your thing is having a lot of crafts, but it still isn't that bad. There's a lot of different hubs now and the ilvl difference between patches isn't quite as large as it used to be so if you get bored with one you can do other things and still get viable gear.

Some things to check out:

Tiller's Farm/Halfhill Market (Harvest Moon-esque farming and extensive cooking quests, eventually get your own farm with enough work)
Isle of Giants (kill giant dinos in a group (or baby dinos solo by most classes), loot their bones, trade them in)
Isle of Thunder (the current daily hub with a variety of daily areas and unlockables via solo scenarios)
Brawler's Guild (mainly for DPS but I got Rank 4 on my MW Monk for the pet, face increasingly tough mobs one-on-one)
Pet Battles (a pretty deep mini game using vanity pets in Pokemon style combat, complete with Rare quality pets, Master Tamers, legendary "wild" elites, and vanity items/new pets as rewards)

And scenarios/LFR/LFD have already been mentioned. There's a lot of different launch dailies too that have a story behind them (Klaxxi, August Celestials, Shado Pan, Golden Lotus, Cloud Serpents ect) and you can do whatever you want. The real meat starts when you hit 90.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Much thanks for all that above info. Sounds interesting, honestly. But now I'm trying to wrap my head around wtf happened to my talents/specs..


Much thanks for all that above info. Sounds interesting, honestly. But now I'm trying to wrap my head around wtf happened to my talents/specs..

Everything you got from talent trees in previous expansions is just rolled into your spec now. If you look at your spellbook and go to the end you will see a ton of passive abilities of things you used to have to spec into. The new talent trees are all about situational abilities. The good tiers all focus on 1 general concept and offer different ways to achieve it (for example first tier of Shaman talents are all defensive abilities, second tier is all about CC, third tier is about totem management, and so on).

Also your spellbook will have a "what's changed" tab, it's actually pretty nifty for people just coming back to the game like yourself, or, alts you haven't touched in a long time.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Awesome I will check out the tab. Yeah this is about my 9th or 10th proper time returning from an extended break to this game. Very different now though since I plan on playing so casually. I think it might be the first time I sit back and actually read quest text..


Awesome I will check out the tab. Yeah this is about my 9th or 10th proper time returning from an extended break to this game. Very different now though since I plan on playing so casually. I think it might be the first time I sit back and actually read quest text..

If you want to know what is going on in the story quest text is more important than ever in MoP imo, pretty much all of Pandaria is entirely new lore so after the initial "landing" on continent you get thrown out to explore the land. And I mean that quite literally, at least Alliance side (I assume horde is the same) after some of the initial quests one of the NPCs is like "we'll be back in 2 months time, go explore the land until then".

The quests set up the land, the races, the raids, everything.


That would be TBC. Really all you need to know about talents is that EVERYTHING you got from talent trees before is now just rolled into your class/spec. As you level you unlock passive abilities that were those passive abilities you got from the talent trees anyway.

Also worth mentioning I guess is that every spec for every class in the game is legit now. TBC was moving a bit in that direction but things were still specialized quite a bit, but nowadays you can play whatever you want and be good at it.

Also your choice is probably the right one, Cataclysm completely revamped the 1-60 leveling experience. Every zone (save a few specific cases) got new quests and the whole process has been sped up. It will only take you a week or so (if you play every night) to get a character to where your other ones are.

Yeah, I played around a bit with my mage and got him where I liked it again. Tried my Warrior though and couldn't get the hang of him again. I leveled him from 10-70 using nothing but PVP, so going PVE even after the break really felt weird.


And I mean that quite literally, at least Alliance side (I assume horde is the same) after some of the initial quests one of the NPCs is like "we'll be back in 2 months time, go explore the land until then".
And then, two months later, patch 5.1 hit. I wonder if that NPC's dialogue has changed given that the content he was teasing is now available in the game.


And then, two months later, patch 5.1 hit. I wonder if that NPC's dialogue has changed given that the content he was teasing is now available in the game.

Dunno, but I think it's awesome they added something like that, I loved how they have actually had all of this planned out and have been dropping hints to stuff through the xpac.

Another cool one is 2 Blacktalon Agents that randomly appear in Vale of Eternal Blossoms and begin surveying the land, follow them around and they eventually point their survey gear over toward where the Horde are digging up next patch and have a conversation about if the Pandarens "know what they are sitting on." Pretty neat.


Dunno, but I think it's awesome they added something like that, I loved how they have actually had all of this planned out and have been dropping hints to stuff through the xpac.

Another cool one is 2 Blacktalon Agents that randomly appear in Vale of Eternal Blossoms and begin surveying the land, follow them around and they eventually point their survey gear over toward where the Horde are digging up next patch and have a conversation about if the Pandarens "know what they are sitting on." Pretty neat.

Are the Blacktalon Wrathion's guys?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
So..what was there justification behind totem changes. Now shamans aren't buffers..?


So..what was there justification behind totem changes. Now shamans aren't buffers..?

All of your totem buffs are now just passive buffs, you can find them at the end of your spellbook where the passive abilities are. By default you won't see the buff applied to you without being in a party, but, it's always active no matter what.

Totems are all now mini-cooldowns (most are about 30 sec to 1 min cd) except for searing totem which remains unchanged.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Kind of cool I guess, fits pvp style for pve. I'm just now reading through the forum guides to get a feel on current rotations. It doesn't seem like stat priority has changed much though so a lot of it is actually old info.


Kind of cool I guess, fits pvp style for pve. I'm just now reading through the forum guides to get a feel on current rotations. It doesn't seem like stat priority has changed much though so a lot of it is actually old info.

Yeah, most rotations just got refined even further from their Cata versions. I think only Warlocks saw absolutely major changes.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Yeah just doing the first few quests in Pandaria now and it's the same old elemental sham, except I'm still getting used to the lack of some totems and the use of some new ones. Not having stoneclaw is kinda weird. The talents in general seem less..fun, but I guess it was made that way so there weren't any totally useless talents anymore.


I was thinking having a melee on her interrupting as much as possible but keeping her separate from the pack. Her physical damage *seems* fairly weedy (plate melee would probably be smart, though!), and the bolts are, I believe, randomly targetted?

That could technically work. I know Sul's bolts are fully random, but I'm not 100% sure Mar'li's bolts are, though. I seemed to take a *lot* of damage when I was tanking her, and when I popped AMS I generated runic like a mofo so I think they're targeted. So essentially it would mean you're solo tanking her and Malakk throughout the entire fight, and Malakk is very annoying with his stun.

Not to mention you would have to deal with sandstorm, where you *need* to move a lot.

Anyway! We beat council last night - I was pretty amazed we did, actually. It's our first week on it and it's down! What we did was just stack Sul + Mar'li + Malakk, me and the other tank taunted off at around 10 stacks so we could avoid the stun, and burned down Sul.

What happened is this: Ppl would focus on Sul like crazy at the beginning of the fight, then when Malakk empowered we had most of the DPS on him. Then it got into the dude we like to call Blanka (I always forget his name lol), then Mar'li, then Sul. When Sul got empowered, he was at 27%, so getting him out of that and killing him proved relatively easy, but we still got 2 sandstorms, which would've been nice if we could've had only 1, but hey.

Once Sul is down and nobody is dead it's EZ-mode for this fight, which I find strange. I think this council fight is badly designed in that it's one of the very few fights I've had in MoP that gets easier as time goes on. It's very top-heavy - as I said, once Sul is down, it's so stupidly easy, there's zero risk of dying. Comparing that to most fights where the actual difficulty is during the last 20% or so, or one with increasing crap on the ground, etc.

I think burning down Sul is something they didn't think of when they designed the encounter. If you don't burn him down, it's a standard "it's rough all the time" type of fight, similar to Horridon, where there are no true easy phases.

We started Tortos, but failed miserably as people were getting used to kicking the turtles. It's no big deal, though - we're pretty happy we actually got to down Horridon + Council this week :)


That could technically work. I know Sul's bolts are fully random, but I'm not 100% sure Mar'li's bolts are, though. I seemed to take a *lot* of damage when I was tanking her, and when I popped AMS I generated runic like a mofo so I think they're targeted. So essentially it would mean you're solo tanking her and Malakk throughout the entire fight, and Malakk is very annoying with his stun.

Just popping in to say that Mar'li only attacks whoever she has threat on.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Lei Shen makes me hate LFR. wasted 2 hours last night because people can't figure out that you actually want to stand in things sometimes.


Lei Shen makes me hate LFR. wasted 2 hours last night because people can't figure out that you actually want to stand in things sometimes.

I managed to kill him in 4 tries on lfr. I'd like to think it was because I kinda stepped up to the plate and told people how important it was to spread out during the transition phases, as well as making it crystal clear to catch the bouncing ball.

But still, I think they should set a limit to how often the bouncing bolts can bounce in lfr.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The fight will probably get a decent nerf for LFR, which makes me sad. It isn't hard. Most of the mechanics are extremely simple "stand here when this happens" events. We even set up 4 quadrants for transition phase to split up the raid, and even when people went where they were supposed to, you still had idiots running away from each other during static/overcharge and not catching bouncers.


Just popping in to say that Mar'li only attacks whoever she has threat on.

Yeah, so solo-tanking it would be a nightmare. Her bolts are pretty hard hitting, and if you have Malakk stunning you at the same time, it's 15 seconds with zero mitigation, which is insanely dangerous.

I mean if I wanted to do it, I could pop AMS + VB every time just before I get stunned, but only VB would be active for a remotely useful amount of time.

The fight will probably get a decent nerf for LFR, which makes me sad. It isn't hard. Most of the mechanics are extremely simple "stand here when this happens" events. We even set up 4 quadrants for transition phase to split up the raid, and even when people went where they were supposed to, you still had idiots running away from each other during static/overcharge and not catching bouncers.

Yeah. I did it last wednesday and it took us 6 tries (and the other tank was a friend and we were able to nicely communicate over vent). These idiots have had their head bashed in with "Don't stand in stuff" that now they *never* do, even though they should.

I make a point of only doing them on tuesdays, now. Screw doing last wing of LFR on any other day - tuesday is the only day you'll find decent people now, which is ridiculous.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Just saw this :

Question - A new battleground and arena are planned for patch 5.3. This is really cool, do we have any more plans for battlegrounds and arenas and what can you share about these?

Answer - There is nothing new in the pipeline at this time. We may spend some time fixing older ones. We have a lot of data now about which Battlegrounds players are voting out of participating in, so that gives us some direction on which Battlegrounds we could potentially fix . . . or even cut.

Isle of conquest/strand of the ancients, it's been nice knowing you.


Just saw this :

Isle of conquest/strand of the ancients, it's been nice knowing you.

I'd imagine it's IoC and AV....although, if I could pick a third, I'd pick Strand.

I love AV, but I admit to blacklisting it. Mainly it's not PvP, it's a race.

They need to make it so you have to destroy the towers / seize them in a lattice. It may make them long again, like the old days, but it's the only way to really salvage it.

"in my opinion".


So I had an interesting idea about Frenzied Regeneration. The formula for the spell takes the larger of (Attack Power - Agility) X 2, or Stamina X 2.5. So if you are on a fight where Vengeance is going to be sustained super high, like Wind-Lord Mel'jarak or Tortos, your best survivability tool is actually going to be unglyphed FR because the heals are going to be enormous.

On top of that, you can also use a Darkmoon Firewater to boost AP without increasing Agility and, if you were for some reason a Tailor, also wear a Swordguard Embroidery for an AP proc. Then take Dream of Cenarius to boost the heals by an additional 30% whenever the healing buff is up.

Gonna have to try this..
So friends talked me into resubbing and swapping some characters over to the server they're on - Shadowsong I think it was.
Are you horde or alliance? I play alliance on Shadowsong so if you need anything feel free to hit me up. I play solely on my shaman named Hugmytotems.

Anyone here play a shaman at max level? I haven't played since the first month of MoP but I'm getting the itch again. I'm hesitant to play the shaman again because I really don't like the totem system. It seems like such an outdated concept. At the same time though I have no desire to level other characters to 90.

Do you other shamans enjoy the class? What spec do you use and why do you enjoy it?
I seem the be one of the few enhancement shamans still playing! I've been playing on my shaman as enhancement since I started it and absolutely love it. I'll admit it was boring to level until maelstrom weapon, though.

One thing to note: I've never actually tried any other spec on my shaman. I paid for dual spec but have never even selected a second one (though I'd probably pick resto just to have a different role choice). That said, I really enjoy enhancement because it's very active and offers a lot of versatility. I've always preferred melee classes, as well. But I feel like I can help a lot in "oh shit" situations by either tossing out heals with my maelstrom procs (less often in a raid but I can occasionally do it there), dropping my enhanced earth elemental for emergency tanking (did this a couple nights ago to tank trash in Heart of Fear when both tanks dropped out and we got bored waiting for more), as well as other things I can do with the situational totems.

Honestly, no idea how much of that an elemental shaman could also do. Probably most of it? There's a regular priority to a smaller set of abilities but even then there's still a lot of extra abilities I use frequently. In a regular raid I use a minimum of five different totems (all but searing totem go on CD) and probably a dozen abilities, some only as needed. Just makes me feel like I'm more than just DPS. My only complaint for enhancement is that AoE is a bit rough. Magma totem is pretty low for AoE and with how often tanks move the mobs around it can be frustrating having to replace the totem constantly. The only other method to really AoE is to flame shock, lava lash, and then fire nova. My problem is that lava lash is a ten second CD so if a new group of adds comes out and it's on the start of its CD I sit on my thumbs and can only really single target damage while everyone else is doing a good job hitting all enemies. On single target encounters I can usually be high up on DPS and it's not uncommon that I'm in the top five or better. But once there's three or more targets an elemental shaman will usually burst WAY above my damage and average out much higher than me, too.

So yeah, I love enhancement. I'd like to see some small changes to how we handle AoE but it's a trade off I accept. I feel we're built for single-target encounters and I enjoy excelling at those.

Lastly, I got applauded by a group the other night just because I played enhancement. Said they love us but never see my kind around anymore. Also ran into one in a raid and we stood around inside the raid after the end just to chat about shaman things because of our rarity. I have to believe enhancement shamans are one of the least common class+spec combinations.


I think you guys mean they will cut WSG and Twin Peaks, I make sure to blacklist them on all of my characters before going to pvp, worst BGs ever for normal BGs.

Honestly Strand is probably my second favorite battleground (right behind Temple), it's usually over in less than 10 minutes and the objective is so clear and obvious that even random terrible players can even contribute. It's like a breath of fresh air compared to wsg/twin peaks that can last 20 minutes.

As for the bigger battlegrounds, I actually don't think they will remove them, but certainly will change them. On Holinka's twitter a few weeks ago he said that they are considering turning the large BGs (maybe even including WG and TB) back into big-ass "epic" games again and putting them in a different tab in the honor screen, so you could que for either a short BG or a long BG, and they would change those longer ones to give more honor/conquest.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Are there any reputable cdkey places to grab Pandaria a bit cheaper?
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