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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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I saw the highlights from the interview with Method from a couple days ago about their Ra-den kill and I'm sort of confused. It says they raided 14-16 hours a day. How is that even possible? For that guild to be consistently on top of the World First lists, they have to have mostly the same core of players for every raid tier, but then all of those players have to be ready to raid 15 hours a day for several weeks in a row at some totally indeterminate time whenever Blizzard releases a patch? Even "professional" WoW players don't make money that resembles real job money. I mean, are they literally just permamently jobless and living at their parents houses?

I'm gonna be honest, this is something that has baffled me for a long time as well. All I can figure is it's 25 people who are completely jobless or have jobs that they set their own hours. I guess realistically in a game with ~9 million players it isn't that hard to find 25 people that fit that bill.

Actually, wasn't there a documentary about top world raiders or something? I seem to recall my friends making fun of a guy that played in a closet or something. Pretty sure that's a thing I'm remembering correctly, I should go look into that.
I decided to finally make an alt with the intention of keeping to it. I rarely start alts, most of them were to play with friends or coworkers and then they'd never be on so the alt wouldn't get played. This time I made a warlock just for my own because I wanted either a hunter or a warlock to play a "pet" class and I recall seeing that there's a lot more hunters than warlocks. I still sort of want a hunter (and sort of want a rogue? Mainly for non-combat stuff, i.e. stealth, pickpocket, and lockpicking).

That said, I got five pieces of heirloom gear for him and got him to level 11 almost immediately. It felt so fast! I'm also in a different guild from my main because there's almost never anybody else on in my guild of 300+ characters. So I did a ton of /who "guild name" and found one with nearly 20 people online and joined with them. It's nice having active people on to chat with and see achievements popping and such.

So yeah, warlocks are pretty gnarly. I picked destruction, and very likely due to the heirloom gear, my damage is just ridiculous at this point. Everything I fight has around 400 health and I do 100+ per spell and crit often for 200+. Demonology sounds super interesting, too. I could see me trying that out with dual spec down the road. Affliction is how I tried to level a warlock in the past but that was years ago and there's been a ton of changes to destruction and demonology since then so they sound more entertaining.

Also hit 50 exalted reps today with the Black Prince going exalted. I've got six others in revered, I believe. I could probably hit 60 in a couple weeks if I really wanted to play a lot and grind a few in particular (still haven't done Skettis somehow, though I nearly got exalted on a past 80 during Wrath).

Edit: Older story but I just came across this: http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/01/12/guide-dog-player-and-guild-embrace-sightless-guildmate-steer/

It's about a small guild that has a blind player and how one of the other guild members acts as his eyes and helps him by using Mumble. Talks a bit about how they get around things using macros and such. Pretty awesome story. And then to top it off Blizzard did their usual and honored these guys by putting a couple rare items into the game: http://www.wowhead.com/item=87456#comments and http://www.wowhead.com/item=87455#comments


Dude you should do Skyguard (I assume that's who you're talking about in regards to Skettis). You get rep from killing mobs all the way to exalted, so you can do it an afternoon if you want. Just run around spamming some attack and clear out everything in the area. The Tree guys give more rep, and, if I recall correctly the summonable bosses give rep as well with the quest turn in, or something. It's pretty mind numbing but if you can watch tv/listen to a podcast or something it's not that bad.


I saw the highlights from the interview with Method from a couple days ago about their Ra-den kill and I'm sort of confused. It says they raided 14-16 hours a day. How is that even possible? For that guild to be consistently on top of the World First lists, they have to have mostly the same core of players for every raid tier, but then all of those players have to be ready to raid 15 hours a day for several weeks in a row at some totally indeterminate time whenever Blizzard releases a patch? Even "professional" WoW players don't make money that resembles real job money. I mean, are they literally just permamently jobless and living at their parents houses?

Pretty sure a lot of the method members have work or uni. Sco the GM manages to go to uni, work and have a gf. And one of their officers, Rogerbrown, goes to uni as well. Pretty sure one of the guys in the interview you're refeering to also said that he's boss would litteraly call him every morning, asking if they'd killed all the bosses yet.

I think it's just a matter of being willing to take one or two weeks of from either work and/or uni, whenever a new raiding patch is released. And I think we normally know a few weeks in advance when a new patch is gonna hit, giving people in the top guilds time to arrange the time off.


In the end, these super pro no-life "do they even work/go outside?" players actually raid less time-wise than mid-tier guilds wiping 4 hours a day on Durumu with no end in sight.


In the end, these super pro no-life "do they even work/go outside?" players actually raid less time-wise than mid-tier guilds wiping 4 hours a day on Durumu with no end in sight.

Makes you think, that's for sure. I dunno how their raid schedules work but we do know it took roughly 3 weeks for the first Heroic Lei-Shen kill. Can't really count the first week since that's just a normal mode clear, but, I shudder to think how many hours went into that rough 2 week period for guilds like Method. I wouldn't be surprised if they put as many hours into those 2 weeks as the average guild does in a few months.

I don't really have a desire to be in a guild like that, but, I do like the concept of front-loading your time in a new tier so you spend less time in it each week once you're done if you actually have the skill level to clear the raid quickly.


UI mod ID question!

Can anyone tell what Addons are used in this video? As many as possible, but specifically, the energy meter and the 2 rows of 4 icons underneath it in the center of the screen, just under the character.

It looks like it could be WeakAuras, but I haven't quite figured out how to make it work like that. I know how to have an icon pop up when an action is usable, or a buff/debuff expires or something like that. I know how to use an icon to keep track of current stacks of a buff/debuff or remaining time on one. But I'm not sure how to use it as basically a non-clickable version of my hotbar.

Oh, and the unit frames and that scrolling combat text mod would be nice to know as well. I like that it comes down the side instead of straight down the middle of the screen.


In the end, these super pro no-life "do they even work/go outside?" players actually raid less time-wise than mid-tier guilds wiping 4 hours a day on Durumu with no end in sight.

This is a fallacy. The people in the very top guilds raid 15-17hrs per day for 2-3 weeks (or however long progress lasts). They then raid after progress for many hours, they clear the instance quicker than your casual guild per week but they're still raiding. Top guilds will do alt raids, and some players in the top guilds will raid with more casual guilds "on the side" with a different alt. They are still raiding (after progress) 2-4 days per week, 2-4 hours per day, just on different characters. I used to be in one of these guilds, trust me, like 90% of the people in these guilds are unemployed or "students" and are online way way way more than any 3-4 day raiding guild person is. Just ask them to copy/paste their /played time between all characters.


Oh, and the unit frames and that scrolling combat text mod would be nice to know as well. I like that it comes down the side instead of straight down the middle of the screen.

The unit frames look like xperl, but I am unsure. Also I assume he is using literally Scrolling Combat Text, it has options in it to do things like that. Or it did the last time I used it (which I'm going to be honest the last time I used SCT was in Burning Crusade).


The xp and charms nerf, awesome shit, especially xp combined with the reduced cost of 80-85 heirlooms. I honestly didn't see myself getting another 90 until next year during the end stages of the expansion.. but we'll see now.
Well, Heart of Fear directly leads into Terrace. When you kill Empress the Sha of Fear does a yell that says if you want to find him meet him at the Terrace for the final showdown. It is likely he chose the Terrace because the waters there are supposedly magical and it is where the last Pandaren Emperor vanished/sacrificed/whatever himself to shield Pandaria from the Great Sundering, so it serves as a holy ground (so to speak) for the races of Pandaria, hence why 3 of the bosses are guardians of the place, 2 of which we don't even kill we simply cleanse them.

Edit: Oh, and, in the grand scheme of things it plays out like this. The story arc in Kun-Lai about the trolls resurrecting the Thunder King happens shortly before we "go to war" with the Mantid and the Sha. While we're busy with the Sha the Thunder King is likely regenerating his strength/building up his forces/ties with the Zandalari. In 5.1 we are in the aftermath of the Sha/Mantid problem, at this point the Thunder King is probably still prepping for us, and, the focus shifts to the war between the Alliance and the Horde. The Sunreavers and the Kirin Tor go to war with each other after the events of Dalaran, but, at the same time the Shado-Pan decide it's time to deal with the Thunder King.

Then 5.2 rolls around the Kirin Tor and the Sunreavers both go to the island to assist the Shado-Pan against the Thunder King. The Kirin Tor are simply there to put a stop to both the Thunder King and the Sunreavers, but, the Sunreavers are there specifically to find something to give them leverage against Garrosh.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Where is the terrace technically located?
So I raf'd with a friend and now have a level 80 rogue and level 80 warlock with no real idea how to play the lock. I'd like to get green fire eventually. Keep in mind I've ALWAYS played melee characters. Any hardcore lock ayers here have any suggestions on spec and play style?


So I raf'd with a friend and now have a level 80 rogue and level 80 warlock with no real idea how to play the lock. I'd like to get green fire eventually. Keep in mind I've ALWAYS played melee characters. Any hardcore lock ayers here have any suggestions on spec and play style?

When leveling, just take whatever feels enjoyable.

All three specs are great for leveling.

Destro for dem crits

Demo for dat Felguard

Affli for dem dots


Thank you. I appreciate it.

Where is the terrace technically located?

Technically, in the south eastern mountains of the Vale, between Jade Forest, Vale, and Valley of the Four Winds.

Due to how it looks as you enter, you should be able to see it as you fly by....but despite being excellent in regards to things like that in prior raids (even MSV), I have no idea this doesn't happen.
I recently came back and leveling through the LFG tool is insanely fast now, no point in doing quests really, and that's without the 50% monk bonus. Love my brewmaster BTW, I've played pretty much everything else.

Groups are really fast, pretty much no deaths we just steamroll the instance.

But man people roll need on everything, hunters rolling on cloth caster gear etc. I don't see many people in heirlooms either. Hard to get any items.

It doesn't matter much since you outlevel gear so fast but I'm missing out on the payoff, especially since I am the tank.


I love Tuesdays because I get to stab dudes in the face on my Rogue.

Technically, in the south eastern mountains of the Vale, between Jade Forest, Vale, and Valley of the Four Winds.

Due to how it looks as you enter, you should be able to see it as you fly by....but despite being excellent in regards to things like that in prior raids (even MSV), I have no idea this doesn't happen.

It's just one of those suspension of disbelief things. It kinda bothers me since they've done a good job at trying to show instances out in the real world over the past few years. The same thing happens with Temple of Kotmogu, that is technically supposed to be out there somewhere in Vale of Eternal Blossoms but you can't actually see it. The new Battleground looks the same way too.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Pretty sure a lot of the method members have work or uni. Sco the GM manages to go to uni, work and have a gf. And one of their officers, Rogerbrown, goes to uni as well. Pretty sure one of the guys in the interview you're refeering to also said that he's boss would litteraly call him every morning, asking if they'd killed all the bosses yet.

I think it's just a matter of being willing to take one or two weeks of from either work and/or uni, whenever a new raiding patch is released. And I think we normally know a few weeks in advance when a new patch is gonna hit, giving people in the top guilds time to arrange the time off.

Except it took like two months, not one or two weeks. Most people don't get more than 2 or 3 weeks of vacation per year. I tend to doubt that 100% of these guys are college students either.


Except it took like two months, not one or two weeks. Most people don't get more than 2 or 3 weeks of vacation per year.

Er, you know the patch hasn't been out for 2 months yet right?

Method killed Lei-Shen on March 26th. Ignore the first week since it's a fast normal mode clear and that leaves you with 2 weeks.

You can't really include Ra-Den considering he has a limit on how many pulls you can do per week so you can't really raid 15 hours a day unless there is a lot of down time.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I love Tuesdays. Been doing the old raids for the pet drops + Onyxia for the mount drop, will give it another go today!


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Er, you know the patch hasn't been out for 2 months yet right?

Method killed Lei-Shen on March 26th. Ignore the first week since it's a fast normal mode clear and that leaves you with 2 weeks.

You can't really include Ra-Den considering he has a limit on how many pulls you can do per week so you can't really raid 15 hours a day unless there is a lot of down time.

I didn't even know about that limit. I guess I don't pay attention to things in the game that I will never even see anymore.


The archaeology BoA items are insane, I was leveling DK through Jade Forest and I got up to 92% mastery with shitty greens and the BoA polearm and trinket. I love JF so much, surely the best constructed zone in WoW? The alliance version of that quest is even funnier than the horde one.


Been playing this game since it's release and have finally decided to start raiding. I mainly have just PvP gear but I re-gemmed it. Am I geared enough for ToT or do I need to start with the other raids first? I will mainly be doing looking for raid until I get PvE geared then I will look for a raiding guild.


You need to enchant all of your gear. I'm actually kind of shocked to see you had nothing but Windsong on and you were PvPing with it. Check http://www.askmrrobot.com/ to find out what you need.


You need to enchant all of your gear. I'm actually kind of shocked to see you had nothing but Windsong on and you were PvPing with it. Check http://www.askmrrobot.com/ to find out what you need.

Well, I just got all the PvP gear from Isle of Conquest holiday farming a couple weeks ago. I hadn't decided if I wanted to stay doing PvP or not so I held off. but I will get it enchanted.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
You need to enchant all of your gear. I'm actually kind of shocked to see you had nothing but Windsong on and you were PvPing with it. Check http://www.askmrrobot.com/ to find out what you need.

I've been topping LFR dps for a few weeks now and I still don't have better than windsong on any given weapon. I refuse to shell out 6k for an enchant.


I've been topping LFR dps for a few weeks now and I still don't have better than windsong on any given weapon. I refuse to shell out 6k for an enchant.

Windsong is fine, but he didn't have any other enchants at all.

I did shell out big-time for Dancing Steel, and I wound up using that weapon for a good 5 months. But not again, not unless I get a 522. I might even go Windsong again since the procs are more valuable than what I get from River Song.
Do you need to be exalted with a guild to get the heirloom pants?

Pretty sure just Honored.

Also, got my Fiery Warhorse from Attumen today. That was a bit of a surprise.

Edit: And in the first wing of ToT LFR I got two pieces of gear (one was in the fail bag). Unfortunately neither were upgrades. But good drops so far with very little time in the game today. I've got high hopes! Sadly no weapon drop on The Council of Elders, even with the extra roll. Two more bosses with weapon drops, though!


Pretty sure just Honored.

Also, got my Fiery Warhorse from Attumen today. That was a bit of a surprise.

Edit: And in the first wing of ToT LFR I got two pieces of gear (one was in the fail bag). Unfortunately neither were upgrades. But good drops so far with very little time in the game today. I've got high hopes! Sadly no weapon drop on The Council of Elders, even with the extra roll. Two more bosses with weapon drops, though!

Your post inspired me to log into WoW and do the mount runs. Just got the Fiery Warhorse myself lol.


Who is buying blizzcon tickets tomorrow? I think its to expensive, I'll just watch the stream probably. But why can't it be a regular Pay-Per-View thing? Its either Direct TV or Internet stream. Which last year, the stream wasn't that good.
Whoever put in the quest to win one of each new BG in the legendary questline should be shot. Preferably after a rather excruciating and long torture session... like being made to play the quest =P


No One Remembers
Who is buying blizzcon tickets tomorrow? I think its to expensive, I'll just watch the stream probably. But why can't it be a regular Pay-Per-View thing? Its either Direct TV or Internet stream. Which last year, the stream wasn't that good.

I will be. I've gone 5 times now. It's usually pretty fun. Though my mindset has changed since the last BlizzCon. I'm not going to be upset if I don't get a ticket.


I will be. I've gone 5 times now. It's usually pretty fun. Though my mindset has changed since the last BlizzCon. I'm not going to be upset if I don't get a ticket.

I've never been. Mostly cause I have no one to go with, and I'm all the way in Texas.

Still can't get rivendare's charger to drop. Jesus.

Same deal with Fiery Warhorse for me. I've done it for countless weeks now, nothing. I'm sick of Kara now. Thankfully it takes like 5 minutes to kill the boss, lol.


The most hilarious thing would be if there is a Burning Legion expansion, maybe even taking us to Argus, and Draenei don't get any attention.


What voodoo ritual do I have to perform to ensure another 1h weapon drops for me today? This Animus mace has been sitting lonely in my bags for a long time.


The most hilarious thing would be if there is a Burning Legion expansion, maybe even taking us to Argus, and Draenei don't get any attention.

His name is Velen, I guess if you play Horde you never really see him outside of the end of the Sunwell, but, he has actually popped up in Alliance quests just about every expansion except wotlk from what I recall. He hasn't really had any character development or anything, but, I'd probably argue he hasn't really needed it.

If next expansion is Burning Legion related I would expect him to play a pretty sizable role in it. If we ever go to Argus itself I actually assume he'll be one of the main characters, if not the central hero, of the entire campaign on the planet since it was originally his home and all.
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