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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm getting frustrated at specific loot RNG in ToT. I've got the wand off horridon twice, but neither of the offhands that can drop in the raid or, more importantly, either staff. I need a staff so i can transmog my bitey felhunter staff from Illidan god dammit!
All I can to drop in LFR are rings. I did he the axe off of Sha but that was my only real luck. Everything else that drops is something I already have.


ToT LFR is trolling me hard... 3 weeks without *any* gear drop. :(

It's quite ridiculous... I can't wait for 5.3 and their mechanic to make drops more guaranteed over time.


Neo Member
My main character just hit ilvl 490. Thank you for loot 2 weeks in a row, Nalak. Woot!

Question: I'm on a high pop Alliance, low pop Horde realm and am about to get a Horde character to level 90. What's the trick for getting a group together for world boss kills when the opposing faction greatly outnumbers you? It seems like Alliance almost always has a group ready to go, which is awesome because I'm usually playing Alliance characters, but less awesome now that I want to kill those bosses with my Horde characters.


Grab the mod "OQueue" and join xrealm groups that go for him (more plentiful earlier in the week).

It's a pvp focused mod, though, so be aware of that as it affects the type of players who use it and the majority of the servers it sucks you to.

I actually used it to kill Nalak two more times after I had gotten him on my server this week due to an alt and then later so I could finish that part of the Legendary chain (although I found out afterwards you don't need the tag to complete that part...BUT, my server is low pop, period, so it still was for the best).

There's also something called Openraid, but I am less familiar with that....but it's more focused on PvE I hear. Again, x-realm.
Got my legendary meta gem today although I suspect the dps spreadsheets have its value skewed, no way one thing socketed to my helm gives me 6000 dps.

The thunder forge quest leading up to it is simply brilliant though. I got the DPS flavor so I can't speak for the tanky/healy flavors of the quest but it was a proper challenge, lots of stuff going on and you really have to know how to keep yourself alive with a ton of mobs trying to stop you. I swear I heard some unique music going on as well. So good!


Got my legendary meta gem today although I suspect the dps spreadsheets have its value skewed, no way one thing socketed to my helm gives me 6000 dps.

Depends on what you're playing, but 6k DPS is a reasonable estimate. The legendary meta procs are essentially what you'd be getting from a typical legendary.
Got my legendary meta gem today although I suspect the dps spreadsheets have its value skewed, no way one thing socketed to my helm gives me 6000 dps.

The thunder forge quest leading up to it is simply brilliant though. I got the DPS flavor so I can't speak for the tanky/healy flavors of the quest but it was a proper challenge, lots of stuff going on and you really have to know how to keep yourself alive with a ton of mobs trying to stop you. I swear I heard some unique music going on as well. So good!

Someone nice enough to list what you get for the legendary quests? I got my first legendary gem for the weapon. Next is a prismatic socket for weapons (but can only have one total legendary gem while dual wielding, right?). And then it's a legendary meta gem? I wasn't aware of that one. I saw 5.3 has legendary capes. Having ilvl 600 stuff seems pretty ridiculous, honestly. Especially with how common it seems people will be able to get them since LFR drops the stuff necessary.

Anyhow, just sort of curious. Since I'm still working on Test of Valor I've got some time before I run into my next reward.


Someone nice enough to list what you get for the legendary quests? I got my first legendary gem for the weapon. Next is a prismatic socket for weapons (but can only have one total legendary gem while dual wielding, right?). And then it's a legendary meta gem? I wasn't aware of that one. I saw 5.3 has legendary capes. Having ilvl 600 stuff seems pretty ridiculous, honestly. Especially with how common it seems people will be able to get them since LFR drops the stuff necessary.

Anyhow, just sort of curious. Since I'm still working on Test of Valor I've got some time before I run into my next reward.

You've got it right, sha-touched gem, socket, crown of the heavens meta gem, cloak. Last one will be the trickiest one I think. Maybe a trinket with a visible effect?
18/20 secrets.

Potentially, I can be done with this nightmare by Saturday night, but I'm not betting on it. Next week should be a given, though.

My Shaman got the 522 gloves from Nalak, but My Monk is still 0/3. Item Level is currently 512. Weakest link are my 496 boots.

Anyone taking bets for when 5.3 is going to drop?
18/20 secrets.

Potentially, I can be done with this nightmare by Saturday night, but I'm not betting on it. Next week should be a given, though.

My Shaman got the 522 gloves from Nalak, but My Monk is still 0/3. Item Level is currently 512. Weakest link are my 496 boots.

Anyone taking bets for when 5.3 is going to drop?

Just had it tell me it was downloading upcoming patch info when I logged on earlier. Perhaps this next Tuesday? It's got to be one of the next couple I'd imagine since there's nothing major that needs to be PTR'd like a raid and it seems that most the content is in place and ready to go. I'm hoping as there's a few things I'm really looking forward to.

Tamanon, why not just join your real guild from the start? I try to join full and active guilds because I like having a guild chat and lots of announcements with achievements and such. Just feels more active and it helps fill my time when I'm flying around or when I have questions.


I'm following it, nothing really super interesting so far other than them saying they are happy with the size of ToT and the Siege of Org will probably have a similar amount of bosses. I know I've been personally curious about that for a while.



Comment From Jon
Will there be a final legendary weapon in mop? Or will we just get legendary power through many different items?

Fargo: Oh hellz yeah. You're getting a glorious orange item. Wrathion is true to his word.

lol, damn it blizz.


Third edit, the burning question finally answered!

Newsbot9@Newsbot9@CM_Zarhym Do you feel that delivering the reputation-based story quests as in 5.1 was a success, and will it be used again? #WoWCiL

Fargo: Love this question! We got a very positive response to the way 5.1 story quests rolled out over time as you did dailies. It was pretty time-consuming from a development standpoint but was totally worth it, as opposed to - for example - adding 40 new randomized blue bangs instead. Expect to see more like that in the future.


Whatever happened to Koltira Deathweaver? As a Death Knight, that's one plotline that's left me hanging. Mograine can't be to happy about one of his best getting kidnapped either...

Fargo: Poor Koltira. I guess you should NEVER cross Sylvanas... you'll be chained beneath Undercity for multiple expansions! He's one of those plotlines we'd like to return to... eventually.

Third edit, the burning question finally answered!

This is about the Operation Shieldwall main storyline that comes about with a small chain every few days? I can't stand it. I read every quest and pay attention to the dialogue but with how quick each segment is and how much stuff I do in the game I honestly can't remember what the whole thing has been about. Since I took a break I'm finishing it up now, just did The Divine Bell, and I have zero idea what went on before the last chain or two. Apparently Jaina is important? I remember talking to her in Dalaran about something? Also there was an agreement with the blood elves? I seriously have no real clue what's going on.

Though I suppose it should be noted that I remember extremely little of the overall lore that I read while playing. I always do better by spending an hour reading through the lore sections on wowpedia.org or similar sites. For some reason the stuff I read in the game doesn't stick with me at all and I really do try to pay attention to it. This is more likely an issue with how my memory works vs. their effort in the game.

Still, I prefer something like Isle of Thunder or Firelands with growing hubs and sets of dailies and oodles of achievements to work on within them. I'm pretty certain I'm in the minority.


Started playing the Stater Edition this evening, got up to level 8 as a Human Warrior. Any advice for absolute newbies?

Just keep playing and have fun, honestly. Nothing you do while leveling matters long term so have fun with it. At max level you can get items that increase the leveling speed of new characters so if you don't like your Warrior (or whatever you choose to stick with) remaking a new character isn't a big deal. Stuff like achievements, mounts, and pets are account wide so when making a new character all you really "lose" is the gear and levels.

Only real words of advice is to experiment and see what you find fun and stick with it. Most things give xp nowadays. Questing, battlegrounds, pet battles, running dungeons.

Still, I prefer something like Isle of Thunder or Firelands with growing hubs and sets of dailies and oodles of achievements to work on within them. I'm pretty certain I'm in the minority.

I would say you are certainly in the minority. But, I don't really disagree, I think a mix of them would be nice. Truth be told I think Firelands > 5.1 > ToT dailies. Feel like it had the best of both worlds, awesome achievements with a cool mount and title reward at the end (still bummed the ToT meta only gives a title), good ongoing story progression with the Druids of the Flame and Hamuul, but also a sense of progression as you worked through the hubs (and branching paths at that which locked you out of quests until you had enough marks to unlock the other side). My problems with ToT are documented on a previous page, I don't hate the isle in the least but I don't feel like I was actually making "progress" through the isle when the first set of dailies is the same no matter what stage of the isle you are on.
My problems with ToT are documented on a previous page, I don't hate the isle in the least but I don't feel like I was actually making "progress" through the isle when the first set of dailies is the same no matter what stage of the isle you are on.

Oh, I definitely preferred the Firelands style of progression where it was phased and individualized. I didn't actually get onto Thunder Isle until the very last stage and didn't even do dailies as I mostly just ran around to look at things. The very first day I did dailies there was after my server had completed the progression so I didn't actually have any real sense of progression.

I just prefer the larger mini-zone style of patch content with little hubs that are given daily for different quests that have the achievements and the overall meta. And true, not having a mount tied to the meta is lame and why I haven't put great effort into earning it just yet. Operation Shieldwall almost feels inconsequential in comparison, though, as it doesn't feel "epic," for lack of a better word. Since I took the break right when 5.1 came out I'm doing both at the same time which is why I'm thinking about both currently.

Some parts of Isle of Thunder are annoying but in general I prefer it. I guess I'd go Firelands > Isle of Thunder > Operation Shieldwall.
I'm quite glad we're going to get more 5.1 storytelling. I don't care for the Isle much.

I probably would have enjoyed Firelands more if my gear wasn't so ass. :p


Well, I think what you have to keep in mind realistically is that in any previous expansion it would have went like this: Expansion launch -> 5-6 months later we get ToT isle and dailies without anything inbetween. 5.1 and it's daily hub was meant to be a small scale thing to fill the void so you don't have to wait long periods of time before any new content whatsoever.

Basically, don't think that they chose to do something like 5.1 INSTEAD of doing something like ToT or Firelands, think of it like they decided to go with ToT AND 5.1, instead. The 5.1 and 5.3 quest hubs are small scale by design since they can crank something like that out quickly while they continue to work on stuff like ToT or Firelands, which involves an entirely new zone (IoT/Molten Front), lots of achievements, tons and tons of quests, and so on. It's really a win-win for us as the players.
I agree.

I think it's more that I'm a sucker for storytelling. 5.1 was fun for me because it gave me a reason to do dailies besides unlocking a new part of the isle or getting more marks to do more dailies. It's nice that they put this in in addition to the Isle type patch. I'm just hoping to see more of it in general.


Oh I agree for sure, like I mentioned in my rant that is one of the things I am worried about in the 5.3 questing. Doesn't look like there is any sort of hook (story, long term vanity items, whatever) to keep you going unless you don't do any sort of raiding whatsoever. Having an ongoing story was an awesome hook to keep you logging on each day. It's not something I think would benefit every single daily faction. I mean really, who wants an ongoing story for The Anglers to see what Nat Pagle is up to every day? Scratch that, it actually sounds amazing.

Basically, every faction (and, well, everything added to the game) should have some sort of hook to keep you actually wanting to do it more than one time. I think a ongoing story is no different (speaking in game-function term) than just having a mount at exalted or whatever. As a fan of the lore as well, I love having a story hook to keep me going, but, as someone obsessed with mounts/achievements and the like, the other factions in MoP satisfied me to mostly the same degree.
This week was very lucky for me and I finished up my last Secrets of the Empire on the very last LFR boss. The quest after that is tooooough. It was nice to get the legendary item of the patch, but the following quest after that......more LFR collecting.......UGH
This week was very lucky for me and I finished up my last Secrets of the Empire on the very last LFR boss. The quest after that is tooooough. It was nice to get the legendary item of the patch, but the following quest after that......more LFR collecting.......UGH

Are you a DPS? Give me a rundown. I've watched a few videos, but I'm kinda scared about messing up that solo scenario.

Also, if you're DPS, how's the proc on the meta working out for you?
Yeah I was a DPS. I went in blindly but it didn't take long to understand what to do for each stage.

The first part outside of the forge is better than the inside since you're allowed to die if you are overcome and it doesn't reset that stage. The trash wasn't difficult to kill, but for the mini boss you have to get the blue orbs or he'll pick them up and use them. But he walks slowly to them, so it's not that hard to constantly get them. The npc's generally keep the aggro on him, so just have to watch out for certain stuff he'll throw your way.

Inside the forge is another story. For the first part, you have to get aggro for all of the Sha coming in while they are all aiming at the Engineer. Keep all of them off the engineer. I used the anvil shock attack when there was 2 or more of the big Sha's and for the most part they aren't too difficult. The hard part is that they continually spawn and it's hard to see the little ones at times around the Engineer as well as it's hard too tell at times how much health he has left. The engineer goes around at each anvil once, and you pretty much have to keep a look out for Sha for the entire stage. If he loses too mush health, the stage resets.

The last stage with the Sha boss is one where one false step could lead to a death. Has I think about 30 million health. If you die, it resets the stage but when you spawn it automatically starts again. One major thing to look out for is the gray cloud attacks he'll throw at you. They can easily take 1/4 or 1/3 of your health just by hitting you. Eventually he'll do an attack where a bunch of them will rain down all over the place and they'll follow you as you run. But that part is easy to avoid. For the most of it, your helper plays the tank role but not all of the time. Every so often the Sha will silence him and he'll come at you, but he doesn't hit that hard and it's easy to stay ahead of him though. The helper will also give a healing beam every so often, try to use it as often as you can. The only bad thing when you're in that , is that it's a little hard to tell when he throws that attack at you. One major thing to do for the fight: when he uses his Insane attack , use an anvil to stop him or you will wipe. ONLY use the anvils for this attack.

After that it's rinse and repeat. But just a couple of wrong moves will lead to a wipe.
The comments that the developers are happy with the structure of MoP, the reputations grinding, and the general alt-unfriendliness have clinched it for me. I'm out. MoP broke me of what could be considered either a strong addiction or a torrid love affair with this game. My one thing keeping me hanging on was that they might course correct after this expansion and perhaps inject a way for someone of my play style to have some fun in the game. I'm not seeing that happening now with the current climate of developer commentary.


The comments that the developers are happy with the structure of MoP, the reputations grinding, and the general alt-unfriendliness have clinched it for me. I'm out. MoP broke me of what could be considered either a strong addiction or a torrid love affair with this game. My one thing keeping me hanging on was that they might course correct after this expansion and perhaps inject a way for someone of my play style to have some fun in the game. I'm not seeing that happening now with the current climate of developer commentary.

That would be the case, I had the same issue at the start of the expansion (as you can tell just by going to the start of this thread), but as of this patch there really isn't any "alt-unfriendliness" anymore. The reps can be ignored easily and if you want to do them there have been major changes to make it a breeze. Like really, I have 6 characters capable of doing ToT LFR and I only bothered with 5.0 rep VP gear for 2 of those.
Well, I think what you have to keep in mind realistically is that in any previous expansion it would have went like this: Expansion launch -> 5-6 months later we get ToT isle and dailies without anything inbetween. 5.1 and it's daily hub was meant to be a small scale thing to fill the void so you don't have to wait long periods of time before any new content whatsoever.

Basically, don't think that they chose to do something like 5.1 INSTEAD of doing something like ToT or Firelands, think of it like they decided to go with ToT AND 5.1, instead. The 5.1 and 5.3 quest hubs are small scale by design since they can crank something like that out quickly while they continue to work on stuff like ToT or Firelands, which involves an entirely new zone (IoT/Molten Front), lots of achievements, tons and tons of quests, and so on. It's really a win-win for us as the players.

I wasn't saying I didn't understand why they did Operation Shieldwall for 5.1. I've seen them talk about how their cycle is small patch-big patch-small patch-big patch so that they can continue to pump out new patches at a quicker rate. That's fine.

I was really just pointing out my views on how I prefer the Isle of Thunder stuff as opposed to Operation Shieldwall style as merely an opposing viewpoint. I noticed that I appeared to be in the minority and figured I should be one of the few (only?) to express that I don't like the positive attention given to the Operation Shieldwall style of content as it appears Blizzard got good feedback and will continue that along those lines. That's the impression I got from the quote you posted from their chat about receiving positive feedback to that style.

So yeah, completely get why they go from smaller content patches to larger patches to help keep the flow of content coming.


So yeah, completely get why they go from smaller content patches to larger patches to help keep the flow of content coming.

Nah I understand, I just felt like it was worth pointing out. Like I said, I too enjoy the big hubs with achievements and the like but I will sure as shit take a small thing like 5.1 over the vast void of nothingness that would have been there before.


5.1's sense of progression with 5.2's wildly superior environment design would be ideal, but they probably can't spare the world designers for something of that magnitude more than once an expansion.
Nah I understand, I just felt like it was worth pointing out. Like I said, I too enjoy the big hubs with achievements and the like but I will sure as shit take a small thing like 5.1 over the vast void of nothingness that would have been there before.

Any idea if there's a plan to have patches lead up closer to the next expansion with their quicker pacing? Have they spoken much on that? I just went back a bit on their patch release dates to see what to possibly expect.

There were roughly nine months between Hour of Twilight and Mists of Pandaria's release. I think that huge gap is partially when they lose a number of regular subscribers (who then come back eventually with the next expansion, hopefully). But if they keep that same pace and 5.4 is the end does that mean we could get 5.3 in about a week or two, placing it just over two months after 5.2. And then it's usually around four months for a large patch to hit. So possibly August for 5.4?

Does that mean we'll get another nine-ish months after that for the next expansion? Or will there be a small 5.5 with some extra content that's possibly less story focused to hold us over?

Just sort of thinking ahead and curious how it'll play out.

5.1's sense of progression with 5.2's wildly superior environment design would be ideal, but they probably can't spare the world designers for something of that magnitude more than once an expansion.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if 5.4 had more than just the new raid but another similar extra zone for dailies, new faction, etc. It's either that or perhaps they'll just pile on a bunch of new scenarios or a handful of new dungeons with the raid? Suppose they could do that instead, similar to Hour of Twilight. Have to say, those three instances added in HoT were some of my favorites and I've been largely unhappy with the MoP dungeons so it'd be pretty neat if they put out a few real winners at the end.

What is the general consensus of MoP dungeons? Don't mean in difficulty but simply appeal. I thought Wrath had the best followed by Cata and MoP falls below those. BC's were too brutal for me to really say I enjoyed, heh. So many deaths!


Well, they've been saying literally forever that they want faster expansions, of course they have failed at this on every single expansion. A few tweets has said that there might be a 5.5, but, nothing is set in stone yet.

Purely 100% speculation based on nothing but blind faith of how fast they have been at getting out patches this expansion, but: I think we'll see 5.4 about 3 months after 5.3, a 5.5 about 2-3 months after 5.4 (that shows the aftermath of Org + lead in to next expansion) and then the next expansion about 4ish months after that. At least, based on what Blizzard has been saying forever I assume that is their plan.

As for when 5.3 comes out, I imagine it's soon, but, the PTR version isn't labelled as "release" yet (or MMOC hasn't reported it anyway, I don't really get on the PTR myself to check) so it's probably still a few weeks away.


Modesty becomes a woman
Any idea if there's a plan to have patches lead up closer to the next expansion with their quicker pacing? Have they spoken much on that? I just went back a bit on their patch release dates to see what to possibly expect.

There were roughly nine months between Hour of Twilight and Mists of Pandaria's release. I think that huge gap is partially when they lose a number of regular subscribers (who then come back eventually with the next expansion, hopefully). But if they keep that same pace and 5.4 is the end does that mean we could get 5.3 in about a week or two, placing it just over two months after 5.2. And then it's usually around four months for a large patch to hit. So possibly August for 5.4?

Does that mean we'll get another nine-ish months after that for the next expansion? Or will there be a small 5.5 with some extra content that's possibly less story focused to hold us over?

Just sort of thinking ahead and curious how it'll play out.

I wouldn't be terribly surprised if 5.4 had more than just the new raid but another similar extra zone for dailies, new faction, etc. It's either that or perhaps they'll just pile on a bunch of new scenarios or a handful of new dungeons with the raid? Suppose they could do that instead, similar to Hour of Twilight. Have to say, those three instances added in HoT were some of my favorites and I've been largely unhappy with the MoP dungeons so it'd be pretty neat if they put out a few real winners at the end.

What is the general consensus of MoP dungeons? Don't mean in difficulty but simply appeal. I thought Wrath had the best followed by Cata and MoP falls below those. BC's were too brutal for me to really say I enjoyed, heh. So many deaths!

They said no new dungeons in MoP


The comments that the developers are happy with the structure of MoP, the reputations grinding, and the general alt-unfriendliness have clinched it for me. I'm out. MoP broke me of what could be considered either a strong addiction or a torrid love affair with this game. My one thing keeping me hanging on was that they might course correct after this expansion and perhaps inject a way for someone of my play style to have some fun in the game. I'm not seeing that happening now with the current climate of developer commentary.

my 3rd level 90 has the highest ilevel out of all my characters.... and has probably done 1/8th the amount of LFRs....

The only think I'm annoyed at in regard to this 3rd 90 is that I went all out for ret dps and it sucks, thankfully I got lucky with some healing drops (went to holy spec while doing empress and got sha touched mace for doing 5k dps lol) so I can switch that and hope they get buffed.

How do healers organize in LFR? Do they actually talk or do their own thing? Man I missed my Mage channel from back in my raiding days, we didn't use vent (but still was up "their") but that channel was so fun :(

Still dat schedule... fuck that, never again.
As for when 5.3 comes out, I imagine it's soon, but, the PTR version isn't labelled as "release" yet (or MMOC hasn't reported it anyway, I don't really get on the PTR myself to check) so it's probably still a few weeks away.
Just figured it might hit quite soon is because the client said it was downloading patch information. I'm guessing Tuesday after next.

And yeah, I think you're scheduling sounds about right but with maybe an extra month or two after the possible 5.5. That'd still fit into their usual nine month break between a large patch and pre-expansion patch.

They said no new dungeons in MoP

I should have noted that I've seen them comment on that already. It was more hopeful thinking as I simply don't care for most all of the MoP dungeons.

Edit: Also, just saw mention of "don't forget to buy the commendation when you get to revered!" on a site I was browsing. They note that in reference to speeding up getting to exalted. I thought those only doubled rep for your other characters to get up to revered. Was the site simply leaving out some details or if I get the commendation do I get double rep from revered to exalted even if I've never been exalted before?


my 3rd level 90 has the highest ilevel out of all my characters.... and has probably done 1/8th the amount of LFRs....

The only think I'm annoyed at in regard to this 3rd 90 is that I went all out for ret dps and it sucks, thankfully I got lucky with some healing drops (went to holy spec while doing empress and got sha touched mace for doing 5k dps lol) so I can switch that and hope they get buffed.

How do healers organize in LFR? Do they actually talk or do their own thing? Man I missed my Mage channel from back in my raiding days, we didn't use vent (but still was up "their") but that channel was so fun :(

Still dat schedule... fuck that, never again.

Healer LFR is whack a mole. Very rarely if you need to separate by group you will get assignments like everyone else (Lei Shen) but honestly LFR is about as easy as it gets for healing and the queue is pretty quick too.
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