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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Edit: Also, just saw mention of "don't forget to buy the commendation when you get to revered!" on a site I was browsing. They note that in reference to speeding up getting to exalted. I thought those only doubled rep for your other characters to get up to revered. Was the site simply leaving out some details or if I get the commendation do I get double rep from revered to exalted even if I've never been exalted before?
It doubles rep from normal to exalted. No restrictions. Because of commendation its quicker to get from revered to exalted than it is from honoured to revered for some factions. I think it took me something silly like 3-4 days to get to exalted with Shieldwall when I got the commendation.


Was the site simply leaving out some details or if I get the commendation do I get double rep from revered to exalted even if I've never been exalted before?

You sure do. Revered to Exalted has essentially been cut in half (which was what their original plan was anyway, so this just does that and works for your entire account).

edit, beaten like something that gets beat.
It doubles rep from normal to exalted. No restrictions. Because of commendation its quicker to get from revered to exalted than it is from honoured to revered for some factions. I think it took me something silly like 3-4 days to get to exalted with Shieldwall when I got the commendation.

Ugh, I feel like an idiot. I remember this being part of the PTR patch stuff for 5.1 and I thought it was stupid because, as mentioned, it means less effort is needed to go from Revered to Exalted compared to Honored to Revered. But I just assumed that part of it was dropped for some reason and never bothered grabbing any of the commendations (well, already exalted with all Pandaria factions pre-5.1). But I'm at around 11k into revered with Operation Shieldwall and would be done!

Not sure if both Kirin Tor Offensive or Shado-Pan Assault have them as well but I'll be revered after tonight with the former and the latter in a week or two so not as upset over not realizing this. Mostly just annoyed towards Operation Shieldwall. Oh well. Gave me more reason to gather more of the commendations if I ever plan on getting the pet.


Well actually... this goes for anyone really but if you're alliance/US servers I am fairly close to being able to buy the rodent box for the pet (Been doing the dailies everyday to slowly work my way to the pet). When you get it and drop it, it spawns more than 1 pet meaning anyone in the area can get the pet. Only catch really is that you have to fight the pet to catch it and it's level 25. When the time comes I can invite anyone that meets the requirements to my server if they want one.


The comments that the developers are happy with the structure of MoP, the reputations grinding, and the general alt-unfriendliness have clinched it for me. I'm out. MoP broke me of what could be considered either a strong addiction or a torrid love affair with this game. My one thing keeping me hanging on was that they might course correct after this expansion and perhaps inject a way for someone of my play style to have some fun in the game. I'm not seeing that happening now with the current climate of developer commentary.

If you read this again or come back, can you explain what your playstyle is? A lot of what you seem to be complaining about has essentially been corrected (my level 20 Monk is almost Honored with Golden Lotus and Klaxxi :) ) and it makes me wonder if you've actually kept up with the changes.

Never like to see people quit over completely false assumptions.


Separately, I have a new pet peeve. No helm VP rewards :(. Those bastards had to have done that intentionally.

All my coins now go towards winning a helm.


They've pulled me back in..........again.

For the first time since Vanilla I am going back to the Alliance. Started a Dwarf Pally (Prot) on Stormrage. I had read Stormrage was one of the better/best East Coast PvE Alliance dominated servers so I chose that one. I've tanked with my Druid before but this will be the first time I ever level a plate class, so I think I will enjoy most of the experience.

Are there plans for another raid to come out soon or are we looking at a long drought before new content?


They've pulled me back in..........again.

For the first time since Vanilla I am going back to the Alliance. Started a Dwarf Pally (Prot) on Stormrage. I had read Stormrage was one of the better/best East Coast PvE Alliance dominated servers so I chose that one. I've tanked with my Druid before but this will be the first time I ever level a plate class, so I think I will enjoy most of the experience.

Are there plans for another raid to come out soon or are we looking at a long drought before new content?

No raid until 5.4. 5.3 will have some world stuff and scenarios. You've got a lot of catching up to do though:p


Just opened my launcher to see it "downloading data for an upcoming patch". I assume 5.3 is real close now.

Children's Week is coming up. I am ready to face the horror of that PVP achievement.

I'm so happy I am done with that, was pretty insane. I just need another year for the achievement for owning all 3 pets. Somehow I am always not playing when Children's week rolls around (though historically I guess that makes sense considering this time of the year is usually when a whole lot of nothing is going on content-wise).
Holy shit, I've been getting bored of the game and said I was going to quit (again) if I didn't get the Ony drake tonight after killing her on my 3 toons..Guess what? shit drops on my first try this week. WTF
Fast if you have a reliable ranged attack. Can be pretty slow if you don't unless you manage to blow all your cooldowns and get her past the air phase while she is walking over to start it.

As enhance that's what I did this week and cut about a minute off my time. The air phase was only like 15 seconds since I popped Ascendance and just did as much as I could before she could get too far from me. She raised up in the air and then lowered right back down. The whelps are the biggest annoyance for me, now. I think my time this week was 1m49s?

Each week I solo Malygos, Onyxia, Tempest Keep, and was doing Kara before I got the mount this week. Also keep to Utgarde Pinnacle each day and try to do runs of Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore. And I know I'm currently missing out on some others (Strat, Cata and Wrath heroic drops).

So many mounts!

Also now up to 52 exalted. I'm really aiming for that "the Beloved" title now. Looks like 59 exalted won't take too much effort from where I am now. It's just figuring out what last one I want to grind out. Probably Sha'tari Skyguard.


On our first attempt on Horridon tonight, the main tank went down right at the start of the last phase and there wasn't a battle-res available. So I picked up Jalak and just told the healers to keep me up. Finally wiped when I got one-shot at 20 stacks of Triple Puncture.

Two pulls later, we got him down. Did one wipe on Council and then called it a night, going back to work on that tomorrow. Mar'li hits so much harder on normal.


A lot of people still don't know about changes you guys make, any plans on in-game patch notes?
If they don't read our website why would they read them in game?

It's true though. I've talked with people in-game who doesn't even know what MMOChampion is.


Did the cost of mogu runes go down already from 90 to 50? I thought it was in the new patch?

Plus I am alliance but how can I follow Garrosh's eventually downfall? Will all that be explained also in the new patch?


No One Remembers
Did the cost of mogu runes go down already from 90 to 50? I thought it was in the new patch?

Plus I am alliance but how can I follow Garrosh's eventually downfall? Will all that be explained also in the new patch?

Yeah, the cost decrease went in on maintenance on Tuesday.

And yeah, as Alliance I think that everything is becoming sort of inter-twined with the Alliance and Horde and how we'll see Garrosh get what's coming to him.


And yeah, as Alliance I think that everything is becoming sort of inter-twined with the Alliance and Horde and how we'll see Garrosh get what's coming to him.

Yeah, Vol'jin reaches out to the Alliance for assistance in rocking the boat in the barrens. Everyone gets to participate in the Darkspear Rebellion and the final takedown of Garrosh will be a raid.
Wow, I got a blue screen when the blue proto dropped.

Didn't get it.

I've been running that once a day for several months as a Mage. We should compare times, because I've got that shit down to a science and can do it pretty quickly.

Hope a GM can help you.


No One Remembers
Is there a trick for it? I'd like to go next year but it seems like its be quite a challenge to snag tix. Any tips?

Grats btw!

Just gotta keep spamming F5 to refresh the page and have your mouse hoving over where the "Purchase" button is when the tickets finally go on sale.


So, any on Draenor EU that wanna group up and do OS3D?

I really want the Twilight Drake.

If your gear is good enough you can solo this. Sarth only has ~10 million HP on 25 man 3D. The trick is saving every defensive cooldown for the last 25% and any dps cooldown if you can spare it.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
If your gear is good enough you can solo this. Sarth only has ~10 million HP on 25 man 3D. The trick is saving every defensive cooldown for the last 25% and any dps cooldown if you can spare it.

How is it possible, mechanically, to solo him? Once the 2nd dragon lands and the twilight zone stuff that makes him immune spawns, you have to go into the twilight zone to deal with it, at which point he despawns due to no one being "up top" to engage him.


How is it possible, mechanically, to solo him? Once the 2nd dragon lands and the twilight zone stuff that makes him immune spawns, you have to go into the twilight zone to deal with it, at which point he despawns due to no one being "up top" to engage him.

That's where the dps thing is important, if your dps is high enough you can kill him well before the second drake comes down, which is like 1 minute and 15 seconds in the fight I believe. Sarth only has roughly 10 mil HP so you have to burn hard. That part is easy if you have the gear the problem is that when Sarth hits 25% the first drake enrages and starts hitting like a mother fucker. I have gotten sarth down to 5% multiple times but will end up getting an unlucky crit from the drake and die. I've gotten some upgrades since last I tried, so I plan to go back sometime soon because it was certainly doable.
That's where the dps thing is important, if your dps is high enough you can kill him well before the second drake comes down, which is like 1 minute and 15 seconds in the fight I believe. Sarth only has roughly 10 mil HP so you have to burn hard. That part is easy if you have the gear the problem is that when Sarth hits 25% the first drake enrages and starts hitting like a mother fucker. I have gotten sarth down to 5% multiple times but will end up getting an unlucky crit from the drake and die. I've gotten some upgrades since last I tried, so I plan to go back sometime soon because it was certainly doable.

That sounds insane. I had a hard enough time getting 10m down by myself because of that first drake hitting so hard. I don't think I ever tried to solo 25m but I just can't imagine I'd live through it. Then again, I suppose there's a chance my primal earth would be able to tank the first drake long enough for me to kill Sarth? I have the mount so it's not really something I'd think I'd like to try.

Got my Blue Proto Drake today. No more running Utgarde Pinnacle! And really that's good timing since I got my last Wrath faction exalted just a couple days ago by doing these daily runs.


That sounds insane. I had a hard enough time getting 10m down by myself because of that first drake hitting so hard. I don't think I ever tried to solo 25m but I just can't imagine I'd live through it. Then again, I suppose there's a chance my primal earth would be able to tank the first drake long enough for me to kill Sarth? I have the mount so it's not really something I'd think I'd like to try.

Grats on your drake, that one took me the longest to get for pre-cata dungeon mounts.

As for Sarth, yeah, it all comes down to how many defensive cooldowns you can stack. As a rogue I am pretty well off, evasion, ~25 second 50% damage reduction ability, smoke bomb reduces damage by 20%, cheat death, and a glyphed cloak of shadows reduces melee damage by 40%. It's all enough for me to survive the drake enrage, almost, just need to push out a little bit more dps which hopefully my recent upgrades will allow.
Grats on your drake, that one took me the longest to get for pre-cata dungeon mounts.

As for Sarth, yeah, it all comes down to how many defensive cooldowns you can stack. As a rogue I am pretty well off, evasion, ~25 second 50% damage reduction ability, smoke bomb reduces damage by 20%, cheat death, and a glyphed cloak of shadows reduces melee damage by 40%. It's all enough for me to survive the drake enrage, almost, just need to push out a little bit more dps which hopefully my recent upgrades will allow.

I looked it up and you need to have sustained damage of around 120k over the 90 seconds you have available. And stay alive. I know I simply can't do that. Popping cooldowns I can sustain around 80-90k, or at least that's what I was doing in the Brawler's Guild. I've gone up around 10 ilvls since then so perhaps I'd be a bit higher than that now but I know I still don't have enough to do OS25 3D solo. I'm looking forward to the next expansion when I can gear up and do Ulduar and Icecrown solo, heh. Give me a chance for more mounts!

Now that I finally have the blue proto drake I'll likely make it a daily thing to do Vortex Pinnacle or Stonecore, or both. I don't enjoy running either of those a ton but they're fairly short to get to the mount boss so it's not all bad. I don't think I have it in me to start trying for Strat, though. Besides, there's no quick way to get to that instance in comparison. Stormwind portal to Twilight Highlands and then fly?


I'm looking forward to the next expansion when I can gear up and do Ulduar and Icecrown solo, heh. Give me a chance for more mounts!

This is why you roll a DK ;). I've been having a ton of fun doing it actually, I only did 10 mans in wrath so I've been using my DK to get all the 25 man achievements, account wide achievements ftw. So far my only real problem has been Hodir 25 man (can not beat the enrage timer at all, just nope) and Gluth (can't do enough DPS here solo as well).

But yeah, 120k dps sounds about right probably. Given the small time frame I think that sounds reasonable for anyone at like 500+ ilvl. I know with a flask, pot, and all my cooldowns popped I can peak upwards of 150k currently.


Besides, there's no quick way to get to that instance in comparison. Stormwind portal to Twilight Highlands and then fly?

Doesn't the flight path to Zul'aman from IF do an instant teleport sort of thing to cut down on the horrible travel time it would otherwise be?
Besides, there's no quick way to get to that instance in comparison. Stormwind portal to Twilight Highlands and then fly?

Be a mage and hearth nearby :p

So I just ran around Pandaria with a couple guildies for about two hours farming Zandalari Warbringers and made 13k total rep from insignias.
Doesn't the flight path to Zul'aman from IF do an instant teleport sort of thing to cut down on the horrible travel time it would otherwise be?

Really? So just by clicking the flight path it instantly teleports you to the flight path at Zul'Aman? I never knew that if that's the case. And I'll definitely use that for quicker travel time.

I've always been jealous of mages and their portals!

The first character I made on my current server was actually a DK since I loved all my time I spent playing prot as a paladin for years but I, so far, haven't enjoyed how the DK played. I got it to around 65 before transferring over my main and haven't gone back to it. I just might, though, to help with some things as I miss having a character that can solo more easily. My shaman gets the job done but simply can't survive against things that hit too hard with basic attacks. As a paladin I loved solo-ing my way to Northrend Loremaster before they nerfed it all and a bunch of chains ended in group quests to kill bosses.


DK's are strange, because their rotation is really weird until they get to level 75 and get their Rune Regeneration talent. Then it becomes much smoother with much less downtime.
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