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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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DK's are strange, because their rotation is really weird until they get to level 75 and get their Rune Regeneration talent. Then it becomes much smoother with much less downtime.

Yeah, I think not giving them that as their first talent choice was a mistake honestly, the rotation is absolutely boring until then.


Be a mage and hearth nearby :p
death gate ^^

got my shaman to 85, holy shit those cata levels fly past really really fast
I'm nor sure now if i should go on to 90 or just wait for 5.3 and the xp nerf

on one hand I utterly despise pandaria leveling on the other hand I love the shaman and I would really like to get to 90 to do all the fun stuff ^^
Yeah, I think not giving them that as their first talent choice was a mistake honestly, the rotation is absolutely boring until then.

Probably similar to how I think enhancement shamans are boring until you get maelstrom weapon, which is somewhere around level 57. That's the main ability that makes them interesting and gives you options in your rotation and you have to play to Outlands to get it. At least it makes Outlands go by a bit easier.

My DK will easily have max rest at this point and I can probably snag a couple pieces of heirloom gear for it so I'll likely aim to go back sooner or later and just plow through more of it. I definitely miss not having a tank character.
This is why you roll a DK ;). I've been having a ton of fun doing it actually, I only did 10 mans in wrath so I've been using my DK to get all the 25 man achievements, account wide achievements ftw. So far my only real problem has been Hodir 25 man (can not beat the enrage timer at all, just nope) and Gluth (can't do enough DPS here solo as well).

But yeah, 120k dps sounds about right probably. Given the small time frame I think that sounds reasonable for anyone at like 500+ ilvl. I know with a flask, pot, and all my cooldowns popped I can peak upwards of 150k currently.

How difficult is it to get the 10 man ulduar achievements with a blood dk?

I'm on the last stage of shadowmourne as well. I'm thinking I may just have to wait till the next expansion to start farming ICC 25 man.
How difficult is it to get the 10 man ulduar achievements with a blood dk?

I'm on the last stage of shadowmourne as well. I'm thinking I may just have to wait till the next expansion to start farming ICC 25 man.

25 man ICC is very doable as a DK right now, some on heroic too, but they're more effort than they're worth for just farming shards, imo. I can do it on my 504 DK easily. Go blood and use dps gear. You can do some fancy shenanigans to skip Valithria if you're an engineer, but if you're not (like me) switch to 10 man, pop a stam flask, eat some food, use two really shitty but fast 1Hers (like, vanilla weapons) and put the stam runeforge on them, then run into her room and just spam heart strike on everything that moves and keep vampiric blood on CD. Be sure to get the suppressors down and the risen archmages (she doesn't actually take damage from the blazing skeletons). You'll heal her up with your bloodworms, lolol. Also, save Putricide for last but take a detour into his wing to control undead a plague scientist to string along to all the other bosses (except Valithria). He can cast a +100% damage buff on you, just macro it into death strike and rune strike and go nuts. Keep in mind you have a 30% buff to everything, too, if you're just looking at your current stats and think you can't do it.


How difficult is it to get the 10 man ulduar achievements with a blood dk?

To be honest I really didn't mess with 10 man Ulduar because I got all the relevant achievements (aka the mount) back in wrath. I will say, though, I did go there a few weeks ago on my rogue for some transmog gear and I was easily able to solo heroic XT, Freya, and Hodir (while also doing normal mode for those that don't have heroic versions). I didn't go beyond that because I had gotten all I needed. So, if my rogue can do it I would expect a blood DK to be able to do it no problem. The only sketchy thing really is Thorim, but, with "clever" use of game mechanics you are able to solo him as well.

Honestly I was able to do a large portion of 25 man as a DK so 10 man should be a joke, could probably even do some of the fights as a DPS spec if I had to guess.

While we're on the topic though I should ask, anyone (US/alliance) around here need bucket list from Firelands still? Last achievement I need from there for the mount but I've found it pretty hard to solo. I can get pretty far on my DK but not having a second tank (or a healer) makes dropping Jagged Tear... let's say 90% impossible, I've managed to do it like once so far.


noooooooo... I got sucked into Battle pets... HELP!!!! Its so much fun!

Just stick with it, it is a lot of fun. It can start to drag halfway through but at max level it's awesome and becomes stupidly fast to level new pets (sitting at 19 level 25 pets now myself!). Plus the max level daily quests have a chance to give a rare pet, I actually just sold a spare Pandaren Fire Spirit for 6k a few days ago, not bad for just doing a daily fight that takes a matter of seconds at this point.


DK's are strange, because their rotation is really weird until they get to level 75 and get their Rune Regeneration talent. Then it becomes much smoother with much less downtime.

My dk is 69, never really liked the feel of them, guess ill get to 75....


DK is so much fun once u get ur rune regen talent. Blizz is just dumb for making rune regen a talent... they must have seriously been out of ideas


Blizzcon tickets acquired! The 2nd day of sale is always easier to get tickets than the first. We always have a bunch of guildies in Mumble all coordinating to buy for each other if someone gets a crap spot in the queue. Apparently it worked so well today that some people ended up getting in but didn't end up buying any. Always try to get tickets with friends!


I have come to the realization that I love professions. My main is a JC/enchanter. I made a druid just to be a miner/herbalist, and I made a warrior who happens to be a alchemist/inscriptionist, all level 90. Just made a warlock a bit ago who will have tailoring/engineering. And made a hunter last week(so ez why did I not make a hunter sooner) who is blacksmith/enchanting-- i doubled up on enchanting just for the DE ability lol since there was not much left. All that leaves is leatherworking/leather which I guess will be reserved for a monk if I ever make one. I never would of thought I would be one of those players with a bunch of alts.


We got Council down after 6ish pulls and about 2 hours. I was on my Druid tanking Sul and Malakk. We're really the best choice for tanking Malakk. We just keep Savage Defense up and dodge the attacks that apply Frigid Assault. That way it rarely, if ever, stacks up to 15, and my uptime is almost 100%.


He forget to the link the screenshots of "world server down" in the Vanilla raiding section to go along with the picture he picked.


I have come to the realization that I love professions. My main is a JC/enchanter. I made a druid just to be a miner/herbalist, and I made a warrior who happens to be a alchemist/inscriptionist, all level 90. Just made a warlock a bit ago who will have tailoring/engineering. And made a hunter last week(so ez why did I not make a hunter sooner) who is blacksmith/enchanting-- i doubled up on enchanting just for the DE ability lol since there was not much left. All that leaves is leatherworking/leather which I guess will be reserved for a monk if I ever make one. I never would of thought I would be one of those players with a bunch of alts.

Playing the AH is pretty fun, adds another dimension to the game, just ease back if it ever feels like another job. Due to Fire Emblem 3dS finally coming out in PAL land I've barely paid attention to working the AH this week.


Modesty becomes a woman
I've been following this thread since it started and wow, it's almost as good as some threads here on GAF. :p


I've been playing since BC and it's only gotten better for me.

I did skip the majority of Cataclysm though.

The only thing he's got right is the flight path/exploration thing. New people lose that sense of awe and curiosity when they can fly everywhere. People making alts get annoyed and bored running all over a zone to hit the one flight path.

It's a problem without an easy answer. The same thing that hooked a lot of people can also be a detriment after a while.

The talent tree thing though. Cmon, when were there ever NOT cookie cutter builds? Be completely honest. Every once and a while you'd get some silly half and half builds but those got fixed real fast.


I've been playing since BC and it's only gotten better for me.

I did skip the majority of Cataclysm though.

The only thing he's got right is the flight path/exploration thing. New people lose that sense of awe and curiosity when they can fly everywhere. People making alts get annoyed and bored running all over a zone to hit the one flight path.

It's a problem without an easy answer. The same thing that hooked a lot of people can also be a detriment after a while.

The talent tree thing though. Cmon, when were there ever NOT cookie cutter builds? Be completely honest. Every once and a while you'd get some silly half and half builds but those got fixed real fast.

When I level an alt I never fly when I can. I'm using the ground mount like the old days.

If people don't wanna fly then don't fly.
25 man ICC is very doable as a DK right now, some on heroic too, but they're more effort than they're worth for just farming shards, imo. I can do it on my 504 DK easily. Go blood and use dps gear. You can do some fancy shenanigans to skip Valithria if you're an engineer, but if you're not (like me) switch to 10 man, pop a stam flask, eat some food, use two really shitty but fast 1Hers (like, vanilla weapons) and put the stam runeforge on them, then run into her room and just spam heart strike on everything that moves and keep vampiric blood on CD. Be sure to get the suppressors down and the risen archmages (she doesn't actually take damage from the blazing skeletons). You'll heal her up with your bloodworms, lolol. Also, save Putricide for last but take a detour into his wing to control undead a plague scientist to string along to all the other bosses (except Valithria). He can cast a +100% damage buff on you, just macro it into death strike and rune strike and go nuts. Keep in mind you have a 30% buff to everything, too, if you're just looking at your current stats and think you can't do it.

To be honest I really didn't mess with 10 man Ulduar because I got all the relevant achievements (aka the mount) back in wrath. I will say, though, I did go there a few weeks ago on my rogue for some transmog gear and I was easily able to solo heroic XT, Freya, and Hodir (while also doing normal mode for those that don't have heroic versions). I didn't go beyond that because I had gotten all I needed. So, if my rogue can do it I would expect a blood DK to be able to do it no problem. The only sketchy thing really is Thorim, but, with "clever" use of game mechanics you are able to solo him as well.

Honestly I was able to do a large portion of 25 man as a DK so 10 man should be a joke, could probably even do some of the fights as a DPS spec if I had to guess.

While we're on the topic though I should ask, anyone (US/alliance) around here need bucket list from Firelands still? Last achievement I need from there for the mount but I've found it pretty hard to solo. I can get pretty far on my DK but not having a second tank (or a healer) makes dropping Jagged Tear... let's say 90% impossible, I've managed to do it like once so far.

Thanks for the replies. I really want to finish shadowmourne. All the raid groups I find all have shards on reserve and my guild is NOT interested in doing ICC anymore.

I'm alliance, US, if anybody is ever down. I love running old content.


I didn't play in Vanilla, only since TBC but that entire argument is stupid. While I'd say quality had been falling for some time, MoP is WoW at it's best. There is still one raid tier so it may be too early to tell, but it seems it can even edge out TBC for me.


Yeah, let's see them compare the actual raiding in Vanilla for classes, compared to raiding now. It was putrid and basically involved hitting your dps button(s) of choice, decursing and healing was just boring to boot.
I have fond memories of raiding in vanilla and TBC, but it's mostly just good times with great people, I definitely don't long for those kinds of class or raid mechanics. Gotta be a lunatic to want that.


As with most of these things he's right on some points, wrong on others. I prefer the social side of mmo's so obviously I feel raiding with 40 people was better and more fun than 25/10. I also feel raiding was more relaxed back then, people didn't have elitist jerks forum telling them how to play or data miners releasing all the new item drops before they were even live. There was something special about hearing Fury guild clearing BWL all night and thousands of people hammering their website to see the drops. Same thing for bosses, everything is seen including abilities before it goes live. It takes some of the magic away.
Thanks for the replies. I really want to finish shadowmourne. All the raid groups I find all have shards on reserve and my guild is NOT interested in doing ICC anymore.

I'm alliance, US, if anybody is ever down. I love running old content.

I'd be up for going with you as I'd be running for rep more than anything else. And if you've got a group together so we could beat Lich King on 25m Heroic I wouldn't mind having a chance at the mount. Oh, and achievements. I do love them, so working on those would be a bonus though I have most of the 25m ones. My battle tag is LordWibble#1924 or you can probably just send a message cross-realm to Hugmytotems-Shadowsong?

I found out Zombiefest! is solo-able and not sure why I hadn't really stopped to think about it. That was the last one I needed for the meta. When I found out two days ago I went in right away, gathered up 100+ zombies, and failed to get the achievement because I killed the zombies with a totem and that doesn't count. Ugh. So last night I went in and was able to get a fire nova off and I swear my server seized up for a second as 100+ zombies died in a single attack. But that also means yesterday I got both the red and blue proto drake so it was a successful day!


Yeah, let's see them compare the actual raiding in Vanilla for classes, compared to raiding now. It was putrid and basically involved hitting your dps button(s) of choice, decursing and healing was just boring to boot.

What?!?! You're going to tell me that rotation right there isn't the pinnacle of action fun times?

I'd be up for going with you as I'd be running for rep more than anything else. And if you've got a group together so we could beat Lich King on 25m Heroic I wouldn't mind having a chance at the mount. Oh, and achievements. I do love them, so working on those would be a bonus though I have most of the 25m ones. My battle tag is LordWibble#1924 or you can probably just send a message cross-realm to Hugmytotems-Shadowsong?

I added you, if you guys want to run some old stuff whenever I am down, love running old stuff and I can bring in my DK to tank or my rogue for DPS. Can do it all! Probably can't do much until the reset though (on the DK), my DK is saved to like everything in wrath atm, though, I guess his Ulduar lock is only like half cleared. 3 people is probably enough for Cata 10 man stuff as well considering I didn't have that much trouble killing stuff solo in firelands (though couldn't tell you at all how Baleroc works with 3 people.)
What?!?! You're going to tell me that rotation right there isn't the pinnacle of action fun times?

I added you, if you guys want to run some old stuff whenever I am down, love running old stuff and I can bring in my DK to tank or my rogue for DPS. Can do it all! Probably can't do much until the reset though (on the DK), my DK is saved to like everything in wrath atm, though, I guess his Ulduar lock is only like half cleared. 3 people is probably enough for Cata 10 man stuff as well considering I didn't have that much trouble killing stuff solo in firelands (though couldn't tell you at all how Baleroc works with 3 people.)

Just hit me up for whatever. Any idea how many are needed for hard mode 25m Flame Leviathan? That's the only thing I have left for that meta. Already did the 10m version.

And I've only done Dragon Soul for Cata raids so I'd totally be up for even going through each of the Cata raids once since I've never seen them. But that also means I don't know the fights at all, heh.


I don't think Flame levi should be that hard if you have multiple people. On 25 man 0 towers he can be solo'd with 2 demos, 4 towers he gains an extra 200 mil HP, though, but having more people in demos means he should go down faster.


We got Council down after 6ish pulls and about 2 hours. I was on my Druid tanking Sul and Malakk. We're really the best choice for tanking Malakk. We just keep Savage Defense up and dodge the attacks that apply Frigid Assault. That way it rarely, if ever, stacks up to 15, and my uptime is almost 100%.

Yeah that's crazy that that works.

We do a tank swap when stacks reach about 10 but it's really not hard. Seriously, the only hard part of council is the Sul phase - the rest is brain dead simple. We just tank all 3 together, makes for an even easier time!


Yeah that's crazy that that works.

We do a tank swap when stacks reach about 10 but it's really not hard. Seriously, the only hard part of council is the Sul phase - the rest is brain dead simple. We just tank all 3 together, makes for an even easier time!

Even with the Blessed Spirits? That doesn't sound like it would be helpful.

We spent 3 hours wiping on Tortos, didn't get him down. Started with me tanking the boss, later switched to having the DK so I could bear-swipe the bats and it worked much better. I was just getting hit way too hard by the turtle, and I did a shit-ton of DPS to the bats.


Even with the Blessed Spirits? That doesn't sound like it would be helpful.
they have iirc some 1.5 million hp and heal for 5 million (give or take few million on both ^^)
the dps you loose by switching plus cleave on her if you drag her to the others and it turns out stacking them is more or less just as efficient as keeping them apart and killing the spirit, maybe even better if you have a lot of good cleave dps

also I have no patience to wait for 5.3, got my shaman to 86 ^^


Even with the Blessed Spirits? That doesn't sound like it would be helpful.

We spent 3 hours wiping on Tortos, didn't get him down. Started with me tanking the boss, later switched to having the DK so I could bear-swipe the bats and it worked much better. I was just getting hit way too hard by the turtle, and I did a shit-ton of DPS to the bats.

Even with the blessed spirits, for one very good reason: cleaves.

As a DK tank, my dps shoots up to something ridiculous like 160k dps on that fight alone, since I have my dots hitting like a truck on 4 targets. Dots that are enhanced by stupid amounts of vengeance.

Fire Mages sort of cleave (strangely). We have a dps warrior that cleaves like there's no tomorrow. A rogue also.

It makes up for the healing in *massive* dps that makes the fight go down much much faster.

We're stuck on Tortos too. Our main problem is the first turtle - if we get that down, then we're screwed because of the bats because our DPS doesn't switch to them quickly enough. I'm the bat tank because our MT (a Warrior) feels his AOE threat isn't high enough. It's a bitch to tank the bats as a DK because I have to do a TON of resource pooling to be able to get initial aggro, and then even if I get it there's usually a DPSer that focuses on a single one and it screws me :(

If the bats aren't dead by the 2nd stomp, I'm insta-gibbed, more or less. What's funny is that on this fight, I would probably be in a much better position to tank the turtle because of my blood shield...


We're stuck on Tortos too. Our main problem is the first turtle - if we get that down, then we're screwed because of the bats because our DPS doesn't switch to them quickly enough. I'm the bat tank because our MT (a Warrior) feels his AOE threat isn't high enough. It's a bitch to tank the bats as a DK because I have to do a TON of resource pooling to be able to get initial aggro, and then even if I get it there's usually a DPSer that focuses on a single one and it screws me :(

I'm gonna be honest, this sounds like a bad idea, unless something has changed over the past few months shield tanks >>>> blood shield in aoe situations. The more mobs a shield wearer gets thrown the better their mitigation becomes in comparison to non-shield wielding tanks. The threat thing doesn't make any sense either since the amount of mobs he would be tanking should be giving him infinite revenge procs (resets it's cooldown on every parry or dodge), it hits 3 targets which mixed in with their other aoe should be enough to hold everything easily.


I'm gonna be honest, this sounds like a bad idea, unless something has changed over the past few months shield tanks >>>> blood shield in aoe situations. The more mobs a shield wearer gets thrown the better their mitigation becomes in comparison to non-shield wielding tanks. The threat thing doesn't make any sense either since the amount of mobs he would be tanking should be giving him infinite revenge procs (resets it's cooldown on every parry or dodge), it hits 3 targets which mixed in with their other aoe should be enough to hold everything easily.

Hey it's what I've been telling him, but he still feels my AOE is superior.

AoE DPS, sure. AoE threat? I kinda doubt it. (and only because of diseases). The biggest problem for AoE threat on a blood DK is the cooldown on blood runes. If I don't pool them, I'm completely screwed on that pull, and it can be 6-7 seconds of zero threat. :(

My mitigation gets better when I'm fighting purely physical damage (by a SHIT TON) and marginally better when it's magic damage. In this fight, my blood shield should be up quite against the Turtle which would give me better odds at surviving his big bites. Hell if I time it up correctly it's better than most cooldowns - say if I keep 4 Death Runes before his cast and blow them at the right moment, I get a huge heal, a huge shield and can nicely survive.

I'll talk to him again, see what we can do.


My story is very similar.

We got Council down on Sunday and began work on Tortos.

Council was interesting....we focused on Sul, but ranged would switch to whoever was empowered while the melee'd continue in on Sul. We have two DK's and the dual wield one puts up ridiculous numbers so it worked out once we got used to the fight.

I'm the warrior tank and my partner is a bear and I had to be the one to tank Malakk most of the time (we'd switch at 10 stacks). Bears are so weird, he tanks so well, and then suddenly it's like bombs get dropped on him, so I was grabbing him to be more consistent.

Once we got it working, we were able to get Sul down before the first sandstorm. With 3 healers. So, we were happy.

We kept Marli separate, though, and ranged took out the spirits. I tried to get us to stack everyone as I read here, but alas, they wanted to do it right. Made the tanks job harder, though, as when she empowered, we had to interrupt our way over to her with Malakk and Sul and when she was done empowered, interrupt our way away :).

Tortos wrecked our shit, though, although by the end of the night we saw a light at the end of the tunnel (43%). Half the time was just getting the timing down on the damn kicks.

We also switched tanks there, though. I was originally assigned bats and did okay, but one miss and it was hard to snag them all. That and the same problem as Malakk, bear'd be tanking wonderfully and then 3/4 of his life was gone.

So we switched and that's when things stabilized. He could round up the bats better than I could and I seemed to be able to mitigate the turtle better. He'll go down this week. I hope.

F'ng turtles lol.
This damn game is calling me again :)

I was interested in leveling either a Monk or a Pally (I'm tired of my ranged toons) but wonder how do they play in PvP? I'm not interested in Arena or rated stuff just having fun in BGs :)


This damn game is calling me again :)

I was interested in leveling either a Monk or a Pally (I'm tired of my ranged toons) but wonder how do they play in PvP? I'm not interested in Arena or rated stuff just having fun in BGs :)

Pally's are always good in PvP, especially casual BGs.

Monks can be very good versus certain class types. As a Warrior, I hate Monk healers more than Druids, now. Monks, in general, can neuter Warriors in so many ways.

I think some other classes might be able to deal with them better, though.
In that case what class is more "fun" to play/level? I know that is mostly subjective but I'm talking about fighting systems and such. I remember when I first tried Paladin 2-3 years ago. I was bored to tears, just waiting for the 2-hander to swing. I've heard that they've changed pally up but no idea how :)


In that case what class is more "fun" to play/level? I know that is mostly subjective but I'm talking about fighting systems and such. I remember when I first tried Paladin 2-3 years ago. I was bored to tears, just waiting for the 2-hander to swing. I've heard that they've changed pally up but no idea how :)

They're similar to rogues now, you build up a resource like combo points (except they are tied to you and not your target) and spend it on finishers. Instead of energy your resource generating abilities just have a cooldown. It's basically a balancing act of keeping the abilities on cooldown as little as possible while making sure not to cap your resource. Their primary finishers are just recreations of rogue abilities though, one passive one that increases all your damage, and another that deals heavy damage similar to eviscerate.

Monks are also similar to rogues as well, combo point like resource as well, also tied to you and not your target. They do actually use energy though. I'd say the biggest difference between monk and rogues in the actual combat style is that rogue is all about using your finishers to augment your abilities in one way or another (envenom to increase poison damage, eviscerate to lower cooldowns, SnD to increase attack speed) where as monk finishers are more important to their overall direct damage and typically hit harder. You don't really have anything like Slice and Dice you spend Chi (their combo points) on. Their situational abilities also seperate them further. Monks have stuff like an AOE disarm talent, the ability to roll away from danger, various "brews" (to fit the brewmaster theme which is their tanking spec), and so on instead of all the sneaky stuff like a rogue.


Really Really Exciting Member!
The current Ret pally is pretty fun I think, don't know how good it is in normal/heroic raid content, but outside of that, I love it. It's definitely not as boring as it used to be. Sure, in the early levels its probably not very fun since you only have like 2 spells to use, but it gets better the more you unlock.


The current Ret pally is pretty fun I think, don't know how good it is in normal/heroic raid content, but outside of that, I love it. It's definitely not as boring as it used to be.

I agree, current ret has made me actually have fun with a rotation involving all your main abilities having a cooldown. I never would have believed that before I gave it a try in Mists, the 2 extra holy power slots go a long way to giving the spec depth.


My only problem with Ret is how haste is just too overpowered for the class, and the rotation doesn't feel right until you get a lot of haste.

That and it doesn't have a good gap closer (they have one it's just not gooooood nerf the cd on speed of light and I'd be happy); and no cleave whatsoever, but those two are pet peeves of mine.
Schoof of hard knock life man

Yeah, I'm hitting it today for the first time ever. I've worked so hard toward this proto drake, it will be absolutely crushing if I can't get this achievement this week. I have no PvP gear and very little PvP experience. So lame :(


Yeah, I'm hitting it today for the first time ever. I've worked so hard toward this proto drake, it will be absolutely crushing if I can't get this achievement this week. I have no PvP gear and very little PvP experience. So lame :(

Just keep at it, and try during the middle of the week. The beginning and end of the week are when everyone rushes it, so you might have trouble there.
Just keep at it, and try during the middle of the week. The beginning and end of the week are when everyone rushes it, so you might have trouble there.
I wonder if it would be easier to do this on a low level alt because people won't be geared to hell. hmmmmm

If I get hard knocks on one toon and the rest of the children's week achievements on another toon, will I still get the title?
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