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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
My level 81 monk is almost exalted with Klaaxi due to zandalari insignias. Killed another 4 warbringers yesterday, still no mount.
So yesterday in a fit of "I really need to take a break." I told everyone I was disappearing for a week. Then today I remembered Children's Week started.

Is there anything new? I was looking around and it seemed like it was the same ol'. I have all the pets and achievements... so I really don't think I have a need to log on?


I wish i could find groups to farm warbringers.
openraid is empty, guild is dead, server is dead.

BUT I just bought Attumen's mount for 63k, rejoice !


Even with the blessed spirits, for one very good reason: cleaves.

As a DK tank, my dps shoots up to something ridiculous like 160k dps on that fight alone, since I have my dots hitting like a truck on 4 targets. Dots that are enhanced by stupid amounts of vengeance.

Fire Mages sort of cleave (strangely). We have a dps warrior that cleaves like there's no tomorrow. A rogue also.

It makes up for the healing in *massive* dps that makes the fight go down much much faster.

We're stuck on Tortos too. Our main problem is the first turtle - if we get that down, then we're screwed because of the bats because our DPS doesn't switch to them quickly enough. I'm the bat tank because our MT (a Warrior) feels his AOE threat isn't high enough. It's a bitch to tank the bats as a DK because I have to do a TON of resource pooling to be able to get initial aggro, and then even if I get it there's usually a DPSer that focuses on a single one and it screws me :(

If the bats aren't dead by the 2nd stomp, I'm insta-gibbed, more or less. What's funny is that on this fight, I would probably be in a much better position to tank the turtle because of my blood shield...

Druids are amazing at tanking the bats. Jump, Thrash, and drag them to melee range, spam Thrash and swipe for 210K+ DPS.

I agree with having you on the bats rather than the Warrior, since being able to block really neuters the damage from Tortos' bite attack. Pestilence is probably the best tool you've got for picking them up. The main problem we were having is just getting that first turtle kicked, we were succeeding maybe 25% of the time. If we did that, then we were able to get into the groove and our best attempt was 20%.


Druids are amazing at tanking the bats. Jump, Thrash, and drag them to melee range, spam Thrash and swipe for 210K+ DPS.

I agree with having you on the bats rather than the Warrior, since being able to block really neuters the damage from Tortos' bite attack. Pestilence is probably the best tool you've got for picking them up. The main problem we were having is just getting that first turtle kicked, we were succeeding maybe 25% of the time. If we did that, then we were able to get into the groove and our best attempt was 20%.

Even specced into Roiling Blood (automatically triggers pestilence on blood boils) it's still highly problematic because I need to spend 4 gcds to *start* to pick them up (best case is 3 if Outbreak is up, which it won't be all the time) - I need to do Frost then Plague THEN Blood Boil twice to get them to stick to me (one BB won't work because it requires diseases already be on the target to do extra damage).

All the while I need to run to where they'll land, manage to to 4 GCDs as quickly as possible. I don't have a good movement solution for this, whereas a Warrior would have Heroic Leap which would get him into the bats in one gcd, then grab aggro very quickly and you're done. (You can charge into them, which works well for you too). I would imagine Paladins would have the same time of problem, movement wise, but they only need 2 GCDs to fully establish aggro on them (Hammer + Wrath).

I agree that blocking really helps with bites, but good Blood Shield management is also stupidly crucial. If I time my stuff correctly and pop VB just before 2 Death Strikes, I can easily build up an incredibly high shield (almost half my health!) so the bite really wouldn't hurt that much.


Even specced into Roiling Blood (automatically triggers pestilence on blood boils) it's still highly problematic because I need to spend 4 gcds to *start* to pick them up (best case is 3 if Outbreak is up, which it won't be all the time) - I need to do Frost then Plague THEN Blood Boil twice to get them to stick to me (one BB won't work because it requires diseases already be on the target to do extra damage).

All the while I need to run to where they'll land, manage to to 4 GCDs as quickly as possible. I don't have a good movement solution for this, whereas a Warrior would have Heroic Leap which would get him into the bats in one gcd, then grab aggro very quickly and you're done. (You can charge into them, which works well for you too). I would imagine Paladins would have the same time of problem, movement wise, but they only need 2 GCDs to fully establish aggro on them (Hammer + Wrath).

I agree that blocking really helps with bites, but good Blood Shield management is also stupidly crucial. If I time my stuff correctly and pop VB just before 2 Death Strikes, I can easily build up an incredibly high shield (almost half my health!) so the bite really wouldn't hurt that much.

The Warrior probably could just Heroic Leap and Thunderclap and have them all pretty decently, as long as he can keep them in a cone kind of shape for his cleave.

I think we had our DK drop a glyphed D&D and then work on winding up Pestilence. It didn't seem to be a big problem, but I was getting hit super hard by Tortos because I'm squishy against that kind of damage.


It sucked when the bats came down too close to heroic leap or charge, though, or letting them get low enough to even charge them / leap into them.

I was so happy to hand that job off to a druid.


The Warrior probably could just Heroic Leap and Thunderclap and have them all pretty decently, as long as he can keep them in a cone kind of shape for his cleave.

I think we had our DK drop a glyphed D&D and then work on winding up Pestilence. It didn't seem to be a big problem, but I was getting hit super hard by Tortos because I'm squishy against that kind of damage.

Yeah I could try that too. At least glyphed D&D will help slow them down. I'll give that a shot this week.

It sucked when the bats came down too close to heroic leap or charge, though, or letting them get low enough to even charge them / leap into them.

I was so happy to hand that job off to a druid.

I honestly hate those bats with a passion. They're annoying to see drop, takes them forever to get to some stupid random point and there's a ton of them, so even if you try to grab aggro on one, the others will just fucking run around putting the hurt on players...


Is there a GAF guild or anything? I currently play Ally side of Kil'Jaeden and while its fun I lost touch with many of the people I used to play with so I'm looking for something more active.
Is there a GAF guild or anything? I currently play Ally side of Kil'Jaeden and while its fun I lost touch with many of the people I used to play with so I'm looking for something more active.

I don't believe there is any longer. At least I don't see any talk that suggests it as everyone appears to play on different servers and with non-GAFfers. If you're looking for somewhere else I've been enjoying Shadowsong-US for a PVE server. I recently joined a random, active guild with 500ish members that tends to always have at least 10 people online (saw around 25 at the most?). Don't really know how the server is in terms of population but there always tends to be people around when I go places, it seems. I've seen complaints over the server's AH pricing and trade chat can be mostly dead at times but again, not sure how that compares to other servers since I don't play on others.

Just be warned that I'll hassle most folks to run old content with me for achievement and mount purposes.

Also, just hit 145 mounts. Closing in on that 150 reward. Also up to 53 exalted reps. Looking forward to getting "the Beloved" title.


Also, just hit 145 mounts. Closing in on that 150 reward. Also up to 53 exalted reps. Looking forward to getting "the Beloved" title.

And then the real mount grind begins! I've been sitting at 180 mounts for a few weeks now, haven't gotten a new one in a while and it's making me sad. Just building up my gold stash so I can buy some TCG mounts or BMAH mounts.
I'd be up for going with you as I'd be running for rep more than anything else. And if you've got a group together so we could beat Lich King on 25m Heroic I wouldn't mind having a chance at the mount. Oh, and achievements. I do love them, so working on those would be a bonus though I have most of the 25m ones. My battle tag is LordWibble#1924 or you can probably just send a message cross-realm to Hugmytotems-Shadowsong?

I found out Zombiefest! is solo-able and not sure why I hadn't really stopped to think about it. That was the last one I needed for the meta. When I found out two days ago I went in right away, gathered up 100+ zombies, and failed to get the achievement because I killed the zombies with a totem and that doesn't count. Ugh. So last night I went in and was able to get a fire nova off and I swear my server seized up for a second as 100+ zombies died in a single attack. But that also means yesterday I got both the red and blue proto drake so it was a successful day!

RoninChaos#1747 is the tag. I usually run stuff on weekends. My next "project" for old content is ulduar 10 for the mount. I need to look into it before I do it though. I like to be efficient if possible. What class do you play?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I was proud of myself for being at ~90 mounts :/

I only have 89. But I have Ashes of Al'ar, Onyxian Drake, White Hawkstrider, Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank, Rivendare's Deathcharger, Drake of the North Wind and Raven Lord.

I don't personally care much for just increasing a pointless number counter, I suppose, I'm only interested in the neat looking mounts.


And then the real mount grind begins! I've been sitting at 180 mounts for a few weeks now, haven't gotten a new one in a while and it's making me sad. Just building up my gold stash so I can buy some TCG mounts or BMAH mounts.

I'm hanging out at 201, just waiting for 5.3 to drop. A little salty that the reward is another dragonhawk, but I do like how it looks this time around.
RoninChaos#1747 is the tag. I usually run stuff on weekends. My next "project" for old content is ulduar 10 for the mount. I need to look into it before I do it though. I like to be efficient if possible. What class do you play?

I'll add you when I hop back on. Just logged off after playing a bit more than I had intended. Just realized I agreed to the Ulduar 10 run despite already having that meta complete. I'll still go with you guys if you need it but if you have enough to do it without me I'll sit it out.

I play an enhancement shaman.

Got a couple more exalted reps. Hit the 55 reps exalted achievement. Also got another mount from one of the reps I hit exalted so now at 146. I ran Stonecore five times in just around 20 minutes. Getting that Slabhide run down to a science. I'll get that drake soon enough!
Just keep at it, and try during the middle of the week. The beginning and end of the week are when everyone rushes it, so you might have trouble there.

Got it tonight :) EOTS was a potential nightmare but I got lucky.

Getting all 4 metas in just a couple hours was basically a combination of luck, skill and preparation.


Another week goes by, another save without secrets of the empire or enh weapon drops. I'm getting very tired of the RNG.



Fuck you Blizzard. Seriously, fuck you. I've been struggling with this every week since LFR opened. I am SO far behind because of your shitty reliance on RNG for the first step of a huge quest chain. I have already "done" later parts of the chain, but because of this one quest, they don't count of course. I'll have to do them again. Good luck finding anyone on my mostly dead server who still needs to kill the Alliance boss in Krasarang.

Now I am finally, FINALLY, at 10 and 9, you alter it. WELL CHEERS.


Another week goes by, another save without secrets of the empire or enh weapon drops. I'm getting very tired of the RNG.


Fuck you Blizzard. Seriously, fuck you. I've been struggling with this every week since LFR opened. I am SO far behind because of your shitty reliance on RNG for the first step of a huge quest chain. I have already "done" later parts of the chain, but because of this one quest, they don't count of course. I'll have to do them again. Good luck finding anyone on my mostly dead server who still needs to kill the Alliance boss in Krasarang.

Now I am finally, FINALLY, at 10 and 9, you alter it. WELL CHEERS.

I know these feels all too well.

15 Wisdom and 7 Power. Note that I stopped doing HoF when I got to 10 Wisdom. Those 5 extra have all been from ToES kills I was doing to try and get Power :(


Got it tonight :) EOTS was a potential nightmare but I got lucky.

Getting all 4 metas in just a couple hours was basically a combination of luck, skill and preparation.

I got School of Hard Knocks last night as well.

1 Warsong Gulch, 3 AV's (stupid +mount speed classes), 1 Arathi Basin, and...a lot of Eye of the Storms.

That has to be the hardest one of the four.

The only nice bit was soo many undergeared and horrible people were there I was cutting through them like a reaver. I almost got the 20 killing blows with no deaths (18, ARGH) because of how bad people were. As a Warrior.

EotS shouldn't have been that bad, but for the terrible people.

I seriously have no sympathy for people trying to get this achievement and don't even try to get a single piece of brain dead easy to obtain crafted PvP gear to help them out.
Bizazedo said:
I got School of Hard Knocks last night as well.

1 Warsong Gulch, 3 AV's (stupid +mount speed classes), 1 Arathi Basin, and...a lot of Eye of the Storms.

That has to be the hardest one of the four.

The only nice bit was soo many undergeared and horrible people were there I was cutting through them like a reaver. I almost got the 20 killing blows with no deaths (18, ARGH) because of how bad people were. As a Warrior.

EotS shouldn't have been that bad, but for the terrible people.

I seriously have no sympathy for people trying to get this achievement and don't even try to get a single piece of brain dead easy to obtain crafted PvP gear to help them out.

Ha, and I got Grim Reaper last night. I guess it's a good week to get certain PvP achievements.


Hallelujah, it's so disheartening to have absolutely no reason to run MSV any more and still being at only 3 Sigils of Power. Now I can just get it over with.


Hallelujah, it's so disheartening to have absolutely no reason to run MSV any more and still being at only 3 Sigils of Power. Now I can just get it over with.

I've been trying to encourage people to do weekly runs up to Elegon at least, for the mount... it sometimes works.


Now I am finally, FINALLY, at 10 and 9, you alter it. WELL CHEERS.

If it's any consolation, it's not until 5.3 to help all the really slow people :).

I've been trying to encourage people to do weekly runs up to Elegon at least, for the mount... it sometimes works.

I hate the people on my server. MSV is so easy, now, and they still don't want to do it. In a guild group I've done the entire place in an hour.

But does anyone want to do a mount run? Noooooo.....

(If you're Horde and need a tank / dps, hit me up).

Fuck you Blizzard. Seriously, fuck you. I've been struggling with this every week since LFR opened. I am SO far behind because of your shitty reliance on RNG for the first step of a huge quest chain. I have already "done" later parts of the chain, but because of this one quest, they don't count of course. I'll have to do them again. Good luck finding anyone on my mostly dead server who still needs to kill the Alliance boss in Krasarang.

Now I am finally, FINALLY, at 10 and 9, you alter it. WELL CHEERS.

Try openraid, there's people running groups to kill the bosses for that quest all the time. I signed up for one that was on the same day I finally hit 6k valor (just last week) and a group of around a dozen of us from different realms downed him easily.


Try openraid, there's people running groups to kill the bosses for that quest all the time. I signed up for one that was on the same day I finally hit 6k valor (just last week) and a group of around a dozen of us from different realms downed him easily.

I occasionally see blurbs on OQUEUE as well asking for groups to complete that quest.

Despite its beginnings as a PvP mod, that thing is gaining use for PvE.


I had great luck in LFR last night. I ran the last 2 in ToT of ended up with 4 total upgrade pieces. One being my tier 15 chest and even a belt from the failbag. I don't think I've ever had such a good run.

Did anyone else think that turning in the quest for killing the Thunder King was kind of lackluster? The standard that Jaina gives you doesn't seem to do anything either. At least when we finished the Shield Wall stuff we got a mount. I'm not saying we need a mount for this but something a little more exciting than a useless standard. The quest I'm referring to is this: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=32599



Fuck you Blizzard. Seriously, fuck you. I've been struggling with this every week since LFR opened. I am SO far behind because of your shitty reliance on RNG for the first step of a huge quest chain. I have already "done" later parts of the chain, but because of this one quest, they don't count of course. I'll have to do them again. Good luck finding anyone on my mostly dead server who still needs to kill the Alliance boss in Krasarang.

Now I am finally, FINALLY, at 10 and 9, you alter it. WELL CHEERS.

They always do this. <.<
This always cracks me up for some reason.

What is the origin of the word mob?

I thought mobs were patrolling groups, but this comic refers to just one NPC as a mob. And then I remembered that I have been referring to single NPC monsters as mobs for years. Just wondering what mob stands for and how it evolved to mean any hostile NPC in an MMO (and even in RTS/dungeon crawler games).


What is the origin of the word mob?

I thought mobs were patrolling groups, but this comic refers to just one NPC as a mob. And then I remembered that I have been referring to single NPC monsters as mobs for years. Just wondering what mob stands for and how it evolved to mean any hostile NPC in an MMO (and even in RTS/dungeon crawler games).

Mobile object. From MUDs I think?


So everytime I login and look at my characters I get the urge to delete them all and start over, but then I think to myself, I worked fucking hard on my main. So no.

But man, imagine if they didn't have that type in "DELETE" thing.

My character would have been gone a loooooooooooooong time ago.


So everytime I login and look at my characters I get the urge to delete them all and start over, but then I think to myself, I worked fucking hard on my main. So no.

But man, imagine if they didn't have that type in "DELETE" thing.

My character would have been gone a loooooooooooooong time ago.

Why in the world would you want to do that? You'd literally be throwing away hours/days/weeks/months/years of your life.


To create that false sense of a "fresh WoW adventure" like when you started WoW back in the day?

protip: You'll regret it.


So everytime I login and look at my characters I get the urge to delete them all and start over, but then I think to myself, I worked fucking hard on my main. So no.

But man, imagine if they didn't have that type in "DELETE" thing.

My character would have been gone a loooooooooooooong time ago.

Just start on a different server instead. Replicate that feeling without the permanence in case you change your mind next week.


No matter what you do, though, you'll still have all your achievements and pets gathered. Starting fresh is becoming harder over time.


GM's can restore a deleted character if you ask nicely. So it'll never truly be gone

Hah, "ask nicely". In cata I deleted my level 70 something mage to make it a worgen (didn't want to pay for a race change) and when I realized what I had done I wrote a ticket that was like "Oh god, I rolled a female worgen can you just make my old mage come back for the love of god?". It worked out pretty well.


Wow, I haven't done any LFR in a few weeks, after my very first time going and not getting jack but failbags. I go today and I get 4 items! That is some luck. I did have to waste some bonus rolls though.



Wow, I haven't done any LFR in a few weeks, after my very first time going and not getting jack but failbags. I go today and I get 4 items! That is some luck. I did have to waste some bonus rolls though.

They bumped up the drop rates in there dramatically to make it easier to gear up for ToT without being able to skip the raids entirely. Loot pretty much rains on you in the T14 stuff.
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