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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Let's talk about my rotation then.

Offensive buttons
Arcane Power
Mirror Image
Arcane Blast
Nether Tempest
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Barrage
Arcane Explosion
Fire Blast (when Arcane locked)

Defensive buttons
Incanter's Ward
Blazing Speed
Slow Fall
Greater Invisibility
Ice Block
Frost Nova

I use every single one of those buttons just about every time I log, so why the "three button" hate? Would you prefer spell bloat?

And yes, I'm bored at work right now.

I was joking. Love playing a mage too. :p
How many per fight, not how many per log :).

i.e., Slow Fall isn't a common one for PvE (and you should be Frost or Fire, anyways, for PvP).

I'm mostly PvE. Per the standard mob fight, as long as it's an easy one, I'm doing:

Nether Tempest
Arcane Blast
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Barrage

I think four spells is just fine for a 25-second fight. If it's an elite or a boss, then see the original list with more spells.

And I use Slow Fall all the damn time. I love it. It's the perfect escape spell. More fun that just going stealth. I usually Blink off a cliff and slow fall my way to safety :)


I'm mostly PvE. Per the standard mob fight, as long as it's an easy one, I'm doing:

Nether Tempest
Arcane Blast
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Barrage

I think four spells is just fine for a 25-second fight. If it's an elite or a boss, then see the original list with more spells.

And I use Slow Fall all the damn time. I love it. It's the perfect escape spell. More fun that just going stealth. I usually Blink off a cliff and slow fall my way to safety :)

Hah, I (think?) we're all joking. I have an alt Frost Mage so I know you hit more than 4 buttons during a boss fight just due to the fact we share some (no one cares about normal mobs these days).

Not as many as a Warrior, but :).



I'm mostly PvE. Per the standard mob fight, as long as it's an easy one, I'm doing:

Nether Tempest
Arcane Blast
Arcane Missiles
Arcane Barrage

I think four spells is just fine for a 25-second fight. If it's an elite or a boss, then see the original list with more spells.

And I use Slow Fall all the damn time. I love it. It's the perfect escape spell. More fun that just going stealth. I usually Blink off a cliff and slow fall my way to safety :)

How fast did you down the bitch? :D
How fast did you down the bitch? :D

Ony? Not sure, probably like 60-90 seconds. Although I had help from my frost mage girlfriend. Her DPS sucks though so I basically soloed it. She didn't have any aggro either. She was there to Blizzard the whelps.

Are 10 and 25 still on the same lockout? Because the mount drops in both 10 and 25, chances increase.

Not sure. I never attempted the 25 version.


Gave up on legendary quest (I hate you sigil of wisdom) until 5.3.

Focusing exclusively on pet battles.

What have i started.. (288/650)


I remember if you do it as Frost, spamming Howling Blast at her tends to work as long as you have some other way to take care of the whelps.

I did H25 Onyxia yesterday solo, Heart of the Wild is OP for fights like that. Tank her with your back against the wall until she takes off, Wrath spam and Hurricane down the adds until she lands, back to bear to get her down.
Are 10 and 25 still on the same lockout? Because the mount drops in both 10 and 25, chances increase.

Pretty sure that change went across the board so all raids are locked out when you do one version of them excluding LFR.

This week I timed all my cooldowns on Onyxia for when it said phase two was about to start, since as enhance I'm not particularly strong at ranged with my normal abilities, but with ascendance and everything else I got to phase three before she even took off the ground (though she still will but then comes right back down). It's a really fun, simple fight now. Sort of want to try 25m to see if I could solo it. Not sure how I'd handle the damage in mail, though.

Zenax and Wiggle, you guys down to finish tonight?

Yeah, should be fine. I'm assuming roughly the same time for you? Nothing going on tonight that I'm aware of so I'll aim to be around. Also, ran a Heroic Firelands run last night so if we want to gather a few more to work on the other achievements in normal mode we could do that at some point, too.


Ony is super easy on a Retadin also. You can burst pretty heavy before the takeoff and then get her back to the ground relatively quickly with Judgment/Exorcism/Holy Prism. Might be smarter to save the Avenging Wrath for the start of the flight phase because of the Hammer of Wrath spam.
Curious as to how this expac is holding up. My favorite part was levelling, but the fact that all grinding is done thru some sort of "auto-finder" system (raiding, dungeons, bgs/arenas, nothing in this game requires you to explore) was honestly more of a chore than anything
Curious as to how this expac is holding up. My favorite part was levelling, but the fact that all grinding is done thru some sort of "auto-finder" system (raiding, dungeons, bgs/arenas, nothing in this game requires you to explore) was honestly more of a chore than anything

I'm still really enjoying it, but part of the reason for that is because I went about it in a smart way. First, I leveled my main to 90 by questing through the zones. Then I spent a lot of time with pet battles, capturing and leveling them and doing all the quests. After that I focused on older content, filling out my achievement log and doing mount runs on a regular basis. Finally, I started to hit the dreaded dailies - but just a couple at a time. I'm currently Honored with the Tillers and Revered with August Celestials and really enjoying them. After getting my reps to max, I'm going to jump into PvP in a serious way for the first time ever.

Basically, I don't rush anything. I play this game how I want to play it and have no desire to get my item level as high as possible as quickly as possible. The moment this game feels like a job is the moment it's time to stop. I didn't even get bored during Cataclysm's final days. I spent so much time working on transmog for all of my characters that I never felt that lull that most people complained about just after 4.3.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GC's argument against Tri-Spec is utterly nonsensical. He's just making an asinine argument because his job requires him him to justify every random thing Blizzard does with the game on non-money based grounds. The reality is that making the game too convenient makes you spend less time playing.


I think the most important thing to keep in mind about rotations is more buttons doesn't always mean more complicated or anything. Less buttons in WoW nowadays generally means more decision making on when to properly use your buttons. Fire mage is a great example, rotation is barely 4 buttons but if you don't know how to properly use combustion you are going to do significantly less damage than a mage who does know what he is doing.

Always kinda preferred it that way myself, never liked rotations that involved a ton of buttons.

Zenax and Wiggle, you guys down to finish tonight?

I will be around and ready to go do whatever.

Curious as to how this expac is holding up. My favorite part was levelling, but the fact that all grinding is done thru some sort of "auto-finder" system (raiding, dungeons, bgs/arenas, nothing in this game requires you to explore) was honestly more of a chore than anything

Don't do it that way? I dunno, you can't even access the harder versions of all of that stuff with random ques (Challenge mode dungeons, real raiding, RBGs, heroic scenarios when they come).
GC's argument against Tri-Spec is utterly nonsensical. He's just making an asinine argument because his job requires him him to justify every random thing Blizzard does with the game on non-money based grounds. The reality is that making the game too convenient makes you spend less time playing.
Man, I hate on GC a lot but that is probably the smartest answer he could've given. And it's true. Think about how monotonous the game becomes when EVERY class fills EVERY roll and EVERY player is just a utility drone that does everything everyone else does. It's already happened the past two expacs, and the simplified buff/debuff system is the closest you get to just one unified class system.

I also think that the talent system is the biggest downgrade. I believe blizzard needs to completely rehaul the class system.


Curious as to how this expac is holding up. My favorite part was levelling, but the fact that all grinding is done thru some sort of "auto-finder" system (raiding, dungeons, bgs/arenas, nothing in this game requires you to explore) was honestly more of a chore than anything

Honestly with all the rare mobs, landmarks and hidden treasures, Pandaria is a boon for those who want to explore.


I'm about to just get that klaxxi ring at exalted. I want that ring in the vaults raid, but every time I use a rune, I get the Tomb Raider Girdle. :( The last thing I need before I move to Heart of Fear.


Man, I hate on GC a lot but that is probably the smartest answer he could've given. And it's true. Think about how monotonous the game becomes when EVERY class fills EVERY roll and EVERY player is just a utility drone that does everything everyone else does. It's already happened the past two expacs, and the simplified buff/debuff system is the closest you get to just one unified class system.

I also think that the talent system is the biggest downgrade. I believe blizzard needs to completely rehaul the class system.

I disagree. Being able to fulfill all three roles provides me with opportunities to participate in things I wouldn't otherwise. That group needs a healer but I only have DPS/tank specs? I'm SOL. Might as well log off.

I don't understand how every class being able to perform all their available roles is *more* monotonous than being limited to only two of them. DPS/tank/heal is less monotonous than DPS/tank only. I don't care that my heroic group is the same classes every time, I care that I can't stomach doing them because either 1) I've run them a billion times already as the specs I have, or 2) I can't stomach the queue because I don't have a healer spec.
I disagree. Being able to fulfill all three roles provides me with opportunities to participate in things I wouldn't otherwise. That group needs a healer but I only have DPS/tank specs? I'm SOL. Might as well log off.

I don't understand how every class being able to perform all their available roles is *more* monotonous than being limited to only two of them. DPS/tank/heal is less monotonous than DPS/tank only. I don't care that my heroic group is the same classes every time, I care that I can't stomach doing them because either 1) I've run them a billion times already as the specs I have, or 2) I can't stomach the queue because I don't have a healer spec.

Honestly I can't comment much on this since I don't have a clue what the state of DPS queuing is like since I haven't played for a few months. But if it's anything like it was when I was playing, then you sorta have a point

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Man, I hate on GC a lot but that is probably the smartest answer he could've given. And it's true. Think about how monotonous the game becomes when EVERY class fills EVERY roll and EVERY player is just a utility drone that does everything everyone else does. It's already happened the past two expacs, and the simplified buff/debuff system is the closest you get to just one unified class system.

I also think that the talent system is the biggest downgrade. I believe blizzard needs to completely rehaul the class system.

Its a meaningless distinction at this point in the game.


Man, I hate on GC a lot but that is probably the smartest answer he could've given. And it's true. Think about how monotonous the game becomes when EVERY class fills EVERY roll and EVERY player is just a utility drone that does everything everyone else does. It's already happened the past two expacs, and the simplified buff/debuff system is the closest you get to just one unified class system.

I also think that the talent system is the biggest downgrade. I believe blizzard needs to completely rehaul the class system.

The talent system is brilliant. Having three balanced choices in each tier gives you lots of options to tune yourself properly for each encounter. The Druid's tier 6 talents work essentially the same way for all 4 specs, but knowing which one to use on any given encounter makes a huge difference. As a tank, I use Dream of Cenarius on Lei-Shi and the Wind-Lord, Heart of the Wild on Tsulong and Tortos, Nature's Vigil on Stone Guard and Council of Elders, and they're amazing in their specific niches.

I'll grant you it's not quite the same for every class, but I find myself playing with talents and glyphs a lot just trying to find that edge whatever toon I'm on.


Much as I like the talent system in the context of raiding, outside of it there isn't nearly as much appeal. Leveling feels unrewarding since all the fun stuff is at the end instead of slowly unrolling as you go along.


Much as I like the talent system in the context of raiding, outside of it there isn't nearly as much appeal. Leveling feels unrewarding since all the fun stuff is at the end instead of slowly unrolling as you go along.

It's certainly not the best while leveling, even Blizzard agrees. But actually being out in the world I think it still functions in a good way. My talents while doing dailies is different than what I use in dungeons/scenarios, and different than what I use on raid bosses. It's a great system for max level but not a good one before that.


Finally, finally, finallllllly. Took me around 200 attempts but I finally won the RNG lottery and did not get murdered by the bugged cannon shots and I killed Disruptron. Recent upgrades in the past week + the legendary meta gem gave me a bit more wiggle room but the last 30% is still horrifying.


Now hopefully 5.3 is soon and I can be scared all over again!


After quite a long break, about 5 years, I've been working my way from 80 to 90 during the last couple of weeks.

Finally reached 90 last night, and.. now what?
I feel overwhelmed! There's so much to do. I looked at a guide for gear progression, and my head started spinning. Was it always like this?

Back in TBC, when I had my peak, I just raided my way to success. Now, joining the party quite late in the expansion, I'm not sure what to do. I guess dailies and VP is the way to go, since I'm all dressed in questrewards?

Any recommendations on what I should focus on to get me started, as a prot warrior?


Any recommendations on what I should focus on to get me started, as a prot warrior?

What do you eventually want to do with yourself in the game? If you just want better gear there isn't much reason to do dailies or worry about old VP stuff. You can just gear up in 5 mans and then start running LFR. Once you get geared enough in there you should start looking for a raiding guild (though you would have to aim pretty low since your gear will be behind others) while also running the new raid in LFR to try and make yourself as recruitable as possible. Your VP would best be spent on stuff in the new raid honestly.

Also worth noting if you can wait a few more weeks 5.3 will be doing quite a few... dramatic(?) changes to how you can access gear. You will have the option to choose what role you want gear for in LFR (meaning you can go in as DPS, let people carry you but still get tank loot) and heroic scenarios + the daily challenge mode quest will be giving treasure chests that have a chance to drop gear that is better than everything but Normal/Heroic modes of the current raid tier.


After quite a long break, about 5 years, I've been working my way from 80 to 90 during the last couple of weeks.

Finally reached 90 last night, and.. now what?
I feel overwhelmed! There's so much to do. I looked at a guide for gear progression, and my head started spinning. Was it always like this?

Back in TBC, when I had my peak, I just raided my way to success. Now, joining the party quite late in the expansion, I'm not sure what to do. I guess dailies and VP is the way to go, since I'm all dressed in questrewards?

Any recommendations on what I should focus on to get me started, as a prot warrior?

Heroics until your ilvl is high enough to get into LFR. Save your Valor for the ilvl 522 neck from the Shado-Pan Assault on Isle of Thunder.


What do you eventually want to do with yourself in the game? If you just want better gear there isn't much reason to do dailies or worry about old VP stuff.

Thanks for the advice.
I barely understood half of that, but I guess I better get reading.
Good thing there's another 7 hours to kill at work. I have a feeling this will be a productive day.


Thanks for the advice.
I barely understood half of that, but I guess I better get reading.
Good thing there's another 7 hours to kill at work. I have a feeling this will be a productive day.

You have a lot of different options for how to approach it all, but, it ultimately comes down to what you want from the game honestly.


You have a lot of different options for how to approach it all, but, it ultimately comes down to what you want from the game honestly.

I realise that, and I guess it was kind of a stupid question.
Anyway, all advice is good advice, and I appreciate it.
Finally, finally, finallllllly. Took me around 200 attempts but I finally won the RNG lottery and did not get murdered by the bugged cannon shots and I killed Disruptron. Recent upgrades in the past week + the legendary meta gem gave me a bit more wiggle room but the last 30% is still horrifying.

I hit Rank 7 at 483 and only tried the first fight once. Now that I'm up to 499 I should probably look into getting through Rank 7. I don't think I'm ready for Rank 8 because my sustained DPS simply isn't high enough over the two minutes. I really enjoy the Brawler's Guild stuff. The one thing I'd really like would be if cooldowns reset each time. I hate on slow days in there when my turn comes up again and it's wasted because two or three big cooldowns are still on hold.


I realise that, and I guess it was kind of a stupid question.
Anyway, all advice is good advice, and I appreciate it.

Yeah, I didn't mean it in an obvious way. I meant it in a "this game has change a lot since TBC" way. TBC was still in the Vanilla mold of your only real choice of content to do at max level was raiding or hardcore pvp (or play the AH I guess!), you played to get the best gear or you probably just used WoW as a chat client.

Nowadays though WoW scratches a lot of different itches. Do you want to just explore the world? Do you want to go after achievements? Mount/pet grinds? Get gear from old dungeons to use it as transmog. There are 3 different difficulties of raiding now (though I'd probably argue normals should be made easier or they should add a 4th difficulty) for players of all types, 3 different difficulties for dungeons as well. Lot's of max level questing opportunities, brawler's guild, etc.

Nothing is stopping you from dabbling in all of it, I was mostly just trying to say that you should have a different mindset of what is expected of you at max level compared to how things were back in Vanilla/TBC.

I hit Rank 7 at 483 and only tried the first fight once. Now that I'm up to 499 I should probably look into getting through Rank 7. I don't think I'm ready for Rank 8 because my sustained DPS simply isn't high enough over the two minutes. I really enjoy the Brawler's Guild stuff. The one thing I'd really like would be if cooldowns reset each time. I hate on slow days in there when my turn comes up again and it's wasted because two or three big cooldowns are still on hold.

Yeah I wish cooldowns would reset too, it sucks on slow days waiting for my long stuff to come off cooldown. Honestly you might be fine at rank 8 stuff, I was only sitting around 500 when I did all of mine (except Disruptron). Only 1 of the fights at rank 8 is REALLY dps demanding, the others are more about dodging the insane amount of stuff being thrown at you.


After quite a long break, about 5 years, I've been working my way from 80 to 90 during the last couple of weeks.

Finally reached 90 last night, and.. now what?
I feel overwhelmed! There's so much to do. I looked at a guide for gear progression, and my head started spinning. Was it always like this?

Back in TBC, when I had my peak, I just raided my way to success. Now, joining the party quite late in the expansion, I'm not sure what to do. I guess dailies and VP is the way to go, since I'm all dressed in questrewards?

Any recommendations on what I should focus on to get me started, as a prot warrior?

I was going to type up a post or find an old one of mine but this blizzard blue put together a nice post.



How long for my sha touched weapon? I'm about to start the Heart of Fear tier. I only have 4 power sigils, and 0 wisdom. Yeah I started late. lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
How long for my sha touched weapon? I'm about to start the Heart of Fear tier. I only have 4 power sigils, and 0 wisdom. Yeah I started late. lol

Sha-Touched weapons like the 2H axe drops in the Terrace raid(last boss for the axe), not sure about Heart of Fear.


So last night in the final phase of Horridon, I was landing 3.2 million crits with Execute and repeated 1.8 million shield slams. Granted, his armor was fully cracked, but that's still amusing.

More relevant, I landed a 600k+ crit shield slam on Oondasta which managed to pull aggro and wipe our raid as a Frill Blast was coming in (I blame the other tank for this, he should've had him).

Point is....these numbers be getting crazy, yo. Almost scared to think of 6.0.


How long for my sha touched weapon? I'm about to start the Heart of Fear tier. I only have 4 power sigils, and 0 wisdom. Yeah I started late. lol

If you're a caster,

If you're a plate class,

If you're an Enhancement Shaman, Combat Rogue or Monk,

If you're a Feral Druid, Guardian Druid or Monk,

If you're an Assasination or Subtlety Rogue,
  • Spiritsever (1-handed agility dagger) off of Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring

If you're a Hunter,

These are the only weapons with a Sha-touched Gem Socket, and can also have the Eye of the Black Prince applied to them. It's worth noting that all these weapons are made obsolete by the significantly higher ilevel weapons from Throne of Thunder, which can also have the Eye of the Black Prince applied to them.


Sha-Touched weapons like the 2H axe drops in the Terrace raid(last boss for the axe), not sure about Heart of Fear.

Nope, am a combat rogue!

Empress drops sha-touched agility fist weapons.


If you're a caster,

If you're a plate class,

If you're an Enhancement Shaman, Combat Rogue or Monk,

If you're a Feral Druid, Guardian Druid or Monk,

If you're an Assasination or Subtlety Rogue,
  • Spiritsever (1-handed agility dagger) off of Lei Shi in Terrace of Endless Spring

If you're a Hunter,

These are the only weapons with a Sha-touched Gem Socket, and can also have the Eye of the Black Prince applied to them. It's worth noting that all these weapons are made obsolete by the significantly higher ilevel weapons from Throne of Thunder, which can also have the Eye of the Black Prince applied to them.

Thanks for the write up! I guess I'm going after the claw.

Can anyone link the klaxxi ring at exalted? I'm wasting bonus rolls for the ring that drops from Feng, but he hasn't dropped it. Just cloaks and belts.


Thanks for the write up! I guess I'm going after the claw.

Can anyone link the klaxxi ring at exalted? I'm wasting bonus rolls for the ring that drops from Feng, but he hasn't dropped it. Just cloaks and belts.

It's also worth nothing that you can wield two Sha-Touched weapons even if you can't put a gem in both, so if you get the Claw of Shek'zeer and Spiritsever, you're free to put the gem in the claw and just use the plain dagger in your off-hand.

And Seal of the Windreaver is the agility reward from the Klaxxi at exalted.


It's also worth nothing that you can wield two Sha-Touched weapons even if you can't put a gem in both, so if you get the Claw of Shek'zeer and Spiritsever, you're free to put the gem in the claw and just use the plain dagger in your off-hand.

And Seal of the Windreaver is the agility reward from the Klaxxi at exalted.

What about duel wielding the claws? And damn, that ring is better. I guess I'm going stop going in the first part of the vaults. I'm not quite exalted yet, but close enough.
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