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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Makes sense to me then. Wasn't sure if a fast off-hand was still deemed mandatory for Combat.

As long as you have the highest DPS weapon in your main-hand slot, you should be fine. The miss chance for offhands is much higher, so you would lose out on white damage if your best weapon was in the offhand. But over the course of your average fight, there should be no difference between having a dagger or an axe with the same DPS in your offhand.


Yes! Got School of Hard Knocks done in one night, thanks to the (surprisingly) helpfull WoW pvp community. I was fearing th EoTS part the most, but in the end 3 people were trying and hunt down the flag to then give it to me so I could cap it.


Yes! Got School of Hard Knocks done in one night, thanks to the (surprisingly) helpfull WoW pvp community. I was fearing th EoTS part the most, but in the end 3 people were trying and hunt down the flag to then give it to me so I could cap it.


It might've helped that you waited until later in the week, though. Earlier it was a mad rush of people trying to get the achievement and the sheer number of them literally ruined the battleground that night.

As a result, the normal PvP'ers were...not happy and very antagonistic. Honestly, I can understand it since you couldn't have a "normal" EotS with all the people in zero PvP gear and uninterested in actually winning.

Luckily, the Warsong / AV / Arathi Basins are at least helping the team win. Kind of.



It might've helped that you waited until later in the week, though. Earlier it was a mad rush of people trying to get the achievement and the sheer number of them literally ruined the battleground that night.

As a result, the normal PvP'ers were...not happy and very antagonistic. Honestly, I can understand it since you couldn't have a "normal" EotS with all the people in zero PvP gear and uninterested in actually winning.

Luckily, the Warsong / AV / Arathi Basins are at least helping the team win. Kind of.

The achievement should just be winning the battleground IMO, I cheated my way through the AV one; I let the opposing faction capture the tower when I was standing next to it being "afk" then killed the capper and recaptured.


Point is....these numbers be getting crazy, yo. Almost scared to think of 6.0.

Not if the item squish has any say in it. I'm not opposed to one at this point but I hope they find a better solution than just lowering our overall damage. I liked the idea of mega damage, just putting an M or a K at the end of the damage you do but I don't think that was really part of the item squish idea (just a way to make the UI cleaner). I wonder if they could just lower the damage but use Ks and Ms to imply my attack hitting for 100 damage is actually hitting for 100k. A system like that could solve some issues without completely making us feel like we are weaklings again.

Regardless, I think the item squish is still in the cards for next expansion, GC even recently tweeted as much.

Makes sense to me then. Wasn't sure if a fast off-hand was still deemed mandatory for Combat.

They changed combat potency so slower weapons have an increased chance to proc it. I don't play combat, but, from what I recall if you are in a situation where you can use Killing Spree on cooldown you use 2 slow weapons but otherwise a dagger is still better.
Not if the item squish has any say in it. I'm not opposed to one at this point but I hope they find a better solution than just lowering our overall damage. I liked the idea of mega damage, just putting an M or a K at the end of the damage you do but I don't think that was really part of the item squish idea (just a way to make the UI cleaner). I wonder if they could just lower the damage but use Ks and Ms to imply my attack hitting for 100 damage is actually hitting for 100k. A system like that could solve some issues without completely making us feel like we are weaklings again.

Regardless, I think the item squish is still in the cards for next expansion, GC even recently tweeted as much.

Isn't what you're suggesting essentially what they're already doing? Or maybe it's because I use Xperl and not the default but health is already listed as 402.1k health, for example. I don't ever really think of anything below a minimum of a thousand. When talking about dps I'd say I do 80k, not 81,312. I just assumed that the item squish would never really come about because the UI handles it just fine. Also, does the item squish mostly just mean that they'd cut all numbers to 10% or something? So starting zone mobs with 89 health would just have 9 health and your attacks would do 2-4 damage? I've always wondered how exactly it would all work.

Anyhow, you got me curious to hop back into the Brawler's Guild and after three failed attempts I easily got past the first fight in Rank 7. DPS at this point is not a concern at all. Had them down to around 30% health at the halfway point. I tried the next fight a few times and almost killed him on his second shield drop but a ghost took me out. I keep forgetting that I can stun the ghosts through him if I get them lined up so instead I start getting antsy and run around to get away from the ghosts and always get hit in the back by a ghost I didn't expect. Also, they need to show the stunned ghosts better as one attempt had me shine on the ghost so I ran forward but apparently it wasn't stunned yet and I died immediately. That was like four seconds into the fight without me doing anything at all. I bet the onlookers enjoyed that performance, heh.

Sounds like I should be able to reach rank 8 without much trouble with some practice. Now, getting through rank 8 won't likely happen for awhile.


Isn't what you're suggesting essentially what they're already doing? Or maybe it's because I use Xperl and not the default but health is already listed as 402.1k health, for example. I don't ever really think of anything below a minimum of a thousand. When talking about dps I'd say I do 80k, not 81,312. I just assumed that the item squish would never really come about because the UI handles it just fine. Also, does the item squish mostly just mean that they'd cut all numbers to 10% or something? So starting zone mobs with 89 health would just have 9 health and your attacks would do 2-4 damage? I've always wondered how exactly it would all work.

That is indeed just Xperl doing that for you, though to be fair I think WoW default frames do it as well. I use Perl classic myself and have it to show raw numbers. I don't see 400k hp on my health frame, I see 400,000. It's actually gotten very awkward in MoP because raid boss' HP value is so large that the number actually exits their frame and shoots out beyond it. For example this is Sha.


What I was suggesting would be your character literly doing 100 damage but they just added a K to trick your brain into thinking more. One of the big reasons they've been considering an item squish is because they are afraid of numbers getting too big for your PC to actually parse all of it, I dunno anything about the inner workings of PCs but I assume at some point numbers could be so large it effected performance.

As for what an item squish actually is, no, it wouldn't be a simple 10% reduction or anything, it would be actually properly scaling item levels down. What happens each expansion is that we see item levels go up in very large jumps past level caps. This is to keep making us feel more and more powerful without actually increasing our level. An item squish would be done to make the gear actually similar to what our character level should be at the time. Blizzard did a really good blog post on it back before MoP came out that goes into a lot of detail (more than I can since me and numbers are sworn enemies). A side effect of the item squish would be our character growing weaker, so you aren't wrong in that regard. They have some graphs in the article explaining how the progression would go, at the time the theory was to cut it all down so the best Cata gear wouldn't even be ilvl 200.
Item squish

Ah, I read that back when it went up and had forgotten that was their concept. So it seems that if they go with the item level squish that with each new expansion there'd be a squishing of the previous expansion to remove the exponential increase yet keep that larger increase rate through the new expansion so you'll feel quite a bit more powerful than all the previous content.

There's definitely issues with that, even beyond the feeling of being weaker overall. I run a lot of old content so would the differences between raids in older content between expansions be much smaller? Would Molten Core suddenly present challenge closer to that of ICC or even a Cata raid because the difference in item level for those respective levels are much closer? Or would it be set for the opposite and suddenly once geared up for the current expansion everything that came before is far too easy so now people could solo all raids prior to the current set?

Well, I'm curious to see what they do. I honestly don't think I'd mind the item squish in terms of pure damage numbers as I'd get over it fairly quickly and get used to my crits not being 150k and instead 15k (or less!?). My concern would just be how it affects the older stuff more than anything.


Well, I'm curious to see what they do. I honestly don't think I'd mind the item squish in terms of pure damage numbers as I'd get over it fairly quickly and get used to my crits not being 150k and instead 15k (or less!?). My concern would just be how it affects the older stuff more than anything.

Yeah, me too. I am not really concerned with doing less damage (though I have a feeling the general population may be confused/disappointed). I too just want to know how that would effect old raids. They've gone out of their way to support old content (first through achievements, then transmog, now we even get pets in there) so I'd like to believe they'd come up with something to make it all work! But, they never actually went into any detail (that I can recall) on how soloing old content would work.


Yeah, me too. I am not really concerned with doing less damage (though I have a feeling the general population may be confused/disappointed). I too just want to know how that would effect old raids. They've gone out of their way to support old content (first through achievements, then transmog, now we even get pets in there) so I'd like to believe they'd come up with something to make it all work! But, they never actually went into any detail (that I can recall) on how soloing old content would work.

I remember their original statements were that at whatever the new max level would be, we'd still be about as effective in old content as we are now, but some of the more mathematically inclined seemed to disagree on that.

For the most part I don't really care about being weaker since we effectively reset at the start of every expansion anyway. Encounters always end up being about mechanics and execution rather than raw stats unless you're really that bad at the game.


For the most part I don't really care about being weaker since we effectively reset at the start of every expansion anyway. Encounters always end up being about mechanics and execution rather than raw stats unless you're really that bad at the game.

Pretty much, but I am afraid how the average player would feel with the perception of their character getting weaker even if in the end nothing has really changed. I think Blizz is worried about the same thing based on that GC tweet from a few days ago.
Tell me your tales of boss kills this week, WoWGAF.

Raid night is tomorrow and I'm already dreading it. I wish to live vicariously through you.
Haven't played in awhile. I was bored tonight and resubbed. I need something to play when I'm not on my main boomkin. What's best for solo playing\lfg? Warrior\Hunter\Warlock\enhance sham? I can't decide =[


Haven't played in awhile. I was bored tonight and resubbed. I need something to play when I'm not on my main boomkin. What's best for solo playing\lfg? Warrior\Hunter\Warlock\enhance sham? I can't decide =[

If you want a different experience from the Boomkin, I'd suggest a Warrior/Death Knight/Paladin.
If you want a different experience from the Boomkin, I'd suggest a Warrior/Death Knight/Paladin.

I hate DKs but been thinking about warrior or pally a lot. Pally I love prot, but don't care for ret. I could probably aoe dailies and tank dungeons at 90 for fun as prot. Warrior is the reverse, I love arms, never played fury and don't care for prot. Man I hate not being able to decide.
We got Ji-Kun on farm now and are saving all of Sunday to start progression on Durumu.

Stay strong.

Good luck. That fight really doesn't seem hard at all as long as your people can deal with the maze.

That's what's so amazingly frustrating about where we're stuck. All the other bosses seem ridiculously easy in comparison.

Congrats on Ji-Kun though. :D


There needs to be more Durumus, more Heigans in raids. Fights that actually require paying attention and reaction time greater than a sloth's are more fun than "stand in a new predetermined spot every 20 seconds for 10 minutes straight".
Finally I decided to play in the official servers, way to different to 3.3.5 version.

So now the Mage can cast way to far now, which talent is better for PVE at the beggining?. Im so confused with the guilds levels but joined one with level 25.


What add-ons are you using? I've been thinking it's time that I start cleaning mine up. I've always used Xperl from the start and have barely modified anything else.
it's a add on pack
elv ui

I like it, very customizable plus it makes everything look nice and uniform, instead of the mish mash of styles i had when I made my own UI from different add ons ^^


Well, honestly, most healers should be able to keep themselves up in a 1 dps on them scenario, so ignoring that little bit for now. Rogues can stunlock them, but otherwise, they should be able to hold up in an arena setting, at least for awhile. I think you're thinking of more of a world pvp scenario whereas I was thinking of Arena / BGs with two teams working together to annihilate each other.

The thing about Monks is due to their defensive abilities + mobility, they can last an indefinite amount of time if they're smart.

They are not most vulnerable after Dematerialize because that's when they wait to use Ring of Peace or their incapacitate move, etc. Or they start rolling / torpedoing away at that point (where, again, you can't stun them to stop this).

You did give me an idea, though, so (no sarcasm, seriously) I wanted to ask you since you seem to know how they work. Are you suggesting the best way is to split the dps, one on his teammates and the other on him? Like what are his biggest heals he can do / how long do they take?

It's probably going to depend on your comp, but I'll give you the run down on some of the other stuff.

First, like I said, 90% of their effective healing is going to come from Healing Sphere if you are in their face, and that spell is nearly impossible to use on other teamates if they are being pressured. It's a small green sphere that only procs if someone is below 100% health and is instant, 3 max out at once. All of their other big heals have a significant cast time or channel, aren't sustainable, and are interrupt bait.

I do think Warriors have a harder time than most against them since they can get away and their disarm is ranged, but most ranged classes should have less trouble (especially casters) since a lot of their abilities (their slow/root, interrupt ect) require melee range or close to it. Dematerialize causes *everything* to miss while it's up (2.5 secs), but effects already on them will stay (like bleeds and DoTs) and after that is 10 secs of vulnerability to whatever. A second stun/burst combo during that window and they have very little they can do. If you do have a double melee comp or something, you might want to make the Monk blow their CDs/run then immediately hard switch to the teammate and burst them down (if they don't run keep on the Monk). If you have a ranged with you, then it should be even easier to pull off. If you are talking 3s or 5s this should not be too bad, 2s I am not as sure. Even other healers can pressure/CC them from ranged (Wind Shear/Cyclone ect). Consider them the mage of healers when it comes to running away, but with a fraction of the CC and CDs to mask their squishy-ness once caught.

You did make a valid point about Ring of Peace, but keep in mind that it doesn't last very long, suffers DR, and said Monk gives up their stuns for it. Even if you are disarmed, they'll still be susceptible to interrupts and the like, and a caster who walks out of it won't get silenced at all. The most important thing to keep in mind is that if they are running, they cannot heal their partner well outside of some long (2-3 min) CDs.


I've been semi-bored when not raiding, and playing with some classes I haven't spent time with. I don't know why Enhancement seems so dull.. maybe it's because I'm used to DPS classes being the Feral Druid/Unholy DK type with a 1.0 GCD. I get the concept, I get how to play it, but I find it hard to get excited about it. It doesn't help that the button bloat is insane.


I've been semi-bored when not raiding, and playing with some classes I haven't spent time with. I don't know why Enhancement seems so dull.. maybe it's because I'm used to DPS classes being the Feral Druid/Unholy DK type with a 1.0 GCD. I get the concept, I get how to play it, but I find it hard to get excited about it. It doesn't help that the button bloat is insane.

I feel like bloat indicates abilities that don't add anything to the rotation directly. I think more along the lines of Priest/Hunter level 90 talents when it comes to bloat. But that said I can relate, enhancement is probably my least loved spec in the game, just not made for me.

Like I've said in the past I'm just not a big fan of your core rotational abilities being on a cooldown. I actually find it funny because when you look at like the EJ enhancement thread the priority is fucking bananas but every time I attempt to play Enhance it seems to just boil down to hitting the next ability that comes off cooldown, I just never feel like I am choosing what ability to use next, the game is. I don't think enhance really needs to change or anything, but, could be the reason you don't like it either. You should give Ele a shake, I find it to be one of the more fun specs in the game.
I've been semi-bored when not raiding, and playing with some classes I haven't spent time with. I don't know why Enhancement seems so dull.. maybe it's because I'm used to DPS classes being the Feral Druid/Unholy DK type with a 1.0 GCD. I get the concept, I get how to play it, but I find it hard to get excited about it. It doesn't help that the button bloat is insane.

I feel like bloat indicates abilities that don't add anything to the rotation directly. I think more along the lines of Priest/Hunter level 90 talents when it comes to bloat. But that said I can relate, enhancement is probably my least loved spec in the game, just not made for me.

Like I've said in the past I'm just not a big fan of your core rotational abilities being on a cooldown. I actually find it funny because when you look at like the EJ enhancement thread the priority is fucking bananas but every time I attempt to play Enhance it seems to just boil down to hitting the next ability that comes off cooldown, I just never feel like I am choosing what ability to use next, the game is. I don't think enhance really needs to change or anything, but, could be the reason you don't like it either. You should give Ele a shake, I find it to be one of the more fun specs in the game.

How dare you two :(

Enhancement is crazy fun! And after I started actually thinking more about proper priority and using abilities more effectively I've noticed a dps increase so there can be more than just using abilities that aren't on cooldown. Now if a fight has me scrambling a lot than I definitely do get a bit more mashy but even then I've been training myself to play with a proper priority. It also took me some effort to get better at handling maelstrom stacks and not just casting lightning bolt at a full five-stack. And especially now that I have the T15 bonus that causes Stormstrike to add two stacks of Maelstrom I have to be even more careful to not waste those two stacks.

I definitely have wondered if one reason I like enhancement so much is that it's my only dps class I ever got beyond level 40 (and that was a Warlock around Burning Crusade's release). Before that I only really played prot pally (did try leveling one of my three paladins as ret but got so utterly bored I finally went prot and rarely ever jumped back). But enhancement is so much fun and I think it's great against single targets. It's pretty bad against multiple as we have one ability that allows for proper AoE and it has a 10 second cooldown. There's a lot of inopportune moments due to how AoE works but I've set a second action bar just for AoE so I quickly swap between them with shift+mouse scroll to be ready for most any situation.

And thanks, Enosh. I don't plan on getting on tonight so I'll probably check it out tomorrow and see how I like it. I'm definitely in need of some change for UI.


How are Warriors/Pallys in Soloing old content? I know DK's are currently the top choice for solo raiding but looking into other alternatives as well.


How are Warriors/Pallys in Soloing old content? I know DK's are currently the top choice for solo raiding but looking into other alternatives as well.

How far back are we talking? At this point pretty much any class can solo anything up to 10 man Ulduar. After that it starts to get into sketchy territory. I'm not sure about Warriors but I imagine a prot paladin can do pretty well for himself, they have a lot of good self healing. Maybe not as far as a DK, but still pretty good.

Enhancement is crazy fun! And after I started actually thinking more about proper priority and using abilities more effectively I've noticed a dps increase so there can be more than just using abilities that aren't on cooldown.

Well, I wasn't saying enhance didn't require any skill, there is that insane priority and all. But I was mostly getting at that at any given time you only have so many abilities available to use because of cooldowns. I much prefer nothing having a cooldown and you having to be absolutely sure it's the right time to use that ability. I actually also really enjoy more timing based stuff that has downtime (actually not the biggest fan of using an ability every single GCD), one of the reason I fuckin' love assassination so much. Timing my envenoms to have as much uptime as possible is like my favorite thing in this game. I ain't even joking when I say I would absolutely quit playing if the whole envenom dynamic was removed at some point from assassination.


The vaults is getting very old. I just need bracers from spirit kings, but he isn't giving them up. Think I can do Heart of Fear with ilevel of 476?


Well, I wasn't saying enhance didn't require any skill, there is that insane priority and all. But I was mostly getting at that at any given time you only have so many abilities available to use because of cooldowns. I much prefer nothing having a cooldown and you having to be absolutely sure it's the right time to use that ability. I actually also really enjoy more timing based stuff that has downtime (actually not the biggest fan of using an ability every single GCD), one of the reason I fuckin' love assassination so much. Timing my envenoms to have as much uptime as possible is like my favorite thing in this game. I ain't even joking when I say I would absolutely quit playing if the whole envenom dynamic was removed at some point from assassination.

Yes I love assassination's rotation. Don't understand why people always complain of its long downtime.

Had to change my password two days in a row because of "irregular" logging in, starting to shit me...

I'm experiencing this issue too...


Yes I love assassination's rotation. Don't understand why people always complain of its long downtime.

I think it has to do with being more unique. That's not to say other classes aren't similar, but, most dps classes have some sort of filler ability to use when nothing else makes sense and those that don't typically have enough abilities to fill every gcd. Even combat can spam sinister strike nearly forever, assassination though has those stretches where nothing is going on as you pool energy. Clearly not the popular choice given that us rogues are sitting at the bottom of the barrel in terms of most played class, but god, I love that build up and pay off as you spam mutilate proccing all those poisons during envenom, so so much.

On the topic of being a rogue though, saw this on mmoc

Look at monk attack animations. The players' reward for doing their role correctly is that their screen looks beautiful. Cont

We are working long term on making rogue and warrior attacks cooler, since we agree that they look the most bland while fighting.

I am glad they are considering something. I've been leveling my monk lately and I get insanely jealous at how amazing EVERY single one of their animations are. I would love it if we had equally cool animations as a rogue.


I am glad they are considering something. I've been leveling my monk lately and I get insanely jealous at how amazing EVERY single one of their animations are. I would love it if we had equally cool animations as a rogue.

On this topic, I do love the Enhancement animations. Panderen especially look amazing.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Is it possible to transmog heirlooms with class specific gear? Like putting the paladin T5 look on the plate heirlooms for a DK alt? :p
Finally have a full set of Royal Satchels. Feels good man.

Just this last week I finally bought a royal satchel to replace a 24-slot bag since my others were 26. Started talking about bags in my guild and most thought I was fairly insane and one guy said he still doesn't use anything bigger than 20 or 22 slot bags and even those feel too large. I can't imagine! I probably won't upgrade my other bags to the royal satchel and will instead wait for the next expansion bags, though. My bank is all 22 and 24 slot bags, as well, so there's that as a small reason to upgrade my main bags.

I really want Blizzard to put in a way to upgrade the backpack. Maybe pay a trainer a fee to upgrade to different sizes. Or just go full easy mode and have it grow at set intervals while leveling?
Just this last week I finally bought a royal satchel to replace a 24-slot bag since my others were 26. Started talking about bags in my guild and most thought I was fairly insane and one guy said he still doesn't use anything bigger than 20 or 22 slot bags and even those feel too large. I can't imagine! I probably won't upgrade my other bags to the royal satchel and will instead wait for the next expansion bags, though. My bank is all 22 and 24 slot bags, as well, so there's that as a small reason to upgrade my main bags.

I really want Blizzard to put in a way to upgrade the backpack. Maybe pay a trainer a fee to upgrade to different sizes. Or just go full easy mode and have it grow at set intervals while leveling?

Totally agree that the backpack needs to be upgraded. Should be a high level tailoring recipe, IMO.


How are Warriors/Pallys in Soloing old content? I know DK's are currently the top choice for solo raiding but looking into other alternatives as well.

Paladins are just a little bit behind Death Knights in soloing I'd say. They have pretty great self-healing.

Warriors I don't have much experience with, but I imagine Second Wind to be one the most effective soloing tools.


Buttons bloat: are we in a good place now or some class still need less active abilities (taking into account 5.3 PTR change)?
I think just about every class has too many buttons.

lol what?

What are they gonna do next? Remove all the spells?



christ what shitty luck on my shaman as far as lfr goes

done every boss and had a coin for every one, 3 items in total, quite sure I got more stuff for what's basically 2 full runs before 5.2 on my other characters -.-


Warriors I don't have much experience with, but I imagine Second Wind to be one the most effective soloing tools.

I was wondering about that. I haven't tried soloing any old stuff on my warrior but I imagine if the boss is only hitting you for 5% of your hp or so per hit without any burst damage second wind could probably make you immortal. Sounds kinda awesome.

I really want Blizzard to put in a way to upgrade the backpack. Maybe pay a trainer a fee to upgrade to different sizes. Or just go full easy mode and have it grow at set intervals while leveling?

I hope they do something next expansion :( I've already started putting royal satchels in my personal bank to replace illusionary bags. I've ran out of space for all my awesome transmog gear. I'd kill for another 100 void storage spots.


lol what?

What are they gonna do next? Remove all the spells?


There's a lot of bloat for sure, but that comes with the extra issue of what you can even remove. It's something they've been talking about since Wrath and still haven't done anything about.
Hey guys, I jumped in to WoW with both feet and bought myself the games up until Cataclysm. Currently I'm a level 22 Worgen Rogue. I have one question though: I'm finding the game rather easy. I'm doing all the quests in an area and one or two dungeons and I'm still not finished the level 10-20 area and am at level 22. Should I be moving on? It feels wrong to leave things behind. Should I be trying to find dungeons in the world, or should I be "cheating" and teleporting to them with the dungeon finder?


Really Really Exciting Member!
I just got the caster mace from LFR Lei Shen. Not too bad for my 1st kill!

You can't put Sha-Touched gem in it though. :( I will miss that +500 int gem.

And im still stuck with a 463 blue shield... can't win everywhere i guess.


Hey guys, I jumped in to WoW with both feet and bought myself the games up until Cataclysm. Currently I'm a level 22 Worgen Rogue. I have one question though: I'm finding the game rather easy. I'm doing all the quests in an area and one or two dungeons and I'm still not finished the level 10-20 area and am at level 22. Should I be moving on? It feels wrong to leave things behind. Should I be trying to find dungeons in the world, or should I be "cheating" and teleporting to them with the dungeon finder?

You can move on whenever you hit each 5 level breakpoint unless you want to experience the story.

And don't bother finding the dungeons, it's not cheating, it's just the method for getting to them now.
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