Bags should be buyable, all slots.
The last wing of ToT LFR is frustrating. Not only do I always join a group that have killed the first 2 bosses, but these groups can't even do Lei Shen properly once the 2nd phase starts. The biggest problem(I think) is how many tanks go in there and say "this is my 1st time fighting this guy". Ugh. Learn it as DPS first man, if you screw up or die, at least its not gonna fuck the rest of the group...
Yep. Thanks dudes! I sorely need this for my bank.Wow, I had no idea about that grummlepack. I don't even have it on my 90 lock. Big ups, gaf.
Is there some kind of ice version of this "helm"?
It looks nice on my mage... but im a frost mage, i figured something more... icy looking would be better than this.
There is not from my recollection. Actually off the top of my head I can't think of any real frost inspired head pieces. Plenty of fire or arcane, but I can't think of any frost. I assume one has to exist though.
Other than that there's the original Frostfire, but that's pretty loose.
I'm gonna say, I wish blizzard could do something about the language barrier in the game, or something else to make life easier. I was just in on a Lei Shen kill where multiple people did not speak english. Makes organizing that shit really hard since it seems a few of them were in there for their very first time. Wouldn't stand in swirls, ran around like crazy people, etc. Normally it doesn't matter in LFR but not being able to communicate with people on Lei Shen is super annoying.
Original frostfire was my first thought too, but yeah, it doesn't invoke the feeling of a frost mage that well.
Always fun when the Brazilians pop cooldowns and AOE down the little robots while Dark Animus is powering up.
Any Mistweavers here? Having a bit of an indecisive moment. Currently have WW as main spec, and BrM as offspec. Just finished gearing my BrM and going to start learning it. The short healer queues are very tempting though, so I'm wondering if I should have MW be one of my specs. Are MWs fun to play? Difficult? I've never healed before but I think I could figure it out. I really only tanked for a bit in Heroic dungeons in Cata with my DK, but I'm not too concerned about learning that either.
Without even reading it is itThis new short story is pretty sad.
Without even reading it is it?about baby being crushed
Raiding GAF! Can anyone help me out with Megaera? My guild is having issues killing her.
Here is what we have tried so far:
Three healing, killing GRGRGRG. This goes super smooth until about the 5th or 6th head, by then the damage is just way too high and our healers start going OOM.
Four healing, killing GRGRGRG. This almost seems like sixes with three healing. Now the healing is good, but because the heads are taking longer to kill, the healers are having to heal the tanks longer and resulting in about the same mana/healing problems on the 5th or 6th head.
Three healing, killing GRGBRGR. I think this one might be our safest bet. This way the blue head's damage never stacks way too high, but now our raid and healers complain about kiting the ice beam, and how it's too difficult, especially if it's a healer that we can't afford to lose for the time it takes to kite the ice beam.
Also, just to note we are managing cooldowns pretty well so we never really have problems on the rampages, it's always the tanks on the heads. All of our healers pull around 60-70k healing per second, and our dps is anywhere from 100k-150k.
What are your strategies and what have you guys found that works best? Thanks!!
Thanks for the heads up on that story, it's definitely one of the better ones they've put up.
The tanks take enormous amounts of damage, but we still 3 healed it and used your first strategy for the kill. On our kill, the DK was ilv 493 and tanked blue/green, I was ilv 510 Druid tank in full Rage build and went red/blue, and I spec'd Dream of Cenarius just to boost my self-healing. I was spamming the shit out of Frenzied Regeneration, and both of us sustained 18k HPS on ourselves throughout the encounter. Almost all of the damage is elemental, so you have to make sure your tanks are adjusting accordingly and using the right abilities to mitigate the damage. A dodge/parry Paladin will have a lot of trouble dealing with the sheer amount of magic damage, but between Seal of Insight and Glyph of Battle Healer, a Haste build can put out some pretty impressive numbers with high Vengeance.
How quickly can you obtain justice points to buy the heirloom pieces? I bought the 3 from the guild vendor, but I'd also like to chest and shoulders. Is it worth the time for the extra 20%?
Awesome, thanks for this!
Unfortunately I'm a warrior and can't do much outside of barrier as often as possible. I have a couple self heals but they are all on long cool downs. I'm also 510, so maybe after getting a little more gear in the raid will be what helps push us over.
Maybe that's just me not being hardcore enough.
510 should be enough.
Just focus on saving Barrier for the breath / magic style attacks (build your rage for it, I was able to pop a max Barrier and a little follow up one during it) and shield block during the melee heavy parts.
Amusingly, for our raid it wasn't the tanks taking a dive. The raid group itself was taking too much damage.
I feel like the only player these days that doesn't use additional keybinds other than 0 through 9 for abilities. And most of those (7, 8, 9, and 0) I don't even use by pressing the key because my hand would get out of place if I tried. But those also aren't abilities I need to click every fifteen seconds or less and are relegated to things like my damage mitigation abilities (as a shaman, so not super important for my role).
But yeah, it does feel like there's a bit of bloat. I'm curious how many shamans actually actively use bind elemental, or even hex for that matter. Probably normal/heroic raiders? When I try to CC at all in LFR nobody cares and just attacks the mobs anyhow.
Also, for totems I use FloTotem I believe it's called so it adds a totem action bar and I've become quite comfortable with quickly clicking the totem I need. Most are simply on timers, like searing totem, so it's easy enough to prepare for when I need to place another. The situational ones I'm fairly quick on clicking as well but generally I know most the fights going into them so again I'm ready with my mouse to click to drop a tremor or earthbind totem as needed.
I dunno, I always just found it courteous to complain to the guild or to friends if I had runs where nothing dropped. They have your back. But to ruin someone else time because of it... blah. Hell, I have even shaken my fist at certain bosses in raid chat but I never once gotten angry at someone else because they got lucky. I guess I just wish some people were not assholes about it.
It's like the people who encourage you to lose in battlegrounds so they can get their honor and move onto the next one. At some point most of us would've stepped back and said "If I'm not having fun just playing the game why am I still chasing that dangling carrot," but they continue to fail to make the logical connection.
The act of obtaining gear is more interesting than downing the boss or winning the match to them, I guess.
Is it just me or are we reaching a point where there's just too many damn spells and abilities for some classes? Looking at my hotbar for some of my classes and they are filled to the brim with attacks, buffs and whatnot.
I completely agree about the spell bloat. As a shaman it gets pretty ridiculous with all the totems. If it wasn't for having a razer naga then I'd be screwed. I have key binds from 1-12 on the mouse, and then ctrl and shift variants of 1-12. That's 36 key binds total which is absolutely insane. Nearly everyone is important too. That mouse has been a life saver.
We're all spread out. ZenaxPure, RoninChaos, and myself just recently started doing stuff together through Real ID stuff so really any server works out. If you want a new place to start I'm on Shadowsong-US which is a bit Alliance heavy and PvE. I have my draenai shaman there. Though to be honest I'm fairly certain I'll let my subscription lapse at the end of the month for at least a month or two so I can focus more easily on some other stuff.
If you need a scroll of resurrection just let us know.
Speaking of which, I'll be down to do some stuff this weekend. I have a work conference I'm attending from wednesday-friday so I can't do anything until friday or saturday. But I'll make sure I'm available at some point on the weekend so we can finish your ICC achievements.
I have one of those. How do I set up the shift key binds? 12 buttons isn't enough. I click on my second hot bar, but I'd like to key them to the mouse if I could.
We'll see. Friday I confirmed raiding with my guild but I'm a new member so I imagine if ten regulars show up I'll be on the sidelines and will be free. As for the weekend, really just depends on plans with the girlfriend. I'm probably free, since I believe she's working this weekend, but I'll know for sure a little later. Also, got a few big improvements on resto gear so that healing boss should probably be no issue. Also, figured out one more thing I was doing incorrectly, I believe, so my healing rotation got a little smoother.
That awesome feeling when a boss drops you loot in LFR for the first time after weeks and out of the two items he can drop you it's the one you don't want =/
That awesome feeling when a boss drops you loot in LFR for the first time after weeks and out of the two items he can drop you it's the one you don't want =/
That's me and the healing shield that Tortos can drop. He can drop like 4 items for my class/spec, and the shield is the only upgrade for me. Of course, I got everything except this so far.
I hate RNG sometimes... On one side I have a bunch of LFR items at lvl 483/502, a bunch of items at 496/522 bought with VP. And on the other... a shield and shoulders at 463 and its been like that since last year.
You're assuming people are always saying that even when their teammates are trying to actually win. Usually it's because half your team is just farming kills in the middle of the map the whole game and being useless. Part of the reason I don't PvP in this game anymore, it's just not worth the time.
Go into the key binding menu and scroll down to whichever action bar you're wanting to set binds on. When inserting the key to bind just hold shift and click 1 on the mouse. It should set the bind to shift-1 for that slot. Then proceed to do the rest of them the same way but just adding a different number in.