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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Also, in LFR, why in general is everyone an asshole? lol, one of the times I died nobody would res me, and I had to run back. Really? Takes 5 secs to res someone.

Typically when that happens, it takes about 5 seconds for you to release and run back. As you kill bosses, the places it spawns you when you zone in can change.

I.e., you should just release and run back.


Right, when it comes right down to it, WoW is still more fun than other MMOs. It shouldn't be that hard to make a better game these days, but clearly it is proving to be. I love the 'new' experiences with a new game, but every mmo that comes out now is just far too shallow and shitty once you get far enough. That's the real issue with most of them, lack of depth. I had a ton of fun in ToR until the cap...then there was NOTHING to do worth a damn. WoW was pretty broken at max level at release, but it still had a shitload of things to do and it took time to do them compared to what we get now. People can bitch about wow being too casual friendly or easy or whatever, but when I sit back and don't push so hard, I just find a huge wealth of options on how I can spend an evening, and unless I make it awful for myself it can be relaxing and rewarding to do almost all of them.

Yeah, Blizz has done a great job this expansion at making new end game content, while even after the mini expansion ToR's endgame is worse then before. It's just sad, because ToR's one great strength is the WoW's biggest weakness and they didn't capitalize on it (the story is just a billion times better in ToR because ... no Metzen).


Yeah, Blizz has done a great job this expansion at making new end game content, while even after the mini expansion ToR's endgame is worse then before. It's just sad, because ToR's one great strength is the WoW's biggest weakness and they didn't capitalize on it (the story is just a billion times better in ToR because ... no Metzen).

Hilariously enough that one "strength" was the driving factor that lead me to uninstall ToR. I made it to level 12 in a couple of nights of playing only to realize I was spending more time watching cutscenes than I was actually playing the game. I am not a crazy person that thinks story doesn't have a place in video games or anything like that, but, I do draw a line at some point in any video game (probably why I've never touched a MGS game). Perhaps it changed eventually but I was just bored out of my mind in the starting zone going from NPC to NPC only for a 2-3 minute cutscene to follow, didn't help that the Mass Effect series soured me on Bioware style "dialogue options".


Hilariously enough that one "strength" was the driving factor that lead me to uninstall ToR. I made it to level 12 in a couple of nights of playing only to realize I was spending more time watching cutscenes than I was actually playing the game. I am not a crazy person that thinks story doesn't have a place in video games or anything like that, but, I do draw a line at some point in any video game (probably why I've never touched a MGS game). Perhaps it changed eventually but I was just bored out of my mind in the starting zone going from NPC to NPC only for a 2-3 minute cutscene to follow, didn't help that the Mass Effect series soured me on Bioware style "dialogue options".

It depends in all honesty, I confess I skipped the majority of the cutscenes except for the class based/planet arcs, so I didn't have to deal with that as much of the time. The longer story cut sessions for the classes were usually worth it (especially the agents ones). Now if you got to play a class with as an especially boring starting/planet story arc (jedi consulars and the jedi planet in general), I could see that making me want to uninstall as well. It doesn't get much better and the end game is very very uninspiring, as the story is null and the feature set is pretty much bc wow's endgame. Every gameplay mechanic of Tor just seems derivative from Wow, and the game suffers due to that.

Also, as much as I bash wow's story (I actually don't mind Pandaria's) it is no where near the worst, that goes to pretty much every Korean MMO there is.


jedi consulars

That was me, I wanted to be a rogue jedi man and that dude had stealth. God damn that planet was so boring.

To be fair, though, based on what you said I doubt I would have enjoyed the game in the long run anyway. My general outlook on video games is: Good gameplay can make up for a mediocre story but a good story can't make up for mediocre gameplay (and yes on the topic of Bioware by that logic I think ME1 is one of the worst games of this gen). ToR's gameplay didn't seem bad really but it felt kinda outdated, I was already getting to some crazy button bloat as a Consular and I was only level 12, I got kinda scared thinking about how things might go as I leveled up from there.


Really Really Exciting Member!
That was me, I wanted to be a rogue jedi man and that dude had stealth. God damn that planet was so boring.

To be fair, though, based on what you said I doubt I would have enjoyed the game in the long run anyway. My general outlook on video games is: Good gameplay can make up for a mediocre story but a good story can't make up for mediocre gameplay (and yes on the topic of Bioware by that logic I think ME1 is one of the worst games of this gen). ToR's gameplay didn't seem bad really but it felt kinda outdated, I was already getting to some crazy button bloat as a Consular and I was only level 12, I got kinda scared thinking about how things might go as I leveled up from there.

ME1 the worst game of this gen? You must not have played a lot of games. :lol Yes the combat and inventory were bad and the 360 version was a technical mess compared to the PC version, but there are so much worst games out there.


ME1 the worst game of this gen? You must not have played a lot of games. :lol Yes the combat and inventory were bad and the 360 version was a technical mess compared to the PC version, but there are so much worst games out there.

You should probably re-read that, I said one of the worst, not THE worst, I certainly played worse games this gen, I just think ME1 is pretty high up there since if I don't care about the story what else is there in that game for me?


I was already getting to some crazy button bloat as a Consular and I was only level 12, I got kinda scared thinking about how things might go as I leveled up from there.

It does get pretty bad, but I don't think I use as many binds on my sage compared to say my paladin (due to all the situational hands/ etc that paladins get and all the on use trinkets). I think I function fine with 24 on my consular (although adding the companion adds about 2-3 more); while I use about 28-30 on my paladin.

It's a huge pet peeve of mine with Wow and mmo's in general (Tor is very much guilty of this as well), when developers (Ghostcrawler especialy) complain about skill gaps in their players, and complains about skill bloat, but then introduce all these clickable trinkets and all the maintenance buffs (inquisition/savage roar/slice and dice/combo points dots). That and the fact that it's up to the player base to teach others why keyboard turning is bad/key clicking; when it should be up to the developers just frustrates me.


It does get pretty bad, but I don't think I use as many binds on my sage compared to say my paladin (due to all the situational hands/ etc that paladins get and all the on use trinkets). I think I function fine with 24 on my consular (although adding the companion adds about 2-3 more); while I use about 28-30 on my paladin.

That doesn't sound too bad. I tried to give it a chance as I started skipping cutscenes around level 5 or so but I couldn't seem to skip some of them? I don't know, I would try to skip them but I would exit the cutscene only to have it start back up when I talked to the NPC to further the quest along, I couldn't figure out how it all worked so I just quit playing instead.

On the topic of matience buffs, though, I actually like them for the most part. I feel like they give more room for skill as long as they fit into the rotation well enough. Savage Roar/Inquisition feel fine to me since properly managing them actually gives room for individual player skill to shine through, but, on the other hand Slice and Dice adds nothing to the Assassination rotation and simply gets refreshed when you use envenom. There is no skill involved with managing it and thus it just becomes a button you occasionally hit if it accidently drops. I actually hope they remove it from the mutilate tool box in 6.0, GC has suggested as much in some of his tweets.

Clickable trinkets can go die in a fire though simply because most of the time you can macro them into an ability that has the same cooldown as the trinket, so what's the point in even having them be clickable in the first place?


Really Really Exciting Member!
You should probably re-read that, I said one of the worst, not THE worst, I certainly played worse games this gen, I just think ME1 is pretty high up there since if I don't care about the story what else is there in that game for me?

Yeah, I suppose if you don't care about the story or the characters, there isn't much left worth it in this game except the pretty skyboxes and the good sountrack.


I'm about to jump in again, and get MoP. Anyone have a scroll for me, just see how it goes first.

Very appreciated! :)

EDIT: Europe account


Clickable trinkets can go die in a fire though simply because most of the time you can macro them into an ability that has the same cooldown as the trinket, so what's the point in even having them be clickable in the first place?

I like them for tanking especially with the active mitigation model, but for DPS they've always been rather silly. Having control over them for burst is nice, but otherwise pointless since you're going to time them with your standard cooldowns anyway.


Really Really Exciting Member!
My clickable DPS trinket have a one minute cooldown, so I pretty much have to activate it everytime it's available with such a short cooldown. They might as well change it to "Gives 5000 intellect every minute for 15 seconds" to save people some clicks.


My clickable DPS trinket have a one minute cooldown, so I pretty much have to activate it everytime it's available with such a short cooldown. They might as well change it to "Gives 5000 intellect every minute for 15 seconds" to save people some clicks.

I prefer that to having it go off any time it damn well pleases, even if it's not the right time for it. I have two trinkets with massive RPPM Agility procs, and I always try to use them together with abilities like HotW, Nature's Vigil, Berserk, Incarnation, etc. so that I can help the raid out with DPS. But that comes at the expense of using those cooldowns at the right time for personal survivability, which I would be doing if they were on-use.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I literally got to level 6 in TOR before I got annoyed at the way the first world was set up and uninstalled. I know. That's pretty bad.
My last LFR attempt from last week had 5 of the 6 healers dying to the purple shit during the Disintegration Beam part. Twice.

This week there were only about ten of us standing by the end. The last 20% went quite a bit slower than normal. I've grown to really, really like that fight but I don't know if I find the amount of people that die amusing or annoying.

Pretty certain Iron Qon is still my least favorite fight. It's a mix between hating the tornadoes and getting frozen to the ground for twenty seconds and being useless. I also don't like the Dark Animus fight that much but this week went a LOT smoother and it almost changed my opinion. Tortos can also be frustrating but that's more due to my cooldown rotation and not being able to AoE well if I lava lash right before the next batch of bats hit. Overall I like how the wings are split as generally each has one boss I don't think is great, one that's decent, and one that I really enjoy doing.

I really enjoy Durumu, Ji Kun (if I get nest duty), and Lei Shen especially. Those fights are fun and have plenty going on. The first wing doesn't really have any stand outs, I suppose. The first guy is simple and fun. Best part is that he's really quick. Horridon I've been liking a bit more recently but it still feels really messy. The Council isn't all that interesting.
Guys do you need to read up on encounters before going to LFR? I haven't done any raids since vanilla and would like to see how stuff work today.


Guys do you need to read up on encounters before going to LFR? I haven't done any raids since vanilla and would like to see how stuff work today.

Reading the dungeon journal usually explains enough of the fight for LFR, and if not Icy Veins usually has a guide up (though they have a history of not being terribly accurate right after a patch lands).


Guys do you need to read up on encounters before going to LFR? I haven't done any raids since vanilla and would like to see how stuff work today.

Go to Youtube and look up FatbossTV. Dark Animus is completely different on LFR, since the anima don't buff each other, but most of the encounters are basically identical between LFR and normal mode except that everything hurts more... e.g. if you miss one turtle kick on Tortos, he will wipe your raid, whereas in LFR it's healable.


Add me on Real ID and I'll run with you on the raids you haven't tried and help explain the fights as you go. I could use the valor so not a big deal for me to run them. My real ID is LordWibble#1924

And on Garalon you can enter the circles around his legs and you'll want to do that because you do more damage. I can't recall what the buff is but it's something like 50% more damage or maybe even 100%. As melee it's fairly easy for me but for ranged I can imagine that gets annoying. The only circle you stay out of is the large, purple one under him.

I'm rpgcrazied@gmail.com, you or anyone in this thread can add me. :p And I just got some ilevel 483 boots from windlord in hof. Nobody will drop wrists!! I'm still stuck in 458 blue ones, my only blue too.


There's 489s from the August Celestials, or 522s from the Shado-Pan Assault.

I'm neutral with both of them. I don't feel like grinding rep again with this toon, although now its my main. My warrior is exalted with golden lotus, klaxxi. I'm only exalted with sunreaver onslaught and klaxxi on my rogue.


I'm neutral with both of them. I don't feel like grinding rep again with this toon, although now its my main. My warrior is exalted with golden lotus, klaxxi. I'm only exalted with sunreaver onslaught and klaxxi on my rogue.

Shado-Pan Assault at least you won't grind. You get that from running Throne of Thunder in regular or LFR. One run through the first wing should get you to Friendly and open up more 522 valor items.


I'm neutral with both of them. I don't feel like grinding rep again with this toon, although now its my main. My warrior is exalted with golden lotus, klaxxi. I'm only exalted with sunreaver onslaught and klaxxi on my rogue.

SPA rep is gained by doing ToT. Are you not doing ToT LFR?


I'm neutral with both of them. I don't feel like grinding rep again with this toon, although now its my main. My warrior is exalted with golden lotus, klaxxi. I'm only exalted with sunreaver onslaught and klaxxi on my rogue.

Farming zandalari scouts for rep tokens makes the process pretty quick and painless compared to what it was at launch.


Farming zandalari scouts for rep tokens makes the process pretty quick and painless compared to what it was at launch.

Yes, do this, but, also don't forget that if you're exalted on one character you can buy the commendation thing to get double rep with all the rest of your characters. That plus an afternoon of warscout farming can get you exalted with some reps pretty fast.

That said though, if you're just going for fast ilvl I would just suggest chain running HoF/ToeS over and over again and spamming bonus rolls. Rogue bracers drop from the second boss in HoF, just do him a few times with bonus rolls and you should get your bracers.


Yes, do this, but, also don't forget that if you're exalted on one character you can buy the commendation thing to get double rep with all the rest of your characters. That plus an afternoon of warscout farming can get you exalted with some reps pretty fast.

That said though, if you're just going for fast ilvl I would just suggest chain running HoF/ToeS over and over again and spamming bonus rolls. Rogue bracers drop from the second boss in HoF, just do him a few times with bonus rolls and you should get your bracers.

I mainly want my sha touched weapon and to do the wraithon quest line.


I mainly want my sha touched weapon and to do the wraithon quest line.

Well, if you're combat run the second half of HoF over and over again! Or if you're mut/sub run Toes a lot. Though, the Wrathion chain obviously leads into ToT so you will need a high enough ilvl at some point to continue the quest chain.


Well, if you're combat run the second half of HoF over and over again! Or if you're mut/sub run Toes a lot. Though, the Wrathion chain obviously leads into ToT so you will need a high enough ilvl at some point to continue the quest chain.

I know. I read about it online. :) The empress klaxxi drops the claw. I'm still running the first part. I've about got the mechanics down, still have problems with garlon though. Hes an ass. I have yet to enter ToE. I'm no where near geared for ToT.


Our guild got Megaera on 25 down tonight, I managed to beat a pug and scored thunderforged shoulders and won a trinket with a token. Our group is kind of half assed but we are making progress.


Here she is:



I actually hate the back of this hair. Might change it up. I originally was alliance. Then all my friends went Horde so I joined them. Now for fun I'm going to re-experience the alliance. lol

She's half-bronze, half-dark iron and she don't need no man.


Thankfully they have no relevance until 5.3, so that's something.

Indeed, I assume that was the intention. Makes a lot more sense than what they did for 5.1.

I actually got 3 this week (my first week on the quest), so that's cool. I enjoy that Wrathion talks to you after you obtain one each time, learning a bit more about Mogu history, though I guess that's kinda creepy too that he can see everything I'm doing >_>
Ahhh I leveled up too fast with my friend and now everything is messed up. The elf chain quest ends now when you met Garrosh. it just meh, do whatever you want. now im not sure if going fast for 90 or try to do some low rep missions, its my first official character btw.

I will miss going to infiltrate the night elf forest and collect some diadre's ears for thrall.
Indeed, I assume that was the intention. Makes a lot more sense than what they did for 5.1.

I actually got 3 this week (my first week on the quest), so that's cool. I enjoy that Wrathion talks to you after you obtain one each time, learning a bit more about Mogu history, though I guess that's kinda creepy too that he can see everything I'm doing >_>

I'm 4/12 in one week. Not too bad.

*sigh* I'm feeling WoW fatigue, though. It's not because I'm tired of the game or anything either. I just think this lack of progression is really starting to get to me. I dread raid night now.

The sooner 5.3 gets here and I can get off the Isle, the better. I should probably try to finish getting achievements for Stormbreaker though. That might actually be fun.
You need to find a new guild, for reals. I've had that same feeling before in wrath and I greatly regret not finding a new guild, even if your guild is full of long time friends you have to think about what you want from the game, not making them happy.

I know.

Unfortunately, I work swing shift and Moon Guard doesn't seem to have a lot of Weekend raiders, at least on Alliance. And I'd rather not race change/server transfer.

I don't really know what to do.


I know.

Unfortunately, I work swing shift and Moon Guard doesn't seem to have a lot of Weekend raiders, at least on Alliance. And I'd rather not race change/server transfer.

I don't really know what to do.

I know the feel, or at least a similar one. If I want to get into some serious raiding I have to transfer at this point, plenty of guilds doing only normal modes but just doing exclusively normal mode raiding doesn't interest me that much. I have no qualms with transferring even if I've been on this server since vanilla, but, I use my alts for mad gold and I would want all 10 of them to come with my rogue, but, that is obviously a few hundred bucks. Really hope Blizz releases some sort of mass character xfer within the next year or so.

Well, either that or account wide gold. I'd love my wealth not to be bound by server, I've got like 30k sitting on a server I don't play on right now :(
So, first time raiding with my guild since I joined them a couple weeks ago. Had to cancel on them one night last week. They've cleared MSV so we're working on Heart of Fear.

First boss was mostly smooth, only took our second attempt. They were only single-tanking that fight and the tank ate it at around 30%. Used a bonus roll because I have nothing else to spend the 20 elder charms on, and turns out I actually got a small upgrade. I'm mostly outgeared of Normal HoF but there's a few pieces that could be upgraded, so that was nice.

Second boss took our third attempt, I believe. Really there weren't any major issues. DPS was low and hit the berserk timer but got it after that with about 20 seconds to spare.

...and then there was Garalon.

First off, we had a DPS that really shouldn't have counted. He was hitting around 20k dps the entire time. And kept forgetting to buff and generally wasn't super cooperative on any tactics and died during most every encounter. They explained Garalon to exact detail and he immediately goes in and DPSes the body and stands in the purple circle. Thankfully he went to bed after that. We decided to keep trying as 9-man, and if nothing else, we'd learn the tactics and get comfortable with everything. Best we did was get him down to 60%.

Anyhow, going back in to try some more tomorrow night. Hopefully this time without the bad player and with a full ten people. It'd be nice to have a second melee dps, other than me, so there's someone else always getting the leg buff. I think the ranged do have a better handle on the pheromones business so at least that's starting to go a bit better.

It's kind of fun getting back into normal mode raiding. Almost wish I wasn't as well geared so that I'd be more excited about gear drops but I'm in almost all 502 or 522 so the 496 pieces aren't too special.
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