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World of Warcraft |OT4| "Why do we keep playing? It is simply in our nature."

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Eh at the end of the day though they all do offer room for skill to shine through. As simple as ret may sound if you aren't good at lining up cooldowns (and with your trinkets if you can) you won't do as much damage as someone that can, all 3 of your HP building attacks can offer different situational uses (normally exorcism > CS, but if you know ahead of time you are going to be out of cs range in a matter of seconds it's better to cs first), trying to not refresh inquisition until the very last second, etc. There is a lot of nuance to be had there as well, and, every rotation in the game is like that and for the better. They just achieve them in different ways.

But that said, TheYanger is right, the core abilities of Frost is very few buttons in the grand scheme of things. Hell, if you don't want to manage Bloodtap or plague leech you can drop them. In reality while those 2 talents are the highest DPS they are barely ahead of the other choices according to the 5.2 EJ frost guide(we're talking like within a few thouand of each other), and, if you aren't very good at using them it probably ends up being lower DPS than the other talents anyway. I don't use plague leech myself because I am not a big fan of how it makes the rotation feel but according to the sim data in that thread I'm only losing about 1k potential dps by not using it, 1k means almost nothing at current dps levels, I mean, not having to pay attention to that can free up more time to try and get more km obliterates in or bloodtap better.


I recently quit this game, kind of.

I was raid leader for my guild's team, which we started when Pandaria launched, with me and a bunch of the friends who hooked me on the game when Cataclysm launched. I've played waaaay too much of this game - 10 85s in Cata, and i have 7 90s now or something. It's long since lost its luster, but at this point, I have an amazing amount of friends who play and it was fun playing with them.

I quit a month and a half ago or something. I didn't boot up the game for a full month, and let my subscription lapse, which I'd never done in my two and a half years of playing. In Pandaria they put in so much stuff to do that it ended up taking a ridiculous amount of time for me to remain competitive in dps - gotta do dailies, cap valor, do raid finders every week on top of the two nights a week, four hours a night of raiding. I like raiding with friends, but even the two nights can get a bit much.

After I quit, everything seemed to be fine when they replaced me, even though I was raid leader. They've since lost a couple of other friends who are burned out as well, so I resubbed a bit ago and helped them out with a few raids, which was fun. They haven't gotten as far as they did before people left, though - they normally clear up to Lei Shen and actually almost downed him one week, but with people quitting they haven't gotten there in several weeks.

I've casually played over the past couple of weeks, which has been fun sometimes. I've had some fun subbing in for absent people here and there but everyone can pretty easily outclass me, dps wise, especially since several just got their legendary meta gem. When I play, I still get loot lust, despite my better judgment. :(

TLDR: used to play a lot, don't play too much any more. Anyone successfully scaled back the amount of time they play successfully?


TLDR: used to play a lot, don't play too much any more. Anyone successfully scaled back the amount of time they play successfully?

Last time I wanted to scale back, I basically cut ties with my guild, in-game friends and people I was being social with in general. Once you start feeling isolated and basically just do the weekly grind, it's like running a car without oil and everything just grinds to a halt. I know it sounds silly. However it has become much harder to cut ties with that blasted real ID.

I've started again, found a solid group of people and some really nice people I now talk to regularly. We do so much shit every week, now I'm once again bound to the game :p

Oh and get out of raiding.


TLDR: used to play a lot, don't play too much any more. Anyone successfully scaled back the amount of time they play successfully?

I was an officer of one of the better raiding guilds on our server in Vanilla. 5+ hours raids 4 nights a week. Have played on and off since BC dropped. Mists has been the only expansion to keep my interest. I pretty much only play my main (just started a PvP alt today) because that gives me plenty to do throughout the week: running a bunch of LFRs for loot to DE, occasionally helping the guild with raids (I joined as a "casual" member through my RL friend), capping Valor, and working on achievements/tradeskills.

It's possible to do, the real question is will you be comfortable with scaling back your time? I used to hate leaving something undone every week, but now I just don't have that dedication anymore. Luckily, I've whittled down most of the "mandatory stuff" to things I can do in less than an hour per day.


Last time I wanted to scale back, I basically cut ties with my guild, in-game friends and people I was being social with in general. Once you start feeling isolated and basically just do the weekly grind, it's like running a car without oil and everything just grinds to a halt. I know it sounds silly. However it has become much harder to cut ties with that blasted real ID.

I've started again, found a solid group of people and some really nice people I now talk to regularly. We do so much shit every week, now I'm once again bound to the game :p

Oh and get out of raiding.

I could see this working for me, but unfortunately several of my friends who I've known for a very, very, very long time play nothing but this game and I'm never going to cut ties with them.

As for quitting raiding, if I did that, I'd just unsubscribe instead of just cutting back on the time I spend in the game, because I might as well not play if I don't do normal raids.

It's possible to do, the real question is will you be comfortable with scaling back your time? I used to hate leaving something undone every week, but now I just don't have that dedication anymore. Luckily, I've whittled down most of the "mandatory stuff" to things I can do in less than an hour per day.

This was what my problem used to be when I used to try to scale back my time with the game. Even when I'd quit, anytime I'd play, I'd get the urge to cap valor, or more recently do all the raid finders or world bosses to not miss out on a chance at loot. That shit is the stuff I hate doing and eats up all my time.


Yeah... You need to scrub your brain about what is "required" of you. Why do you do dailies or LFR if you already raid with friends? Assuming you're geared up in 496 stuff from the previous tier the amount of stats you gain from getting 502 items is not enough to make or break your raid group. If you aren't having FUN doing something then just stop doing it.

Valor capping is a bit of a different story, but, at this point it's insanely easy to cap and is only getting easier next patch so it doesn't matter.

It all just comes down to taking a step back and honing in at what you find fun in the game. Nothing is required of you, it never has been, doing everything can certainly give you an edge but if all you want to do is log on and raid with your friends then just do that. Maybe you won't increase your ilvl as fast as other people, but, why does that really actually matter?

edit: Oh, for clarification what I am getting at is that the loot lust and doing everything in the game is a self-inflicted state of mind and not the reality of how the game actually works. Trust me, it can be hard getting yourself out of that state of mind but it's not impossible and when you do you will get greater enjoyment from the game.


I only do my 'mandatory' 12 hours of raiding a week. I never do LFR anymore (I did some when I really wanted secrets to get that gem, but if I want the gem I don't consider it a chore). I do the pvp isle dailies about half the time to keep enough charms for my runes of fate (I group with a friend, the pvp dailies take MAYBE five minutes, 20 lesser charms, takes 50 for a week's worth of runes).

I still play wow a LOT, but I've let go of so much 'mandatory' shit and not even noticed. Valor is rarely important, only when new stuff comes out for a week or two. The upgrade system is so much less oppressive in 5.3 that I'm actually quite looking forward to it.

I don't know howmuch you consider to be a lot in terms of what you were doing vs what you could be doing, but I'd say it's very possible to be quite successful in heroic raiding on 3 nights a week or less, and normal mode raiding on 1 or 2 (probably longish) raids a week. Anything outside of raids, you just simply don't NEED to do. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. You don't need it.


You say both DPS specs are very easy to play, I assume you are talking about Unholy and Frost? Because I'd say Frost is far from 'easy to play'.

There's a self-buff to maintain; Horn of Winter and you can't do it only every 5 minute because it also give you runic power thus it becomes a core part of your rotation. Pillar of Frost is also a self-buff.

Horn of Winter is something you push when you have no other buttons to press. You can just macro it to Frost Strike or Death Coil so that you use it when you have no runes or runic power. Pillar of Frost is a cost-free buff once a minute, as opposed to Savage Roar or Inquisition or Slice 'n Dice which must be continually refreshed using your resource just to do OK damage. Unholy doesn't even have Pillar of Frost to manage.

So two self-buffs to maintain. ( One being a CD, obviously )

Diseases don't get refreshed by your attacks, you have to keep them up.

Frost Fever is refreshed by Howling Blast, which is part of your core rotation. That leaves you with one disease that you shouldn't let fall off and might occasionally need to refresh with Plague Strike. For Unholy, the duration of both diseases can be extended by Festering Strike.

You constantly have to use a trigger like Blood Tap which doesn't really become a part of the automatic rotation because it's a bit more unpredictable in terms of when you can use which attacks, when you are depleted, when you can use it before reaching max taps.

Blood Tap is optional. You can choose a different talent that performs almost as well and requires no active management, if you prefer.

You have 3 attacks that are part of your primary rotation, two of them being whack-a-mole kind of thing with the procs and the last being a delayed response damage output which might be a haste proc instead.

Soul Reaper is basically like a Living Bomb, it ticks once after 5 seconds if the target is under 35% health. It's the only part of the rotation that requires planning, since it has both a cooldown and a Rune cost.

You have plague leech which takes back your diseases when they are running out, to activate a fully depleted rune and then you can re-apply.

As long as you've got a timer, no problem. Just watch when Blood Plague is about to drop.

And then come all the other 'service stuff' you need to have going to be effective and some of the triggers to heal yourself, Empower Rune Weapon etc.

This is all part of the 'best DPS rotation' for single-target on the Frost DK. Now, I'm not saying I am struggling with this or I find it particularly difficult once I've done it a million times as I levelled but I certainly wouldn't call Frost 2H 'easy' and of all the classes I've played and seen, the rotation is pretty daunting.

My comment about it being inane is just the ( bit too ) long rotation chain, where a lot of the abilities just feels like service abilities to yourself and 1/3 of the time you are actually doing in-/direct, heavy damage.

I'm not going to argue that to play Frost or Unholy to its maximum, you need to be excellent and have a thorough understanding of all your abilities. And there are a lot of DK's who can barely manage the basic rotation, let alone all the amazing utility they have.


Killed empress again, no claw. Why is she taunting me with her loot and not giving it up?

And now you know the plight of the war crafters.

I just got this healer trinket from LFR Megaera, but is it just me or does it sucks?

It would be better to stick with my 483 trinket than this :

Seems like it'd be worth holding onto and swapping in for certain fights depending on your tanks. It's not terrible, but it's got some very specific uses.
This was what my problem used to be when I used to try to scale back my time with the game. Even when I'd quit, anytime I'd play, I'd get the urge to cap valor, or more recently do all the raid finders or world bosses to not miss out on a chance at loot. That shit is the stuff I hate doing and eats up all my time.

Yeah, you have to become numb to the amount of stuff you can do now. I only work on one rep at a time and jump on to raid when I can but I don't make full commitments. I've wanted to get into pet battles more but I know the time that takes and so I won't bother unless I plan on cutting the other stuff out for the day. Some days I only log on to do my farm for quick rep and I log off again.

On that schedule I've managed to get to 502 ilvl so I'm comfortable enough to participate in stuff and not feel too far behind. I'm probably putting in between 9-12 hours a week (average) now where as I used to drop more like 25-35.


I give up on tot lfr until 5.4 (drop increase and easy charms I hope) for my alts

36 something boss kills in total on my warrior and not a single item, clearing trash for an hour and a half just isn't worth the 29,99 gold

I like gearing alts so I don't mind lfr but when you get just gold some 5 weeks in a row yeah...

honestly I am not surprised at the sub drop, if I was only doing lfr instead of raiding normals and heroics on my main I would have quit with drop chances like that too -.-
So i haven't played since Cata, and I was wondering since i haven't been able to get into any other MMO out there is it worth upgrading to mists? I've always enjoyed WoW but not sure if it is worth getting back into. Convince me either way please


Really Really Exciting Member!
I give up on tot lfr until 5.4 (drop increase and easy charms I hope) for my alts

36 something boss kills in total on my warrior and not a single item, clearing trash for an hour and a half just isn't worth the 29,99 gold

I like gearing alts so I don't mind lfr but when you get just gold some 5 weeks in a row yeah...

honestly I am not surprised at the sub drop, if I was only doing lfr instead of raiding normals and heroics on my main I would have quit with drop chances like that too -.-

Most of the drops in sub came from Asia i heard(China most probably), and these guys are mostly gold farmers. :p


Gaming landscape is also pretty different there, something that we over here are just now catching up to.

Yeah, there's a big focus on F2P, especially since MMO time is sold by the hour over there. It's why they try things like bi-weekly lockouts and 10/25 gear splits over there.


No One Remembers
any changes to PVP that is worth coming back to? I quit during Cataclysm

Here are the PvP changes coming in 5.3, from the most recent PTR/Patch notes:

General PvP

A blog titled: PvP Gear in Patch 5.3 has additional information and reasoning behind the PvP changes in 5.3.
All characters now have a base Resilience of 65%.
Battle Fatigue now reduces the amount of healing and absorbs by 45%, up from 30%.
PvP Power conversion ratio to obtain 1% damage at level 90 has been changed from 265 to 400.
PvP Power bonus to healing is now based on class and specialization.
Healing specializations receive a 100% bonus to healing from PvP Power.
Damage specializations for Druids, Monks, Paladins, Priests, and Shamans receive a 70% bonus to healing from PvP Power.
All other specializations and classes (including tanking) receive a 40% bonus to healing from PvP Power.

PvP Item Changes

Season 13 Tyrannical gear had their item levels increased to ilevel 496, up from ilevel 493. Weapons and shields/off-hand items remain unchanged at ilevel 498.
Season 13 Tyrannical Elite gear had their item levels decreased to ilevel 496, down from ilevel 512.
Resilience has been removed from most PvP gear.
Resilience gems and enchants will continue to be available and remain unchanged.
4-piece PvP set bonus for all Season 12 and 13 armor sets that granted 1000 Resilience now grants 1000 PvP Power instead.
PvP Power will remain exclusively on PvP gear.
The amount of PvP Power and Resilience on gems have been reduced by 50%.
Tyrannical weapons no longer have a conquest-earned prerequisite to purchase them.
Glorious Tyranny weapon enchantment now grants 600 PvP Power instead of 400 PvP Power and 200 Resilience.
New weapon enchantment: Bloody Dancing Steel is functionally equivalent to Dancing Steel, shares the same visual effect as Glorious Tyranny, costs a scroll of the base enchant, and requires a 2200 rating.
New weapon enchantment: Spirit of Conquest is functionally equivalent to Jade Spirit, shares the same visual effect as Glorious Tyranny, costs a scroll of the base enchant, and requires a 2200 rating.
Tyrannical Gladiator’s Tabard and Tyrannical Gladiator’s Greatcloak are available as new prestige items at 2500 rating for 1000 Conquest Points.
Big Zokk Torquewrench has returned from their leave of absence.
Glorious Conquest Quartermasters (Acon Deathwielder, Ethan Natice) have returned after refitting their wares.

I don't think Battle Fatigue was in during Cataclysm - basically it reduces healing received.

Not sure if anything of this is worth coming back to. I don't play as much anymore, much less do PvP when I am on. Curious to see how the Resilience change plays out.
I cant really do something with my mage on dungeons, the melee classes kills the mobs very fast so I switched to arcane to at least hit them once.


Yeah, you have to become numb to the amount of stuff you can do now. I only work on one rep at a time and jump on to raid when I can but I don't make full commitments. I've wanted to get into pet battles more but I know the time that takes and so I won't bother unless I plan on cutting the other stuff out for the day. Some days I only log on to do my farm for quick rep and I log off again.

On that schedule I've managed to get to 502 ilvl so I'm comfortable enough to participate in stuff and not feel too far behind. I'm probably putting in between 9-12 hours a week (average) now where as I used to drop more like 25-35.

I'm similar - I feel like I can keep up with my friends on my Warlock http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/deathwing/Prolck/advanced when they're mostly 15-20 ilv ahead of me. They do a bit more dps, but Destruction is good enough now on most of the fights that I can be competitive, even though I haven't played it much (mained Aff like every other warlock when it was totally broken in previous patches).

I generally find myself doing stuff on Tues/Weds, the raid days for my old team, when they pug clear T14 and go as far as they can in T15, and I generally don't play on other days. Works out for me, I guess.'

I cant really do something with my mage on dungeons, the melee classes kills the mobs very fast so I switched to arcane to at least hit them once.

I have a friend to plays Frost mage and even before he was super geared, he could annihilate mobs in dungeons almost instantly before even melee could charge in. I don't know if many people do Frost, since I don't really play mage, but it's a really fun spec with a lot of instants.
100 JP per boss. Guild perks increase that slightly. So all depends on how many bosses are in there.

Oh on that topic though, if you're solo DPS (meaning you have to wait in the que for ~8 minutes or so) don't forget to murder the 5.1 Krasarang rare spawns for the honor badge thing. My rogue has about 15 of them sitting in his bag currently I plan to cash in once 5.3 gets here so I can upgrade a bunch of heirlooms :)

What honor badge? What's it do?


I just did it again, nothing. :( Down to 2 charms and I'm done. And I really hate Isle of Thunder dailies just to get them. I'm already exalted and got everything.

You don't need to do the dailies there to get mass amounts of them. Certainly gives you a chance at more because you can always get an extra key from the caches, but, just killing a rare spawn and getting your key of the week is the fastest way to get charms.


Started up again a week and a half ago after quitting during Cata. Friend wanted to play and he went Alliance, so I rolled a priest on Sargeras to play with him.

Long story short, I hit 60 and experienced cross-realm Hellfire for the first time; I do not like it. On the whole, however, the game feels much better to me than it did during Cata. Feels good to be back. That might change when I decide to level my Belf rogue main to 90 and gear her up though.


You don't need to do the dailies there to get mass amounts of them. Certainly gives you a chance at more because you can always get an extra key from the caches, but, just killing a rare spawn and getting your key of the week is the fastest way to get charms.

Yeah, I already got my key for the week. And I got like 8 or so charms, 6 used on various bosses with just gold as a result. I probably just should have saved them an waited until 5.3. I'm not leaving HoF until I have the bracers, shoulders and claw weapon. I was going to dual wield those, but not with the current RNG.


Modesty becomes a woman
There are hundreds of bots in netherstorm near TK doing botanica, they're all in scroll of resurrection gear and they're all paladins.

I'm really interested in knowing how they do shit like this, its always as interesting as when someone shows pre-beta content or old vanilla pre-release stuff.

How do they have a program that lets them fly through walls?
How do they have so many scroll of resurrection accounts?
Why can't blizzard detect something like this?


Really Really Exciting Member!
So, i'm up to the part of the legendary chain where you have to kill a world raid boss that you would otherwise completely ignore, which makes finding a group kinda hard, and then you have to win the 2 MoP BGs, which mean that me and my PVE gear isn't that great + Alliance sucks in BGs.

Guess i might have to give up. I don't have time to waste doing PVP in PVE gear or finding a group for a boss no one wants to kill unless they're on that quest.


There are hundreds of bots in netherstorm near TK doing botanica, they're all in scroll of resurrection gear and they're all paladins.

I'm really interested in knowing how they do shit like this, its always as interesting as when someone shows pre-beta content or old vanilla pre-release stuff.

How do they have a program that lets them fly through walls?
How do they have so many scroll of resurrection accounts?
Why can't blizzard detect something like this?

Ok, just went there (I'm on Frostmourne) and can confirm this is happening haha.


So, i'm up to the part of the legendary chain where you have to kill a world raid boss that you would otherwise completely ignore, which makes finding a group kinda hard, and then you have to win the 2 MoP BGs, which mean that me and my PVE gear isn't that great + Alliance sucks in BGs.

Guess i might have to give up. I don't have time to waste doing PVP in PVE gear or finding a group for a boss no one wants to kill unless they're on that quest.

Might be worth hitting up openraid for Change of Command, you can reasonably do him in a group of five nowadays anyway.

As for the PVP, perseverance and off-hours.


I just (finally) hit exalted with Shado-Pan. (I'm a bit behind.) The grind was completely redeemed, for me, by the awesome mounts that you get. So cool.


Darkness no more
I just reactivated. Does anyone actually kill that dinosaur world boss? I haven't seen any groups form for it in the week I have been back. Not like Sha (or even the new one on the island) where there are groups forming throughout the week.


I just reactivated. Does anyone actually kill that dinosaur world boss? I haven't seen any groups form for it in the week I have been back. Not like Sha (or even the new one on the island) where there are groups forming throughout the week.

Groups should pick up in 5.3. Currently he is a huge cluster fuck where the more people you have the worse off it is to fight him, on my server I only see about 2 groups for him per week and those aren't even guaranteed kills.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Might be worth hitting up openraid for Change of Command, you can reasonably do him in a group of five nowadays anyway.

As for the PVP, perseverance and off-hours.

Yeah i already posted on openraid forums, but i never used this before, so i dont know how long thats going to take before i get a group.

I wont touch the PVP quest until that's done though.


Groups should pick up in 5.3. Currently he is a huge cluster fuck where the more people you have the worse off it is to fight him, on my server I only see about 2 groups for him per week and those aren't even guaranteed kills.

Are they tweaking Oondasta or something in 5.3?


Are they tweaking Oondasta or something in 5.3?

Laser Beam being modified. Instead of chaining up to 20 targets doubling damage as it goes it's being changed to do 200k every hit but can hit up to 100 targets. Considering that beam is pretty much the key cause of death most of the time it should make the fight a lot cleaner.

They are also turning the hill between Oondasta and the graveyard into a path so you can walk back to his spawn point in a couple of seconds instead of minutes.


Laser Beam being modified. Instead of chaining up to 20 targets doubling damage as it goes it's being changed to do 200k every hit but can hit up to 100 targets. Considering that beam is pretty much the key cause of death most of the time it should make the fight a lot cleaner.

They are also turning the hill between Oondasta and the graveyard into a path so you can walk back to his spawn point in a couple of seconds instead of minutes.

Hallelujah on that second change, it's why I don't do Oondasta any more, most of the fight is spent running around the island on the way back.


Hallelujah on that second change, it's why I don't do Oondasta any more, most of the fight is spent running around the island on the way back.

Yeah, second change is glorious but the laser beam change should make him a one shot going forward for anyone not the absolute bottom barrel of skill at the game. At least on my server every time we fight him there is at a minimum 100 people there, makes spreading out for the beam literally fucking impossible.
Yeah, second change is glorious but the laser beam change should make him a one shot going forward for anyone not the absolute bottom barrel of skill at the game. At least on my server every time we fight him there is at a minimum 100 people there, makes spreading out for the beam literally fucking impossible.

I actually have the best luck standing on the front half of Oondasta and moving in as Frill Blast is cast. That almost always keeps me out of range from chaining Spirit Beam or only chaining once if there's another player doing the same thing as me as I'll just stack with them so it doesn't bounce more than once. It does mean I have to be more careful but it's a good way to ensure my survival in the fight (until a tank dies and Oondasta turns on me).

The pathway one doesn't seem too major. Is that just to speed up pulls after a complete wipe? Because every single time I've done the fight Oondasta is pulled down towards the beach so respawning after a death puts you right back at the fight. It's only when there's a complete wipe that the pulling tank has to make the trek back to Oondasta.


The pathway one doesn't seem too major. Is that just to speed up pulls after a complete wipe? Because every single time I've done the fight Oondasta is pulled down towards the beach so respawning after a death puts you right back at the fight. It's only when there's a complete wipe that the pulling tank has to make the trek back to Oondasta.

Some people have it in their head that tanking him on the beach is impossible.
He does if you take him too far but he is still easily tankable on the beach.

I think the one issue I've had groups run into is that he despawns if you try to kite him without occasionally hitting him? It was causing him to despawn towards the cliff edge as the tank would be running from him. But other than that I've always either killed him at the beach or the hills to the east.

The fight really isn't too terrible. The worst part is how long it takes for the fight to actually start, especially when a second raid begins forming and then the original raid does a LOT of sitting around since players are so afraid of communicating and coordinating properly. I've learned to just take over that role, even if not raid leader, to speed things up. I actually left an Oondasta attempt a couple weeks ago because they were spending about 15 minutes before pulls doing absolutely nothing.

I've also noticed that recently Sha and Galleon kills have suddenly become less successful on my servers. The other tanks do a terrible job of grabbing adds and then always pull them away from the boss so nobody really bothers to attack them and instead of AoE-ing the boss and adds together most the focus stays on the boss. This leads to dead OTs and then a wild spread of adds that wipe the raid. I repeatedly have to ask the other tanks to tank the adds near the boss so everything hits it all and about 30% of the time they actually comply. So frustrating.
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