I wish it looked more like the sprite darter. The legs are weird on the mount. I think its going to be a store mount. It has a level 20 requirement like most of the store mounts.
I wish it looked more like the sprite darter. The legs are weird on the mount. I think its going to be a store mount. It has a level 20 requirement like most of the store mounts.
My death knight just hit 80. How in the world does he have way more hit and expertise than my 90 main? lol
Or is it suppose to be high when leveling?
which sucks in a way since each new expansion is like a giant reset button, you progress in levels but your character completely drops in power vs equal level enemiesIt will be, just by virtue of needing less hit and expertise to hit caps at lower levels. The higher level you get, the smaller the benefit you get from combat values, and the more you need to get the same value that you had at lower levels (which is why gear inflates every tier).
I run with a +Crit and 1% Spell Reflect meta gem currently, so I'm not really seeing any downside.
I'm 18/20 for Secrets of the Empire and have been using Snakeroots on my farm, will definitely be getting the legendary meta gem next week.
Which one would you suggest for a bear tank? Icy-Veins recommends the Indomitable Primal Diamond, but I think the Capacitive Primal Diamond would be more useful since I deal with physical damage by dodging it, and dodged attacks don't need any additional reduction. I run with a +Crit and 1% Spell Reflect meta gem currently, so I'm not really seeing any downside.
Is there anyway to get another death knight robe, like they get in their start area? Want to transmog it. The only thing I kept was the sword, but this was way before transmogging, so all the other items are gone.
Travel to your Death Knight city and buy from the vendor. Big fat undead guy.
They added the starting gear.
Ugh. Strongly considering dropping Brewmaster for Mistweaver. Just reading up on a quick guide for MSV LFR and I'm already nervous that I'll miss something and wipe the raid.
What do you guys spend honor on when you hit 4k? I am finding my LFR gear is a higher iLevel then anything I can buy. I read on Tuesday they are making PVE gear more PVP friendly, so buying the pvp armor does not seem to make sense.
Ugh. Strongly considering dropping Brewmaster for Mistweaver. Just reading up on a quick guide for MSV LFR and I'm already nervous that I'll miss something and wipe the raid.
As a healer there's a lot less pressure on 1 person, there's 6 healers so 2 of them are usually doing most of the work. And it's not like you need to be actively worry about your cooldowns like you would in a normal raid.
In order, the only mechanics in MSV LFR you should care about as a tank:
-On Feng, if you pick up the immunity crystal on the right, use it for every big spell he casts (not actually necessary if more than three healers are awake)
-On Gara'jal, when he banishes you, touch of death the big tiki add
-On Spirit Kings, aim the first boss towards the raid (and hit dampen harm on the pull because the raid is probably bloody stupid) and don't stand in his cone (unless you want to zen meditate it and gain loads of vengeance)
-On Elegon, aim him away from the raid (also not strictly necessary, but it'll make you look good; also don't fall through the floor)
-On Will, and this is the only one that actually takes a little practice, dance the dance reasonably well
Healing just seems easier than tanking.
I know you're not implying this, but I'm not saying I'd even just let good healers piggyback me. I'd like to be the best healer in the raid, I just think that playing a healer is less stressful than playing a tank. Maybe if I were raiding with my guild I'd feel differently, but I don't want to subject myself to the abuse in LFR while I'm learning
Healing just seems easier than tanking.
Maybe if I were raiding with my guild I'd feel differently, but I don't want to subject myself to the abuse in LFR while I'm learning![]()
Eh, I can sympathize with that. It's rare that there's anything in LFR that you can't pick up by reading the dungeon journal and watching a video or playing the fight as dps first, though. And once you do know what you're doing, you save yourself a lot of frustration in the long run by only ever having to put up with one potentially clueless tank.
It can be traded for jp to buy Heirlooms and xmog gear from cata. There's also a vendor in outland that sells lookalike tier sets. Personally I've been buying http://www.wowhead.com/item=35058 and vendoring it, about 600g per 4k honour.What do you guys spend honor on when you hit 4k? I am finding my LFR gear is a higher iLevel then anything I can buy. I read on Tuesday they are making PVE gear more PVP friendly, so buying the pvp armor does not seem to make sense.
finally got a 90 of every class on this server, maybe now I'll do it on horde
I know you're not implying this, but I'm not saying I'd even just let good healers piggyback me. I'd like to be the best healer in the raid, I just think that playing a healer is less stressful than playing a tank. Maybe if I were raiding with my guild I'd feel differently, but I don't want to subject myself to the abuse in LFR while I'm learning
Healing just seems easier than tanking.
It's not really MSV that worries me, I outgear it already even though my tank spec is my offspec. It's more the increased responsibilities that worry me.
Healer queue is pretty much instant and I could PvP with it too, so I'm leaning strongly towards Mistweaver. Wish Blizz would put in tri-spec so I wouldn't have to choose.
I only level characters to 90 for the extra farm plots. I'll never run out of Golden Lotuses, trillium bars or exotic leather.
As a tank, you have control over how well or how poorly things go in general, and good strategy and execution will make every encounter easy; but either tank being bad will frequently result in repeated wipes.
As a healer, you're responsible for compensating for everyone's shortcomings and keeping enough people alive to complete the encounter, no matter what happens.
Both are stressful in different ways.
I hope they do player housing in the next expansion and go full-on Harvest Moon with it. Let me upgrade the house, expand my farm, raise animals, the whole nine yards.
I think they said somewhere that the success of the phasing they used for the farm made them pretty optimistic that it could be done. But I think they were more saying that they could do it, not necessarily that they would.
Got it "accidentally" as I was getting the dungeon for the achievement :lolI started farming rivendare again. Why am I doing this to myself?
So is this hearthsteed mount really coming from the hearthstone beta? I just saw that on mmo-champion this morning. Will this be the first mount that not everyone will have a chance at? Unless the beta will be easy to get into or something.
So which mount is the rarest in the entire game?
Black Proto?
We don't know. Unless they aren't sharing something that has to be speculation on their part, the achievement tied to it doesn't mention anything about the beta. Not saying it's impossible though.
So which mount is the rarest in the entire game?
Black Proto?
Hey, remember when everyone pre-ordered ****** 3 in order to get the tyraels charger, thinking that it would be rare?