Hey, remember when everyone pre-ordered ****** 3 in order to get the tyraels charger, thinking that it would be rare?
No one thought it would be rare. ;P
Hey, remember when everyone pre-ordered ****** 3 in order to get the tyraels charger, thinking that it would be rare?
I really wish they would add a Green Drake to complete the Aspects.
I won't lie, I just wish they would make new drake models (or skins at the least) and then put out mounts that way. The current drake models all look.... pretty bad to say the least. Especially when compared to something like the Alexstrasza looking mount from Dragon Soul. Would be cool to see a new model/skin of each of the colors just not fancied up like the DS one.
I knew a couple of people that did!No one thought it would be rare. ;P
Raaaaage.Got it "accidentally" as I was getting the dungeon for the achievement :lol
Just need to kill Nalak and I can get my sweet meta. :3
Im getting "Justice" coins things, what are it for? i got like 900
So now you are into the mounts talk, is there a flying turtle mount? the magic carpet is really annoying to use.
Hurry up and release 5.4 on the PTR.![]()
It's weird to be talking about 5.4 when the next expansion isn't anywhere close to being announced. We're definitely going to see a 5.5 before the next xpac at the rate things are going.
Blizzcon.At this rate we could be finished the seige of org before MOP is even a year old. I wonder where they will take things from there.
Can't watch the Tube at work, but summarize please?!Well, that one is certainly going to happen.
Can't watch the Tube at work, but summarize please?!
Can't watch the Tube at work, but summarize please?!
Chi-Ji: My my, the child of the Worldbreaker, proof that none are beyond redemption. I am honored by your visit. Tell me, son of the Earth-Warder, what is the nature of hope?
Wrathion: Hope is it is, a belief in a better tomorrow.
Chi-Ji: You speak, but doubt your own words. You underestimate me.
Wrathion: Great Crane, you have not seen what I have seen. The fires that burn the skies will return. It is inevitable--the Burning Legion will find Azeroth. Seas of blood, cities in ruins. Who are we? One divided world to stand against a legion. You speak of hope--believe me, the thinnest sliver of hope that we might somehow survive the devastation is all that sustains me
Part of the 5.3 legendary quest chain.
New Expansion.
Burning Legion.
Hm, our ranged DPSs are having a rough time with the Direhorn Spirits from Horridon HC. We'll see how we fare with the de facto nerf that comes tomorrow (EU) with the patch (I'm talking about the VP upgrades).
Can't wait for the next Burning Legion expansion and the inevitable turn of famous Alliance heroes into neutral NPCs.
Hm, our ranged DPSs are having a rough time with the Direhorn Spirits from Horridon HC. We'll see how we fare with the de facto nerf that comes tomorrow (EU) with the patch (I'm talking about the VP upgrades).
Can't wait for the next Burning Legion expansion and the inevitable turn of famous Alliance heroes into neutral NPCs.
dudedat Burning Legion CGI Cinematic
Can't wait for the next Burning Legion expansion and the inevitable turn of famous Alliance heroes into neutral NPCs.
you just gave me a shiver
brb watching tbc intro
Open them launchers, patch is up for download.
That was small, 25meg? lol
The prepatch already went out a couple weeks ago, and most of the big assets end up in that.
5.3 doesn't have terribly many new assets though, mainly voice acting.
Having just returned to the game after being away since Cata launch, has blizzard gotten any better at actually having the servers back up at 11, or should I expect to wait till 3-4 this afternoon as was usual back in tbc/wrath?
Anyone remember the sunwell patch? What was it, a day and a half before all the servers were back up and working correctly? Good times
There was nothing good about that.
Which alliance hero was turned into an NPC while beeing higher (lorewise) than Thrall?Can't wait for the next Burning Legion expansion and the inevitable turn of famous Alliance heroes into neutral NPCs.
Which alliance hero was turned into an NPC while beeing higher (lorewise) than Thrall?
How many Alliance heroes turned bad did we have so far? (Arthas and? Compared to Kael'Thas, Saurfang and soon to be ex warchief Garrosh?)
Khadgar in Shattrath.
Khadgar in Shattrath.
Khadgar major? On the level of Thrall?
Just got back into the game after a year long break (have played since vanilla, but I've taken a long break during every expansion).
Have 3 85s (Mage, Warlock, Priest), and I'm looking to just focus on one at the moment. Leaning towards Warlock. Looking to do a little of everything (PVE, PVP, solo old content). Any feedback from fellow locks?
He's nowhere near Thrall/Arthas/Illidan/KT and that's WC3 lore.Khadgar is a huge lore char in WC1 and 2 (more in the xp). Of course, nobody can be bigger than Thrall in modern Wow lore because wow lore is garbage.