Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only rogue doing PvE. I'm also Combat.
I'm a rogue! Assassination though.
Sometimes, I feel like I'm the only rogue doing PvE. I'm also Combat.
I'm a rogue! Assassination though.
Assassination is the best!
But yeah, we have been one of the least played classes for a very long time now, I rarely run into other rogues in groups. Whatever though, other people are missing out![]()
But yeah, we have been one of the least played classes for a very long time now, I rarely run into other rogues in groups. Whatever though, other people are missing out![]()
Rogue really is a niche class these days though. They're the most outdated in terms of skills and rotation imho, but maybe that's the reason I like them that much. They still feel very vanilla like, you know?
I would play rogues more often if it werent for the energy mechanism. I hate being always out of energy and just standing there autoattacking while it recharges.
I liked rogues well enough in Cata, but now windwalker has a pretty similar feel without all the annoyances of actually being a rogue.
I would play rogues more often if it werent for the energy mechanism. I hate being always out of energy and just standing there autoattacking while it recharges.
Beats waiting for an autoattack as warrior.
except auto attacks don't generate rage anymore and warriors don't have that much downtime ^^Beats waiting for an autoattack as warrior.
except auto attacks don't generate rage anymore and warriors don't have that much downtime ^^
rogues have the biggest downtime of all classes iirc, something crazy like 40% for one of the spec
So I am assuming no one here PVP's?
Because that aspect of the game is literally completely ruined.
Wow. Did Mogu'shan this week and got the final 2 Wisdom I needed. So now I have that part out of the way FINALLY and I'm on Test of Valor.
Ugh, Test of Valor..
Wouldn't surprise me to be honest, the dps melee gem is anywhere from 8 to 10% of my overall damage on fights. It is very powerful.
I would play rogues more often if it werent for the energy mechanism. I hate being always out of energy and just standing there autoattacking while it recharges.
If we're talking about the legendary meta, that thing is seriously ridiculous. As an enhance shaman, I was annoyed that the passive bonus was crit, but the proc seems to be 5-10 of your damage for almost any physical damage class. And a big thing for my particular class/spec is that it scales with mastery!
My goal now is to try and finish up my Glory of the Firelands meta, since all I got left is Barrel Roll, which is maddeningly hard since somebody ALWAYS get hit by something.
Wouldn't know, I play assassination, we feel nothing like our vanilla selves considering mutilate didn't exist until 2.0, envenom proper didn't exist until wrath, and venomous wounds didn't exist until cata. Vanilla assassination and current assassination literally used different abilities.
I actually find it funny you say that since a lot of the other classes in the game have been redesigned over the years to act more like rogues, they were just catching up to what was awesome![]()
Going around wrath and burning hitting up dungeons that I didn't do in groups because I am 99% solo player. Some of them are quite spectacular looking especially in Tempest keep and Hall of Lighting.
I got stopped on Kael'thas Sunstrider(25) When he rezs his add ons I couldn't keep them in check
damn youuuuu!!!!!!
I literally did not get a single pet. Pretty sad about it. I guess to be fair I only ran SSC/TK on 1 character, but, I totally did Kara 4 times and got nothin'
WoW story
Luckily on my home server (biggest german RP server) this was never the case. even today there are still many people from vanilla and they hold high positions in the guilds.Thing is, when your big and famous guild is gone... you're just a nobody on your realm. My guild was replaced by different guilds and I didn't knew a single one of them
Going around wrath and burning hitting up dungeons that I didn't do in groups because I am 99% solo player. Some of them are quite spectacular looking especially in Tempest keep and Hall of Lighting.
I got stopped on Kael'thas Sunstrider(25) When he rezs his add ons I couldn't keep them in check
Archimonde is interesting but what came before is among the worst raiding experiences of the entire game.On Kael'thas I found what helps is to fight the first two of his minions on the stage and then run towards the entrance of his room to fight the lady that disorients before running back up to meet the fourth guy. That way when he resurrects the group you can either quickly kill off the three up on the stage and then just deal with her solo or try to burst her down hopefully before a disorient and then deal with the other three more easily. Also, not sure what class you are but don't have a pet/minion out after that as he'll mind control if there's anyone other than you fighting him.
It's not that bad of a fight once you get used to its couple quirks.
And I'd almost say that in design and spectacle I'd put Tempest Keep below most all the other BC raids, aside from Mag, Gruul's, and possibly Hyjal. The last boss of Hyjal definitely wowed me when I first went with a group of 80s going through older content.
Is it just me, or dailies reward more VP now?
Long story
They do have some pretty terrible drop rates... but to be fair I did run them on five characters.
Need two more secrets to finish the quest. Do first two wings of LFR. Zero secrets acquired.
Fuck this game.