...character remodels?
Nah, if that is the criteria then clearly it has to be the Dance Studio. Kael'thas shall have his revenge after all.
...character remodels?
...character remodels?
Proving Grounds
Although the more I think about it, Brawler's Guild and the Trove of Treasure really seem to have accomplished the purpose of Proving Grounds.
No issues here, but Blizz had a message up on login that there seem to be some ISP issues that are causing problems for people.
I was randomly reading about the last boss for Trial of the Crusader and noting that the Heroic version on 25-man required more than two tanks. Does anyone miss the different raid compositions from the past? LFR is always two tanks, six healers, and 17 DPS now. I imagine it's due to trying to keep queue times a bit lower but why not have at least one of the raids with slightly different compositions? Have three tanks, seven healers, and 15 dps, for example. Queuing might take a bit longer but it could allow for a bit more variation in the fights.
I just miss some of the old mechanics that required extra tanking. Having one MT on a boss and two OTs to handle splitting adds (or two on boss with one OT grabbing adds) is something that seemed so standard in the past but doesn't happen any longer.
I'm guessing that some raiders doing 25-man heroics do have different compositions than LFR for their own needs and part of the reason they don't do this, aside from queue times, is because they don't want to overcomplicate LFR so more random groups can get through the content. Still, I think it'd be a good way to add some complexity and variety.
You didn't need more than 2 tanks to beat heroic Anub'arak (especially if you had good Rogues/Hunters to Tricks&Misdirect), although some guilds chose that. Similar to how some guilds may add or remove a healer or two depending on the fight.
I can't really imagine it would work in LFR at all, unless you split off the bosses that would require 3 tanks into one bloc to separate them.
Haven't been trolling the thread too long, was considering getting back into wow, but gave my account away, would have to rebuy everything.. Seems a bit expensive to get caught up with all the expansions![]()
10 man caused the tank issues moreso than LFR, lfr just sealed the deal. You won't see 3 or 4 tank fights like the past because the smaller sizes and the strict LFR sizes just don't function with it. Those are the fights that cause the most breakdowns in difficulty between the sizes, and they allow interesting mechanics that we simply don't see anymore.
I came in late to Cata so I didn't run those raids but didn't Conclave of Wind require three tanks for the three platforms?
Nah, Sand man platform didn't require a tank.
But, a lot of guilds early on did use a third tank for Nef in BWD because of the adds in phase 1, you didn't have to because they could be CCed, but an additional tank kind of trivialized it. Carpe does have a point though, you still see weird comps from time to time on fights. During Cata my guild used 2 healers (10 man) on a lot of fights since our healers were damn good and it made mechanics on fights easier to deal with in some regards. We actually got to a point where we were doing Baleroc with 1 tank, 2 heals, and 7 dps which was pretty fun/hilarious to be honest.
But yeah, Yanger is right, current raid structure makes a fight requiring extra tanks really sketchy. More than anything it's already hard enough to balance 10 and 25 mans and having a fight that requires more tanks on one version is just asking for complete destruction of balance. One version would come out on top as the easier version and if it was 10s most 25 guilds would probably break down their raid into 2 10s for that fight.
I just think it's a shame because much moreso than back in vanilla, it's EASY to have tank offsets on DPS mains, or they can move forward and make DK/sWarriors like the rest and just use dps gear, that way it's simply a spec swap and you don't have to have like 5 tanks and bench 4 of them cause it's a 1 tank fight. That was the only real downside before, now for instance I dps primarily but my tank set is MORE than adequate since it's easy to gear up extra tanks, and I do frequently switch when needed.
Having trouble designing compelling fights for two tanks doesn't say jack shit about designing fights that have more tanks. It's the exact problem we're talking about, you have LESS design space with less tanks, imagine if every raid only had a single tank, you wouldn't have even half of the mechanics we have now, and we already have so few.
every fight requiring 5 tanks, is not really any better than every fight requiring 2, but if you can design a fight that works well with 5, and another that works well with 1, and not have to pussyfoot around that, it's fantastic
Pretty much, though, I don't think it's as bad as you say really. We still have plenty of creative fights with interesting mechanics. It's just those mechanics don't focus on tanks. It's more of just a role flaw than anything else, like you say they simply don't scale the same way DPS or healers do since you could have a million DPS in one raid if you just buffed the bosses HP while tank numbers depend entirely on the mechanics of a specific fight.
I think there is a (tiny) bit of truth to what Sciz says though, not because Blizzard is failing at coming up with interesting things to do with tanks, more just that there isn't much the role does that actually separates them from DPS. Vanilla 4 horsemen actually is a good example because it shows the problem pretty well, you can always just adjust numbers to make a DPS take the place of a tank, because really in practice there isn't much mechanically different from vanilla 4h and wrath 4h you were just substituting DPS for tanks. But I do agree a DPS doing a tank job is pretty lame which is why I still stand by what I said earlier.
That sums it up pretty perfectly imo.
On a similar topic though, I actually think tanks would be a lot more interesting if they could spend their resource(s) on protecting the other tank. Instead of having a boss where the other tank taunts off you and then you just sit there building your blood shield or whatever I think it would be more interesting if the boss hit harder at the base level and while the other tank had the boss you could use your abilities to protect him.
Back in Cata both of our tanks were Prot warriors and it was oddly cool watching them spam a talented safeguard on the other tank while he was holding the boss. Would make the generic taunt swap boss a bit more interesting.
In terms of a tank being pretty much the same as a DPS mechanically and you're thoughts of tanks being able to use their resources on other tanks...how about this?
What if all tanks suddenly were able to shield, much like discipline priests. Ignoring disc priests for the moment, think if tanks had to rely on actively shielding themselves, the other tank, or even be aware of the need to actively be shielding dps and healers for particular fight mechanics.
That's pretty much what I was suggesting haha, I just only applied it to the other tank(s) in your raid since actively shielding every member of the raid would lessen what is required of healers which I don't think is for the best overall. Simply having the tanks focus on each other wouldn't change much in the long run (basically if the bosses just hit harder in general it would give the current offtank more to focus on while he was waiting until his turn to taunt).
The bolded part actually exists now though, which I think is for the better. In MoP every tank works on the DK model, you spend the majority of your rage/runes/holy power/whatever using abilities that protect yourself from harm. The core problem with it really though is that on these fairly common "tank swap" style fights all your really doing is building up your resources so you take a lot less damage for about 10 seconds after you taunt, not really that fun or interesting mechanically. Shifting that time and energy into something else would make that style of fight more interesting.
I see what you're saying about lessening things on healers but I'm not thinking that the shields would be strong enough so healers wouldn't have to do anything.
Man you would think so but between Holy Paladins and Disc priests life as a Resto druid can be a rough one in raids. Bubbles are the devil!
Okay question for you guys - Since I resubbed I've still been chilling on a cata account. Just upgraded to MoP today. I entered my CD key on battle.net
When I resubbed I did a full install of the game from blizzards website. Am I correct in assuming I dont need to actually install from the MoP discs because I technically already had the content on my hard drive I just couldn't access it until I upgraded my account?
I really think it's scaled raids or quests (or both).
I just miss some of the old mechanics that required extra tanking. Having one MT on a boss and two OTs to handle splitting adds (or two on boss with one OT grabbing adds) is something that seemed so standard in the past but doesn't happen any longer.
Edit: Also, I'm completely ignoring all lore. I don't know HOW tanks would shield other players exactly. Warriors would be the hardest for me to rationalize as paladins and druids have magic systems and death knights are fairly magical in a sense as well. Warriors would...shout? Heh.
This policy *really* sucked for the third tank when you weren't on those bosses. Even now, with the occasional single-tank fight, it's tricky.
If the new feature is scalable zones like say GW2, would anyone here not give a fuck? Because honestly that would do nothing for me at all.
Scaled raids? Again they have to offer LFR versions for them to make a difference for most of the playerbase.
Time to lower the settings then.
Or disable recount if you're running it. Seriously, recount is a damn monster in 25 mans.
That much? I got 8gb of ram, i doubt Recount affect my game that bad.
Just started using the LFR feature.. why didn't I do this sooner? it is excellent.