The ivory raptor is back?
Yeah, and given the repetitious nature of it all it gave me a pretty good idea of how much better my gear and skill was getting over time. At first I fought every kind of dinosaur, some killed me, others did not. Once I got into the groove I discovered that the Skyscreamers were the fastest way to get bones for me, they dropped 16ish at a time and I found them the most enjoyable to fight because you still had to be aware of what was going on as their breath attack hits for about 180k. So it became a game of dumping all my RP, using AMS to absorb the breath and capping, then just simply dodging the other breaths. On the Alliance side of the island there are 4 Skyscreamers that spawn near each other, at first I would pull them one at a time and by the time I was done with the 4th the first would be spawning again. But by the end my DK's gear was good enough that my route evolved so I would pull 2 Skyscreamers at a time, the next 2, use Army to solo a large Direhorn and then kill baby Devilsaurs until the 2 Skyscreamers respawned.
Huzzah, all done!
I used the bone collecting as a way to pass time while listening to podcasts, and finally finished a few minutes ago. Guess I have to find some new activity to do while listening to them. I hope we see another good grind in the future, I enjoyed working towards my mount.
How long did it take you? Did you do it solo, or with bros?
A friend of mine and I are gonna start working on that.
Was the big elemental spawning more of the little guys?
If you're talking about the ramp right outside of Alysrazor's area then yes, he does. That was originally a (fairly shitty) gauntlet where he would keep spawning adds until you made it to the top and killed him.
Also does haste/crit not do too much for Enhance? I can totally kill Alysrazor now before there are tornados, but that fight has always been really broken for assassination rogues I guess, 100% envenom uptime + every GCD going to mutilate or envenom is pretty insane, especially at level 90 where envenom does legit damage.
Still crazy that you do twice as much damage than me on the boss but it's also the first time I ever did the air phase (and only the second time I'd been in Firelands) so I was sort of learning it as I went. .
The designers are discussing allowing you to at least enter the raid with 8+ people. The intent would be to allow a group to start clearing trash while they wait for a couple stragglers, as the difficulty with less than 10 would still be scaled for 10. It could allow for skilled/geared players to do it with less than 10, but some mechanics just may not be possible as we're not designing for it.
LFR loot system.I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, because right now, I'm seeing nothing about this that I dislike. Provided they nail the balance (there's the 'if', I guess!), it's perfect.
LFR loot system.
Can someone toss me a scroll of resurrection? I've been wanting to get back into the game after not playing for a couple years.
Thank you.
Sent one.Had a terrible urge to play WoW again. Not played since Cata.
Any heads up on what's going to be different?
Thanks guys.
Any heads up on what's going to be different?
Sent one.
Nearly everything? I dunno, game always changes a lot each expansion, MoP has probably had more drastic changes/new features than any previous xpac though. Would probably take too long to list every little change or new addition honestly haha.
Fair enough. Pretty daunting idea to come back after all this time, no idea.
Why can I see players from other realms? Seems like I'm limited in my interactions with them too.
Fair enough. Pretty daunting idea to come back after all this time, no idea.
Why can I see players from other realms? Seems like I'm limited in my interactions with them too.
Okay. About 10 minutes ago, I hit 90.
Wat do?
I want to get myself geared up to run heroics and do LFR. I don't plan on doing traditional raiding (was always difficult in the past for me schedule wise. LFR is a godsend), but I want to be pushing myself to my limit and not the mage equivalent of the afk-autoattackers I've heard people complain about either.
Where should I go from here to get ready for that? What about dailies/important reps/etc.? I haven't been at max level since wrath, and this time I'm not playing with a group of friends to help eachother out so yah. Where do I go to start the legendary questline I hear people talk about/the Hordebreaker/Darkspear Revolutionary stuff?
Absolutely perfect. Just what I was looking for <3 Thank you so much.
Now everything else I need to know is specifically mage related. Hopefully I get some half-decent responses on the official forums
What add-on is the one that makes the main bar into a bigger grid in the middle of the screen? I see a bunch of arena players on twitch use it and I can't get a straight answer of what it is
The second post in that thread mentions it briefly but the PVP honor gear is really easy and fast to get. If you have any excess honor or JP from the past (convert the JP to honor) buy some pvp stuff. The armor is ilvl 476 and the weapons are ilvl 470. You can get into all the tier 14 raids just from that gear. The neck piece and rings especially are ultra cheap, like 1250 honor I believe, and at this point in the expansion you get LOADS of JP from 5 mans now, it's like 100 JP per boss before guild perks I believe.
A lot of them do that, bartender and dominos to name a couple. I use dominos myself because it's really fucking easy to use but I assume others work just fine as well.
What add-on is the one that makes the main bar into a bigger grid in the middle of the screen? I see a bunch of arena players on twitch use it and I can't get a straight answer of what it is
What add-on is the one that makes the main bar into a bigger grid in the middle of the screen? I see a bunch of arena players on twitch use it and I can't get a straight answer of what it is
Might be Weak Auras.
Does weak auras replace the action bars? Never used it myself but when he said "turn main bar into a bigger grid" I assume he is talking about action bars since that's what it sounded like but /shrug.
We need more details!
How long does it need to be before you get one of those free 80 character xfer and time options become available? 3months?
Scroll of Resurrections are what gives someone a free level 80 character and a free character transfer for that character, along with seven days of game time and a free, exclusive mount.
Eligibility is still only for those with accounts that haven't been active since March 4, 2012.
That speed guide to get geared quick at 90 is awesome. Will employ for future 90's!
Is it super sad that my number one impetus for getting one or two more 90s going is to increase my weekly chances at the fucking Ashes of Al'ar?
Question: Is there any new word on Xmogging the appearance of legendaries onto matching weapon types? I want to see my beloved Val'anyr again.
That speed guide to get geared quick at 90 is awesome. Will employ for future 90's!
Is it super sad that my number one impetus for getting one or two more 90s going is to increase my weekly chances at the fucking Ashes of Al'ar?
Question: Is there any new word on Xmogging the appearance of legendaries onto matching weapon types? I want to see my beloved Val'anyr again.
But do you really want to see dozens of Thunderfuries everywhere you look =X
I just had my first shot at Hexos.
Jesus Christ Blizzard what the hell were you thinking.
It's really not that bad, I ended up getting him in 10ish attempts. The mazes comes in very obvious sets. Once you get used to each set you can do it more on instinct than anything else.
Am I not wanting the mazes to hit me in the direction of where the boss is facing or not to strike the boss? For some reason my timing has been really far off because I die almost instantly every time and I think it's because I'm doing it wrongly due to that. I believe my focus has been on making sure the maze doesn't hit Hexos himself and that's probably the reason I'm failing? Or I'm just really bad at timing it. In my three attempts my longest was like eight seconds or maybe ten.