No, you left me Wibble! Was too busy reading Gaf and cooking dinner to respond to you v_v
But yeah, I have glory of the cataclysm hero (Got it early in cata like a pro! Was so much fun) but I don't mind helping you get those whenever. Should be pretty easy at this point.
I still need to do 25m Flame Leviathan achievement for the last part of that meta. How many people are needed for that? After that I'm done with Ulduar aside from mount runs against Yogg. And it seems that might not be too terrible to do if we believe the guy that was with us today.
Haha, have to leave soon to spend the evening with the girlfriend. Wasn't planning on doing much more for the day anyhow.
I expect two people could probably crush through the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero stuff fairly easily and a third would make them all super easy. I'll likely check with my guild first to see if I can get people who need it so you're not running through everything for achievements you've already completed.
I still need to do 25m Flame Leviathan achievement for the last part of that meta. How many people are needed for that? After that I'm done with Ulduar aside from mount runs against Yogg. And it seems that might not be too terrible to do if we believe the guy that was with us today.
If you're free tomorrow perhaps we can finish up the ICC stuff we missed out on. And if Ronin is free? Just read that after the first five bosses or so when you reach the three wings we can head right over to the Portal Jockey wing so that should be fairly quick to get to. Suppose I should consider working on the 25m meta there, too. Urgh.
And if anyone else here is interested in working on any of these metas or whatever just add me on Real ID. I'm always up for this stuff: LordWibble#1924 (is that where the # goes?).
I should probably work on finishing Glory of the Hero/Cataclysm Hero, so I might hit you up.
25m Flame Leviathan isn't too bad with a decent group. Used to get that all the time doing Ulduar runs on OpenRaid. (I'd lol at all the achieves you could get from that single fight.)
ICC Meta isn't hard except for Blood Queen and "Been Waiting a Long Time For This".
The former takes at least 2 runs minimum (and can be a pain to get), and the latter takes quite a while.
Just a hint, you need a third person to finish the entire Glory of the Cataclysm Hero, otherwise you won't do the first achievement in Halls of Origination
Other than that, it's mostly easy for 2 players in MoP gear.
That fight is gloriously horrible, just like Super Hexagon.I just had my first shot at Hexos.
Jesus Christ Blizzard what the hell were you thinking.
Nah mount runs/professions are why I leveled a few of my alts. I've had insane luck with mounts lately, got Invincible, Alar, Ony, Flametalon... I have almost run out of mounts to farm xPThat speed guide to get geared quick at 90 is awesome. Will employ for future 90's!
Is it super sad that my number one impetus for getting one or two more 90s going is to increase my weekly chances at the fucking Ashes of Al'ar?
Nice, which do you have left? Ele shamans are so nice for those. My shaman is my old main so I probably need to level him up and get the xmog.One more gold Challenge Mode and I'll be done! :3
Nice, which do you have left? Ele shamans are so nice for those. My shaman is my old main so I probably need to level him up and get the xmog.
proving grounds coming?
Hmmmmm, wild speculation time, some low pop realms will be able to interact and do everything together?COALESCED_REALM_TOOLTIP - Coalesced Realm (*)\nGroup, Whisper
ERR_GUILD_INVITE_SELF - You can't invite yourself to a guild.
ERR_MAIL_CANT_SEND_REALM - You can't send mail to that realm.
ERR_REALM_NOT_FOUND - Cannot find that realm.
INTERACTIVE_REALM_TOOLTIP - Interactive Realm (#)\nGroup, Whisper, Mail, Trade, Guild, Arena
If that list of bosses is accurate then
Paragons and Nazgrim
Nah mount runs/professions are why I leveled a few of my alts. I've had insane luck with mounts lately, got Invincible, Alar, Ony, Flametalon... I have almost run out of mounts to farm xP
I'm not even 100% sure it drops anymore? I figure Blizzard would say so if it were removed.
Damn, awesome.
The things I would do for that fucking mount...Al'ar. I must have it!
I'm not even 100% sure it drops anymore? I figure Blizzard would say so if it were removed.
New Feature: Virtual Realms
Virtual Realms are sets of realms that are fused together, and will behave exactly as if they were one cohesive realm. Players on the same Virtual Realm will be able to join guilds, access a single Auction House, join arena teams and raids, as well run dungeons or group up to complete quests.
Players belonging to the same Virtual Realm will have a (#) symbol next to their name.
I'm a ret pally looking to learn to tank but I'm hoping to be able to reforge the gear I have rather than farming dodge/parry gear. Does anyone know if the control/haste or control/mastery stat priority described on icy-veins is a valid option? Thanks in advance.
That SoO boss list is curious. Some, well, interesting choices here, I wonder how this will all tie together.
I really want the next legendary stuff! Titan Runestones are going to make me sad.
Ah dang. Guess Ill take the free 7 days offer that I got in an email then, providing I can remember my password...
New Feature: Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds is a new feature for individual players to test and improve their combat skills.
At the Proving Grounds, players may undertake trials, designed for Damage, Tank, or Healer roles.
It provides a great opportunity to learn how to Tank or Heal, without the need of a group.
Each trial is available in four separate difficulties: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Endless. Harder difficulties include more difficult and varied enemies.
Endless mode allows you to test your mettle against increasingly difficult enemies. Compare your best scores to friends and guildmates!
[PTR]: Access to the Proving Grounds and more information is coming soon.
New Feature: Virtual Realms
Virtual Realms are sets of realms that are fused together, and will behave exactly as if they were one cohesive realm. Players on the same Virtual Realm will be able to join guilds, access a single Auction House, join arena teams and raids, as well run dungeons or group up to complete quests.
Players belonging to the same Virtual Realm will have a (#) symbol next to their name.
I'm starting to wonder if SoO is even the final raid. It seems like it's leading up to a true final encounter with Y'shaarj, but I guess we have to wait for the VA to confirm that.
Let me guess, the boss list doesn't have Y'shaarj on it because Metzen thinks its hilarious
Not surprised to see Nazgrim or Klaaxi, but the klaaxi are my bros so I don't want to kill them.
But I dont wanna kill Nazgrim.![]()
I'm a ret pally looking to learn to tank but I'm hoping to be able to reforge the gear I have rather than farming dodge/parry gear. Does anyone know if the control/haste or control/mastery stat priority described on icy-veins is a valid option? Thanks in advance.
Nazgrim isn't too bad morally of a character, right? I wonder if instead of corrupted he might remain good, but be a boss fight because he finds it honorable to defend his warchief and leader, even if he is going insane. Or something.
Let me guess, the boss list doesn't have Y'shaarj on it because Metzen thinks its hilarious
Not surprised to see Nazgrim or Klaaxi, but the klaaxi are my bros so I don't want to kill them.
I hope that proto boss doesn't necessarily mean we fight Zaela. Her whole deal in Cata was that she hated her corrupt chief and wanted to liberate her clan, so having her turn around and stay loyal to Garrosh till the bitter end is a total 180 on her character.
There's no encounter against something named Y'shaarj, though I think they're going with Garrosh becomes a host for the old god, which is why the mantid rally around him.
Cho'gall 2.0
So I was just thinking, you guys think virtual realms means I can basically have all 50 of my characters in the same guild now (assuming 5 servers are clustered together)?
I would be pretty stoked if that was the case, I would like to have multiple of some classes on my realm, but I don't want to delete my core 11.
Well, it is based on his model...