Well, I'm just saying; you were fighting Chogall/C'thun; this fight is Garrosh/Y'whateverhisname is.
I run Control/haste and that is pretty much my stat priority. Sometimes I run around 14.50% in expertise. I tend to ignore socket bonuses and use haste/expertise in red, haste in yellow, haste/stam in blue. I feel like you can never have too much haste.
The highest tier I tank is LFR, so my health/stam is fine for where I'm at. If you are tanking normals or heroic raids you may want to prioritize stam a bit more.
Dodge and parry are minor stats for a pally tank; the two control weightings are what I use, favouring the haste side of things for now.
Okay question. Now that I have a high enough iLvl to start doing scenarios and am thus getting valor - Is there anything I should be saving my valor towards as a fresh 90 mage? Or should I just upgrade the http://www.wowhead.com/item=95183 that I got yesterday since its Best in Slot for LFR raiding mages?
If you want a big ilvl boost, save your valor for the the neck piece from the Shado-pan assault rep. It can be bought at neutral and is ilvl 522. Costs 1250 vp iirc.
Excellent. Also does JP have any real purpose, or can I just waste it on some items I've been eyeing for transmog?
Not really. Just heirlooms.
lol at that dungeon journal
memorize all that shit!
oh yeah 5.4 SoO spoilers
Holy snap lmao. I can already see this fight will be insane.
I wouldn't be surprised if yet again it's the second last fight that's really the ridiculously hard, complicated, guild-breaking boss (well, WotLK broke the mold but it happened with 4H in Naxx, M'uru the Guild Destroyer in TBC and I believe Spine was much harder than Madness in Cata, no?).
Let's not get crazy about mold breaking, Sindragosa was a big step up from Blood queen. Just because LK was hardest doesn't mean much.
Garrosh's New Uncorrupted model is a custom variant of the new Orc Player Models.
Semi-large gifs so I'm linking them.
All of my zugs. ALL OF THEM.
Wow. I can't wait for those new models.Garrosh's New Uncorrupted model is a custom variant of the new Orc Player Models.
Semi-large gifs so I'm linking them.
First off is cry. Notice the face comparison. Old one is stagnant and barely animated. New one is MoP level
No emote. Notice the face AND the hand animation
Talk-Exclamation variant. Either heavily modified or downright brand new.
Talk-question variant. Obviously a newer animation.
Run is amazingly better.
Sprint animation puts the old one to shame.
Something that the old model doesn't have.
It's very telling about Blizzards progress on the player models. I think it's supremely obvious that this Garrosh model is based off the new Orc Player models, not so much because of what he would need as a raid boss like run and sprint obviously, but stuff that he really wouldn't need to animate like the cry and roll animations.
Unless the Raid is extremely cinematic with a lot of Garrosh talking and crying, this could either be a product of the Machinima/Cinematics team making a new model to go into their pretty ingame cutscene. (Unlikely, as they didn't make a new one for the Horde MoP intro cinematic, arguably a better time to do it.) Or we just got ourselves a taste of what to expect from the new PC models.
you really think that will be the new orc model?
All this 5.4 stuff...shit's gonna be crazy.
It still drops. I think since MoP, I've seen a lot more people with it around.
They might've increased the drop rate a little, but that's not saying much given how low it was to begin with.
(It's like ~2% right now?)
Or you could buckle down and buy it off the BMAH.
The new orc model will end up looking similar and using those animation sets. It wouldn't use all those player-oriented animations otherwise.
Obviously this model is just Garrosh.
Thanks much to both of you. Control/Haste it is. I'm just looking to try something different and help out the small group of dps-only friends I play with, and it seems like tanking might cater to my control freak tendencies. I've read the guides on icy-veins and other sites but I'm excited that Proving Grounds may give me another way to learn proper tanking. Ditto for whenever I get back to leveling my disc/holy priest to try out healing.
Holy snap lmao. I can already see this fight will be insane.
I wouldn't be surprised if yet again it's the second last fight that's really the ridiculously hard, complicated, guild-breaking boss (well, WotLK broke the mold but it happened with 4H in Naxx, M'uru the Guild Destroyer in TBC and I believe Spine was much harder than Madness in Cata, no?).
So it's like Dragon Soul except the setting is actually relevant to the expansion.
I can dig it.
I started a new account/character in anserver. Will be the first time in four years since I've played WoW. Got the Battle Chest + Cataclysm for $10 today! ^_^RP
Which one? As someone who did so recently I'll tell you if its not Wyrmrest Accord, then reroll there. If its Moon Guard, then god help your soul if you don't reroll on WrA. Moon Guard is the large festering disease of the wow RP servers.Not to mention WrA has a pretty fantastic community all things considered. Sadly we are CRZ'd with Moon Guard though, which has turned Goldshire into a shithole.Known for a lot of ERP (erotic roleplay. Yes thats apparently a thing), and even the legitimate RP guilds out there are terrible at following the lore.
If you do decide to go on WrA and happen to go alliance-side, hit me up (toon's name is Koruzan) and I'll set you up with a set of netherweave bags and some gold.
As someone who plays on Moon Guard, I'd like to tell you you're almost 100% incorrect. Goldshire sucks, but Moon Guard's RP population is strong, and the events I've gone to for the purposes of spectating have been consistent with lore. Some very cool stuff happening here if you like RP.
So I decided to head to the Isle of Thunder to start my grind, and I'm getting DESTROYED there. Can't even complete the second solo scenario. My ilvl is only 422 at the moment though, and I have no idea how to get it higher other than buying shit off the AH.
After a year break, I came back to my hunter last week and just hit 90 yesterday. Thanks for the Icy Veins link. In the middle of it at the moment.
I can't wait to get some gear. My damage is awful at the moment.
I thought that link was a Mage leveling guide, I now see it had a light leveling guide for hunters.
Im wondering if leveling Cata has certain zones I should level in for rep or not?
So I decided to head to the Isle of Thunder to start my grind, and I'm getting DESTROYED there. Can't even complete the second solo scenario. My ilvl is only 422 at the moment though, and I have no idea how to get it higher other than buying shit off the AH.