need demotivation? Try to think of where you are in the legendary questline.
10/20 on Secrets at the moment...ugh.
And it doesn't get better from there.
Poking around my past main characters and doing some reading online it turns out I can still get myself the old Hand of A'dal title because my original main paladin from the BC days still has the original version of The Vials of Eternity quest. I remember holding onto it because I was only aware they were removing the ability to earn the titles after the fact but still had that quest on me and figured I should keep it just in case. I leveled to 80 on that character and then while not playing found out someone got into my account and totally trashed that character. Thankfully they left the quests but sold pretty much everything on her. So if I want the title I need to play a nearly naked level 80 paladin to level her up enough to solo (or perhaps get some help) the requirements to finish the last parts of that chain. It's tempting but not something I aim to do right this moment.
I'm bummed I didn't do enough during Burning Crusade to have the proper quests on my old character for the Champion of the Naaru title. Pretty damned close as I did the entire Cipher of Damnation chain but I recall getting the three Trial quests and never completing them because I couldn't take heroics back then due to the much higher difficulty.
Heh, I managed to pull off the same thing on my Hunter.
After I quit in BC, he got hacked and made into a mining bot. Eventually managed to get him back, but had all broken equips and crap, not to mention I lost a lot of stuff in my bags.
But I still had the old Vials of Eternity quest and managed to follow it through to the end sometime after I came back in Cata.
If you're in need of gear, Hyjal and Vashj'ir now have vendors that sell 232 gear (the same gear you'd get if you bumped up a character to 80 with a SoR).
And I got screwed the same way on the Champion of the Naaru title. I had all 3 Trial quests, but you need the old Magtheridon quest that comes after those to actually be eligible for it.