I got news for you, there is griefers on both sides.
Yeah, now there are. I'd fix it and give the Alliance the Blood Elves if I could, though.
I got news for you, there is griefers on both sides.
Yeah, now there are. I'd fix it and give the Alliance the Blood Elves if I could, though.
And give Night Elves to the Horde.
But we don't want the Night Elves. That's why we're getting rid of the Blood Elves. And the Night Elves were never part of the Horde![]()
I want them. Because they have the coolest racial mount.
Yeah, now there are. I'd fix it and give the Alliance the Blood Elves if I could, though.
Ew. Racial mounts are for the unfortunate people who can't get any cool ones to drop![]()
Too bad griefers arent exclusive to Alliance and blood elves.
I don't believe you.
Well, i've been killed by orcs, undeads, trolls and taurens when i used to play on a PVP server, so yeah.
And no i didn't take a picture or video back then.
Any pro-tips from seasoned Kael solo killers?
I'm doin just fine every week on my 90 Priest, cake-walk.
I'm capping my two alts to get it done there too, but I'd love to have a shot the next couple weeks while I'm not so strong yet.
Right now, they're an 88 Paladin and an 86 Mage.
Advice please! The disorient/conflag BS on the paladin (Ret) just destroys me in Phase 3 with all advisors up. Capernian seems to repeat conflag like fucking crazy on my Ret, whereas she never does on my Shadow Priest. Is it a range issue? Or the fact that I keep up my Legendary Staff buff on my priest? (which my paladin obviously can't equip?
Yeah, I'm aware of that, running out and spreading them throughout the instance.
It's dealing with Capernian's conflags, and Kael's disorients/conflags/etc. Losing control of your character while standing over a flamestrike = it's over.
How do you do it without a staff buff?
Considering my mage can use the staff, I'm encouraged. Might go try now.
So, tanking heirlooms: how much better are they than the plate dps heirlooms? I have full set of the dps ones and want to know how good they'll fare with a pally tank compared to the tank looms.
So, tanking heirlooms: how much better are they than the plate dps heirlooms? I have full set of the dps ones and want to know how good they'll fare with a pally tank compared to the tank looms.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, running out and spreading them throughout the instance.
It's dealing with Capernian's conflags, and Kael's disorients/conflags/etc. Losing control of your character while standing over a flamestrike = it's over.
How do you do it without a staff buff?
Considering my mage can use the staff, I'm encouraged. Might go try now.
So, tanking heirlooms: how much better are they than the plate dps heirlooms? I have full set of the dps ones and want to know how good they'll fare with a pally tank compared to the tank looms.
This is what the night in WoW should look like.
No thanks, I like playing at night.
I always found it interesting that very early on WoW did have total darkness like that and required you to make torches and such to give light around your character. I always see Duskwood mentioned as being a dark zone with NPCs carrying torches to help light things up. I think this was only during alpha or beta and never made it live? I sometimes skim old patch notes and other stuff like that and catch these oddities.
But agreed, while neat looking it's not practical to be that dark. I wouldn't mind seeing that used sparingly for like a scenario or do some boss encounter that uses darkness as part of a mechanic or something.
They should make it toggable.
Like better water effects.
They should make it toggable.
Like better water effects.
Did my first four LFR raids last night. 1 piece of loot.
Sounds about right
Still have Terrace to do tonight. Here's hoping lol
As someone who played from Vanilla beta, all the way to Cata. Is there anything new or must see? I've been bored lately, and feeling tempted to start it back up. Played a DK/Paladin/Priest.
As someone who played from Vanilla beta, all the way to Cata. Is there anything new or must see? I've been bored lately, and feeling tempted to start it back up. Played a DK/Paladin/Priest.
As someone who played from Vanilla beta, all the way to Cata. Is there anything new or must see? I've been bored lately, and feeling tempted to start it back up. Played a DK/Paladin/Priest.
MoP content is great. The new warlock is just insane, and the brawlers guild stuff is awesome as hell.
I've heard so many things about the MoP warlock; is it really that good? I was thinking of rolling one, even though I've been bored by them in the past.
There were two new classes in MoP, Warlock and Monk. Everyone who was playing the old "mage with a pet" were just migrated out of the kindness of their hearts.
There were two new classes in MoP, Warlock and Monk. Everyone who was playing the old "mage with a pet" were just migrated out of the kindness of their hearts.
Today I learned the harsh RNG of MoP. Took on all 4 world bosses for the first time, and came away with one purple ring from Galleon, and gold from the rest (including a bonus roll on Nalak).
Today I learned the harsh RNG of MoP. Took on all 4 world bosses for the first time, and came away with one purple ring from Galleon, and gold from the rest (including a bonus roll on Nalak).