What the hell is a monkey run? Seeing it spammed in trade, I was only gone 2 months!!
I thought it was when people kill stuff at the dooker dome.
What the hell is a monkey run? Seeing it spammed in trade, I was only gone 2 months!!
Was wondering about this. I won't worry about trying to finish up the last couple ICC meta achievements with you in that case. Zenax and I could probably rope in a guildmate of mine to help finish that up instead.
It's definitely stormstout, and it's the fastest legit levelling in the game. A good monkey run group is like 3.5 hours to go 85-90 with the recent nerfs. It's boring as dirt though.
lol I'll come back to help you. Just let me know when you want to do it.
It's definitely stormstout, and it's the fastest legit levelling in the game. A good monkey run group is like 3.5 hours to go 85-90 with the recent nerfs. It's boring as dirt though.
I am on the legendary quest step where I need to get a group to kill an alliance guy in the castle on the beach. Can't find a single damn person on the server who wants to do this quest. I'm Tich Horde so it's not like there aren't a billion people around =/
So I started playing WoW again, with a few friends. I stopped playing very shortly before Cataclysm came out and haven't played since. Enjoying my time so far, I've mostly been playing my Priest, he's 83 now and it's going quite well.
I also started a Druid for playing with a friend and he's level 11 now. How do I best level him? I've chosen Guardian as my spec for now because I definitely want to play Feral mostly and I guess finding dungeons as a tank is way faster.
What do you think the ilevel will be for the org raid? I haven't stepped in ToT yet though. My gs is only like 491. Not that good.
So I started playing WoW again, with a few friends. I stopped playing very shortly before Cataclysm came out and haven't played since. Enjoying my time so far, I've mostly been playing my Priest, he's 83 now and it's going quite well.
I also started a Druid for playing with a friend and he's level 11 now. How do I best level him? I've chosen Guardian as my spec for now because I definitely want to play Feral mostly and I guess finding dungeons as a tank is way faster.
What do you think the ilevel will be for the org raid? I haven't stepped in ToT yet though. My gs is only like 491. Not that good.
What do you think the ilevel will be for the org raid? I haven't stepped in ToT yet though. My gs is only like 491. Not that good.
Ahune is destroying my pugs lol. Oh no randoms have to do more than 20k dps for the first time in their lives, the drama!
Ahune is destroying my pugs lol. Oh no randoms have to do more than 20k dps for the first time in their lives, the drama!
I LFR, 528? Wow, I guess I'm not going to get to kill Garrosh. This is important to the lore, they should have it around ToT requirements.
I LFR, 528? Wow, I guess I'm not going to get to kill Garrosh. This is important to the lore, they should have it around ToT requirements.
That 528 is the gear you GET in Orgrimmar. They haven't revealed what the level required is, but 490 is the best guess, IMO.
Oh, that sounds better then.Sucks LFR doesn't get the chance at the mount though.
My guess is 490-495.
Right now I am at 502 with ToT LFR stuff and a couple valor pieces in most slots. I think I am missing 2-3 things. 500 or higher would be a bit too strict, which is why I am guessing 490-495.
If you make the ilvl requirement too high the queues will take hours.
WoW Insider has received a significant number of reports of an alleged security threat which is related to the Mobile Armory. Several players have reported that the Mobile Armory has been used to fraudulently spend large amounts of their gold on extremely overpriced white-quality items on the auction house, which serve as means to illegally launder gold to the posting player.
In a US forum thread, players have reportedly already lost hundreds of thousands of gold. Further, many of these players have Blizzard Authenticators attached to their accounts. Similar reports are coming in from the EU.
There is reported confirmation from GMs, alleging that the technical team are aware of an issue, and advising the player in question to add SMS Protect to their account to safeguard against any potential further issues. If you would like further information on adding SMS Protect to your account there are video guides available. Of course, it is also important to maintain an authenticator on your account, as well as running regular virus scans, malware scans, and keylogger scans, as well as using unique passwords for your battle.net account.
We have reached out to various contacts at Blizzard Entertainment for comment. We will provide any updates to this developing story here.
I just got an email from Blizzard saying because I haven't played in god knows how long, they changed the name of one of my characters because it was popular.
They do that? Man that sucks.
Man, one of my characters has my real name as his name, a pretty common name too, I do not want to lose that.
500 isnt that high, considering how long ToT is going to be there until 5.4 is released, plenty of people will have time to buy everything they can with VP and get drops from LFR, raids or heroic scenarios. My two 90s are already above 500 only with gear from VP and LFR. And Blizzard will probably boost the drop chances of LFR once 5.4 is live, just like they did with 5.0 raids.
500 isnt that high, considering how long ToT is going to be there until 5.4 is released, plenty of people will have time to buy everything they can with VP and get drops from LFR, raids or heroic scenarios. My two 90s are already above 500 only with gear from VP and LFR. And Blizzard will probably boost the drop chances of LFR once 5.4 is live, just like they did with 5.0 raids.
The trouble begins when people run out of geared alts. I don't have anybody but my main above 490 and I certainly won't be expecting the rest of the pop to provide me with their alts when I have to run LFR on a Sat or Sun.
490 also lets people in as soon as they have a few drops from ToT + 522s from Honored with Shado Pan Assault. 500 requires almost a full kit of ToT LFR + the charity 502/516 AND luck with getting a weapon. It's not hard for my main to get there but it'll be hard for anybody to load up more than one alt to that level to keep LFR queues short.
Point is, gearing up for LFRs is really easy and gating SoO 490 would be disappointing because a) a lot of people would already at start majorly overgear the limit b) lower gear requirements = lower dps/heal requirements = lower numbers and let's face it, you can't say bigger numbers aren't more fun![]()
Again, my alt, ilvl 503 at the moment, only 5 items from ToT which will drop like crazy once 5.4 goes up looking at the current state of T14. One lucky drop from Oondasta yeah, but other than that 500 is very easy even now.
Again, my alt, ilvl 503 at the moment, only 5 items from ToT which will drop like crazy once 5.4 goes up looking at the current state of T14. One lucky drop from Oondasta yeah, but other than that 500 is very easy even now.
I feel like I have to say over and over again that I don't disagree about how easy it is to get yourself kitted out if you spend the time. My concern is the amount of time it takes before enough of the population reaches the ilvl threshold and LFR queues become tolerable. The reality is that I have to queue twice per ToT wing more often than I don't because I get in-progress queues. If your alt's 5 weeks to get to 503 gets cut to 2.5 weeks, then cool. If it's still 5 weeks for anybody to hit 503 that's a lot of lockouts spending 2 hours purely in an LFR queue.
517 from only lfr is not even remotely possible without absurd luck on Oon and Nalak, even if you're lucky with scenario dailies that's HIGHER than those items in every single slot so I call BS, but 500 is very reasonable. I've gotten multiple alts to 500 within the past month (Friend and I did some RAF'ing), and it's quite easy.
Item upgrades. Lfr gear becomes 510, heroic scenario 524 and valor 530.517 from only lfr is not even remotely possible without absurd luck on Oon and Nalak, even if you're lucky with scenario dailies that's HIGHER than those items in every single slot so I call BS, but 500 is very reasonable. I've gotten multiple alts to 500 within the past month (Friend and I did some RAF'ing), and it's quite easy.
Huh, I don't know where you got that 5 week number, the character is less than 4 weeks old and I had ilvl over 500 for over a week now (mostly through some basic ilvl tricks, I didn't get to replace my green shield form Dread Wastes quests until this reset). I even made a screenshot of when I reached 500 on this character and it was exactly 17 days after I hit 90. If 2.5 weeks to gear up fresh 90 into high enough ilvl to reach 500 (which will be even shorter in 5.4) is too long then I don't know, I feel like we're encroaching onto some entitlement issues discussions.
So appearantly the new legendary is a cloak
I stopped playing around when those dailies came out on..gah that one island...heh but this is before they released the faction you get rep for called The Shado-Pan Assault..do I still do dailies in that area or move somewhere else?
Remind me to never do LFR on a sunday morning ever again. I just spent 2 fucking hours in the Forgotten Depths instance because of dumbass tanks, unnecessary pulls, DPS doing 30-40k DPS(only the top 5 were able to pull more than 70k) and wipes on every boss.
At least i got the Tier pants on my last Mogu coin... sigh. So it wasnt a complete waste of time.
Remind me to never do LFR on a sunday morning ever again. I just spent 2 fucking hours in the Forgotten Depths instance because of dumbass tanks, unnecessary pulls, DPS doing 30-40k DPS(only the top 5 were able to pull more than 70k) and wipes on every boss.
At least i got the Tier pants on my last Mogu coin... sigh. So it wasnt a complete waste of time.