finally completed my rogue 4-set today, that bonus is ridiculous for combat. I have to really pay attention and time it around phase transitions to get the most out of the adrenaline rush+ shadow blade combo, I blew it a few times earlier this week on durumu. I also got my legendary meta game last night and frigging hell that sha amalgamation is absolutely terribly designed for melee. I managed to cheese it with shuriken toss but that was after 8 or 9 wipes and 300 gold in repairs.
You should theoretically cap energy with that combo right? You get 25 base energy regen and sinister strikes cost 20 energy, so how the hell can you dump energy in that setup
I love the bonus, it's amazing and very fun. It's so satisfying pulling nearly 350k dps on burst, I have to buy flask once for LFR and see how high can I go.