Did my first heroic scenario and wiped a couple times on the end boss of Dark Heart.
That one is probably the hardest boss in a H scenario if you don't know what you're doing. Whoever has threat on the slimes when they come pretty much has to grab a green orb or they will die and whoever is doing the most dps needs to make sure they grab the orange orb each time (especially if you want to make the bonus timer).
I love the hallway before him though, the way the slimes interact with each other is so much fun. It's so awesome to whittle down one medium slime until he is about to die and then grab as many other slimes as you can and kill them all with the original slime.
I've done that one and don't remember a thing. Then again I think I did it in regular for the 5.3 quest so we probably just farted our way through it.
I've found the one that takes place in the snow to be the most difficult. People always die, occasionally fully wipe, and it's just an absolute mess. I still don't know the best way to do the final stage.
The nerf to the HP of the adds on Horridon was a weird surprise (none of us read the notes) last night when we started this weeks run. They die soooo fast now.
Rösti;66991061 said:
I thought those models came in with Wrath. Where are they in Vanilla?
Last boss in blood in the snow is a joke. nothing will aggro you until you hit it, so rather than AE - single target. especially the banners initially. The boss will just fight the NPC forever if you don't touch him.
Archaedas in Uldaman although texturized differently.
Rösti;66991061 said:
Man I'd forgotten how shitty vanilla Stormwind was, there's a reason everyone used to hang out in Ironforge.
Man I'd forgotten how shitty vanilla Stormwind was, ohh the days when everyone would hang out in Ironforge.
I miss when everyone was hanging out in Ironforge.
It's not like the new one changed anything of the old Stormwind except blowing up the park and changing the castle. And adding a giant harbor. The parts that you think are shitty are still there.
I guess by "shitty" I meant "uninteresting". There was no real reason for players to congregate there over Ironforge - which everyone latched onto way more than the other cities (poor Darnassus).
Last boss in blood in the snow is a joke. nothing will aggro you until you hit it, so rather than AE - single target. especially the banners initially. The boss will just fight the NPC forever if you don't touch him.
Don't get me wrong, it's the hardest scenario overall (and DEFINITELY the hardest bonus timer), but the boss itself is fine. The trash is more likely to kill you in my experience, mcuh more unavoidable damage.
and they are working on another expansion, omg omg omg omg
If that excites you, I have great news.
They're already working on the expansion after that! THEY'RE ALWAYS WORKING ON EXPANSIONS yaaay
With About 7 hours played on my pally I'm already 41, love the new leveling lol. Makes things so quick for people who want to jump on new tools after a long break (given you have heirloom and guild XP bonuses).
Would going Holy around 80 be smart or stupid? I plan to go holy endgame and I figure doing dungeons here and there from 80-90 should help me understand holy. Or just wait for 85 to go holy because loot is a ton better?
It honestly doesn't matter too much when you start because endgame healing is always different from leveling as a healer. If you wanted to just pick up Dual-Spec and try both for a while it would make sense, but leveling as a healer from 85+ would just take forever.
Eh, they'll probably dig out a new race or two for it. Those are relatively easy compared to classes.
No more new classes and races please.
Eh, they'll probably dig out a new race or two for it. Those are relatively easy compared to classes.
High Elves for alliance.
I guess by "shitty" I meant "uninteresting". There was no real reason for players to congregate there over Ironforge - which everyone latched onto way more than the other cities (poor Darnassus).
No more new classes and races please.
Agreed. I hope they don't add anymore classes or races at this point. I am happy with what they have.
That's one of the biggest draws of new expansions, I think they will always do that (or at least new race/class combos).
High elves seems like an obvious choice for Alliance(especially with many of them being friendly NPCs), but that would look like a lazy job since they will basically be blood elves with blue eyes and maybe different racial abilities.High Elves for alliance,Ogres for horde.
New races is a huge money maker for Blizz.
High elves seems like an obvious choice for Alliance(especially with many of them being friendly NPCs), but that would look like a lazy job since they will basically be blood elves with blue eyes and maybe different racial abilities.
High elves seems like an obvious choice for Alliance(especially with many of them being friendly NPCs), but that would look like a lazy job since they will basically be blood elves with blue eyes and maybe different racial abilities.
For this expansion it will be the new models.
High elves seems like an obvious choice for Alliance(especially with many of them being friendly NPCs), but that would look like a lazy job since they will basically be blood elves with blue eyes and maybe different racial abilities.
I could see that in a way, but I doubt you'd need to buy the new expansion for them, which might be a grey area. It always seems like there's been something at the character creation screen that says "requires *insert current expansion here*".
Well, races aren't tied to expansions in MoP anymore either. If all you have is vanilla you can still be a Pandaren or Worgen.
Classes are still hidden behind expansions though, but that's it at this point outside of the new zones.
wasn't IF known as "lagforge"The reason people congregated in Ironforge was because Ironforge had the only Auction House for most of vanilla. Players didn't choose the city, Blizz did. I want to say it was because Stormwind ran like dog poo back then when tons of people were around, while IF did not.