Don't really like arena, but they should put in a 1v1 option into the game. Some people like playing alone.
Except as duels prove, 1v1 is hilariously unbalanced in regards to some classes.
Don't really like arena, but they should put in a 1v1 option into the game. Some people like playing alone.
Don't really like arena, but they should put in a 1v1 option into the game. Some people like playing alone.
Except as duels prove, 1v1 is hilariously unbalanced in regards to some classes.
Keep thinking about coming back to play through Pandaria.
Where does it rank in the list of expansions? (Your personal opinion, ofcourse).
Where does it rank in the list of expansions? (Your personal opinion, ofcourse).
The worst one. People will say Cataclysm is the worst, but I actually like having a big villain to fight at the end of expansion. And Deathwing is boss. MoP really doesn't have that, well maybe Garrosh, but not really.
Doesn't hold a candle to WoTLK or BC though.
The leader of one of the player factions, who is involved (in some fashion) with one of the major villains of the entire series (an Old God) isn't a big villain?
Keep thinking about coming back to play through Pandaria.
Where does it rank in the list of expansions? (Your personal opinion, ofcourse).
Keep thinking about coming back to play through Pandaria.
Where does it rank in the list of expansions? (Your personal opinion, ofcourse).
I'd agree that WOTLK was the best expansion.
If I'm coming back it'll be mostly to level (with other returning friends) and Pvp.
I started with Vanilla and this is the longest I've been away from the game (must be a year now). Will I settle back in quickly or can you share any tips to get me back in the flow? I'm concerned I'll be overly rusty, and that it'll ruin my enjoyment.
I'd agree that WOTLK was the best expansion.
If I'm coming back it'll be mostly to level (with other returning friends) and Pvp.
I started with Vanilla and this is the longest I've been away from the game (must be a year now). Will I settle back in quickly or can you share any tips to get me back in the flow? I'm concerned I'll be overly rusty, and that it'll ruin my enjoyment.
And if you've been away that long, you can always send me your email in a PM and I could send you a scroll of resurrection >.>
Other than class overhauls, the game isn't materially different from Cataclysm. It is true that a lot of classes have been overhauled to the point of being unfamiliar, but not much you can do about that.
Thanks, dude. I already re-subbed (for a month to see how things go). But thanks anyway!
What have they done to my Druid? I'm scared to look.
I'm not a druid player, so I couldn't comment on all of them. I think the actual class itself plays pretty similarly to Cataclysm if I recall.
I don't know if it's been datamined yet, but does anyone have an idea of what the mats are gonna be for the engineer mech yet?
Because I kinda need one, and I feel like it's probably going to be a good idea to start farming for them now.
WotLK was fantastic... until you hit 80. Then everything went downhill.
Ah yes, the TLPD. I so want that but camping... nah.
It's my birthday today! I need to ah some cake. I don't think my cook can make that. lol
It's my birthday today! I need to ah some cake. I don't think my cook can make that. lol
Happy birthday man!
Gratz. What level?
Like 450
You're like level 450??!
Technically you can make Delicious Chocolate Cake then!![]()
Hmm, who do you learn it from?
Not that level.![]()
It can only be learned as a reward from the Shattrath and Dalaran cooking dailies sadly.
What do you mean then?
What do you mean then?
I tried to be funny.
You said it's your birthday and I with level I meant age.![]()
Pretty good chance I'll be doing the 600 cloak quest tonight. Should I do the tank or DPS one? (Feral)
I'll most likely be taking the tank cloak anyway, since when it comes to the legendary piece, I feel like Druids are really missing that strong survival cooldown much more than we're missing that little bit of extra AoE damage. Plus the stats are not that different..
There's only one quest, and you can do as many of the challenges as you want (or have specs for, rather). You get your pick of cloak regardless of which one you do.
Cool, I might have to try all three. (Four? Is melee different from ranged?)
Took enough bosses this week to get the last two shards to the point where I was beginning to think I would get super-trolled with just one -_-[/QUOTE]
[I]Love it.[/I]
Took enough bosses this week to get the last two shards to the point where I was beginning to think I would get super-trolled with just one -_-