Just resubbed after a long hiatus. I haven't played any of the Mists content. So how do Monk's fair as a tank/healer? I just rolled one and am curious on how they compare to other tanks and healers.
The Sha weapon icons are primarily purple with the eyes and other crap.
I don't think that post shows all of them, but there's a 2H Axe, 2H Sword, Staff, and one or two other things in that post I linked.
(Should be more, since I'm sure it's a full set of weapons I saw someplace else.)
Basically kinda like the Corrupted Weapons from T14.
Just resubbed after a long hiatus. I haven't played any of the Mists content. So how do Monk's fair as a tank/healer? I just rolled one and am curious on how they compare to other tanks and healers.
I swear I saw a Disc outpacing me (as Shadow) in damage the other day in a 5man while in the group as a healer. wtf? I mean, yeah, he was in 500+ epics and I was in lowly blues for the most part, but damn? Is that how strong Disc is now? Offensively healing the way Monks are supposed to?
I swear I saw a Disc outpacing me (as Shadow) in damage the other day in a 5man while in the group as a healer. wtf? I mean, yeah, he was in 500+ epics and I was in lowly blues for the most part, but damn? Is that how strong Disc is now? Offensively healing the way Monks are supposed to?
Heals can put out fairly good DPS if they want to. Gear inflation and any competent tank means they don't really need to heal much.So, wow, is Disc really the OP healing monster everyone's suggesting it is? My main is a priest, and I use to main heal and lead my healers back in the Wrath days. Was almost always Holy though. Is this the time to try Disc out for 5mans and such?
I swear I saw a Disc outpacing me (as Shadow) in damage the other day in a 5man while in the group as a healer. wtf? I mean, yeah, he was in 500+ epics and I was in lowly blues for the most part, but damn? Is that how strong Disc is now? Offensively healing the way Monks are supposed to?
I've been back for several weeks now, and even played actively in Sept/Oct, but I still feel so out of touch with developments in Pandaria/5.0+.
Must have to be pretty well geared. I'm 514 or so and even popping everything (except heroism I guess, since I never really think about using it on those easy old fights) I can only get him down to around 20% before I can't target him any longer. I think this week was my best with 18% remaining health. The rest of the fight is super easy so no worries there, just noting that I haven't been able to drop it that fast. Even with heroism I can't see that doing the extra 18% of the health.
Onyxia I was able to get down quickly with that method, though. I'd fight her on the opposite side of where she rises up for phase two so I pop primal fire elemental, ascendance, wolves, stormlash, and then go nuts on her. Usually I'd get her to like 15% before she'd even lift up and it'd start phase three but still require her to fly over to the other side. By then she'd be down to 0.1% or whatever it sticks at and she'd land and fall over dead. But now that I have the mount I don't have to worry about that one.
Look what this game made me say!I can't believe
Not a fan of DK 16. Looks like something out of Skyrim.
I hope they don't let people use XP potions whent hey raise the level caps. As someone who enjoys the server first races... that would kind of suck if everyone is on steroids.
I can't believe there's only one bodytype for each male and female of each race! All that raiding in vanilla with more variation in physical appearances would have made it much more fun. Seriously!
Awesome thanks guys, can't wait to roll Brewmaster.
My healing Monk friend usually pulls about 70-80k dps on bosses in H Scenarios (He is 510 ilvl), that item level goes a long way. Even as dps, people are already sustaining like triple the amount of dps they were doing at the start of the expansion in blue/green gear.
Honestly I think that is my suggestion to your Kael problems as well, get better gear, it matters a lot. 440 ilvl is barely above what people in heroic dragon soul gear were at (anywhere between 410 and 415), honestly I would assume your mage does less dps than a level 85 mage in H DS gear would do. That plus mages having the worst survivability for soloing raid bosses puts him in a pretty shitty situation.
Be sure to read guides. If you don't keep Shuffle up and use Elusive Brew generously, you're a Rogue with threat issues.
Threat issues? The only threat issues I ever have is that it's basically impossible to let the other tank have any unless I just stop attacking for a few seconds.
Welp, couldn't stay away any longer. Reupped my account for 3 months :lol
Not sure whether to level my disc priest (which I really like so far) or work on my 90 hunter (coming in at a whopping 453 item lvl).
He means rogues who pull aggro, like they used to back in the days before tricks of the trade and misdirect. 'after two sunders you can start to do damage' etc.
I miss those days
Not a fan of DK 16. Looks like something out of Skyrim.
He means rogues who pull aggro, like they used to back in the days before tricks of the trade and misdirect. 'after two sunders you can start to do damage' etc.
I miss those days
Shit, I didn't even think about that. Of course the new level cap fucks with ratings, so of course I'm struggling to even do the damage I once did. Argh. I need to fast track this Mage to epics.
Ah yes, back when we had to Vanish regularly to clear agro. Unless Vanish didn't work, in which case you died. I died a lot.
I know i don't. Everytime i do a heroic with a tank doing 15k DPS with my mage who does 115k, it reminds me of those days where all the aggro is on me, and it sucks.
Besides, what heroic mob is going to kill you these days? We're not talking about Heroic Shattered Halls
Ah yes, back when we had to Vanish regularly to clear agro. Unless Vanish didn't work, in which case you died. I died a lot.
Where's the cheapest place to get MoP?
I can see why the threat mini-game was removed though. Aggro is a pretty dumb concept when there's practically nothing in the game that alerts you to its existence.
I can see why the threat mini-game was removed though. Aggro is a pretty dumb concept when there's practically nothing in the game that alerts you to its existence.
I can see why the threat mini-game was removed though. Aggro is a pretty dumb concept when there's practically nothing in the game that alerts you to its existence.
I can see why the threat mini-game was removed though. Aggro is a pretty dumb concept when there's practically nothing in the game that alerts you to its existence.
Threat's always existed though, and several skills even in Vanilla had stuff that were basically, "Does X to Y damage, but causes a high amount of Threat."
There were quite a few items in the game too that basically had procs or passive effects to reduce the amount of Threat you were putting out.
But far as actual numbers and stuff goes, yeah, there were no real indicators as to how much actual Threat/Aggro you had on an enemy until Wrath, unless you were using Addons.
The way encounters make room for tanks in WoW might be why I hate tanking to be honest. There's some fun in feeling like the most important and informed part of a raid, but that's taken from you half the time in a raid environment when your job switches to 'tank the adds' or 'just stand there to soak cleave or tank swap when the better-geared tank gets too many stacks of a debuff.' Even if you are the main tank doing your job perfectly, you run into retarded things like hitboxes on raid bosses preventing efficient repositioning or fuzzy edges on ability radiuses. I don't know how the tanks I know put up with these awful mechanics getting in the way of an otherwise very smooth MMO combat system.
I'm referring to its effect on everyone else. Its not the fact that it exists, its that the operation of the mechanic (particularly when threat-capping is a thing) is pretty much invisible. Even in Vanilla, you couldn't actually access threat numbers even with a meter; those numbers were just estimates since the game didn't report threat information until WLK. Basically, you had to cap your DPS based on a theoretical number reported by an addon. Its absurd on its face.
Haha, yeah that's what I'm hearing. Maybe I'll level my priest.If you like healing, Disc Priests are probably the most overpowered thing in the history of video games.*
*may be some very minor exaggeration
Haha, yeah that's what I'm hearing. Maybe I'll level my priest.
Also, what's the best way to get guild rep these days? I have the epic guild tabard from a previous guild, but I'm only friendly. Should I just do dailies and quests? I remember using some sort of Marks of Ulduar trick back when Mists first launched, but I think I read on Wowhead that they god rid of that.
Sweet.Quests are more than enough.
I want to fucking CHOKE this game sometimes. Dumb shit that blizzard does and doesn't think through... I get my frames all ready for my priest in Vuhdo, got all my macros and mouseovers written, and have everything perfect, only to have some jackass loot mid combat exposing something I never foresaw coming:
:Not my image, but shows the problem:
I want to fucking CHOKE this game sometimes. Dumb shit that blizzard does and doesn't think through... I get my frames all ready for my priest in Vuhdo, got all my macros and mouseovers written, and have everything perfect, only to have some jackass loot mid combat exposing something I never foresaw coming:
:Not my image, but shows the problem:
Oh I have it moved now of course (I used an addon I got afterwards. Its the fact that when entering UI options I see no box for disabling it or anything referring to it. It doesnt appear in the same space as the loot roll box even though they are clearly related, and I tried clicking them (in the center) and dragging and they wouldnt move when I needed them to. Just an overall pain in the ass for EXTREMELY redundant information thats already spammed to your chat window any fucking way....
I just..........