Haha, yeah that's what I'm hearing. Maybe I'll level my priest.
Also, what's the best way to get guild rep these days? I have the epic guild tabard from a previous guild, but I'm only friendly. Should I just do dailies and quests? I remember using some sort of Marks of Ulduar trick back when Mists first launched, but I think I read on Wowhead that they god rid of that.
Might've been fun for DPS, but I personally think tanking's a lot more engaging when you're concerned more about survival and execution than maintaining a perfect threat rotation. Active mitigation makes you pay a lot more attention to stuff and is pretty fun to execute.
Okay cool I'll send another ticket. I'm not to upset about the gear since it's all outdated, but I know I had over 10k gold. I'm just pissed I can't progress on my 85s to 90 because they can't attack anything.
"Soak cleaves" is the laziest fucking two-tank mechanic in the universe. I hate it so much when they decide to force that instead of coming up with something more clever.
I can't remember the last time they actually used boss cleave as a tank-specific mechanic.
My biggest issue with the game is how bad the default ui is. So my combo points energy/mana/wutever are in the top left, my maintenance buffs are on the top right, and my cd's are on the bottom. It's like the game is forcing new people to be bad.
What about at level 90? Can I just do dailies? Especially since they aren't capped these days.I think you get to Exalted just by going Level 85 to 88.
Garalon, but, uh there is obviously a lot of other things going on Garalon so I think the mechanic fits in well there.
What about at level 90? Can I just do dailies? Especially since they aren't capped these days.
Anyone have any ideas?
Hardware issue maybe?
Well that blows...
Lost out on winning an X-51 Nether Rocket X-TREME on the Black Market because some guy and 2-3 of his goons decided to camp the place making it impossible to get in there and bid.
(Or when I tried, I got Feared outta there.)
You'd figure nobody would even be around to bid on that shit, given my craphole of a server.
(BTW, the winning bid? 27,100 gold.)
What's the deal with the torn herbs and ore nuggets, I wonder?
The way encounters make room for tanks in WoW might be why I hate tanking to be honest. There's some fun in feeling like the most important and informed part of a raid, but that's taken from you half the time in a raid environment when your job switches to 'tank the adds' or 'just stand there to soak cleave or tank swap when the better-geared tank gets too many stacks of a debuff.'
My guess: You can now fish high-level areas at low levels to get worthless items and level up. I'm going to suggest that maybe the same's true of mining and herbalism with this change, with the torn herbs and poor nuggets the 'reward' for low-level miners.
Oh well, at least those cloaks gives you a nice wings animation once in a while from what i remember and hopefully can be transmogged.
You cannot transmog any legendary weapon. I expect it to be the same with the legendary cloacks.
I wouldn't be surprised if the cloaks get excluded from the transmog restrictions just because it's still a significant amount of work to get the final legendary ones and they use unique art, and still end up being a subtle touch, as opposed to something like Warglaves where it's really obvious and changes a character's silhouette. It'd be nice if we carry the cloaks with us into the next expansion, even if only through art.
Didn't somebody else in this thread have a similar problem and got around it by partying with a Real ID friend on another realm and thus it phased them out of the way from the people harassing them? Just a thought for next time.
Figures....it was the first try on the Mage (thanks to everyone's advice here to just gear the damned thing up)...
At least 100+ kills over the years, and this is the third time I've seen it drop, ever.
A Val'anyr and the Ashes, and the Amani War Bear....I'm so fucking happy.
Still can't believe it. Never have I uttered a louder "Fuck Yes" over anything in a game, haha.
Yeah, I remember that. For me, it was getting the Headless Horseman's mount. That was back when the mount was actually rare. The very next year, they started handing them out like candy and everybody had one. Then they made mounts account-wide, so now everybody's everybody has one. At least they finally fixed the riding angle on that.. used to bug me that it was the only horse in the game that would lean at an angle unless you were on perfectly flat ground. Looked ridiculous. Unfortunately, it also looks ridiculous when my panda rides it, so I haven't been using it.
Did they?
May have to do that next time. There was a guildie with me trying to get in there himself, but had no luck.
I've thought about playing again but was hoping to find a community oriented guild to join. I hate PUGs and the drama that goes on with them. Anyone have any suggestions?
Yeah, I want to raid though I've never been on one in WoW. I've mostly stuck to EQ/EQ2 but I've dabbled in WoW before. I guess I should mention I don't have a max level character so I'd be starting from scratch. Grinding in solitude for 90 levels just doesn't sound appealing to me, especially when the PUGs I'm in are with veteran players who expect you to know everything already and you're stuck trying to complete quests solo.![]()
Yeah, I want to raid though I've never been on one in WoW. I've mostly stuck to EQ/EQ2 but I've dabbled in WoW before. I guess I should mention I don't have a max level character so I'd be starting from scratch. Grinding in solitude for 90 levels just doesn't sound appealing to me, especially when the PUGs I'm in are with veteran players who expect you to know everything already and you're stuck trying to complete quests solo.![]()
Yeah, I want to raid though I've never been on one in WoW. I've mostly stuck to EQ/EQ2 but I've dabbled in WoW before. I guess I should mention I don't have a max level character so I'd be starting from scratch. Grinding in solitude for 90 levels just doesn't sound appealing to me, especially when the PUGs I'm in are with veteran players who expect you to know everything already and you're stuck trying to complete quests solo.![]()
I hear ya goat. A friend and I are thinking about getting back into it.. I was in the ff14 beta but in the end it's just wow with a ff skin. Still, it'd be nice if there was a casual gaf guild in general.. we're on EST too though!
I guess I'll join Wibblewozer on Shadowsong. Sounds as good a server as any other. I'll post my character name once I make one.
Did they?
May have to do that next time. There was a guildie with me trying to get in there himself, but had no luck.
Grats man! Ashes is such an awesome mount.
Literally just now my friend showed me the scroll of rez special going. Free transfer to his server and faction change and 80 bump? Geezus..we're just gonna do that.. looks like Skullcrusher.
I have an account with the expansions enabled so I dont think the scroll will work?
Your expansion level doesn't matter, only if you've been inactive for over a year. There's a specific cut-off date that they haven't moved up yet.
Your expansion level doesn't matter, only if you've been inactive for over a year. There's a specific cut-off date that they haven't moved up yet.
Looks like it expired on 11/11/2012.