I would like this personally but I don't know how realistic it is.Wrathion himself!
Stop with Gamon. He's just a comical relief character. Then Blizzard ruined it by adding a voice and other stuff.
I really hope he doesn't become Warchief.
Pandarens were just an easter egg and here we are...
Edit: Dat Wrathion audio file...
I love themention"Auntie Onyxia"
Definitely, there are tonnes of things to do now without ever stepping into a raid, although looking for raid makes it extremely easy to get into a raid if you so desire. Pet battles, dominion offensive/operation: shieldwall quest chain is good, Tillers, scenarios, lorewalkers, rare hunting. You could gear up for ToT LFR in a day if you wanted.
You can transfer to the server of the person sending you the scroll, if you resub for a month he gets a free mount.
Wrathion has the weirdest family tree. Onyxia would be his sister if he was truly a son of Deathwing, but we already know he isn't because we made his goddamned egg.
No idea, I usually get a few pieces of gear for every wing of 5.0 LFR :/ RNG is so weird in this game.I don't even know how I could gear for TOT LFR in a week. Been back for about a month. Shit luck with Keys/Charms, so a Month's worth of 5.0 LFR has only brought me up to item level 475. I need 480 for TOT.
What am I doing wrong?
I don't even know how I could gear for TOT LFR in a week. Been back for about a month. Shit luck with Keys/Charms, so a Month's worth of 5.0 LFR has only brought me up to item level 475. I need 480 for TOT.
What am I doing wrong?
Don't forget to get your 522 neckpiece for 1250 valor points from Shado Pan offensive and your 502 boots from helping a man up a mountain(need to finish the Darkspear Rebellion quests to open it)
Lore wise Deathwing can't be Wrathion's real father because it was established that Dearhwing had a fire penis that killed his mates other than Sinestra. Really.Wrathion has the weirdest family tree. Onyxia would be his sister if he was truly a son of Deathwing, but we already know he isn't because we made his goddamned egg.
Got my belf paladin to 75 the other day and I've gotta say that 68-75 feels a shit ton quicker than 58-65 and I really like this; I was afraid that once I passed 70 it would take twice as long but I really like what they did here.
My heirloom items (for XP) are running out at 80 and I was really contemplating going Holy from 80-90 as I plan to do that in the end game, smart move? Would I be okay questing wise? Planned to run lots of dungeons too for the hell of it.
You know you can upgrade your heirlooms to lvl 85 right? It cost justice points and you need the original lvl 80 heirloom to trade it for 85. The justice points cost is very reasonable and can be reach with a few heroics.
Yeah, but my warrior and healer are 85 and 86 and I'm not in the mood to do some older heroics to upgrade all of my gear, I feel like it'd be faster to hit 85 at that point.
Heh, we had our third tank gquit on us tonight because we wouldn't let him tank past Council (because he sucks, mostly, and can't handle aggro on the bats!). That was pretty fun to watch.![]()
Everyone know its gonna be the blood elf leader. Just a perfect troll from Blizzard to all the Horde players who never liked the introduction of elves into their "badass" faction.
...and in other news, I've come to the depressing realization that I should completely reroll on a populated Alliance server. I saw this picture on reddit, and realized I don't want to live on a dead server any more:
Lore wise Deathwing can't be Wrathion's real father because it was established that Dearhwing had a fire penis that killed his mates other than Sinestra. Really.
I don't even know how I could gear for TOT LFR in a week. Been back for about a month. Shit luck with Keys/Charms, so a Month's worth of 5.0 LFR has only brought me up to item level 475. I need 480 for TOT.
What am I doing wrong?
Oh. Yeah, i meant lvl 90 heroics where each boss gives like 120 JP. Older heroics arent worth it at all, not to mention you'll probably find no one doing them.
Lore wise Deathwing can't be Wrathion's real father because it was established that Dearhwing had a fire penis that killed his mates other than Sinestra. Really.
Just to check... he wasn't losing aggro to the other tank, was he? *I* can't hold bat threat off my cotank if my cotank sits on me, and I regard myself as good![]()
There's another PVP season after 5.4s. 5.6 confirmed.
...and in other news, I've come to the depressing realization that I should completely reroll on a populated Alliance server. I saw this picture on reddit, and realized I don't want to live on a dead server any more:
I finally got both Bindings for Thunderfury but now I have to get 10 Enchanted Elementium Bars. fml
...and in other news, I've come to the depressing realization that I should completely reroll on a populated Alliance server. I saw this picture on reddit, and realized I don't want to live on a dead server any more:
I feel ya, being on a server where your faction is almost nonexistent sucks
If virtual realms don't improve Alliance on my server I'm going to look for a new home after MoP. Several guildies agree that it sucks, but we're all holding out for virtual realms.
I've essentially been on Kilrogg since day one. I went back a few months ago and it was DEAD. DEAAAAADDDD. I transferred this week to Skullcrusher with a friend and the cities are packed and zones still alive (mostly due to xserver) with people leveling. It brought the magic back to wow. Also helps it's a pvp server.
When I came back to WoW the first time (started at launch, came back during Lich King), I just started playing with my friend who, for whatever reason, chose a medium population RP server. I'd imagine it was on the lower-end of medium at the time. Now, it's just a wasteland. For the most part I don't mind, since I just do LFD/LFR, but seeing that picture changed my mind. I really do miss random encounters with other people, even if I don't want to go out of my way and play with them.
And yeah, the cost for server transfers are insane. If it were $25 for your whole account, that's fine. But $25 per? F that.
The scroll of rez promotion is what pulled us back. Without that, yeah, we'd have never done transfers or anything.
Just to check... he wasn't losing aggro to the other tank, was he? *I* can't hold bat threat off my cotank if my cotank sits on me, and I regard myself as good![]()
That and what class was he / type of computer? Those bats can be a bitch for a variety of reasons.
I got one binding a long time ago, mined all the ore over the following 2 weeks then haven't gotten the 2nd binding since![]()
But losing aggro when you have 3 good aoe tools (Hammer, Consecrate and Holy Wrath, not to mention he can throw down a hammer and switch to Seal of Truth to have the dot on them) is just bad.
Let's not start pretending that Holy Wrath and Consecrate are good in AOE now.
Do people share accounts around here? I've been looking to play WOW for years now, actually asked a lot of question about it on GAF and bought the Battle Chest, but never even used the 30 day trial
I actually did play with someone's account a couple years back, but had to stop since I was getting busy and had very little free time
It looks like I'll have some free time for at least a couple of months, so I was wondering if someone here that can't play as often would like someone to level him a new character instead
Sorry if this is not welcome around here, I don't really know what the community here feels like about things like this
Also, don't you want to make serpent pyramids!?!
Do people share accounts around here? I've been looking to play WOW for years now, actually asked a lot of question about it on GAF and bought the Battle Chest, but never even used the 30 day trial
I actually did play with someone's account a couple years back, but had to stop since I was getting busy and had very little free time
It looks like I'll have some free time for at least a couple of months, so I was wondering if someone here that can't play as often would like someone to level him a new character instead
Sorry if this is not welcome around here, I don't really know what the community here feels like about things like this
No idea, I usually get a few pieces of gear for every wing of 5.0 LFR :/ RNG is so weird in this game.
Don't forget to get your 522 neckpiece for 1250 valor points from Shado Pan offensive and your 502 boots from helping a man up a mountain(need to finish the Darkspear Rebellion quests to open it)
A month to 475? That doesn't seem right. You hitting up all the world bosses once a week? Any valor point gear? I only started LFR a month ago (missed one week due to vacation during that month) and I'm sitting at 490.
I can't speak for everyone, but I think it's unlikely you'll find someone here who wants to share their account info with someone they don't know.
You should make your own account if you are interested in playing, maybe someone would be interested in doing RAF with you (3x exp when playing with the linked account).
Shouldnt the free "Up to level 20" accounts be good for this? Seems like you should be able to get a good amount of testing/play like that. But Im not sure of the restrictions on those free demos.
I understand, most people would not want to share their account. I don't think I would want to to either TBH ;p
I don't know what it is, but I'm just scared of paying up and committing to this game. I was really close to buying WOTLK and the Cataclysam at one point knowing that I probably won't play them. Its weird >.>