which reminds me....still on 5 runestones what a shit game, supposedly next stage will be really short.
You will eventually come to the realization that the majority of people playing the game don't give a fuck about pvp.
Going on the General Discussion board on MMOC is hurting my brain. I'm staying away for now.
Yeah, dire horn is a very cool mount.
Blue protodrake is not too bad since you can do it every day, its just dumb luck RNG :/ which reminds me....still on 5 runestones what a shit game, supposedly next stage will be really short.
Randomly got my green drake from loot satchel for tanking 5 mans, wasn't even trying for it really. As for Ravenlord I was running it ages ago with my buddy when it was only available to Druids, when it dropped one day I passed and gave it to him. I got mine a few weeks later, karma is real
That fucking green proto drake egg. Started in the beginning of wotlk and bought as soon as I finished the quest line. Took 5 ½ months. Then I got it. :/
I expect to see WoW go F2P, but that point is several years off at least.
You will eventually come to the realization that the majority of people playing the game don't give a fuck about pvp.
I think with the advent of LFR, people care about Raiding less. It definitely made me into a hardcore pvp nerd.
Finished The Jade Forest tonight. Yeah that may be the best zone in the game from a pure enjoyment factor. Really like how they tie the whole zone together with the story stuff. Hope this level of quality keeps up (if it does I may just burn through all the quests straight through after hitting 90)
I kinds lost the chain quest when I helped the shadopan, I dont know how to start the Horde invasion to Pandarea
Well, also I think this expac has something to be desired with the raids. They look cool and awesome and stuff, but there was just something about the theme of BC and WotLK. I didn't realize I would care so much about what kind of enemies I was fighting.
I know I'm in the minority, but I've heard the sentiment before as well.
The Mantid and the Sha have a lot of buildup if you've been questing so the theming works. The T14 raids are just boring. Heart of Fear is a pretty lame looking zone with almost nothing in it, and MSV and Terrace are the same architecture you see in the Vale, so that does it no favors.
ToT by comparison is a massive, well-crafted zone with a lot of scenery and it works to make the place seem more like a massive dungeon on the scale of Ulduar. The Thunder King had been hinted at the whole time and is a pretty good place to extend the story to.
I'll never understand how WC3's plot developed a fanbase. It was the beginning of Blizzard's bad writing, not the end of their good.
Standard 1% chance mount. Though the world bosses are slightly different in that bonus rolls will give you a second chance for the week.
People expect it to happen when the sub numbers drop even more, it makes sense to them since MMOs always do it whenever they're in a nose dive.
As far as the people running and invested in the company are concerned, a loss of 4~ million customers is a nosedive. It will go F2P soon, and start making tons more money. They always make a ton when its F2P.
Is there any evidence to support any of this? Because I think there isn't. I'm talking the facts down to the premise; this is all speculative.
I don't think it's that they care less, just that it's less of a concern for them to do organized 10s and 25s. When you can click a button to get into a raid instance without the hassle of organization, guild drama or fight execution, that's going to appeal to a lot of people.
Not really. Scale matters, and somehow noone ever considers this. The game still has like, what 7-8 million subscribers? Its just flat out not comparable to the LOTRO's and SWTOR's that go F2P when they crash below 300k active subscriptions.
People pretend like its the exact same thing, but its not.... I'm sure they want infrastructure in place for WoW's twilight years in the future, but it is nowhere near needing to go F2P right now, and it wont. For now they will make the sub money on top of the money in the store for vanity items and stuff like exp potions. They can have their cake and eat it too when the game is this successful.
I've been on 3 servers in MoP, and it seems to really vary from server to server. Trade chat is either full of people LF people for raids, or full of people looking for RBGs.
I think with the advent of LFR, people care about Raiding less. It definitely made me into a hardcore pvp nerd.
Growth > all. WoW isn't making as much money and there's less for the pile, that's all they care about.
Same here had fun in Cata as well. Though once I finished with the new content in zones and leveling I lost interest pretty quickly.I had a lot of fun in Cata too. I'm not a huge raider but I enjoyed the content/zones/dungeons and old world revamp.
What mouse do you guys all use? I need to pick up a new gaming mouse. Preferably nothing more than $50 or so. Not really sure what people are into these days, I've just been using an MX518 for like years and years.
What mouse do you guys all use?
Growth > all. WoW isn't making as much money and there's less for the pile, that's all they care about.
Sea Turtle is my favorite mount story. I put off farming it FOR YEARS. I was just like "Oh I will get around to it someday I am sure". Wrath goes by I don't bother, Cata goes by I don't bother, in MoP when we discover they are putting in another mount achievement (150) I decide now is the time. I get my preparations complete, load up my list of podcasts that need to be played, head to a place I know people won't be at, and start to fish. Get the thing on like my first or second cast. Was oddly disappointing because I was mentally prepared to fish for hours.
One day I'll finally get around to doing all that coin fishing in Dalaran. Probably sometime when I want to level fishing.
Pandaria can still surprise me, wow. I was just flying around doing some archeo stuff*, when I met a weird elite mob. It was in a pretty desolate spot, I didn't remember it being a quest objective, it wasn't a rare mob, it was just an unusual elite named goat. So I killed it and wow, it dropped Bag of Kafa Beans, a three-charge 20-second ultra-fast summonable mount. Through comments i also learned there are actually two more items like that in other places in Pandaria. Love that.
*archeo in Pandaria is still bullshit, whoever thought Collector achievements were a good idea to give the profession some longevity in Pandaria should be shot in the face
Yeah, i abandoned archeology pretty fast in MoP compared to Cata. The fact that there is only 3 blue items (or something like that) that can be obtained pretty quickly made me stop doing it after the first weeks. I don't fucking care about achievements unless there is a title or mount linked to them.
Well, there is actually a title for completing your personal collection of pristine items. A pretty cool one as well, but, getting a pristine version of every MoP artifact is extremely time consuming.
Without cross-referencing against a list, is there a way to know that you've got the complete set of drops for a given Archaeology field? I'm miles behind on it - just starting out in Outland - and I'm wondering if I've polished off everything from 1-60 EK and Kalimdor before getting too deep.
Well, there is actually a title for completing your personal collection of pristine items. A pretty cool one as well, but, getting a pristine version of every MoP artifact is extremely time consuming.
Without cross-referencing against a list, is there a way to know that you've got the complete set of drops for a given Archaeology field? I'm miles behind on it - just starting out in Outland - and I'm wondering if I've polished off everything from 1-60 EK and Kalimdor before getting too deep.
So you are not forced to equip your best ilvl gear to enter Dungeons with specific ilvl, you just have to have them in your bags to count, woot?