Stoneform is legit if you're a tank![]()
More than that: Stoneform makes Iron Qon solotankable. That's a pretty huge strategic advantage.
Stoneform is legit if you're a tank![]()
More than that: Stoneform makes Iron Qon solotankable. That's a pretty huge strategic advantage.
Oh well, at least i'm a fucking dwarf!Can't wait to see the updated model.
Fuck me, I hate ignorant ass dps that talk during pugs or try to dictate the pace of the run by pulling. I'm the tank, you follow me. Otherwise enjoy the 20 min wait for another one. AMIRITE TANKZ.
The only place where we have to wait 20 mins for a new tank is in LFR. Heroics tend be to be fast when one leave.
Sorry, the annoying DPS win in this case.![]()
Fuck me, I hate ignorant ass dps that talk during pugs or try to dictate the pace of the run by pulling. I'm the tank, you follow me. Otherwise enjoy the 20 min wait for another one. AMIRITE TANKZ.
I agree to a certain extent. If the DPS is in full heroic gear ilvl 540+ ... who cares if he pulls, hes going to kill everything for you in a matter of seconds. Just roll with it at that point
I should have clarified I'm talking about leveling dungeons basically, but apparently I've riled up the dps here. Just remember, you're replaceable!
I agree to a certain extent. If the DPS is in full heroic gear ilvl 540+ ... who cares if he pulls, hes going to kill everything for you in a matter of seconds. Just roll with it at that point
More than that: Stoneform makes Iron Qon solotankable. That's a pretty huge strategic advantage.
Fuck me, I hate ignorant ass dps that talk during pugs or try to dictate the pace of the run by pulling. I'm the tank, you follow me. Otherwise enjoy the 20 min wait for another one. AMIRITE TANKZ.
Anyway, a DPS who can easily pull 150k-200k DPS, even if he wait after the undergeared tank before attacking, is going to pull aggro. This is happening way too often with my ilvl 516 frost mage, i can't imagine someone in heroic raid gear. I try not to be an asshole DPS and wait after the tank no matter what, but i kinda feel bad when i pull aggro so easily lol. But what else can happen when a tank does 20k DPS and i do 200k?
I should have clarified I'm talking about leveling dungeons basically, but apparently I've riled up the dps here. Just remember, you're replaceable!
lol No idea but this will definitely be me when they reveal the next expansion:What do you guys make of this?![]() said:
This happened when my Guardian just hit 90. Not the dps's fault so I just had to deal with it until I got some decent gear. You're better off just nuking everything and making the dungeon go fast.
So I just got back into the game 2 weeks ago and I am enjoying it so far. Unfortunately I feel I can't find things to do for my character in order to get better PVE gear.
I am currently ilvl462 and I can only do the first two LFR raids once a week. Heroics are not giving me gear that is any better than I already have.
I have about 1000 valor points but I can't spend them because I have no rep with anyone.
Justice points gear is below what I currently have.
Am I expected to grind rep with factions for Valor Points gear at this point? Or am I supposed to be waiting weeks maybe months before I can move on to higher tiers of LFR content? Am I missing something?
Anyone know any 1H weapons that match well with the DK T15N?
Or should I just not even bother trying and go farm a different armor set to transmog into?
Edit: The bigger and meaner-looking the weapons, the betterSeems like there isn't really anything that matches that darker red, though.
Anyone? D: I want to be pretty!
Get a 2 hander (dps is better, plus u can go unholy) and get the ahkandi from BWL.
Started a sub rogue and got them just about to 20. If I spec in PVP will that really have much of an impact while playing through dungeons? Not much of a raider.
Anyone? D: I want to be pretty!
Anyone? D: I want to be pretty!
I think my suggestion is "/console screenshotQuality 10" before you try to take a transmog screenshot![]()
Do healers get that bag from heroics? More incentive for me to level my priest if so for those mounts!The tank from my last heroic just got a Deathcharger Reins from his free heroic cleared bag.
I would be jealous if i didnt already have it ha.
Do healers get that bag from heroics? More incentive for me to level my priest if so for those mounts!
Aw, bummer.They rarely do, its mostly tanks. From what i've seen on my holy paladin anyway.
Do healers get that bag from heroics? More incentive for me to level my priest if so for those mounts!
Anyone know any 1H weapons that match well with the DK T15N?
Or should I just not even bother trying and go farm a different armor set to transmog into?
Edit: The bigger and meaner-looking the weapons, the betterSeems like there isn't really anything that matches that darker red, though.
Damn, only one Runestone this week.
Used up all my luck last week, I guess.
Only when it pops up. I saw the bag listed for them the other day.
Go through this:
Shellsplitter Greataxe (Heroic) would probably be a really good match, but you have to be doing Heroic content to get that.![]()
My guild didn't want to solo tank it so I have to deal with a warrior co-tank crying about not being able to keep threat. I'd hold back, but we need my dps (I'm a monk).
I dunno, I generally non-stop chain pull on my tanks and don't really mind what the dps do.
Having just come back I hadn't really explored the real money shop, but I assumed it was like dlc for games, ya know, .99 or maybe $5 for the big stuff. Mounts are fuckin $25. They're the price of a game. And people buy them. Morons. Utter morons. It's none of my business what you do with your money blah blah you're a moron. But a moron on a cool mount. :3
Having just come back I hadn't really explored the real money shop, but I assumed it was like dlc for games, ya know, .99 or maybe $5 for the big stuff. Mounts are fuckin $25. They're the price of a game. And people buy them. Morons. Utter morons. It's none of my business what you do with your money blah blah you're a moron. But a moron on a cool mount. :3
My sparkle pony was pretty cool back when I believed I'd never get a cool looking mount. Fast forward and I have Ashes, Onyxia, etc.