They were delayed for a while. I want to say at least an hour.Question for US players, how delayed were the realms going online yesterday? It seems there is something major because EU realms are already delayed by 20 minutes with no official extension so something weird is definitely up.
And personally, I actually like the idea of paladin sets based around the theme of space-zealot power ranger robots. That shit is awesome.
Oh cool. How do I go about getting dailies before doing all of the solo scenarios? I have an alt that just hit 90 and has only done the first solo scenario to get access to the main camp. It looks like Jaina only has more solo scenario quests for him, though. No dailies.Nah, I think I got it on the first day of 5.2 or so. You get it the first time you have saurok dailies, simple as that.
As a matter of fact, the sooner the better because in later phases you get new options for dailies, while in early it's guaranteed you will get saurok ones.
Oh cool. How do I go about getting dailies before doing all of the solo scenarios? I have an alt that just hit 90 and has only done the first solo scenario to get access to the main camp. It looks like Jaina only has more solo scenario quests for him, though. No dailies.
Darn. I was really hoping to skip those scenarios. Ah well.I'll admit I have no idea if it's actually possible after your sever progressed through the stages, I was just guessing![]()
Productive night of archaeology. Solved the BoA gun and BoA off-hand, and have the BoA sword and Anatomical Dummy in progress.
Which BoA Sword? I've been going after the Tol'vir sword (Scimitar of the Sirocco) for years, it looks really nice so I want it for transmog.
If you got that one I am jelly
Probably the hardest overall but for timed runs the one in Dun Morogh is almost impossible.
So I hit 90 last night on my holy paladin and I jumped right into heroics; I've gotta say I was pleasantly surprised at how much more powerful I felt in heroics off the bat as opposed to previous expansions where I felt very weak. I went into them with mostly 430-450 gear, and the epic pvp shoulders (476) so I wasn't really too geared.
Picked up like 6 pieces of loot, including 2 more pvp epics (which are fantastic gear pieces btw). What is the min. ilvl to do LFR?
Btw, Holy Prism is fucking amazingI also learned that monk tanks rule.
Eh, Wrath heroics were nothing to brag about after Ulduar.
The Shattered Halls in TBC.
Fuck that dungeon.
The only heroic that gave me problems in BC was Magisters Terrace. Priestess Delrissa , and the trash before Kael. Hell, the whole Delrissa fight depends so much on proper composition to even beat her most of the time. Groups folded at that fight so much, and the trash before Kael was a pretty high gear check.
Ya, we got annihilated.
I guess I dont remember the frustration people had with shattered halls. I think I did it once with my friends, and just never tried it with a random group.
Well obviously all the beginning heroics aren't meant to be an issue. Sure, ramparts is harder than jade serpent, but both are relatively easy. But I'm talking about even the "higher tier" of Mists heroics are just charge into every group and chain to the bosses that you just tank and spank. I suppose lfr is meant to be that next jump in casual difficulty.
What 'higher tier' of Mists heroics? They're all the same level.
I think the experience you're after is in Challenge modes, anyway.
I guess I dont remember the frustration people had with shattered halls. I think I did it once with my friends, and just never tried it with a random group.
Probably the mantid one.
Even with a well-constructed group you could get annihilated on the 7 pull of trash before the first boss. That place was brutal, you are definitely misremembering or you had an overgeared group.
I just remembered how many stealthed mobs Burning Crusade heroics had, tailor made to fuck up a timed run or cut your healer in half from behind while you were occupied elsewhere. Shadow Labyrinth was a real offender here.
I'm going to have to guess people that think BC heroics were easy were playing with a solid team of well-geared players. I jumped in pretty late into BC as a pally tank and worked super hard to get uncrushable and uncrittable before finally trying a heroic due to how difficult they were. This was after being an off-tank for Kara and Gruul's each week. My roommate (resto druid) and I gathered three people letting them know it was our first attempt after gearing up. We went into Slave Pens since it was listed as the easiest. At the very first pull I melted after getting hit two or three times and the heals weren't enough to keep me alive.
Heroics were impossible back then! Wrath and Mists are a cakewalk in comparison. I was out most of Cata so by the time I started playing around the Dragon Soul patch heroics were very quick and not too challenging.
I still feel heroic scenarios are spread across difficulty. Crypt of Forgotten Kings or whatever it's called is an absolute breeze. The one around Ragefire also goes pretty smoothly once you've done it once and know what to do. But I still hate Blood in the Snow as people are bound to die there every time, especially during the final stage of it. The other three fall in the middle. I'm actually a little bummed that we're not getting another two or three with this next patch. I've grown to like them quite a bit.
Edit: Oh, and just a simple update: Up to 6/12 of Runestones after four weeks. Got the panther mount from ZG yesterday putting me at 181 mounts. Just short of 225 Slabhide kills trying for that mount. And I found a Mysterious Camel Figure yeseterday as I'll slowly aim for that mount but it wasn't the right one. Oh well!
I remember seeing a guide a while back on gearing a fresh 90 (I think it was specific to 5.3). Looking for that now, but if anyone has it, or something similar, handy that'd be great.
That's the Icy Veins one.
181 mounts? Good lord. I've only got, like, 30.
Haha, seriously. I think I have about 40, and that includes multiple colour variations of some basic mounts.
When I got Al'ar, a bunch of guild friends who have the 200+ AP (but not Al'ar) were extraordinarily pissed; their life mission in the game is evidently pets/mounts, and the bloke with barely any got the crown jewel. I giggled.
I'm on Week 1 now of the Valor portion (5.1) of the Legendary questline. I've been through wing 1 of TOT twice now on LFR, and I'm already bored of it. Can I progress just fine to Normal TOT eventually and still continue to get Secrets/Runestones? (when the time comes to get those in the quest line)
Because LFR the whole way (well into September/October) will slay my soul.
They need to add incentives to tank LFR more, I think, whether its valor or heroic scenario bags. The waits are excruciating and the entire front end of the dungeon seems like its nothing but fucking trash mobs so it takes ages to complete.
What faction? You might try posting on GAF during prime time and see if you can get a cross-realm group going.New challenge: getting into a Heroic Scenario group at sub-500 iLevel. Only managed to twice. Sigh.
I've been on this all hardcore for over a month and I'm still only 493.
Double Sigh. Fucking RNG. I still only have a blue heroic helm and trinket. God damn.
Also, god damn at the price/mats cost of Jade Spirit. Fuck that. I have no real incentive to go beyond a Windsong enchant if I'm staying primarily at the LFD/LFR level. 2500g? GG. Nope.
I've been burned so many times on Coin/Charm bonus rolls that I can't bring myself to put the work in to get a measly 3 Mogu Runes a week, given there's no guarantee they'll amount to anything. Elder Charms on the other hand.....I mean, you can get 15-20 in one Key run. The amount of time needed to get those pales in comparison, so it's worth the time investment there, IMO.
I'm all about more 'permanent' rewards in the game these days. Mounts, cool XMog, CMs, etc. The ever-towering gear ladder will always get eclipsed by better gear, so I'm barely tempted to get involved in that race any longer. I just want to do whatever the minimum is to be able to see the content. Therefore, the legendary questline is a must, both because it's cool and because it will unlock content in 5.4.
It seems that in every ToT i go, once everyone join, there is always a tank that leave, which means we might have to wait 10-15 mins for a new one to join. It's annoying.