I really love the ambience of the underwater Cataclysm zone, but i hope that if the next expansion is Naga focused, that it wont be all of that. Water and swimming everywhere.
You spread out before the 2nd intermission? The way we do it is everyone stacks on the tanks so the orbs are stupidly easy to handle. Makes everything so much easier.
It's not that the charge is difficult, it's that it interferes with interrupting the venom bolts and such. It forces raid members to move when they are tunneling DPS on mobs. That's why it makes it easier, really.
And I have to constantly interrupt the bolts, because DPS can't ever be trusted to interrupt!
We have our lock who calls herself the "kicking bitch" who handles that task so beautifully the fight has ceased to be any sort of problem![]()
Oh wow this makes total sense, what a neat idea.... a world BELOW azeroth. I was wondering where they'd find room to put new land masses and stuff. I guess this is why I'm not a game designer, I didn't even consider a world underneath the world. NEATO!
We still have the remains of Kezan and the Lost Isles (and more importantly) the Undermine, whatever's left of Kul'Tiras, the ruins of the Tomb of Sargeras and the Broken Isles, not to mention the Maelstrom proper.
The trick we found to Primordius is just to constantly kite him. Like WAAAY more than what you'd think. It really helps because it gives DPS a chance to kill the slimes as they're reaching him, which slows down his evolutions. Once we figured that out, it was a 1-shot and it's a 1-shot every time.
Durumu is a POS because of his Life Drain, really. The rest of the fight is cake - the maze is really easy, and you just need to be able to see a bit and you're good.
We 3-heal Lei Shen now, and we downed him last week. Our average DPS was around 115k, which really wasn't bad, and it's really a pretty easy fight once you control everything. It's simply not a fight where you can just go balls to the walls - you have to control when you push him into the intermissions so it's safe (especially intermission 2 where if you push him while lightning orbs are up you're essentially dead) and destroying the right conducts (we decided to get rid of chain lightning first as it lets us be grouped for intermission 2, which helps immensely).
As you said, I think ToT is badly tuned for 10man. Horridon is too difficult until you figure out the trick (which is absolutely stupid - tank Horridon at the far end of the arena, opposite the door you're doing, and you essentially remove the charge), Tortos is a little bit too tight, Council requires a trick otherwise it's stupidly hard... It's just a weird raid and the balancing is off. The last few bosses being so easy (once you're past Durumu it's smooth sailing up to Lei Shen - they're all RIDICULOUSLY easy) is just mind-boggling, and it's obvious that they decided at some point that having so much trash between bosses was stupid, so there's very little packs between the bosses after Durumu. The gauntlet leading to Primordius isn't too bad, the pull before Dark Animus is harder than the fight itself (lol) but there's a SINGLE pull... Then you compare that to the absolutely absurd amount of mobs between Jin'Rokh and Horridon, then Horridon and Council, Tortos and Mag, Mag and Ji'Kun, etc. It's just... dumb.
Hope this help with the sudden latency issues this week.
gotta try a shaman, I am becoming more and more frustated with my monk heal.
In the sunken city, he lays dreaming.
The drowned god's heart is black ice.
At the bottom of the ocean even light must die.
In the land of Ny'alotha there is only sleep.
Ny'alotha is a city of old, terrible, unnumbered crimes.
In the sleeping city of Ny'alotha walk only mad things.
The stars sweep chill currents that make men shiver in the dark...
The fish know all the secrets. They know the cold. They know the dark.
I want a female night elf druid. My male night elf Druid is level 64. I really don't want to reroll and I don't want to pay $15. Goddamnit.
Arena season is ending on August 27... Patch that week or soon after? Lotta people saying it's too soon...
Arena season is ending on August 27... Patch that week or soon after? Lotta people saying it's too soon...
Damn it! I've been putting off my Golden Lotus dailies for so long that I don't think I have enough time to get to exalted with them before the patch.![]()
Damn it! I've been putting off my Golden Lotus dailies for so long that I don't think I have enough time to get to exalted with them before the patch.![]()
I doubt that the Golden Lotus Quartermaster and his rewards(especially the mount) is going to be gone forever after 5.4. I expect you'll still be able to get the rep through the scenarios/heroics completed reward.
No, we're tight prior to that - but that's why we have no problem with orbs-on-intermission; they die very fast.
We've got a rogue who, while he's not great at interrupting off his own bat, does fine if you give him clear instructions in advance - I just make sure he's on the second Venom Priest when we get the pair spawning, while I take responsibility for the first.
Same here, but he had a learning process (and he couldn't make one raid, which meant another had to sub in and learn from scratch again). Now we're comfortable with that, though, we're fine.
What's up with that Horridon trick of yours? Totally unneeded.
https://twitter.com/holinka/status/367349083943350272#Holinka said:.@oliviadgrace @mlm430047 The release of the patch will mark then end of the season
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10621491/PvP_Season_13_Ending_Soon-8_13_2013On Tuesday, August 27, the 13th Arena and Rated Battleground Season is scheduled to end. On that day we'll begin an approximately one week process to determine end-of-season reward eligibilitys.
So, there is still no new VP gear coming with 5.4? I guess getting 1000 VP every week isn't going to become such a necessity now if that's still the case.
It's unneeded and makes the fight pretty boring but it also makes it so incredibly safe that it's kinda worth it.
Wow, grats man. Bad ass mount.Just got the Galleon mount![]()
Just got the Galleon mount![]()
Congrats! I just did all four world bosses and no mounts. Oh, but I did get mount #186 today:
I logged in for the first time today since before Mists. Anyway, I logged in and immediately was one shotted by a level 90 who was in a cata leveling zone. Which turned into several other level 90s following me around not letting me quest. I was reminded very quickly why I hate PVP in this game, I had zero shot of doing anything other than dying repeatedly. lol
Wow, grats man. Bad ass mount.
Congrats! I just did all four world bosses and no mounts. Oh, but I did get mount #186 today:
So I said screwthe starter account since I had a 10 day free trial of MOP. I haven't played since about 3 months after Cataclysm came out. I didn't hate Cataclysm like it seems a lot of people did, but I have to say I kinda like these changes that have been made.
After spending way too many hours sunday night getting my addons right I had some proper time to level yesterday. Took a monk to 25 in one day. That whole leveling thing sure is quick these days.
I thought I remembered a bunch of the lingo, but just a few minutes in Org general had my brain fried.
I have somewhere around 17k in the bank, which is probably chump change these days. Is taking a couple gathering professions the way to go for money making? I noticed even starter mats are going for (what I consider) a relatively absurd amount.
Ah, so you're using the same type of tactic as we are for Lei Shen. Makes it pretty easy.
Owing to some recent spare time, I've been thinking about playing WoW again.
I quit shortly before the Firelands patch was released due to raid burnout, which was about two years ago now I guess. Anyway, if anyone has a scroll of resurrection they want to send me, I can give you my email in a PM. I'm on an EU server, I suspect you need to be in the same territory for scroll of resurrection?
Can you pm your email? I'm from the US. It's worth a shot.
Just double checked, can't use scrolls of resurrection across territories sadly. Thanks anyway, got one from mclem now.
Forgot it was maintenance today, looking forward to starting back up in the morning. I imagine the first couple of days will be spent fiddling with mods and reading elitist jerks, if they're still about. Going to feel weird returning.
Hmmmm? 5.3 didn't have one they only do it for raid patches now, 5.2 one is my favourite ever probablyPatch trailer for 5.3 was aaaassssss
Still mildly excite.
Congrats! I just did all four world bosses and no mounts. Oh, but I did get mount #186 today:
I picked up the Vol'jin book last week and it is pretty great! Unfortunately, it makes me want to play again.![]()