Anyway, plenty of proof now that Reaper of Souls is Diablo X1 and Dark Below is WoW X5.
Where the hell will it take place?!
There's pick up raids now? Lawdy.
Let's not act like it's any sort of new phenomenon. The entire T7 except maybe Malygos could be pugged. ToC normal was puggable by a bunch of manatees and it had infinitely better rewards than the sparse Uldu hard mode gear.
LFR is the most logical course of action for Blizz and thank God they implemented it (though flex sounds better fit as casual difficulty)
Let's not act like it's any sort of new phenomenon. The entire T7 except maybe Malygos could be pugged. ToC normal was puggable by a bunch of manatees and it had infinitely better rewards than the sparse Uldu hard mode gear.
LFR is the most logical course of action for Blizz and thank God they implemented it (though flex sounds better fit as casual difficulty)
LFR is a great tool, but I think it's being used wrong. You can seriously AFK or stand in shit and no one would give a shit. It's really weird to play a game where no one really cares if you suck or not. Maybe it's just me, but I like for someone to tell me if I fucked up so I can do a better job next time. I hope flex raid has some levels of difficulty, and phases out LFR to be honest.
Oh well, if the teaser for D3 X1 went up it's again more likely that it's indeed this what will be shown next Wednesday.
BlizzCon still sounds late for WoW X5 reveal.
I think I'm already hyping the next expansion too much in my mind. There's no way it can live up to the expectation that I've set for it. If it does though...
I just want to say... Where the hell is Hearthstone? Wasn't beta supposed to start up by now?
It's later this month, isn't it? That doesn't sound too bad. Bear in mind that there's been some indications of an 'epilogue' patch 5.5, presumably incorporating catchup mechanics, crowning the new horde leader and setting up the storyline for 6.0 - I imagine they'd want SoO to have a similar life to the other raids, so about four months total, with a bit of plot progression and extra gear for non-raiding players halfway through that (October?).
It genuinely looks like they might pull off their goal of completing an entire expansion in a year. I'm impressed.
I think they said the beta would be out by the end of summer. It's still summer, man!
LFR is the most logical course of action for Blizz and thank God they implemented it (though flex sounds better fit as casual difficulty)
This year BlizzCon is early November. That's why I'm thinking it's a tad late to announce the new expansion.
We can try and speculate on the timeline...5.4 comes out at the end of August.
5.2 came out at the beginning of March, 5.3 came out at the end of June, so just under four months between the raid patch release and the non-raid patch that followed.
That would put 5.5's release somewhere around Christmas. Presumably, there wouldn't be a 5.6, which means 6.0 would probably come out around March/April.
We can try and speculate on the timeline...5.4 comes out at the end of August.
5.2 came out at the beginning of March, 5.3 came out at the end of June, so just under four months between the raid patch release and the non-raid patch that followed.
That would put 5.5's release somewhere around Christmas. Presumably, there wouldn't be a 5.6, which means 6.0 would probably come out around March/April.
One small extra factor I'd throw in: I wonder if the fact that they're not going to be converting valor to justice suggests that they perhaps want this tier to go a *little* faster than previous ones. I'm sure they'd like to have TDB out in time for Christmas, if the opportunity's there.
Crazy suggestion: Is it viable for them to release the TDB boxes and allow people to upgrade their accounts at Christmas with the actual release coming after that point? I've always thought that their tendency to release the boxed product at the same time as the servers are switched on is a little detrimental when you have to factor in actually *recieving* the product...
Failing that, doing something similar to the Diablo-CE-when-you-had-the-free-copy-from-the-annual-pass would be nice: Allow people to purchase digital, and then when they upgrade to the CE after recieving it, give them the digital price's value in free months.
This means, unless they're surprisingly faster this time around, that we'll have to raid SoO for like a year, like we did with DS and ICC. And that sucks so much I can't even begin to wrap my head around it.
Great stats, but I hope they break the cycle. Fall 2014 is too far away. This couldn't be a wise move for them as there is a lot of, what appears to be, great competition on the horizon.
There have always been great competition. There is always a "WoW killer", sometimes it's called Aion, sometimes Star Wars Old Republic and sometimes Guild Wars 2. And the game has always been bleeding subscribers. Didn't change a thing.
I hate to be pessimistic, and I'd love to be wrong. But Blizzard answer is usually something like "hey, Annual Pass!", not faster expansions. They've been saying "we'd like to pump expansions out faster" since BC.
You know... whenever they officially announce the next expansion, a new (ingame) trailer will come with that, and they'll probably show all the player models update at the same time. Hype!
So Gamescom is pretty soon right?
Yep, and they seem to have big Diablo plans, but nothing WoW related![]()
Yep, and they seem to have big Diablo plans, but nothing WoW related![]()
It will be better than E3! How can I wait when I can't?!Good. Saving the good stuff for Blizzcon.
We're also ignoring the possibility that this could be a Nerubian/Mantid/Qiraji expansion
The various bug races of Azeroth have all been pretty lackluster one-offs confined to a tier of raiding and one geographical zone, haven't they? I doubt they'd be a focus, especially with all the hints at demons (from Wrathion to Ra-Den, etc) especially in the very name itself (Dark Below).
Naga have been a bit more....ubiquitous throughout WoW, and strongly featured in Frozen Throne. They'd be a fascinating choice for a playable race. But damn; which faction? Ghostcrawler's comments suggest they were actually really unhappy with how a neutral race turned out in MoP, which means they probably won't repeat that.
Can you tell me why you are frustrated with you monk healer?
May I advise keeping your eye on the official World of Warcraft site today? We have more 5.4 previews coming.The first is by @Bashiok
We're also ignoring the possibility that this could be a Nerubian/Mantid/Qiraji expansion
The Mantid have a pretty big role outside the raid tier, and the Nerubians are pretty ubiquitous throughout Warcraft. The 4.3 changes to the dungeons also gave us a pretty strong hint about the strength of the remaining living Nerubians.
Plus there's bound to be other insect races for the other old gods, so there's plenty for them to build on for it.
Noted. And yeh, you're right, I totally spaced and forgot how involved the Nerubians were in Frozen Throne. Still, they've been kind of missing since TOC, no?
Also, aren't the Mantid/Klaxxi (what's the diff again?) kind of over and done with after HOF/TOES?
Are insect races always tied to Old Gods? Missed that detail.
New question! The official site used to have an expansive history and lore section before it was overhauled years ago. It was super detailed, went into everything from Azshara and Sargeras, the creation of the world, to the titans and Medivh, and, well everything.
Where is that now? I dig the WC universe deeply and want some (official) reading.
Looks like the dark below was fake, if mmo-champion is anything to go by.