Again, exact same situation as me. Call customer service and tell them you want the scroll of rez but used the trial, they simply ask for the server your friend is on and what character to transfer and do it there manually. The entire process took 15 mins for me. The only issue is if your rezzing friend really wants the mount, then you need all his info too. I told the guy my friend didn't give a shit about it and he said well then, the end, clicked a few buttons and my char was on the new server in less than 30 mins.
Basically, you've run out of excuses.
Is there an EU server here where plenty of GAFfers play/raid around?
I play on Wildhammer but it's half dead on the horde side.
Trailer is soooooo good, holy shit
Is there an EU server here where plenty of GAFfers play/raid around?
Oh god, oh god I didnt see Nazgrim there, hope you can save him.
It will only be new instances and boas for your alts but no new armor for your 90?
Okay, Brewmasters are stupidly overpowered.
Last night I'm with my group and we're going towards another full clear of normal ToT this week, gearing people up and such.
Our raid leader, who is also our MT, is in the hospital, so we have a new Brewmaster recruit tank with us.
He was regularly pulling 120k+ dps while tanking single-target fights. I honestly am unable to understand how this is balanced against Warriors and Blood DKs that are similarly geared pulling an outstanding 50k dps in the same fight. It's completely ridiculous.
Ok, really thinking about coming back for 5.4. Have a 90 Hunter, Mage, Druid, Pally and Rogue. Haven't played MOP in 7 months. Hunter has been my main since release, but I like the versatility of the Druid/Pally. Any thoughts on which one I should gear for raiding?
Tanks in general are getting nerfed in 5.4, Brewmasters especially.
Okay, Brewmasters are stupidly overpowered.
Last night I'm with my group and we're going towards another full clear of normal ToT this week, gearing people up and such.
Our raid leader, who is also our MT, is in the hospital, so we have a new Brewmaster recruit tank with us.
He was regularly pulling 120k+ dps while tanking single-target fights. I honestly am unable to understand how this is balanced against Warriors and Blood DKs that are similarly geared pulling an outstanding 50k dps in the same fight. It's completely ridiculous.
Tanks in general are getting nerfed in 5.4, Brewmasters especially.
I wonder if it'll still end up being a net buff for Warriors. Prot Warrior dps is so bad right now. We can take a hit very well, but the DPS is just so bad.
Tanks in general are getting nerfed in 5.4, Brewmasters especially.
Yeah, its terrible, my 505 geared brewmaster crushes my Blood DK main in dps in 535 ilvl. My co tank is a Warrior too, which has been unfortunate.
I wonder if it'll still end up being a net buff for Warriors. Prot Warrior dps is so bad right now. We can take a hit very well, but the DPS is just so bad.
I'd be surprised if it rises at all, honestly. Riposte is neat but I don't think it can offset the vengeance nerf.
I'll have to check, specifically for Brewmasters, to see if their abilities are nerfed into pulling less damage, because otherwise I just don't see how they are specifically nerfed..
Most of a Brewmaster's damage comes from Keg Smash which scales crazy well with high vengeance. Keg Smash is getting a straight 18% nerf, there's an unidentified bug being fixed that makes Vengeance scale too well, and then there's the straight up vengeance nerf hitting every tank.
They're probably still going to do the most damage out of the five tank specs since they have the benefit of gearing identically to DPS and being the most AM minded spec, but it probably won't be putting DPS to shame like it does currently.
and re: riposte, I don't get what's going through Blizzard's development team right now with the about face on active mitigation. Prot Paladins are getting a similar tweak to nerf haste and buff dodge/parry, and it's just stupid. Unlike with Blood and Prot Warriors it's an actual nerf to an ability that already exists for them, so who knows what's going on behind the scenes.
Rösti;76542331 said:I don't know when the most recent change was made, but getting to Quel'Thalas has been made a bit more difficult since the release of Cataclysm. For example, a bunch of invisible walls have been added to the Stratholme entrance. However, it's still very easy to bypass those walls (I used Heroic Leap and the mount through wall trick). So I made my way through the uninstanced version of Stratholme to see if anything new had been added to the area. I don't know if Blizzard has placed any new assets below the ground but at least above the ground there were no changes made.
I took some screenshots as well. It's nothing new at all but some people here may have not seen it yet. Image 7 is of Stratholme, I think it's an untextured version of Naxxramas seen (could be any necropolis). Quel'Thalas is quite a nice area I think, strange they don't use it for much.
It's north of Stratholme.Where is this exactly?
He was regularly pulling 120k+ dps while tanking single-target fights. I honestly am unable to understand how this is balanced against Warriors and Blood DKs that are similarly geared pulling an outstanding 50k dps in the same fight. It's completely ridiculous.
Our Blood DK pulls 110k in a single target fight (and silly amounts in aoe fights). Though he's pretty well geared. Warriors do need a buff.
Progress! Progress! Progress! 9/13 HC ToT[IMG][/QUOTE]
Gotta have dem Demo Locks for Durumu!
Gotta have dem Demo Locks for Durumu!
Most of a Brewmaster's damage comes from Keg Smash which scales crazy well with high vengeance. Keg Smash is getting a straight 18% nerf, there's an unidentified bug being fixed that makes Vengeance scale too well, and then there's the straight up vengeance nerf hitting every tank.
KS is more like 15-20% on average, 30-35% on multitarget fights. The nerf hurts, but the spec's damage is spread out enough that it'll probably slip to just under autoattacks, Blackout Kick, and Chi Wave while still being well above the rest.
What gets me about the patch more than anything is that they redesigned Rushing Jade Wind into something interesting, then promptly broke it again.
Decided to try Brawl'gar arena again. Still can't kill the two goblins. I can usually dodge missles fine but I can't survive the constant gnomish death rays and whenever I try to evocate I instantly get targeted by a missle and have to move.
Just watched the trailer.
Yay, got my DK to 90 today. That makes 3 90's so far. What class should be 90'ed next? I have a level 85 warlock, mage, or monk? Taraz Zhu dead?![]()