Wha the hell happened to Jaina, I knew something was wrong since her actions in Dalaran but even her hair and personality changed.
Also,I think Blizzard wants to save Garrosh and be the warchief again.
Just got normal Immerseus down in this PUG I joined. One piece of loot got DE'd, one went to an offspec, and I got gold on my roll :|
Was he easy? That seems like a pretty easy fight.
Also, bah. DEing anything at the beginning of a tier sucks bad.
Yeah. People who are bad and stand in stuff might have a hard time though![]()
It's funny, because I can think of four people in my guild who will probably die immediately.
*sigh* I swear. We have people that are crazy good DPS, but get so focused on their rotations and whatnot that they don't realize they're standing in a pool of death.
And...my laptop died.
Gotta get a new battery, since it won't hold a charge anymore.
That's what I get for putting it off for so long...
So much for my Legendary Cloak anytime soon...
Just keep it plugged into the wall?
Actually, that's what basically killed it.
Had it plugged up like 90% of the time.
And unfortunately, that ends up messing up the battery over time.
That, and the laptop won't power on without a battery.
Well ...it's 90 now.i have been thinking of coming back to wow since i cant seem to find an MMO i enjoy, i always think of my girl on the side lines
is there a video or something that shows all the major patches or additions since wrath of the lich king. i never even beat that expansion.....i am kinda scared of playing all the way to 85 @_@
i have been thinking of coming back to wow since i cant seem to find an MMO i enjoy, i always think of my girl on the side lines
is there a video or something that shows all the major patches or additions since wrath of the lich king. i never even beat that expansion.....i am kinda scared of playing all the way to 85 @_@
You mean all the way to 90.
I don't know of any video or anything, but all I can say is that a lot has changed since last you played. Talent trees are completely different, there's new races, a new Azeroth, a whole new continent, and much more to discover. I highly recommend jumping back in.
i have been thinking of coming back to wow since i cant seem to find an MMO i enjoy, i always think of my girl on the side lines
is there a video or something that shows all the major patches or additions since wrath of the lich king. i never even beat that expansion.....i am kinda scared of playing all the way to 85 @_@
Horde cinematic should be up soon - a guild just downed Garrosh
Do you know the name of the guild?
I'm legitimately going to unsub if I don't start getting Secrets soon. I'm getting really, really tired of getting 1 or 2 secrets in an entire run of content I have no reason to be running other than these fucking grindy rocks.
Horde version up on the frontpage
Just lets you hear the horde convo. I like it overall, pretty cool end.
We better see Garrosh get put down in 5.5, lame that they didn't finish him. Dude is pure evil!
I'm legitimately going to unsub if I don't start getting Secrets soon. I'm getting really, really tired of getting 1 or 2 secrets in an entire run of content I have no reason to be running other than these fucking grindy rocks.
I'm legitimately going to unsub if I don't start getting Secrets soon. I'm getting really, really tired of getting 1 or 2 secrets in an entire run of content I have no reason to be running other than these fucking grindy rocks.
Man, Blizzard seriously need to change how Albatroz riding works on the Isle. It is nearly impossible to get one right now.
You mean all the way to 90.
I don't know of any video or anything, but all I can say is that a lot has changed since last you played. Talent trees are completely different, there's new races, a new Azeroth, a whole new continent, and much more to discover. I highly recommend jumping back in.
I agree. WoW now is a very solid experience. Solid enough where I didn't quit to play FFXIV. JUGGLING TWO, BABY
Also, I didn't finish Wrath when I was playing then either. We got to the Lich King, pulled him once, and then my guild fell apart shortly after because of Sindragosa roadblocks. >_>
Not sure if this would be what you're looking for, but:
World Of WarCraft - TimeLine (2004 - 2012)
There's also Nobbel87, who really helped put a lot of the lore and speculation in the game leading up to 5.4 into perspective, for me at least.
DPS Proving Grounds was kinda eh. You don't take any damage. It's less "be good DPS in a raid situation" and more "look up the kill order and when to pick up the berserker buff on Wowhead".
I got one total this week, from Lei Shen, which I guess they made guaranteed like the Runestones. /highfive bro!
Its just not fun. You have to grind and grind and grind an instance that has no purpose at all beyond the dumb rocks and your DPS is flat out noncompetitive with people who are past this stage. I'm not asking for an escalator to Everest; just throw me a frickin' bone here.
Its just not fun. You have to grind and grind and grind an instance that has no purpose at all beyond the dumb rocks and your DPS is flat out noncompetitive with people who are past this stage. I'm not asking for an escalator to Everest; just throw me a frickin' bone here.
wtb lesser charm infinite conversion to 5.0/5.2 tier coins plsDamn dat shark got loot, got a burden, 1628 coins and 19 lesser charms.
Ahahahahaha my DK friend made a 535 helm and got one with expertise as the only stat.
Loved the horde/alliance cinematics!
I really think he's going to come back as another raid boss. He could very easily have the Dragonmaw come and bust him out. Even if it's not that specifically, I don't think we're done with him.
*sigh* I swear. We have people that are crazy good DPS, but get so focused on their rotations and whatnot that they don't realize they're standing in a pool of death.
We better see Garrosh get put down in 5.5, lame that they didn't finish him. Dude is pure evil!
Blizzard cinematics are always the best. Made me all nostalgic and I had to go back and watch the Lich King one.
thanks all for the info, dont know if i should go down this hole again....decisions decision lol