So I guess Timeless Isle is not a place for fresh 90s...
Not for straight up grinding. You can hunt chests and zerg down the rares with a bunch of other people (just be quick on your feet so you don't die to random aoe). Oughta get you geared up soon-ish since the chests and rares drop a load of armor tokens.So I guess Timeless Isle is not a place for fresh 90s...
is there some place I can watch all the cinematics? Like also the dialogues between voljin and Sylvanas and all the rest?
Not for straight up grinding. You can hunt chests and zerg down the rares with a bunch of other people (just be quick on your feet so you don't die to random aoe). Oughta get you geared up soon-ish since the chests and rares drop a load of armor tokens.
Youtube probably? I'll be posting the lines I see as I go through the raid (8 bosses down as of now) so if you don't mind no voice acting, they'll be here eventually.
So i have a decent amount of Valor now.... but where do I spend it? Lots of the old factions got changed to justice, which i have less of (and am trying to save for an heirloom). Granted, I've not not started grinding all of these reps yet, but if someone could point me to a place that wants my points, I'd appreciate it.
You get Justice via grinding heroic runs- Extra valor not converting to justice is...really dumb.So i have a decent amount of Valor now.... but where do I spend it? Lots of the old factions got changed to justice, which i have less of (and am trying to save for an heirloom). Granted, I've not not started grinding all of these reps yet, but if someone could point me to a place that wants my points, I'd appreciate it.
So i have a decent amount of Valor now.... but where do I spend it? Lots of the old factions got changed to justice, which i have less of (and am trying to save for an heirloom). Granted, I've not not started grinding all of these reps yet, but if someone could point me to a place that wants my points, I'd appreciate it.
Just bought a virtual ticket.Being a big blizzard fan that I am, I caved. I hope to get a mount this year.
Aysa and Ji only have backstory in the Panda opening levels where Ji's apparently had a thing for her while they lived on the Turtle, but then they have a falling out over how to solve the problem of the crashed airship on the Island.
So then in Orgrimmar she tells him they're going to go back and be together on the Turtle so I guess they resolved it. So unless they have like an offscreen falling out, I don't know how that works having them both hanging around SW/Org.
hey if they are giving a turtle mount give a me a spare one.
Well mostly most of the male pandaren are fell in love with her but she didnt show any emotions towards Ji or anyone, kinda cliche how they fell in love in the middle of the war.
All servers seem to be down.
The servers themselves aren't down - there's still a bunch of people from my guild that are online, you just can't connect![]()
Wait, what, I thought the drop rate in the older raids have had dropped rates increased? I'm talking about the raids before ToT. I just did the first two wings in MSV, and I got 0 items. So much for starshatter tonight, lol.
Wait, what, I thought the drop rate in the older raids have had dropped rates increased? I'm talking about the raids before ToT. I just did the first two wings in MSV, and I got 0 items. So much for starshatter tonight, lol.
An active build of Diablo III's X-Pack was received/datamined by DiabloFans today btw. Everything's spilling out about it.
They sort of nuked her home. She no longer trusts them.just me or is Jaina Proudmoore getting really really bloodthirsty like abnormally wanting to take out the horde?
just me or is Jaina Proudmoore getting really really bloodthirsty like abnormally wanting to take out the horde?
Pfffffftttt. We'll see about that.Doesn't matter though. If they get out of line again, we'll put them down permanantly. :3
I got an idea lets try and dismantle the Horde while the leader of the Forsaken (with the Valkyr somewhere in the city) is standing in an area with shitloads of dead bodies.
They sort of nuked her home. She no longer trusts them.
Just finished leveling up a holy Pali only using the LFD tool. Kind of wish I picked up some ret gear along the way. I can't kill anything on the Timeless Isle now![]()
All you have to do is open chests and you'll get enough ret gear. But once those chests are opened (apart from the couple of daily and weekly chests, majority is one time only) you'll have to join rare kill packs.
Anbokr said:Just took advantage of that free 7 days promotion and holy fuck faction change is $30??? Some other gaffers and I are rerolling on a better server (our old server is complete ass--virtual realms or not) and it'll cost me $45 to bring one fucking 90 over. Jesus that upsets me. Hope they do another 50% deal soon.
First thing I thought when I saw your picture?![]()
Plus, there's an "Ahead of the Curve" for Garrosh, which wouldn't make too much sense if this was the final raid tier. I'm expecting a Sunwell-eque surprise.
Isn't the word "counsel"?[21:20:01] Eitrigg says: The Warchief ignored my council. I discovered he was building a compound beneath the caverns of Ragefire.
First 8 bosses have been cake so far. Maybe 5-6 wipes total.
Does anybody have any idea how the hell he can survive the tanking test as a warrior? The only thing we've seen is doing Spell Reflection on Hurl Corruption, but he *always* dies to Piercing Corruption + the other unavoidable stuff. He doesn't really have any reliable self-heal (Impending Victory is on a 30 second cooldown and that's all it does, really) so we're really wondering. He does Piercing Corruption FAR too often to have a CD ready for every application, so we really are stuck.
Perfect opportunity to try and balance some realms and they just make it worse.AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA my old realm (Boulderfist) got connected to another realm dominated by horde? As if leveling as alliance on it wasn't a big enough bitch.
Piercing corruption overrides at least *some* mechanics. Dunno if it overrides % reductions, but I believe it does override shields.
Hurl corruption is interruptible.
The only two things that aren't avoidable are piercing and burst, IIRC, and neither does all that much damage, as best as I can determine.
We're struggling on Norushen ourselves, although from our perspective it's a DPS issue, we think. Lots of enrage at 25% or so. Wonder if we're getting too many of the DPS purified.
This worries me. I'm sure I'm not taking anything *close* to 600k damage from piercing. Is that 25-man, perhaps? I'd dig out numbers from World of Logs if it was actually possible to parse them yet.Yeah, I was reading and it seems he needs to make sure he has Shield Block up to block the Piercing Corruption. He can't do anything about Burst, but that's not that bad.
Piercing does around 600k damage, and even if it's reduced, it still is pretty bad for him as it essentially one-shots him if it's used after Burst.![]()
We'll see what we can do. If you get the enrage, it probably is because you don't have *enough* DPS purified. Who's soaking the orbs?
You can just buy a 476 from Timeless Isle for like 7500 coins, right?
Plus, there's an "Ahead of the Curve" for Garrosh, which wouldn't make too much sense if this was the final raid tier. I'm expecting a Sunwell-eque surprise.
This worries me. I'm sure I'm not taking anything *close* to 600k damage from piercing. Is that 25-man, perhaps? I'd dig out numbers from World of Logs if it was actually possible to parse them yet.
Edit: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-780qirdkzuo733i9/details/133/ - I'm taking 150k damage, on average, from Piercing. I'm a paladin, though, so I'm not sure if there's a subtle mechanic that affects that. Unfortunately, since I was doing the logging, I have very little info from my warrior cotank.
We're purifying all the DPS, going with - in the end - 1 DPS 1 tank going in first, 2 DPS going in second, and then 1 DPS 1 tank in each subsequent one until all DPS are sorted. Not bothering with healers.
Tanks are soaking the orbs.
I'm thinking there's actually some prioritisation that's going wrong. We do need to persistently remind people to swap to adds.
To be fair, we've not had a go yet where everything's gone smoothly; it may simply be solvable by having no-one die/take unnecessary damage.
See I know for a fact (because we did it this way, except I was the sole tank going in) that you should *really* do tank+dps, healer+dps, tank+dps, healer+dps, tank+dps. Once you do that, you should technically have all 5 dps purified, 2 out of 3 of your healers that are purified (and you could go in once more). Doing that you'll ensure that you never have 2 big adds up, as they are the #1 source of crazy unavoidable damage on this. 2 at once is crazy dangerous - if you only have one, it smoothens up raid damage while making sure soaking the orbs is much easier.
I do still believe the enrage timer on this boss is way too low, but that's me. It used to be 10 minutes on the PTR (and DBM is still fucked and still shows 10 minutes) but it's now 7 minutes, which is too low.
I do still believe the enrage timer on this boss is way too low, but that's me. It used to be 10 minutes on the PTR (and DBM is still fucked and still shows 10 minutes) but it's now 7 minutes, which is too low.
Pfffffftttt. We'll see about that.
We've actually been okay with two adds at once, oddly. There's only one phase where we plan for it to happen, and we can handle that reasonably well with CDs.
The bit I'm wondering about is perhaps we've been neglecting the healers - we did have one wipe due to the AoE damage as he gets low. Perhaps purifying a healer would alleviate that.
Actually, one thing has just struck me as perhaps a notable problem: I wonder if people aren't *noticing* the gold balls spawning. I certainly don't, although from my perspective it's more 'run off to a gold ball as soon as the cotank taunts off me', so I'm not really reacting to the spawns as such.
Further thoughts: Does corruption level affect damage to the *adds*, or only to the *boss*?
I think I'd agree with that. I think one extra minute would make a world of difference.
Yeah, that got us the first time we hit enrage.
DBM still showed 2 min left, then everyone got insta-killed.