Did a little reading on using the censer since I'm interested in getting the 500 coins for the mount. Were you using it in a party or successful just going solo and killing flagged people? I saw a lot of roaming bands so I assume I'll die quickly once I pop it and try to start killing people.
I think they should have done something where using the censer gave a little bit of a buff because it seems people that use the censer are a target for everyone.
Sorry I didn't answer guys, the Isle has been murdering my OCD tendencies. 70k+ coins, already honorable, 27 bloody coins etc.
You wanted to know about the Censer though.
Blizzard is evil.
How it works.....
When you pop the censer, it has a cast time and at the end it eats 90% of your MAXIMUM health. Not current, maximum. I have killed myself popping the censer. As the censer has a 10 minute cooldown, that sucks pretty bad.
Depending on what class and PvP experience you have imo determines how you should use it. I am a Warrior so I never use it without being in a group. Two buddies, an extremely well geared Druid and a full Tyrannical Warlock, are using it in group and solo situations.
You only get a bloody coin under the following two conditions. They haven't been killed by a follower of Ordos in the last 10 minutes AND you deliver the killing blow. That sucks pretty bad for healers, but that's probably the point. Ordos is all about attacking and burning, so meh. As a result, whenever one of us loses the buff (either through death or living for 60 minutes), we let our healer in the group kill us so he can get a coin from us. Our way of saying thanks.
That's also why I only have 27 so far, my group is ranged heavy and keeps sniping the kills after I bladestorm them down.
Buffs! The Book of Ages and items like that DO NOT WORK while you follow Ordos. They appear and quickly disappear for you. Some buffs DO work, though. The fire poppy or whatever around the Sanctuary? Ordos followers can use that.
A special mention of shrines. You know the ones, where you get buffs from Nizuo, Yu'lon, etc? If you use a shrine while following Ordos, a message flashes "The shrine was corrupted by Ordos!" and a MASSIVE fire AE occurs, hitting everyone around you for 999k damage.
How does PvP flagging work with the Censer? Do people get PvP flagged for attacking Censered targets? Even if they're on the same faction? Do non-Censered people recieve anything for successfully killing Censered people?
McLem, the flagging for Ordos works like this. Consider it an entire third faction. So, Horde, Alliance, Ordos.
If you use the Censer you are no longer Horde or Alliance while it lasts. The Horde or Alliance aligned guards at your flightpaths actually turn neutral and are attackable. The Celestial Guards around the arena where the Celestials fight become actively aggro and they suck.
The reason I'm explaining it like this is that means any flagged Alliance or Horde character becomes attackable and killable BUT anyone flagged Ordos is NOT attackable, even if they're Alliance and your Horde..
So if conspiracy theorists ever wanted to see if Blizzard were testing out the possibility of a 3rd faction, tech wise, Ordos is the test.
Ordos-aligned people are considered PvP flagged and if you attack them, it does flag you. I don't know if non-Ordos killing Ordos receive anything, but as they can use Celestial side buffs I don't believe they do. A PvP squad fully buffed to specifically hunt Ordos would have the clear advantage.