Shout at DPS until they capitulate, mainly.How do you guys handle the positioning for the small adds?
Yeah, one extra minute would make it much more manageable. It's just a bitch of a fight, really - I love how Blizzard is saying "the progression is much smoother this time around" yet this third boss has a stupidly strict enrage timer and weird mechanics that are fucking you over in terms of DPS...
LFR, dungeon finder has been fucked since restart, timeless isle is a laggy mess.
Lordy those elementals by Ordos Sanctuary don't fuck around. Seems the best option is to leave them to hunters and warlocks while the melee watch![]()
But as a tank? As I said, *ALL* of the abilities are avoidable. Meaning nothing hits you. Meaning no Vengeance whatsoever. Ye gods, the fight took an age.
Anyone in here play an enhancement shaman? Been thinking about making an alt lately (a serious one that I'll actually try to get 90) and enhancement seems fun. Plus shaman is the one class I've never really played, like not even once, and I have a bunch of mail BoA's. Might as well try it.
mclem said:I notice Icy Veins still hasn't updated their Fallen Protectors guide (the fight was changed from the PTR such that giving the Mark of Anguish to the tank left the tank with a huge -armour debuff). I wonder how many guilds will suffer from that...
Towards the end I did twig that I could charge up my massive self-heal and then *deliberately* take a hit to get some Vengeance to work with, which at least gives something to work with, but it's still less than ideal.
And the reward for killing one is 30 rep and 2 lesser charms. Yay!
Lordy those elementals by Ordos Sanctuary don't fuck around. Seems the best option is to leave them to hunters and warlocks while the melee watch
Also, the rewards for killing a High Priests of Ordos is not commensurate with how hard they are to kill. This rep grind is brutal.
That bolded basically nails why it looks so interesting to me, haha. And like I said, it'll be 100% fresh for me. Thanks for the info.Yes, it's a very fun spec IMO. I like the concept of mixing in elements, casts, shocks, etc into a melee class. You have tons of damage sources. Please know that it can be pretty rotational though, especially your primary moves that are basically limited by cooldown - not a resource. Also, it's very cooldown driven in terms of hitting those big dps numbers.
Lordy those elementals by Ordos Sanctuary don't fuck around. Seems the best option is to leave them to hunters and warlocks while the melee watch
Also, the rewards for killing a High Priests of Ordos is not commensurate with how hard they are to kill. This rep grind is brutal.
Hah, I basically shit all over them as a warlock. Blueberry takes practically no damage from them as they do mostly aoe damage. Then again warlocks shit all over the island on the whole. I've soloed two of those Ordos followers that summon magma golems at the same time and I soloed the rare elite that spawns at Ordos' courtyard.
The only one that kills me is kilnmasters, I don't get them at all. They'd randomly charge me, take 80% of my health, then repeat again 15 seconds later. No cast time I could see, just insta-gibbed.
Would love any tips for them. I'm likely missing something.
Timeless Isle is designed to catch characters up, not replace other means of gear acquisition.I've burned two Burdens of Eternity on rings trying to improve my alt-spec. Both rings I've gotten have been crap for a dps Arms Warrior (and obviously underbudgeted).
Depressing. Feels like Diablo.
The only one that kills me is kilnmasters, I don't get them at all. They'd randomly charge me, take 80% of my health, then repeat again 15 seconds later. No cast time I could see, just insta-gibbed.
Would love any tips for them. I'm likely missing something.
I haven't seen any burden's yet. Do they only come in certain chests? I've opened pretty much every type chest on the isle, even on firewalker path, but I have yet to get one.
Timeless Isle is designed to catch characters up, not replace other means of gear acquisition.
just me or is Jaina Proudmoore getting really really bloodthirsty like abnormally wanting to take out the horde?
So Orgrimmar will reamin unchanged with orc guards until the next expansion right? Will be awkward to see troll defending the capital.
Shame about those fucking bones sticking out.
New models can't come soon enough, Blizzard plz
New models can't come soon enough, Blizzard plz
I'd be pretty upset if undead lost their boney arms in the revamp. What's the point of being undead if you just look like a human with bad posture when wearing armor?
I hate how it breaks the armors :<I'd be pretty upset if undead lost their boney arms in the revamp. What's the point of being undead if you just look like a human with bad posture when wearing armor?
yay unbanned. I'm digging this patch quite a bit so far, the new raid is fun (albeit easy as balls on flex and normal) and the isle has a lot of stuff to do.
yay unbanned. I'm digging this patch quite a bit so far, the new raid is fun (albeit easy as balls on flex and normal) and the isle has a lot of stuff to do.
Ahahaha, just did flex with my guild and hit the last boss for 1 732 942
Fucking ridiculous <3
E: drunk flex raiding!
yay unbanned. I'm digging this patch quite a bit so far, the new raid is fun (albeit easy as balls on flex and normal) and the isle has a lot of stuff to do.
dat clean desk
Minamoto bomb going on there.
dat clean desk
Minamoto bomb going on there.
remember when i saw him getting bannedwb, what'd you do?
and people saiyng flex is easy
well yes it is easy, but when you just joined a pug praying for runestone drops and you have mages with 520+ doing 50k, everyone saying "ggogogo" and "I know tacs just go" (after which they of course make it very clear they don't know shit) plus no voice communication...
yeah, not doing that shit again, gave up on third boss
Yes. Yes it does.Timeless Isle chat rivals Barrens chat. Yuck.
Just basically 2 manned an Ordos priest with a disc priest. They seriously need to give more rep. Triple the hp of Kilnmasters and every mobs skills and only 5 more rep.
Reroll warlock. I solo those dudes. And the rare elite that spawns there.