Has anyone had any thoughts about how to allocate Spirits of War from a maximising guild progression standpoint?
With previous crafted epics we've gone with a policy of that tier's Spirits go into the guild bank, people apply to recieve epics on the guild forum, and every week or so we figure out who would get the next epic via normal loot rules and assign the spirits for it accordingly.
This time 'round, though, it's a bit more complicated. Spirits appear to be *optional* to the crafting of the items for the epics; they're just used to circumvent the weekly cooldown. On top of that, for Blacksmithing at least, the Balanced Trillium Bar is soulbound, so we can't just manufacture a bunch of them then keep them stored in the guild bank; if we were making an item, the spirits would have to be funnelled through to the person who deserves them.
I sure hope they don't expect the Timeless Isle to last until the next expansion, cause that is quite a ways off.
I sure hope they don't expect the Timeless Isle to last until the next expansion, cause that is quite a ways off.
Kinda want to change my rogue to a Troll after the new Warchief revealBerserking isn't as good as Epicurean, but I think Trolls look cool
kill shark and ship and flame guy everytime they're up.
You get to the ship from the bridge, right? Still haven't done that event.
I sure hope they don't expect the Timeless Isle to last until the next expansion, cause that is quite a ways off.
No, it's north of the Horde flightpath.
The flame guy I assume is Cinderfall and he has an incredibly fun rare item. Too bad it only has 50 charges.
I launched myself from the Horde shrine and hit the wall of the Alliance shrine, dying hilariously. I also got the spacing down to shoot myself from near where Champions of the Black Flame spawn to land near the Alliance flightpath in the water.
Probably not, but the island has an immense amount to do. Just depends on the preferences and if you like achievements.
Hmm ok, thanks. Will explore that tonight.
''Warchief Vol'Jin." Does it sound absurd to you, class? I, for one, certainly won't be taking orders from a troll.
But, he put this little coalition together, and won the day. He's also proven to be impossible to kill - I admire that.
Time to test what he's made of...
Oh Sylvanas
Oh Sylvanas
I consider myself a good tank, and I was surprised by how difficult I was finding Gold. You can't just fall into a rotation, you've got to be really on the ball with pickups and positioning, stuns, interrupts. On Saturday I had a bit of lag and that made it a real struggle to get past wave six or so. Had several more attempts on Sunday and finally got it, but it was a big challenge.
One thing I don't fully understand is health patterns. Sometimes I'm easily topped up, and sometimes I'm fluctuating wildly in the 20-40% health bracket, and I'm not entirely sure why. I wonder if there's some nuance in how the friendly NPC heals you. If you're out of range when she wants to reapply her HoT, does she not reapply it when you get back in range?
If I must criticise it, it's not really great training for *boss* tanking. It's great for trash, but when was the last time trash was particularly challenging yet was expected to be AoEd down?
I don't think the NPC's healing is reliable, you pretty much have to react with self heals (which screws over warriors I guess).
I sure hope they don't expect the Timeless Isle to last until the next expansion, cause that is quite a ways off.
I'm gonna be salty if Sylvanas turns into a villain. We already killed the Warchief, can we at least kill an Alliance leader before we start offing more Horde leaders?
Well... we would need an Alliance leader that looks somewhat evil and untrustworthy like Garrosh before he turned into a raid boss or how Sylvanas looks currently, but they don't really have that. The closest thing they had was the Dark Iron Princess from the Dwarven Council, but she recently proved that she can be trusted... so i dunno.
We have Jaina!
Oooh yeah... she's turning quite "evilish". Forgot about her, for some reason i was only thinking about race leaders. But then... a lot of Alliance(all of them?) wants to destroy the Horde... so, meh.
There's no reason to expect they don't. I personally think Timeless Isle is a decent idea that's not really ready for primetime. Right now its just the aimless grinding grounds.
SoO seems designed with Heroic as the "real" progression mode.Pretty cool reset, cleared 13/14 of the raid. I have to admit, I'm surprised. It took several weeks to get this close in ToT and over a month to clear it.
SoO seems designed with Heroic as the "real" progression mode.
The Paragons being there doesn't make any sense. Garrosh doesn't seem to have any intent at all to resurrect Y'shaarj.
SoO seems designed with Heroic as the "real" progression mode.
I kind of had the same reaction to that one. The Klaxxi were the first Mists faction I maxed out my rep with and their final questMaybe its simply that Garrosh had the heart and all, that he had in some way been working with (or at least in proximity to) an Old God that brings them over to his side... Either way it still seemed a bit out of place.(essentially a walking cutscene) makes it pretty clear that they are only swayed by the will of the Old Gods.
I kind of had the same reaction to that one. The Klaxxi were the first Mists faction I maxed out my rep with and their final questMaybe its simply that Garrosh had the heart and all, that he had in some way been working with an Old God that brings them over to his side... Either way it still seemed a bit out of place.(essentially a walking cutscene) makes it pretty clear that they are only swayed by the will of the Old Gods.
When Garrosh unearthed the heart of Y'Shaarj, the paragons followed the whispers of their ancient creator to the iron halls beneath Orgrimmar.
You don't actually kill the Paragons either - they're following Garrosh only because he has the heart.
They seemed fairly dead an hour ago!
"That which is not dead can eternal lie,and with strange eons even death may die."
Mighta been working off old PTR info then, lol.They seemed fairly dead an hour ago!
[21:51:27] High Overlord Saurfang says: Ah, more of Vol'jin's revolutionaries. You've made it.
[21:51:35] High Overlord Saurfang says: Have you found Thrall? I am badly hurt, he insisted on going ahead..... .
SoO seems designed with Heroic as the "real" progression mode.
I think people with full heroic 2/2 ToT gear are just quite a bit above the tuned ilevel for normal SoO.
Otherwise I think the instance is tuned the same level as last tier. Normal will be progression for people who mainly do normals, heroic for people who do heroics, nothing changed.
I think people with full heroic 2/2 ToT gear are just quite a bit above the tuned ilevel for normal SoO.
Otherwise I think the instance is tuned the same level as last tier. Normal will be progression for people who mainly do normals, heroic for people who do heroics, nothing changed.
Evermaw is a huge pain in the ass, dude is fast as fuck.
Yeah. The same thing happened last expansion. I think the thing most people have to keep in mind is that the first raid tier of the expansion is generally when people are still getting a feel of things and putting together raid guilds and such. By the second raid tier people usually get more time to clear the content and prepare for the final raid tier. Same thing happened to my guild last expansion, we didn't seriously start BWD/BoT until March or so, but, were at FL day one and eventually got fully heroic geared so when DS came out we managed to kill Deathwing in the very first week. Normal DS wasn't a ton easier than normal FL, we just had far better gear.
Also @ evermaw hate, suck it haters should have done Anglers mwahahahaha. I ride around on my raft stabbing him not giving a single fuck.