You're still going to die if the undergeared and/or stupid healers and tanks does.
The point I was making is that I won't even be stepping foot in LFR
You're still going to die if the undergeared and/or stupid healers and tanks does.
528 IIRC. And I do have alts, but they either 1) outgear LFR too, or 2) aren't 90![]()
I guess I never noticed the animation. Will try this tonight.
You can dodge it. Its a frontal cone flurry attack, but the game doesn't announce it. Just use Shadowstep.
So, does anyone know if I can keep using bonus rolls on a boss during the week to get more than one item?
I think the only time you can use bonus rolls is when you are eligible for loot. So if you looted a boss already, bonus rolls won't get you anything.
Also Maintenance has been extended to 1pm PST![]()
You can roll infinitely on the same boss in lfr and flex.
How are queue times for dps in LFG/LFR? Thinking about coming back. I played vanilla through Wrath and quit before Cata came out. Ended up playing a little in Cata, but lost interest. I've always played a tank from day 1, but I'd really like to try a dps roll this go around. The hunter class is appealing with all the pets. Mage seems like a good option as well. hmm...
Ah, ok. Do you know if bonus roll works for the legendary tokens, etc?
How are queue times for dps in LFG/LFR? Thinking about coming back. I played vanilla through Wrath and quit before Cata came out. Ended up playing a little in Cata, but lost interest. I've always played a tank from day 1, but I'd really like to try a dps roll this go around. The hunter class is appealing with all the pets. Mage seems like a good option as well. hmm...
Cool, thanks guys!
A day or two. Depends on what you're doing for EXP though.
BM. Unless 5.4 drastically changed things.
Good ranged DPS. Not quite on the level of Mages or Locks, but still good DPS.
Depends on what you're doing. Disc is really, really good, so that's probably your default answer, but if you're raiding and already have a Disc priest, probably better to go Holy.
No idea.
Very fun. Not overplayed.
I will very often see lfr queue times over 30 mins as dps... does give a good opportunity to do dailies though.
First thing I did when servers came back up: check if Falling Flame will get me from Hellfire to SMV
I need this item yesterday.
Where does it even drop?
Cinderfall on Timeless Isle. He fucking sucks because he spawns on a bridge, takes at least 8 guys to down and has one-shot mechanics that I have no fucken clue how you're supposed to escape if you're melee.
I generally fight him by throwing knives at him and waiting for mages to blow him up.
It's easy to avoid if you look at the ground for the special effects. The most difficult one though is when its a circle rather than a line, i barely have time to move out. It doesnt one shot me, but thank god for my paladin self heals.
Cinderfall on Timeless Isle. He fucking sucks because he spawns on a bridge, takes at least 8 guys to down and has one-shot mechanics that I have no fucken clue how you're supposed to escape if you're melee.
I generally fight him by throwing knives at him and waiting for mages to blow him up.
About to try LFR SoO. I'm ready for disapointment.
I'm ready for the disappointment of 3 secrets through 5 LFR wings.
Random aside: I think they fixed Durumu so that its impossible to actually not see the holes in the maze, but everyone still dies on the maze.
LFD is a joke - no CC required and you chain pull everything.After coming back and leveling a character for the first time in 4 years i'm amazed at how impatient people are in lf dunegon. Just got out of a Nexus run where group members flamed the tank for not pulling entire rooms at once and kept going without him when he had to afk for 30 seconds. Times sure have changed from what I remembered
Blood Legion is trucking along, 8/14 down.
Illidan pride. I hope they get it.Blood Legion is trucking along, 8/14 down.
LFD is a joke - no CC required and you chain pull everything.