So based on the arc from Falling Flame, would it be a viable strategy for skipping Valrithia for classes that can't solo her? Or would trying to launch yourself from outside her door start the encounter or crash you into a wall?
So based on the arc from Falling Flame, would it be a viable strategy for skipping Valrithia for classes that can't solo her? Or would trying to launch yourself from outside her door start the encounter or crash you into a wall?
don't use noxxic, that stuff is garbage. Elitistjerks and raidbots should be your two sources for this information.
I see. Good to know. Though it's pretty heartbreaking to see frost at the bottom. Guess I'll have to play fire again. I'll live as long as I don't have to play arcane again. That's where I draw the line and either stay gimp or play an alt.
I see. Good to know. Though it's pretty heartbreaking to see frost at the bottom. Guess I'll have to play fire again. I'll live as long as I don't have to play arcane again. That's where I draw the line and either stay gimp or play an alt.
Frost is actually really good until around 520-525 ilvl (and fire isn't until that gear level). Its kind of the break point where frost starts scaling really poorly and fire starts scaling really well.
Yeah. I think they said we will get a 5.5, like an event patch, but it won't have a new zone or a new raid. That won't sustain us for very long.
Actually if you read the quests there (as alliance anyway, horde players don't see this side) she gives all the blood elves in Dalaran the option of leaving peacefully. The ones that refuse are the ones she imprisons, the ones that fight back are the ones she killed. The only person that senselessly kills there is Vareesa, but, she outright says that she doesn't give a fuck which we knew far before MoP anyway.
Playing the horde version you see that the reason a lot of them didn't leave is that Dalaran is literally their home and they had no where else to go (the ones that choose to leave end up in Silvermoon). Anyway, Jaina didn't really go "off her rocker" and start imprisoning/murdering them at random.
As someone who did both versions I find it pretty fascinating that they completely leave out explanations that your faction wouldn't be privy to anyway. Feels more natural since it feeds into the chaos and confusion of it all.
Oh well, changing the subject, the music in Vale of Eternal Sorrows is SO GOOOOOOD. I haven't seen past that yet (very few groups for flex wing 2 at the moment), but I'm blown away. Immerseus is creepy as hell, Fallen Protectors are appropriately sad and Sha of Pride is just great. I hope the later part of the raid do not disappoint.
This sounds really interesting; where would I find these quests on Horde side?
It's the chain from 5.1, so I assume it's the content from the Horde base in Krasarang.
Dps stack ranks period are not a useful metric for ranking classes/specs
They don't make patchwerk fights anymore (which the sims are often representing), the sims are not free of bugs/errors, and skill/doing your job with mechanics is a huge factor in raiding.
Use sims to determine if your character might benefit from a different stat focus/piece of gear, do not use them to say "class/spec X is soooooo weak waaaaaaaaah". The devs roll their eyes at that stuff for a reason.
And Method pulls ahead, but don't think they have slept yet.
ok ok last one for now. It looked like it adjusted to the ceiling mid flight? Ionno. I'll take it!
LFR right now is a great example of what happens if you give everyone gear for free.
So I finally got to tank Flex Mode!
Anywho, the first wing wasn't too bad.
If anything, I'm just pissed I won nothing from any of the bosses except for a Bonus Roll on Sha of Pride where I won a neck.
At least I'm getting my Legendary Cloak on my DK this week.
Sha decided to cough up the last Runestone I needed, so I gotta go murderize the Thunder King for the umpteenth time.
I was expecting you to go splat there for a sec.
But then you hit the water.
Haven't even touched the new LFR yet.
Don't know if I should or not.
So I finally got to tank Flex Mode!
Anywho, the first wing wasn't too bad.
If anything, I'm just pissed I won nothing from any of the bosses except for a Bonus Roll on Sha of Pride where I won a neck.
At least I'm getting my Legendary Cloak on my DK this week.
Sha decided to cough up the last Runestone I needed, so I gotta go murderize the Thunder King for the umpteenth time.
I was expecting you to go splat there for a sec.
But then you hit the water.
Haven't even touched the new LFR yet.
Don't know if I should or not.
Haha, really? I must have had some insane luck because my pug, as terrible as they were at times, had oneshot everything
How reliable are pugs from oQueue? I tried it for the first time yesterday to find a group for flex wing 2 and it wasn't too pretty. Or is the content too new to say?
LFR right now is a great example of what happens if you give everyone gear for free.
So now I've seen five bosses on SoO... and I don't think *any* are particularly boring and conventional. That's a pretty good strike rate. I know there's Spoils to come which strikes me as a really unusual fight, but do things get a bit more ordinary later on? So far this instance is shaping up to genuinely compete with Ulduar in my affections and I don't have much greater praise than that.
No wonder that ship sank and everyone died.
But after that, things get back on the crazy track. Your casters are going to hate Thok and the Paragons fight is really something else. Oh and the Siegecrafter fight is really fun.
Best of all, you don't have to camp a random spot for three days in order to have a chance at fighting itThis pic makes me wanna play again... fuck, I hate missing out on new content![]()
I did the Zarhym encounter last night, too. I've deliberately avoided reading up on the Timeless Isle, so it's great when you get unexpected surprises that change up the gameplay like that one. It reminded me *massively* of Skyward Sword's Silent Realm.
We'll see how long it lasts, but right now, the Timeless Isle is simply a place I enjoy being, and that's something that's often missed out.
The Paragons fight happened to be the first one I read up on when it hit the test realms.
I am genuinely terrified of it.
Like half of the people queuing are straight up trolls who just pull and then run around.
I guess i got lucky with my SoO LFR. Only 1-2 wipes per boss and barely any whining in raid chat. Which is pretty impressive for a 1st week LFR.
Braved my way to LFR just now. Surprisingly, no wipes at all, though Protectors took some doing until they died at the same-ish time, and Norushen went past enrage according to DBM.
It was all not positive though. I, along a monk, did 1/3 of the raid DPS. Only the top 5 could even hit over 100k dps. One warrior managed 40k dps at the last boss.
Oh and does anyone know how to yell "learn fucking english" in italian?
No wonder that ship sank and everyone died.[IMG][/QUOTE]
That looks astounding! Killing a (ghost?) ship with a raid?! Oh my.
oh yeah onyxia mount dropped for me today last night after 23 kills
That looks astounding! Killing a (ghost?) ship with a raid?! Oh my.
Yes, because doing 3 quick Hour of Twilight 5 mans for quests rewards (drops are just bonuses) and buying a couple of Vicious Embersilk (or whatever) pieces (and yeah it's not that much after the first week) to get into LFR Dragon Soul the moment you hit 85 never happened. Oh wait that's exactly what I did when I resubbed a couple of months before MOP.